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Post:Box Office Quests - 09/19/2019 - 08:06

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Box Office Quests · on 09/19/2019 08:06 1688
Hi folks,

We had a couple of crashes on Friday the 13th, and have narrowed the cause down to something with one of the creatures in the Aftermath box office quest. We were able to reproduce the crash in the test instance, and as of yet still don't know WHAT exactly caused it. Tech guy is looking into it.

For the time being, we're going to pull all of the quests down. This needs to happen anyways, as the box office (server) is going offline and everything is being converted to SimuCoin purchase. We'll work towards converting them to the new payment method so you and your friends can run them when you want without a set box office schedule, but there is no immediate ETA for that.

We'll keep you posted as work progresses here!

~ L

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players/Game Master and Official Announcements, by SIMU-LYNEYA on the forums.