Post:Commodities/Contracts Rewrite - 08/17/2011 - 15:48
Re: Commodities/Contracts Rewrite · on 08/17/2011 03:48 PM CDT | 1174 |
>>How soon is soon? Because this sounds way more tolerable than shuffling around contract trading.
I'm not confident enough to give a timeframe. I won't even start putting the heavy work into it until after X3 comes out, so not for a while yet. >>Sounds more like commodities are being expanded and taking over the contract system. Which I like, because some of the contracts shipped are just WIERD. That's basically correct. >>About how long will an "event" last? If I'm in Crossing and hear of a rumor of the Dirge guardhouse paying a premium for new swords, and it takes me 3 minutes to get to a supplier of swords in Knife Clan and 10 minutes to haul to Dirge, will the "event" be over? Events will last a number of hours, so while you WILL be able to get an event in its final few minutes it will likely not be the common case. >>So basically a contract is the system holding your hand for a cut of the profit, and/or a cut of losses. Is there going to be a time limit on this "contract"? Because if the price fluctuates, depending on how long you hold onto the commodity, you would affect your profit/loss. There will - the Guild will only guarantee a contract for a certain number of hours (probably one IG day but that's just a top-of-the-head guess). After a certain point you'll lose your safety net from the contract. >>would some degrade over time? Yep. Decayable Goods will have a 'decay delay', which is their effective shelf life. After that, it will have a 'decay rate', which is a rate at which the Good decays by X%. After it's at 25% of its original value, it's considered entirely decayed. I have no plans to introduce super long-term decays, like wood rotting or beer skunking, but it's technically possible I.
One thing I forgot to mention is automatic population/depopulation of goods. * Trading posts can produce or consume Goods at an automatic rate. Keep the questions coming :) | |
This message was originally posted in The Traders \ General Discussions -- Traders, by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums. |