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Post:An Intriguing Problem - 12/19/2013 - 23:04
Re: An Intriguing Problem · on 12/19/2013 11:04 PM CST | 248 |
>>if I did feint or draw
I am always surprised when people say FEINT works so well. It has a slight OF penalty, and less than half the DPS of SLICE. The way armor works, lower damaging attacks tend to work less effectively anyways... so FEINT generally should be better for gaining balance or when you are low on fatigue. DRAW uses 3x the stamina of SLICE, does about 40% less damage for only 25% less RT, is more accurate, gains more balance... so it is a different kind of attack. But not really hands down "better". A CLEAVE would do 3x the damage of a DRAW. Maneuvers in general are GREAT for getting past armor, barriers and buffs/debuffs to OF. But only every so often.
I would like to make it cancel the maneuver if you attack in-between. This is how we justify their great power. Just need to pick at the combat system some more.
The large OF penalty from not aiming is likely why you find yourself missing so much and doing so much less damage. Powershot gets almost full aim bonus in half the time. No reason NOT to use it? >>I have better accuracy with a weapon with 200 less ranks Mastery skills skewing your results? That's a catastrophic bug otherwise :/ I wonder if people are just more conscious of missing with ranged weapons due to the load/aim times involved. Oh, and I do intend to cut the chance for critical misses with a bow by half. Still need to add that. >>Any future defensive maneuvers? I'd like to see something where we set it up, and do a counter/defensive attack, throw, etc - I can see empaths doing Akido sidesteps and throws and such, even drunken-style bards. Hell maybe something to prepare to catch a strike or ranged throw? It'd take me several months of overhauling the combat system to implement such a thing... so not likely to happen really soon. Reactive maneuvers don't seem like they'd be very useful because: 1). Faster/easier to just attack one more time 2). Player enemies would just retreat and chuck a brick at your head until you die 3). Not sure how we'd begin to balance such a thing. At the point where it becomes useful, it also becomes overpowered for being "free" attacks.
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This message was originally posted in Dragon Realms 3.1 Test \ Combat, by DR-KODIUS on the forums. |