Log of Dream Theory: To Dance with the Spirits, Part 1
2/16/2020 9:00 PM EST
[20:51] Aaoskar exclaims, "Thanks for coming, Agalea!"
[20:51] Lenaea says, "It may just be us, who knows."
[20:51] Aaoskar says, "Always a little nervous to see who will show up."
[20:51] Quentiana says, "The spirits will know."
[20:52] Aaoskar says, "I think so, indeed."
[20:53] Aaoskar says, "I'll be right back."
[20:53] Aaoskar says, "Welcome, weclome."
[20:54] Aaoskar says, "I will be right back. need to get something."
[20:54] Miskton says, "Good evening, all."
[20:55] You say, "Anyone need healing."
[20:55] Dantia says to Miskton, "Lagu for you."
[20:57] Aaoskar says, "So just a few more minutes."
[20:57] Aaoskar says, "I'll warn everyone here and i will again before we start, but tonight's discussion is going to be 'radical'."
[20:58] Agalea says to Aaoskar, "All the fun stuff generally is."
[20:58] Aaoskar says, "It's always fun to push the bounds of current thought."
[20:59] Aaoskar says, "A lot of what we'll talk about tonight will take some time to digest i think."
[20:59] Elabela darkly says, "Hmm."
[20:59] Sortny says, "Finally."
[21:00] Elabela darkly says, "I was gonna throne city it but apparently i wasnt given enough notice."
[21:00] Aaoskar says, "We'll give it one more minute and then we'll start."
[21:00] Aaoskar says, "Like always, we will make everything we talk about available to everyone."
[21:00] Lenaea says, "Ohhh snacks."
[21:00] Lenaea says, "We didn't get any snacks."
[21:00] Elabela darkly says, "Did you think i was gonna let you go hungry."
[21:01] Aaoskar says, "Ok."
[21:01] Aaoskar says, "As many of you know, I am part of a small group of lunar researchers whose goals have been to learn more about the nature of our magic, how our actions could have caused a rift between us and the creatures from the Plane of Probability, and how we might make peace. Our efforts continue."
[21:01] Aaoskar says, "We will discuss much, so if questions could be held until the end, that would make things go quicker and smoother."
[21:01] Aaoskar says, "We have presented several theories at past meetings dealing with the nature of time, including the theories of Temporal Shadows and the Cosmic Pendulum. Our latest efforts are geared toward understanding how our minds - in their conscious and unconscious states - may affect the Web of Fate."
[21:02] Aaoskar asks, "We looked at the effects of our specific intentions when we discussed our theory about the naming ritual, Binding Infinite Probability Into Finitude. Now we ask a different question: What effect does the unconscious mind have on prophecy?"
[21:02] Aaoskar says, "The researcher in Throne City states that the intentions of our unconscious minds formed the great Pillars in the microcosm - meaning that the mind can make something so in the Microcosm without any present intention to achieve that result."
[21:03] Aaoskar asks, "We previously submitted that the Microcosm is an area where two planes overlap - the Astral Plane and the Plane of Probability. Given this overlap, could it be that the unconscious mind can shift a small portion of the Plane of Probability?"
[21:03] Aaoskar says, "At the Eye of Power, we attempted to reach out to the great nomad prophetess Nera by creating A Curious Anomaly on the Plane of Probability. We hoped that by threading Fate upon itself we would create a curiosity that might encourage Nera to seek out its source. We hoped that she could help us understand more about our heritage, the Arbiter, and the nature of prophecy itself."
[21:03] Aaoskar says, "Nera did not appear. We thought our effort was unsuccessful. Then we started receiving visions related to a curious anomaly, nomads and their homeland, the Arid Steppe."
[21:04] Aaoskar says, "We have received a vision of craftsmen at a loom who shout in alarm at a strange quirk or a warp in a growing tapestry with a pulsating pattern of chaotic energy - symbolism which is disturbingly similar to the curious anomaly that we were hoping to create to attract Nera's attention."
[21:04] Aaoskar says, "We have also seen a vision where we find ourselves in a broad tent adorned with red paints and animal pelts, not unlike the those that might have been found near Dor'na Torna in the distant past. In the vision, weapon wielding warriors dressed in skins shout and argue with one another, just as the Nomad tribes argued long ago before the coming of the Kir. Though instead of being calmed by the Kir, the warriors in the vision are calmed by a child."
[21:04] Aaoskar says, "We are realists in that we understand that perhaps these visions are not related to our efforts, but it is tempting to think that we may have succeeded. Nera could be reaching toward us through the annals of time to speak to us now as a result of our attempt to thread Fate upon itself. But it is also possible that our intentions and desire, both spoken and silent, artificially reshaped fate."
