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Post:An overview - 09/02/2012 - 14:02
An Overview · on 09/02/2012 2:02 PM CDT | 842 |
Enough of the system is done at this point I'm going to give a broad view of how the new system is different than the old. Keep in mind that this is all subject to change and while I would like feedback, please wait to judge some of the changes I assume will be less popular too harshly until you try it for yourself. (No, it's still not on test. RL has been eating more of my time than I'd expected but we're getting very close to having the core + bones on test. All that's left is a few last mechanical hooks and some messaging).
Observations Align Predictions (in general) On the upside what you see is what you get, there is no longer the possibly to "misread" tools. Astrology will play a much stronger role in your results in general. Wisdom will also be helpful. How full your prediction pool is will play a very strong roll exp awarded as well (This should make it more rewarding to do big pool predictions than many small predictions). Visions Tools (overview) --Verbs-- --Mechanics-- Tools no longer spawn with random values. Store-bought versions of a tool will default to certain stats depending on the type of tool, unless specifically set up to be better than this (Such as the HE tools). This will prevent the need to buy a giant pile of tools and cherry pick the best. Tools now have an overall craftsmanship. This represents how resistant the tool is to damage. Physical properties of a tool are no longer considered part of "bonding". Instead these craftsmanship values are set during tool creation and influence how likely the tool is to bond to you. These will decay over time as the tool is used, and this decay rate is slowed by high quality. Bonding no longer controls the "Accuracy" (as in if you see what the prediction is actually doing or if you get the wrong message), but now are the aspect of the tool that provides the actual bonuses. In the case of bones this is your attunement. The polarity also now has a bond and craftsmanship aspect when it use to only have a physical aspect (Though it was usually messaged like a bond. Confusing, I know.) Bonding never decreases (except in the case of a fumble, we'll get to those) and can never penalize you. Like before, bonding starts at 0 with a new tool. What this means is that even the most amazingly crafted tool will not give you any benefit until you've used it for awhile, but it will bond to you much faster and suffer much less damage in the process. Tools never break. Tools can suffer damage now outside of a fumble. As mentioned the overall craftsmanship of the tool helps avoid this. What this means is that over time your tool IS going to decay and eventually become very hard to bond. This works as a sort of soft cap to bonding. A higher quality tool will have a better chance to bond for longer and be much more likely to reach equilibrium at at higher bonding state. Tool repair is not currently possible. It may be in the future after they become craftable, but we're going to have to approach it very carefully since tool damage is the main thing that keeps a store-bought tool from eventually matching The One Tool To Rule Them All. Bonding is also going to feel slow at first. I'm being very cautions to aim low initially since I've removed most of the existing balance features (Negative bond values, negative bonding, tool breakage) and will uptweak if needed. Fumbles will only occur if you were going to get a curse anyway (Align curse beware!) and will cause significant damage to the tool, weaken your bond with the tool slightly (Unless your tool has reached maximum bonding, in which case it will stay there -- this is to prevent a really spectacular tool from eventually decaying away due to fumbles) and produce an awful curse. Crits will only occur if you were going to get a bonus anyway and will result in an awesome bonus. They will not increase the physical properties of your tool, but they will make bonding on that particular prediction notably more likely. All tools will be able to turn a bad prediction good (So will your observations). This is actually already the case, but most tools don't message it. What is new, however, is that if you align curse these same factors can turn a bonus into a curse ::evil grin:: All tools now track both how new they are: And how much they've been used: While I'm not going to give you the new bonding formula I'll say that in general a prediction is far more likely to result in bonding if you have good craftsmanship, a full observation pool, and to some degree charisma. Bones Charts Prisms | |
This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ The Heavens, Predictions, and Divination Tools Post, by DR-RAESH on the forums. |