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Post:Backstab - 01/24/2013 - 10:54

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Re: Backstab · on 01/24/2013 10:54 AM CST 1269
>>Thank you! And thanks for all the work on Backstab experience, it's much more enjoyable to train now than it was in 2.0. Still think it could use a damage increase though as it doesn't seem to hit very hard.

Just FYI, the amount of backstab experience you get right now is a lot higher than intended. I made some fixes to backstab to grant its experience using the same difficulty curves that combat does, but I accidentally left in a bug that caused it to be a lot more. In general, when BACKSTAB is used, it should be training in roughly the same range as a weapon. If you're learning at a normal rate right now, you're going to learn worse once I fix the bug, and you'll need to find something that's at-level for your backstab. There IS a tradeoff, though - Backstab will grant more experience per second than a normal attack, but it will only grant on a hit.

>>Subsequent backstabs lose part of #3, but continue to see the bonus from 1 and 2.

Given my earlier comment, this is no longer the case. No reason for the stealth diminishing returns reductions when you're killing your target.

>>If you're outclassing your opponent, attack the right eye.

Does this grant you more experience because you're forcing yourself to miss?

>>you could, from hiding, attack (body part), and learn backstab. I believe it lacked a lot of the bonuses of backstab, but it made the skill trainable, and didn't force theives to hunt 1 single sub type which is typically sparsley populated throught the ranks, and rarely skinnable.

>>It sounds like this is now either disabled, or not granting the backstab exp it used to.

This... seems like a terribly monstrous hack that's the result of a narrow design for Backstab. While it'll probably make it back in the short term, know that finding a more holistic solution is near the top of my list.

This message was originally posted in The Thieves/General Discussions - Thieves, by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums.