Post:Appraise Focus - 11/15/2014 - 21:56

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Re: Appraise Focus · on 11/15/2014 9:56 PM CST 914
>>1. Training appraisal, particularly for those with significantly higher appraisal than combats or very high skill period.

>>2. A teaching substitute you can activate solo that allows you speed up learning in a single skill of your choice instead of directly learning experience.

1. Well, regardless of the skill disparity, it trains quite fine. The perks I added to the system to encourage use for lower skills was to give an added bonus to those than felt the need to backtrain some skill for some reason. It also makes having a lot of actual appraisal useful for making the ability work better.

2. I'm not sure what you mean by this. You get appraisal exp for doing the research, and you get a bonus to how quickly a different skill drains field exp.

This message was originally posted in Lore \ Appraisal Skill, by DR-RICINUS on the forums.