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Log of Dichotomy of Time

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Aaoskar says, "Just a couple more minutes."

Aaoskar says, "Sorry we didnt give more notice."

Aaoskar says, "But probably best this way...since this would be a controversial topic."

You groan.

You say, "Not THAT controversial."

You chuckle.

Koreberg says, "Best sort of topic."

Dantia chuckles.

You nod to Aaoskar.

Aerathor says, "Perception is everything."

Aaoskar says, "Thank you for gathering here today. In light of recent events, namely, the Time Distortion that brought the Gorbesh War to us in the here and now, we feel it necessary to present some research performed by lunar scholars on the nature of time. As we have discussed at previous meetings, we perform this research to gain a better understanding of our Magic and our role in the souring of relations between creatures of other planes and the Plane of Abiding."

Aaoskar says, "Time is a fluid concept. It is neither fixed nor itinerant. It ebbs and flows sometimes in a predictable fashion, but sometimes in ways we do not understand. There are those who might attribute such fluctuations to sorcery, or to some otherworldly force like the gods, or the Fae. We do not come here today to posit any theory on who or what might be responsible for the nature of Time - - we merely present our observations and thoughts for your consideration."

Aaoskar says, "Our findings were rather surprising. I admit that while our research is based on observation, much of the conclusions are still only theoretical."

Aaoskar says, "Now, to begin."

Aaoskar says, "We have previously explained that the mana of Grazhir is not frozen in time within the Astral. Indeed, instead of an unmoving, timeless essence, the mana swings like a Cosmic Pendulum, cycling through six distinct phases before reversing course."

Aaoskar says, "How Grazhir swings back and forth like a pendulum is a complicated question without a perfect answer. Perhaps it moves because the mana of an entire moon is difficult to hold in a perfect static moment. Alternatively, perhaps the mana of Grazhir is best understood as a process, and not as a physical thing, which is forced to repeat for all eternity. This is something that we plan on considering more in the future, but the undeniable fact is that the mana phases do swing in a predictable fashion."

Aaoskar says, "But although the mana of Grazhir is in constant motion, there are elements of the Astral that are frozen in time - - but not the same time. The Ways is a mosaic of different times, none of which correspond to the moment when a Moon Mage enters the Astral from the Plane of Abiding. We draw this conclusion based upon observations made by our team of astral travelers."

Aaoskar says, "For example, within the Dor'na'torna Conduit, leading to the Arid Steppe of the Nomads, the light of Xibar always bathes the horizon regardless of whether Xibar is above the horizon in the Plane of Abiding."

Aaoskar says, "Barren land always stretches out beneath the sun within the Tamigen Conduit leading to Raven's Point, but simultaneously, within the Ash'arsh'par'i Conduit, the night sky twinkles with thousands of static stars. This is so irrespective of the time of day here."

Aaoskar says, "And, most tellingly, we see a lattice of alien constellations embedded in the night sky of the Auilusi Conduit leading to Aesry - - constellations that are different and unrecognizable to our eyes, perhaps because they belong to the sky from a different era."

You nod.

Aaoskar says, "This research points us to an interesting and unanticipated theory. When we walk the Ways, we may be traveling through space and through time."

Aaoskar says, "Let me address what, to some, will surely appear to be contradiction. We said before that the mana from Grazhir is not frozen in time within the Astral, but now we say that there are elements of the Astral that are frozen. The unchanging nature of the conduits and the pillars at the heart of the Microcosm and the fluctuating mana of Grazhir exist simultaneously. These phenomena are readily observable by any Astral Traveler. Time exists as a dichotomy within the Microcosm. The question is why this is so."

Aaoskar says, "We have hypothesized that the Naming Ritual binds infinite probability into finitude. When a name is bestowed on something in the Ways, the thing is made to exist, irrespective of whether it would have, could have, or might have otherwise. The name adds certainty to a thing, which causes it to be separated from anything it might otherwise have been, or not been. The name removes the thing from Probability."

Aaoskar says, "When this theory is applied to Grazhir shards, it could explain why a conduit appears static, stuck in one permanent state of being, and colored by one version of probability. But how is it that the mana of Grazhir still moves within the conduits when they are frozen? Picture the conduit as a rope bridge suspended over the Grey Expanse."

Aaoskar says, "In this metaphor, the unchanging conduits serve as the ropes that anchor the named Grazhir shards to the pillars at the center of the microcosm, while the planks of the bridge are formed by the changing mana of Grazhir. When we are within a conduit, we must perceive to find what step to take next. One misstep will almost always result in falling through a gap in the bridge and into the Grey Expanse below."

Aaoskar says, "And sometimes, despite careful navigation, we fall to our deaths in the Grey Expanse because Pelag pushes us there."

Aaoskar frowns.

You wince.

