Post:Armor Hindrance Increase? - 11/24/2012 - 10:45

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Re: Armor Hindrance Increase? · on 11/24/2012 10:45 AM CST 200
I know we spoke in game, but the hindrance levels changed - not your actual hindrance.

If you were previously 25% hindered, you might show up at lightly hindered. If you were 8% hindered you'd also show up as lightly hindered. It made no sense :/

So, we compressed the low end so every range covers just a few % of hindrance. This makes it appear like you've now got more hindrance, but it is only the messaging. Lightly hindered truly means you aren't taking much of a defensive penalty. Being nimbly balanced in combat, or having up a snap cast buff is usually enough to overcome it.

As for high-end-hunting, the problem there is people were used to overhunting a bit. On dillos, intercessors and assassins you might have to step down a notch or prevent getting 4 enemies on you.

Let's see how it goes. We are still balancing everything out.

This message was originally posted in DragonRealms 3.0 \ Combat, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.