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Pack to Basics (2)

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Pack to Basics
Event Hollow Eve Festival 450
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Container shops
This store only accepts Kronars

Pack to Basics

[Pack to Basics, Salesroom]
The shed is a haven for adventure seekers and avid travelers, adorned with an array of rugged, versatile, and stylish containers. Friendly and knowledgeable staff stand ready to assist, helping customers find the perfect container to accompany them on their journeys.
You also see a white sign, Attendant Vesryn and a wooden door.
Obvious exits: none.

These containers are designed to 
   be customized by Vesryn to
 enable you to choose whichever
  color and fabric you desire.
 The fee for this service is
    5 platinum kronars

You may continue to change your
    selection as long as
    the festival is open

On the oak rack
Item Price Done
white wool backpack with leather straps 125,000   
white wool arca with leather straps 125,000   
white wool knapsack with leather straps 125,000   
white wool haversack with leather straps 125,000   
white wool pack with leather straps 125,000   
white wool rucksack with leather straps 125,000   
white wool carryall with leather straps 125,000   
white wool duffel with leather straps 125,000   
white wool pannier with leather straps 125,000   
white wool gearbag with leather straps 125,000   No
white wool workbag with leather straps 125,000   No
A small card reads: "The items on this rack are worn on the back."
On the oak shelf
Item Price Done
white wool saddlebag with a leather strap 125,000   
white wool duffel with a leather strap 125,000   
white wool carryall with a leather strap 125,000   
white wool gearbag with a leather strap 125,000   
white wool seabag with a leather strap 125,000   
white wool tote with a leather strap 125,000   
white wool workbag with a leather strap 125,000   
white wool dittybag with a leather strap 125,000   No
white wool satchel with a leather strap 125,000   No
white wool totebag with a leather strap 125,000   No
A small note reads: "The containers on this shelf are worn over one shoulder."
On the oak table
Item Price Done
white wool belt pouch with a leather strap 125,000   
white wool belt pack with a leather strap 125,000   
white wool belt bag with a leather strap 125,000   
white wool belt sack with a cord drawstring 125,000   
white wool belt totebag with a leather strap 125,000   No
white wool belt satchel with leather straps 125,000   
white wool belt workbag with leather straps 125,000   
white wool belt feedbag with leather straps 125,000   
white wool belt clutch with leather straps 125,000   No
white wool belt tote with leather straps 125,000   No
white wool belt purse with leather straps 125,000   No
A small notice reads: "The containers on this table are worn on the belt."
On the oak counter
Item Price Done
white wool thigh pouch with leather straps 125,000   
white wool thigh bag with leather straps 125,000   
white wool thigh sack with leather straps 125,000   
white wool thigh sack with leather straps 125,000   
white wool thigh carryall with leather straps 125,000   No
white wool thigh workbag with leather straps 125,000   No
A small placard reads: "The containers on this counter are worn on the thigh."
On the oak stand
Item Price Done
white wool ankle pouch with leather straps 125,000   
white wool ankle purse with leather straps 125,000   No
white wool ankle bag with leather straps 125,000   No
white wool ankle reticule with leather straps 125,000   No
A small card reads: "The items on this rack are worn on the ankle."
On the oak cabinet
Item Price Done
white wool tail pouch with leather straps 125,000   No
white wool tail purse with leather straps 125,000   No
white wool tail bag with leather straps 125,000   No
white wool tail satchel with leather straps 125,000   No
white wool tail carryall with leather straps 125,000   No
white wool tail packet with leather straps 125,000   No
A small card reads: "The items on this rack are worn on the tail."

Attendant Vesryn

You've overheard others asking Vesryn about a number of topics, including colors, fabric, choose, finish, and status.


Attendant Vesryn points at a nearby parchment listing the possible colors:

