Post:Alterer Lists - 05/30/2012 - 21:34

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re: Alterer Lists · on 05/30/2012 09:34 PM CDT 1582
Here is what people need to keep in mind:

The helpers are not asked to redesign everyone's items to be "better". They're asked to check for spelling and grammar mistakes, and confirm that the player has all of the required materials, and they're encouraged to make SUGGESTIONS about the design in a POLITE way.

Whether you think someone's design is awful or not is really beside the point - you don't have to wear it. As long as it isn't breaking any rules, it's fine. We don't look to see how many other "Elven" things someone is wearing, or whether the color scheme matches their eyes. We don't have to like the items at all! We just have to make sure they're correct.

If someone comes out of a merchant's workroom, try to keep in mind that they've (usually) just received the item of their dreams. It's really mean to insult their design. What difference does it make to you?

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Festivals / Merchants, by DR-LYNEYA on the forums.