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A longbow is a type of bow that is tall (roughly equal to the height of the person who uses it); this will allow its user a fairly long draw, at least to the jaw. A longbow is not significantly recurved. Its limbs are relatively narrow so that they are circular or D-shaped in cross section.[1]


ItemSource isRare itemIs incomplete
Alder gut-stringed longbow with a cracked leather gripOgre toxophilitetrue
Ash longbowStark white skeletal archerHuyelm's Trueflight Bow and Arrow ShopBowyer Shop
Aubergine cypress longbow with a leaf-green leather gripSutler's Wagon
Azurelle longbow carved with rearing dragonsElpalzi bowyertrue
Balanced competition longbowSurvivalist Suppliestrue
Battered steel-gripped longbowtrue
Black dragonwood longbow with a leather-wrapped gripWyrmtongue's Warestrue
Blighted silverwillow longbowLithe blight ogre
Bronze-tipped Goblin longbowtrue
Carved longbow with a cured leather gripEveryday and Somedaytrue
... further results


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