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Parkons/Contract with Liraxes

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34 Akr 450

Intent to Contract:

  • To enshrine an agreement that aligns the goals of both parties and establishes a plan of action to achieve them, ensuring a balanced relationship.

Parties Involved:

  • Liraxes
  • Concerned inhabitants of the Plane of Abiding (heretofor referred to as “Participants”)
    • It is not possible to gain full participation. We acknowledge there are many inhabitants who would not agree to this contract. Much less, those who lack the intellect to comprehend it. Consider our party to be a group of good intentioned individuals before you who wield sufficient power and influence to have an impact, positive or negative, on the plans and actions of any entity acting on the Plane of Abiding.


The principal desire of each independent party pursuant of its aim.


The return of the five individuals to their normal existence on the Plane of Abiding with the rest of us.


A system of homeostasis. The maintenance of a number of ever-changing factors which push against each other to preserve homeostasis.


Our Motivation: The return of the five named individuals (Miskton, Navesi, Mazrian, Dantia, Ayrell) while maintaining the integrity and continued existence of the Plane of Abiding.

Liraxes' Motivation: To restore Balance to an overall system that includes the Plane of Abiding.

Mutual Agreement to Aid:

  • It is clear that Balance has a higher probability of being restored with the assistance of the Participants. Liraxes and the Participants agree to aid each other through a series of tasks. Our collaboration will increase the probability of an outcome that will result the restoration of Balance while recognizing that the sharing of information regarding the rescue of named individuals will further motivate the Participates to continue assistance.

Rescue parameters:

  • They are of sound mind and body, in a state compatible with continuing their previous life in the Plane of Abiding.
  • They are not younger than they were before they were taken, nor older than they would have been had they not been taken.
  • They possess all the memories they desire from the time they were gone.
  • They are in all conceivable forms of health equal to or greater than when they were taken.

Conditions for Aiding Liraxes:

  • Task Details: Liraxes must provide clear details to Participants on tasks necessary for both restoring Balance
  • Notification of Impact: Liraxes will take every opportunity inform the Participants of any action that will alter the probability of rescuing the named individuals or meet the rescue parameters.
  • Information on External Actions: Liraxes must inform the Participants of actions taken by any entity that may cause either a positive or negative impact on our ability to inhabit the Plane of Abiding as we know it today.
  • Disclosure of Balance Alterations: Liraxes must disclose to Participants the nature of any action that alters the Balance and explain how it intends to achieve this without negatively impacting the Rescue or the Plane of Abiding.
  • Machine and Power Influence: Liraxes must disclose to Participants in what ways, if any, building the machine and restoring the Balance will increase Liraxes power and influence over the Plane of Abiding.

Use of Tools and Lasting Effects:

  • Any observation tool or effect created by Liraxes and remaining on the Plane of Abiding after the restoration of Balance and Rescue must be made clear before the Participants aid in its creation.

Awareness of Risks and Countermeasures:

  • When data allows, Liraxes must bring awareness of the risks and potential countermeasures from outside entities or forces.

Authority and Consensus:

  • Liraxes will make all reasonable effort to inform Participants to the contract of the consequences for each action taken to restore Balance. This clause is included to provide awareness of the impacts to the Plane of Abiding and allow the parties to choose their actions accordingly.

Good Faith and Guarantee:

  • The Participants enter into this contract in good faith, guaranteeing that all statements herein are true. Our goal is the indefinite continued existence of the Plane of Abiding in a way that allows its current inhabitants to survive and maintain freedom.

Breach of Contract:

  • In the event of a breach of contract by Liraxes, the Participants reserve the right to halt all assistance and pursue alternative methods to Rescue the kidnapped individuals. Additionally, the Participants may oppose Liraxes' efforts if Liraxes acts independently without regard to the agreed-upon terms.

Penalty for Breach:

  • If Liraxes breaches the contract, it is agreed that the Participants may act to disrupt any ongoing efforts by Liraxes to restore Balance, including the destruction of devices or mechanisms it constructs without consent.
  • If Participants breach the contract, Liraxes will proceed with or without assistance and regard or the motivations of Participants.

Encouragement of Participation:

  • The Participants agree To facilitate and encourage others in promoting the common goals outlined in this contract, thereby strengthening the cooperative effort to achieve these outcomes.


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