[21:05] Aaoskar says, "Think of the implications if it is found that our actions led to the visions we now see. This means that, for both the Microcosm and for probability, not only does intention matter, but so, too, do the unspoken, inaccessible desires of the soul. The dreams that lie behind the conscious mind, dreams which we cannot truly control, can become reality."
[21:05] Aaoskar says, "There is a danger here. The outward actions observed by others are not necessarily a mirror of the unconscious mind that lies beneath, with its unspoken desires and its faults within the soul."
[21:06] Aaoskar says, "Perhaps, it is time that we once again attempt to perfect the soul, transcend our individual desires, purify the inaccessible but powerful unconscious mind, and might I dare say - Learn to control both the conscious and unconscious mind."
[21:06] Aaoskar says, "Fortunately, our Moon Mage heritage is ripe with traditions that taught individual mages the esoteric wisdom they could use not only to enhance their own power but also their understanding of themselves and their place in the great Tapestry of Fate. Monks, for example, have taught methods of perfecting the self along every possible dimension. G'nar Peth teach that when the eye be empty, the sight be full - perhaps meaning that when we stop seeking with our eyes, our minds will see the truth. And Nomads have been known to enter ritual dance to open their minds and hearts, entering into a dream-like state so that they could better hear their ancestors."
[21:07] Aaoskar says, "Finding common ground between the sects was instrumental to the formation of the guild, and ultimately led to the signing of the Lunar Accord. But embracing the common ground caused us to lose sight of the unique traditions of each sect which took a life of dedication to master. I submit that we now must reclaim this knowledge."
[21:07] Aaoskar says, "The Moon Mage paths to enlightenment are many, and we might be wise to seek out all of them, but the thrust of recent visions point our eyes again towards Nera and the people of the tribes, who, once upon a time, found a way to transcend their conscious minds and danced to connect with their ancestors. Tradition holds that in ages past, the spirits spoke to those who had the wisdom to sit and listen."
[21:08] Aaoskar says, "And therein may lie our fault - we have forgotten how to simply listen."
[21:08] Aaoskar says, "You see. . . our unconscious minds have reshaped the microcosm, our conscious efforts via the Naming Ritual arguably altered the fabric of the plane of probability, and, we submit, that our attempt to contact Nera may have affected the visions we have seen. It could be that our very thoughts are altering the fabric of Probability so that by seeking it out and by grasping for it, the fabric of Reality is changing as we grasp. We might not be able to reach the very thing we seek."
[21:09] Aaoskar says, "Our next step, then, should be to release our intentions, to seek out stillness and open ourselves to probability, whatever it may hold. We will listen. This may seem impossible, but there are those that believe this has happened before. Just as the Nomads did long ago, we shall gather in ritual and dance, to seek out a dream-like state where we transcend our own minds, removing our own bias from our thoughts, and simply listen. Perhaps, like the Nomads once did, we will hear the whisperings of our ancestors."
[21:09] Aaoskar says, "Thank you all for listening."
[21:09] Aaoskar says, "If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask."
[21:09] Aaoskar says, "I think it is a lot to take in."
[21:10] Aaoskar says, "Please share."
[21:10] Aaoskar says, "Yes Lagu."
[21:10] Aaoskar says, "That is possible. like we said, we could be wrong. the major point was that even if it does not point to us, our unconscious minds may be affecting the plane of probability."
[21:11] Aaoskar says, "We suggested that idea as a possibility, but not a certain fact."
[21:11] Linota says, "I'm a bit out of place but..I had a thought."
[21:12] Lenaea says, "There are parallels, to be sure, but we Moon Mages have a certain... reputation for altering reality."
[21:12] Aaoskar says, "Please."
[21:12] Linota asks, "I'm just an empath, most of this is beyond me, but I do think I see the mind in a different way perhaps than many of you. It seems to me that our unconcious mind is much more likened to this..plane of probability. Is it not possible that entering the plane while awake is like a waking dream?"
[21:12] Aaoskar says, "It is possible that our unconscious mind shapes the Plane of Probability, whether awake or asleep."
[21:13] Linota asks, "Could you enter while asleep?"
[21:13] Kelneth says, "I'd guess not consciously."
[21:13] Gopburpop says, "The Ways? Heaven's no."
[21:13] Aerathor says, "Its very simliar in function to the law of attraction. What you seek you find. Look for trouble and you will find it etc."
[21:13] Aerathor says, "Atleast as far as I understood."
