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Post:Alchemy Development - 08/11/2011 - 22:26

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Re: Alchemy Development · on 08/11/2011 10:26 PM CDT 1067
Well, a few updates here. Rewriting of the substance system (organics and the like) and creation of new alchemical substances (poisons, diseases, remedies) is being handled by Ziyero - I'll let him spill more if he wants. In parallel I am going to do a store-sold set of organics useable for a cooking system I'd like to have out by the end of the year.

This lets him continue unabated, while I can work to get the skill trainable, with some nice spiffy foodstuffs out now.

Food will likely have a few tiers, with the basic stuff being pure fluff, but lasting forever. Advanced items will last a long time, and give a minor bonus to things like damage resistance, healing, fatigue regen, mana regen. Expert level items will last for a short time, but be able to give a wider range of small bonuses.

The trick here, is we're going to avoid bonuses that are mimic'd by enchanting and remedies. A good remedy might entirely heal your disease, some food might delay its onset a bit. A good enchantment might throw zephyr up in the room. An exceptional plate of food would give you +10 fatigue pool for a while.

As for types of food... I see something like :

Vegetables, Fruits, Meats, Breads as ingredients

Sandwich making
Salad making
Cold food plates
Hot food plates

To get us started. After writing Forging, Cooking scares me a bit :P There are just too many possibilities, and distilling food types down into similar-enough processes that let me reuse code will be tricky.

More to come as I begin to dive into it. I also appreciate any ideas you have on the matter!

This message was originally posted in Lore \ Alchemy Skill, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.