Aaoskar asks, "The possibilities and questions that stem from these observations are fascinating. If each conduit is a representation of the time in which it is frozen, can we learn more about specific times by visiting those conduits? Is it possible to learn how to exit from within a conduit and visit that time on Elanthia? If Moon Mages walk through time, can we alter history? Repair our relations with denizens from the Plane of Probability by preventing the events that led us down the road we now find ourselves? Or could we simply learn more of the past so that we may walk more wisely in the present?"

Aaoskar says, "At this time, I am not suggesting that we do any of these things or that any are even possible. I merely present the observations, thoughts, and curiosities of lunar researchers whose goals have been and will remain dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and not some other nefarious purpose, regardless of what others may say."

Cerelum grumpily asks, "This the moonie thing?"

Aaoskar nods to Cerelum.

Cerelum nods.

Cerelum grumpily says, "I'm not a moonie, for the record."

Aaoskar says, "I hope that you have found this topic interesting. Thank you for coming."

Higly glances at Cerelum.

Aaoskar says, "Made it time for questions Cerelum."

You smile.

Aaoskar chuckles.

Cerelum ponders.

Cerelum grumpily asks, "Questions about moonies?"

Cerelum gazes off into the distance.

Aaoskar says, "So to summarize, Mana swings like a compendulum within the astral plane.....But the conduits are frozen in time...this leads us to the conclusion that Time exists as a dichotomy within the Astral Plane."

You pat Aaoskar on the back.

You say, "Pendulum."

Aaoskar says, "Pendulum."

You nod.

You ask, "Any thoughts from anyone?"

Higly asks, "Why does Peleg push us...?"

Aaoskar says, "That is a rather complicated question."

You say, "One with an unclear answer."

You nod.

Aaoskar says, "The relationship between Moon Mages and the denizens have soured for quite some time."

Aaoskar says, "One of the things that we are attempting to discover is why and how can we repair this."

Aaoskar says, "We have postulated in the past that this is related to the unconcious and conscious mind altering the web of fate and."

Higly says, "Maybe its time to go to war with them, if they have obviously declared war on us."

Aaoskar says, "The fact that the naming ritual binds infinite probability into finitude."

Mistanna says, "Time only exists in the form we know it as in this realm, woven upon the loom in movements of the moons and planets."

Aaoskar says, "Perhaps...we are merely researchers who are presenting our findings."

Aerathor says, "I'm interested in how Grazhir relates to the Gray Expanse. You can cast, or concentrate there all you want, but there just isn't any universe to affect. Grazhir is some sort of safety bubble apparently within it, and we are responsinble for it namely through the naming ritual and also apparently from our subconcious."

Aerathor ponders.

You say to Mistanna, "And our knowledge of Time as it exists here is evolving."

You smile.

Aerathor says, "What we experience is just some sort of anomoly i'd speculate."

Chaenath casually observes the area.

Aerathor says, "Created through a bizzare circumstance, and that circumstance exists wholy whitin that created bubble."

Mistanna says to Aerathor, "I think of it more as the grey being the space inbetween the threads, which Grazhir is a part of."

Aaoskar says, "The microcosm is truly a unique case because of how the astral plane overlaps with the plane of probability and the fact that the microcosm is the corpse of a fallen moon."

Aerathor says, "I've heard someone say before its the "True nature of the astral."

You nod to Aaoskar.

You say to Aaoskar, "So instructs the Researcher in Throne City."

Aaoskar says, "However, we would like to learn more about the microcosm and its influence on the plane of abiding."

Aaoskar nods to you.

Dantia ponders.

Cerelum raises his hand.

Aaoskar says, "Yes Cerelum."

Koreberg asks, "How do you study it?"

Cerelum grumpily asks, "So where do Warrior Mage familiars come from? They are creatures of the planes, but I believe they are aether in the scrolls, is that connected?"

Aerathor says, "The microcosm is seperate from the true astral plane though. Its merely a safety net within the expanse where we can essentially create a wrinkle in time, because distance there has no relation to distance here."

Aaoskar says, "For that...i would have to defer to the experts on elemental mana."

Aaoskar asks, "As for you mean, how did we observe these phenomenon?"

Higly says, "I do not believe time is linear, nor do I believe that it is a limit. I believe that at each moment there is, time explodes in an infinite wave of directions. Allowing for choice."

Koreberg says, "Yes."

Cerelum grumpily asks, "Isn't Astral a plane you moonies walk across right? To do your pop across the world thing right?"

Cerelum grumpily says, "Aren't there planes of all the elements? Like Fire and Water etc etc."

Cerelum grumpily asks, "Or are they vastly seperated?"

Aerathor says to Cerelum, "Asking for a straight answer here? Hah. Good luck."