[21:13] Lenaea says, "I think there's a misunderstanding."
[21:14] Lenaea says, "I don't believe Aaoskar proposes to enter the Astral Plane, or Plane of Probability."
[21:14] Calliya asks, "So if enough of us unconciously wish for chaos, the plane of probability will become chaotic, and the weave more messy than it already is?"
[21:14] Lenaea says, "He proposes merely to listen."
[21:14] Elabela darkly says, "I use that languge loosely , Lagu."
[21:14] Aaoskar says, "That could be very much the case, Calliya. and that could be one reason that the Arbiter doesn't like us so much."
[21:14] Agalea asks Aaoskar, "So you think she heard?"
[21:14] Aaoskar says, "Unconscious desires are not always virtuous."
[21:15] Agalea says, "Would be a rather fun thing if she did."
[21:15] Yvela asks, "As a point of clarity, are you suggesting all minds may unconsciously touch upon the Plane of Probability, or only those with a Moon Mage's attunement?"
[21:15] Aaoskar says, "I would guess."
[21:15] Calliya says, "So to calm to chaos, we need to still ourselves. Understand ourselves more, so we can listen to the unconcious wills and maybe expand more."
[21:15] Elabela darkly says, "Oh panther of Damaris."
[21:15] Elabela darkly says, "I like way your mind thinks."
[21:16] Aerathor says to Elabela, "There is an old saying the monks have. As you think, so shall you become."
[21:16] Elabela darkly says, "I dont think i have seen that one yet."
[21:16] Aerathor says, "Its based upon that law."
[21:16] Elabela darkly says, "I do know."
[21:16] Aaoskar says, "That moon mages would more easily alter the plane of probability, but i could see that all could to some extent. the reason i take this as the best guess is that the Arbiter seems to be more angered with Moon Mages, specifically."
[21:16] Linota says, "Or perhaps find a way to link many unconcious minds to a singular task..a beacon of a sort."
[21:16] Aerathor says to Elabela, "That is one I have yet to see as well."
[21:16] Elabela darkly says, "Seen the demon under haven a few times."
[21:16] Agalea says to Aaoskar, "He does rather enjoy your kind."
[21:17] Elabela darkly says, "Show me which way to go ill do it now."
[21:17] Aaoskar asks, "After all, all things are connected in someway to the plane of probability. how else could we make prophecy?"
[21:17] Kelneth says, "Isn't it sort of odd you guys are talking about consciously altering the unconscious? That doesn't seem to make sense, but hey I've never been any good at math."
[21:17] Elabela darkly says, "Should see what Aaoskar is hiding in his mind."
[21:17] Dantia curiously asks, "If indeed the unconcious mind shapes the Plane of Probability, wouldn't this have always been ocurring? Why should you believe that the unconcious mind is only now having an effect?"
[21:17] Elabela darkly says, "I always show the darker side with these things."
[21:17] Aaoskar says, "Kelneth, that is why we are seeking out traditions who claim to have done that in the past."
[21:18] Elabela darkly says, "He went to jail for a gate."
[21:18] Aerathor says, "I think prophecy is pollsible becuase control is illusion personally. But that is just my own take."
[21:18] Kelneth says to Elabela, "Water gate in town."
[21:18] Aerathor says, "Possible even."
[21:18] Miskton says, "The fact that many of the denizens of the Plane of Probability are manifestations of concepts says something for unconscious impact on the plane, as well. Attempting to deliberately create, or shape, so many beings would be a massive undertaking."
[21:18] Elabela darkly says, "I so approve."
[21:19] Elabela darkly says, "I called them flash floods."
[21:19] Aaoskar says, "I think that it has always been connected. however, i think our minds are likely more connected to the plane of probability...at least ever since we used the naming ritual to use grazhir shards that connect us to the astral plane, which also overlaps the plane of probability."
[21:19] Sortny says to Elabela, "I call them fun."
[21:19] Aerathor says to Aaoskar, "I think you are right about the connection. Each of us being a strand in the web. Every action we perform is tied into a collective whole."
[21:19] Lenaea says, "The researcher in Throne City is quite specific. He says that our unconscious minds shaped the pillars, and creatures from the Plane of Probability rage at our arrogance."
[21:19] Aaoskar says, "This is one reason, we believe the our problems are 2 fold. problems that stem from intention, ie the naming ritual. and then problems that stem from the unconscious mind."
[21:20] Aaoskar says, "I think there is something that more people need to know."
[21:20] Aaoskar says, "And i suggest that all moon mages do this."