   1) acid-green                         2) alabaster                          3) amber                             
   4) apple-green                        5) apple-red                          6) apricot                           
   7) aqua                               8) argent                             9) ash-grey                          
  10) aubergine                         11) auburn                            12) azure                             
  13) baby-blue                         14) banana-yellow                     15) barn-red                          
  16) bardic blue                       17) beige                             18) bisque                            
  19) bistre                            20) black                             21) blood-red                         
  22) blue                              23) blue-green                        24) blush-pink                        
  25) bone-white                        26) brick-red                         27) brown                             
  28) burgundy                          29) burnt orange                      30) buttercup                         
  31) canary-yellow                     32) cardinal                          33) celadon                           
  34) cerise                            35) cerulean                          36) charcoal                          
  37) chartreuse                        38) cherry-red                        39) claret                            
  40) cloud-grey                        41) coal-black                        42) cobalt                            
  43) coral                             44) cornflower                        45) cornsilk                          
  46) cream                             47) crimson                           48) cyan                              
  49) daffodil                          50) dark blue                         51) dark brown                        
  52) dark green                        53) dark grey                         54) dark orange                       
  55) dark pink                         56) dark purple                       57) dark red                          
  58) dark yellow                       59) dove-grey                         60) dun                               
  61) ebony                             62) ecru                              63) eggshell                          
  64) emerald-green                     65) fawn-brown                        66) fern-green                        
  67) flame-orange                      68) flax-colored                      69) forest-green                      
  70) fuchsia                           71) garnet-red                        72) gentian                           
  73) ginger                            74) golden                            75) grass-green                       
  76) green                             77) grey                              78) heather-blue                      
  79) heliotrope                        80) honey-colored                     81) ichorous green                    
  82) icy blue                          83) indigo                            84) inky black                        
  85) ivory                             86) jade-green                        87) jet-black                         
  88) khaki                             89) lavender                          90) lemon-yellow                      
  91) light blue                        92) light brown                       93) light green                       
  94) light grey                        95) light orange                      96) light pink                        
  97) light purple                      98) light red                         99) light yellow                      
  100) lilac                            101) lime-green                       102) liver-brown                      
  103) magenta                          104) mahogany                         105) marigold                         
  106) maroon                           107) mauve                            108) midnight-black                   
  109) midnight-blue                    110) mint-green                       111) moss-green                       
  112) mulberry                         113) mustard-yellow                   114) nutmeg                           
  115) oceanic blue                     116) ochre                            117) off white                        
  118) olive-green                      119) onyx                             120) orange                           
  121) orchid                           122) peach                            123) peacock-blue                     
  124) periwinkle                       125) pink                             126) pistachio                        
  127) pitch-black                      128) plum                             129) poppy-red                        
  130) powder-blue                      131) puce                             132) pumpkin-orange                   
  133) purple                           134) pus-yellow                       135) raspberry-pink                   
  136) raven-black                      137) red                              138) Rissan-orange                    
  139) rose                             140) royal blue                       141) russet                           
  142) rust-red                         143) sable                            144) saffron                          
  145) sage-green                       146) sapphire-blue                    147) scarlet                          
  148) sea-green                        149) seafoam                          150) seal-brown                       
  151) sepia                            152) shell-pink                       153) sky-blue                         
  154) slate-grey                       155) snow-white                       156) spring-green                     
  157) steel-grey                       158) straw-colored                    159) strawberry                       
  160) sunset-orange                    161) swamp-green                      162) taffelberry-black                
  163) tan                              164) tangerine                        165) taupe                            
  166) tawny                            167) teal                             168) turquoise                        
  169) ultramarine                      170) umber                            171) verdigris                        
  172) vermilion                        173) violet                           174) violet-blue                      
  175) violet-red                       176) viridian                         177) yellow                           

[ASK VESRYN TO CHOOSE COLORS {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding your container.  When finished, ASK VESRYN ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]
[Note that if you ask for an option that is already present, Vesryn *will* take your coins for attempting the work!]


Attendant Vesryn points at a nearby parchment listing the possible fabric:

   1) angora                             2) armure                             3) attaby                            
   4) baudekin                           5) bombazine                          6) broadcloth                        
   7) brocade                            8) brocatelle                         9) buckskin                          
  10) burlap                            11) byssine                           12) calfskin                          
  13) calico                            14) cambric                           15) cammaka                           
  16) camocas                           17) canvas                            18) cashmere                          
  19) cendal                            20) chainsil                          21) challis                           
  22) chambray                          23) chamois                           24) charmeuse                         
  25) chenille                          26) chintz                            27) corduroy                          
  28) cotton                            29) cowhide                           30) damask                            
  31) deathfiber                        32) deerskin                          33) doeskin                           
  34) faille                            35) felt                              36) flannel                           
  37) frieze                            38) fustian                           39) garbadine                         
  40) gingham                           41) haircloth                         42) homespun                          
  43) jacquard                          44) khaddar                           45) kidskin                           
  46) leather                           47) linen                             48) mistsilk                          
  49) mohair                            50) moleskin                          51) muslin                            
  52) naquet                            53) oilcloth                          54) poplin                            
  55) sackcloth                         56) sailcloth                         57) samite                            
  58) satin                             59) sealskin                          60) serge                             
  61) silk                              62) snakeskin                         63) stammel                           
  64) steelsilk                         65) suede                             66) taffeta                           
  67) twill                             68) velvet                            69) velveteen                         
  70) vilt                              71) watersilk                         72) wool                              
  73) zibeline                          

[ASK VESRYN TO CHOOSE FABRIC {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding your container.  When finished, ASK VESRYN ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]
[Note that if you ask for an option that is already present, Vesryn *will* take your coins for attempting the work!]