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Post:Clerks are confused. - 05/13/2012 - 17:14
Re: Clerks are confused. · on 05/13/2012 05:14 PM CDT | 1130 |
Running a bit late on this...
After you've been out of the game for a period of time, the system will reclaim your home (if your account is closed). However, since you aren't in game at the time this happens, the information that tracks that you have a home is left set on your character. When you talk to the clerks, they see that info set and assume you have a home. The first one says "Oh, he has a home, go see my friend so you can transfer it." The other one actually checks to see if the home is there and says, "Weird, I don't see a home for you, you should go talk to my friend and buy one!" (because the system reset it for someone else to claim -- it isn't yours anymore). If you do a HOME RECALL, that checks the location where your home should be, and if it doesn't find one, it will clear the tracking info from you. So then the first clerk will be more "Oh, you don't have a home? Would you like to buy one from me?". are fun, yeah? I'll see what it would take to make them both direct you to HOME RECALL when appropriate when I can. ASGM Zadraes | |
This message was originally posted in Estate Holders of Elanthia \ Bugs - Estate Holders of Elanthia, by DR-ZADRAES on the forums. |