[21:20] Aerathor says to Lenaea, "Yes that is accurate. They grew as a response. Like a flame being born under the right condition. our minds being the spark."
[21:21] Aaoskar says, "The researcher in throne city gives you more complete answers to your questions once you know how to astral travel. i dont think many have gone back to speak to him after they have learned how to astral travel."
[21:21] Aaoskar says, "This is how we learned more about the unconscious mind."
[21:21] Dantia slowly says, "So what you've been doing unconciously you now propose to do conciously in the hopes that you... do it unconciously."
[21:22] Lenaea says, "No."
[21:22] Aaoskar says, "No. what we plan on doing is what many traditions have claimed."
[21:22] Aerathor says, "You are just convoluting things."
[21:22] Aerathor says, "Do try and keep up."
[21:22] Aaoskar says, "That they can transcend their own minds to gain a better perspective of reality."
[21:22] Elabela darkly says, "I can do more than one thing at same time if i dont id loose it again."
[21:22] Kelneth says, "Sounds like she's right in more basic terms."
[21:22] Sortny asks, "Do ye mean like a waking dream state?"
[21:22] Aaoskar says, "Some could do it that way, Sortny."
[21:22] Agalea says, "All the fun desires come from that part of the mind anyway, they are always the most fun."
[21:23] Sortny asks, "What about meditation?"
[21:23] Aerathor says, "He simply proposed a ritual dance to speak to our ancestors for knowledge. It wasn't so much about the unconcious mind bit than it was about their plan."
[21:23] Lenaea says to Sortny, "That's the general idea."
[21:23] Aaoskar says, "The monks also have a method of transcendence...they likely use meditation."
[21:23] Aaoskar says, "Nomads have suggested that they use dance to reach this state of mind."
[21:23] Dantia says to Aerathor, "Well, he said a lot and quite a bit of nothing at the same time. I'm simply trying to suss out the bottem line."
[21:23] Sortny asks, "So there are various methods then?"
[21:23] Quentiana says, "Indeed, my people once spoke with the spirits regularly, and some of our kind still do."
[21:24] Tiakim says, "Kinda like when i gouge my eyes out."
[21:24] Gopburpop says to Tiakim, "Ick."
[21:24] Aaoskar says, "Yes. there are sortny. i thought it would just be best to start with one tradition. but this is also why i believe we need to seek out the masters of all the traditions."
[21:24] Sortny says, "Makes sense."
[21:25] Aaoskar says, "It would be wonderful to find a monk sometime to give us their insights as well. each sect has so much to offer...however, at times i think that the union of so many sects have caused us to lose site of deep and complicated truths that each sect had to offer...secrets that took a lifetime to learn."
[21:25] Sortny says, "Hmm."
[21:26] Gopburpop says to Aaoskar, "Just a student and don't know if my insights would be useful."
[21:26] Lenaea says, "But first, we hope to gather under the stars on the Arid Steppe to explore the Nomad traditions."
[21:26] Elabela darkly says, "Be nice to see Kougen return he was in depth of crystal hand monks in areas took us back to what Sorrow learned."
[21:26] Aaoskar says, "Please feel free to speak."
[21:26] Kelneth says, "Truth is never complicated."
[21:26] Gopburpop says, "Well heck."
[21:26] Dantia jokingly says to Gopburpop, "I hope you kept up."
[21:26] Aerathor says to Aaoskar, "As a member of the Heritage house who grew in the philosophy of the monks I'd love to share it anytime."
[21:26] Gopburpop says, "Being small as I am I need to know when and when not to step."
[21:27] Gopburpop says, "Shessh, hard enought fighting something ten times your size."
[21:27] Gopburpop says, "Try swinging one of these around."
[21:27] Elabela darkly says, "As a young moonmage i would suggest to learn all about the Immortal as you can .. Not only for your well being but, beause our stars deal with them . Learning the past is only way to live in the present then only can you sit and predict the future."
[21:28] Aaoskar says, "Very insightful as always, Elabela."
[21:28] Aerathor says, "Sorrow's path to transcendance, as well as tiv's both come from the tradition of the monks. It's a well buried embarrassment that the Sophisters are more likely than any other sect to fall to Necromancy, hearing the clarion call of the Perfect Body."
[21:28] Aerathor says, "Though tiv sought transcendal knowledge."
[21:28] Aerathor says, "His own age lends own to question if it was only from breathing techniques and diet as well."
[21:29] Aerathor says, "What other secrets that man has unlocked....who knows."
[21:29] Aaoskar says, "It would be wonderful if Tiv were here to give us guidance, indeed."
