Post:Cambrinth (and Gaethzen) Updates - 01/19/2023 - 14:34

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Cambrinth (and Gaethzen) Updates · on 01/19/2023 14:34 1992
Hi folks!

It's not Tuesday, but I have a release anyways! The underlying mechanics of cambrinth and gaethzen have been updated to allow a new 'disabled' (non-functional) state along with changes to the destructive nature of charging with the wrong type of mana.

If you charge gaethzen or cambrinth that already has mana of another type in it, the item still explodes, but less destructively now. These items will no longer be deleted upon explosion, but their cambrinth (or gaethzen) will be disabled -- you won't be able to charge, invoke or use it. Do note that attempts to charge gaethzen that is actively emitting light will still explode and delete the item! That mechanic has not changed, only the mixing of mana types.

In the case of cambrinth containers, the contents are also no longer deleted, but they are flung from the container. If you were holding or wearing the cambrinth at the time, the items will go to your feet. Tedious to clean up, potentially, but better than just deleting it all as it was in the past.

To go along with this, the cambrinth retuner enchantment has had a small update that allows them to repair these types of 'disabled' cambrinth/gaethzen via a new POINT...with a catch. This is a high-tier unlock during the crafting process. Unfortunately, we couldn't easily update already-made retuners, so POINT is only a possible unlock for new ones created from this point on. Descriptors cover a range, but new retuners that are fantastically or amazingly precise, and most that are incredibly precise will have this new POINT feature unlocked.

Not only will you no longer lose your items upon explosion, but they can even be made functional again through tools of the crafting system!

A number of scripts had to be updated for this, including some old fluff items. Likewise, the Seal Cambrinth spell should no longer function on 'broken' camb/gaethzen items. You may also see new/updated messaging related to cambrinth and gaethzen. Sometimes, in an unfortunate situation, you might even get lucky and end up in not as bad of a position as you could have.

These changes are only in Prime for the next couple hours for monitoring in case something goes nutty. I'll push to Plat and TF later this evening if things are stable. I'll be keeping an eye on #magic on the Official Discord -- if you come across problems or quirks, feel free to BUG and/or post on Discord!


This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players / Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-ZADRAES on the forums.

Note: Amended by this post.