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Post:Boats - 11/07/2011 - 16:47

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Re: Boats · on 11/07/2011 04:47 PM CST 4871
There are two systemic problems with boats as they stand.

1) The system they run in is incredibly complex, written by one of the more skillful and detail-oriented developers we ever had. There are relatively few GMs who have the skill to poke it, and no one is going to do it without careful contemplation and deep motives.

2) Boats as they are designed are resource-intensive. The specifics fall into NDA land, but to distill it down: we simply cannot have an indefinite number of boats in the game without a radical rewrite of how they are set up (see #1). When boats were released, their price was meant to be highly prohibitive; I doubt the original designer ever imagined there'd be as many as there were at the time we shut off new boat purchases.

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players \ General Discussions, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.