[21:29] Quentiana says, "I look forward to sharing the Dance of my people with any who wish to participate."
[21:30] Aaoskar says, "I know that i look forward to this as well, Quentiana."
[21:30] Aaoskar says, "So to summarize. In the months to come, we will gather at the Arrid Steppe and seek to transcend our minds so that we can achieve stillness and listen to whatever message fate may hold."
[21:30] Aaoskar says, "Quentiana has been gracious enough to lead us in this dance."
[21:31] Aaoskar says, "I hope that you all will come."
[21:31] Aaoskar says, "I hope that you all will spread the word and invite others. i think there is much to be said with many minds in stillness."
[21:31] Sortny says, "Should prove interesting."
[21:31] Aerathor says to Aaoskar, "Thanks for sharing."
[21:31] Aaoskar says, "As always, i like to keep things short and sweet. i know so many people are busy and there are so many other places you need to be."
[21:32] Aaoskar says, "Thank you all for coming. and feel free to reach out to me or Lenaea or Quentiana anytime."
[21:32] Elabela darkly says, "Im surprise Prom isnt here he normal comes to our meetings."
[21:32] Sortny says, "Hmm."
[21:32] Sortny says, "Perhaps he's otherwise engaged."
[21:33] Sortny asks, "Well group, ready to return to town?"
[21:33] Quentiana says, "I take my leave."
[21:33] Gopburpop says, "We well, all."
[21:33] Elabela darkly says, "I got a gat their."
[21:33] Elabela darkly says, "If you wanna be lazy."
[21:33] Gopburpop says, "Ooh tea."
[21:33] Elabela darkly asks, "Back to empath guild?"
[21:33] Dantia says, "Well that's pretty lazy, but I'll take it."
[21:34] Elabela darkly asks, "Anyone else to town?"
[21:34] Aerathor says, "Such a waste of mana."
[21:34] Elabela darkly says, "Im bored."
[21:34] Celeena says to Aaoskar, "Very interesting, thank you for inviting me."
[21:34] Elabela darkly says, "Very lazy moon mage."
[21:34] Elabela darkly says, "I do like going hunting though."
[21:34] Aerathor says to Elabela, "Atleast you own it."
[21:34] Elabela darkly says, "Of course."
[21:35] Elabela darkly says, "Always good rum."
[21:35] Lenaea says, "This rum. It's a bit off."
[21:35] Elabela darkly says, "I got it in Mer'kresh Deeper's Tavern."
[21:36] Elabela darkly says, "It a fun rum."
[21:36] Aerathor says to Aaoskar, "I look forward to the seeking the ancestor. It will be fascinating to say the least."
[21:36] Lenaea says, "They take "hair of the dog" quite literally there."
[21:36] Agalea says to Lenaea, "Almost as if they shave the dog when the make the rum."
[21:36] Elabela darkly says, "Should be working on trying to get the Grandmaster to rebuild the bridge."
[21:36] Elabela darkly says, "Miss that area in throne city."
[21:36] Agalea says, "They say it adds..."flavor"...."
[21:37] Lenaea says, "It's somethin."
[21:37] Agalea says, "Always nice to see the both of you."
[21:37] Aerathor says, "It does paralel the Arbiter in Darkness."
[21:37] Elabela darkly asks, "Anyone for peach cake?"
[21:37] Miskton says to Aaoskar, "Should be interesting to see what happens. A physical manifestation that even observers can experience would be the most dramatic, but some mental link formed with the participants could be enlightening as well."
[21:37] Aerathor says, "Hopefully you've learned from that tale....careful what you seek."
[21:38] Agalea says to Elabela, "Oh that sounds wonderful, but I would be walking for days to keep it from getting behind me."
[21:38] Agalea exclaims, "Seems I am gonna have to walk home now!"
[21:38] Lenaea exclaims, "We seek nothing but stillness. If nothing else, perhaps the exercise will prove relaxing!"
[21:38] Elabela darkly says, "I still vote we take baby moon mage on sight seeing."
[21:38] Elabela darkly says, "How about the picture that seem little off."
[21:38] Agalea exclaims to Elabela, "You are right, this is amazing!"
[21:38] Elabela darkly says, "They have the right to see it."
[21:39] Aerathor says, "Everyone seeks for something. Even if they aren't aware."
[21:39] Lenaea says to Elabela, "What's in that cake...."
[21:39] Elabela darkly exclaims, "Your turn!"
[21:39] Miskton says to Lenaea, "A chance to relax is certainly worth something in itself."
[21:39] Agalea says, "Everyone seeks power, even if they refuse to admit it."