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News 1 15 - Major changes to Dragonrealms

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NEWS article 1-15:


We are very pleased to announce the release of "DR3". DR3 is the project name that describes a huge number of changes to the game and its mechanics. Several systems and guilds have undergone changes both minor and massive. The main systems affected are Combat, Magic, and Skills.

Combat: This system has been totally revamped, making it much more balanced for our circle range of 1-200. Mandatory "combo chains" are gone, combat itself is slower, and many other changes are in place. You may find that the creatures you used to learn from, no longer train you or are too difficult. Please see for more details.

Magic: All spells have been rewritten. Some have changed function and many have changed difficulty. It is HIGHLY recommended that you read your guild spell list for more information. Magic experience is now associated with casting difficulty and spell type. Higher-mana casts are much more important for training now. Spell slots and spell costs have changed Magic Feats, and foci have been introduced. It is suggested that you view both HELP MAGIC and for more information.

Skills: Many skills have been combined and a few new ones have been added (including three new crafting skills!) All circle requirements have changed and skills will be grandfathered to-circle. The number of TDPs you have will change as well. See for more info on the changes.

The guilds seeing the most changes are Barbarians, Bards, Clerics, Empaths, Moon Mages, and Warrior Mages. All other guilds are also seeing minor changes but overall were left unchanged as a whole. More information on Guild updates can be found at

Many other areas of the game have also seen small amounts of development - Read about all of the changes at

For DR3 FAQ, please read NEWS 1 16
For new and updated commands, please read NEWS 1 18