Aaoskar says, "If you go to the Shards of Grazhir, you can focus on them...if you do this repeatedly, you will observe 6 mana phases, with the first and last phase being twice the duration of the rest."

Aaoskar says, "This led us to think that they act as a pendulum."

Koreberg nods.

Aaoskar says, "As for the static nature of the conduits, we have just made careful observations when astral traveling."

Aaoskar says, "The most telling observation is in Auilusi where we see alien constellations that are unknown to us."

Koreberg says, "Hmm i'm usually too busy trying to escape, to make careful observations."

Aaoskar says, "Given all our other observations, we think the best guess is that this points to another time."

Aaoskar says, "I like to go in and sit and drink tea."

Higly nods to Aaoskar.

Higly says, "Thank you for the lecture."

Aaoskar says, "Thank you Higly."

Koreberg nods.

Aaoskar says, "I do admit that this is a complicated topic, especially if this is the first time you've come to any of our talks."

Dasheek asks, "Why do foreign constellations correllate to a different time? Could that not just be a different place?"

Dasheek nods at Aaoskar, obviously agreeing with his views.

You nod to Dasheek.

You say, "It could."

Aaoskar says, "Perhaps...but given all of the other observations, we believe that another time is the best guess...but you are correct."

Aerathor says to Aaoskar, "You should look into the Obelisk that was melted after it was activated because Grazhir was not in the sky."

Aaoskar says, "Good suggestion."

Aerathor says to Aaoskar, "Many scholars noted it seemed to alter times progression."

You say, "Given the overlap with the plane of probability, it could be that what we see in the conduit is a mere reflection of what could have been."

Aaoskar nods to Aerathor.

Aaoskar says, "Thank you, aerathor..that's a great point."

Aerathor says, "Just I recall reading something on it."

Aerathor says, "And it was related to time."

Aaoskar says, "We are doing our best to look at all of the observations and see where all of it we are trying to not look at one thing in isolation."

Dasheek asks, "So this is not the first of these talks... When did they begin, and how do they relate to the current difficulties experienced by the realms?"

Koreberg nods.

You smile.

Aaoskar says, "Lord, the first talks began about 2 to 3 years ago."

Aerathor says, "Reyael also was the first who suggested to us that Grazhirs shattering did something to time, I think his words were stunted it."

Aerathor ponders.

Dasheek says, "Really I'm asking if this is a running event, or if this specific talk is geared toward time due to the Gorbesh a week ago.."

Aaoskar says, "They began with Reyael which led us to the idea of Temporal Shadows."

Aerathor nods.

Aerathor says, "Wish Reyael was around again."

Aaoskar says, "Then later led us to opening a window in the plane of probability to try to look back into the past."

You say to Dasheek, "Aaoskar and others hold discussions from time to time on various topics of import."

Aaoskar says, "Which eventually led to the idea of the Cosmic Pendulum."

Aaoskar says, "Dream Theory."

Mistanna chortles softly at some secret joke.

Dantia nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Aaoskar says, "And the Theory of Binding infinite probability into finitude."

Aaoskar says, "We are cataloging all of our observations to make them available to anyone at anytime."

Aerathor says, "Feats of magic unheard of. The spirit of the moon mage lives on it seems."

Yvela asks, "Speaking of the Gorbesh.. have we learned aught of the situation surrounding their sudden reappearance?"

Aaoskar says, "We were not even planning on talking about time for some time."

You shake your head at Yvela.

Aaoskar says, "But because of recent events, we brought it up today."

Dasheek nods.

Aerathor says, "Its fascinating when you consider the Gorbesh relation to the Leuthra."

Aaoskar says, "I have not Yvela..but if anyone has, please let us know."

Koreberg says, "Gorbesh, now that was a war."

Yvela nods.

Aerathor says, "And their absorbing of their artifacts and cities."

Aaoskar says, "True aerathor...we tried to look back into time to learn more about Luethra."

Aerathor says, "The leuthra also vanished suddenly, perhaps they will re aapear too."

Aerathor shrugs.

You say, "So many curious anomalies these days. I wonder whether our attempt to thread fate had anything to do with it."

Aerathor says, "The city of the dead holds clues maybe."

You sigh.

Cerelum grumpily asks, "Is there booze here?"

You say, "But best not to dwell on it."

Aerathor says, "That cith on Riss that the Gorbesh couldnt occupy that was empty."

Mistanna says, "Better, oshu'mary tea."

Daartin lifts up his tablet and gazes severely toward the sky.

Aerathor chuckles.

Daartin takes a seat.

Cerelum grumpily says, "I'll try this."

Aaoskar says, "So one of the reasons that we presented it was hopefully our observations would help others make more sense of what is currently going on."

Aaoskar says, "No one person can grasp the total picture of reality."

Dasheek says, "S'why I'm here.."

Cerelum grumbles.

Koreberg smiles.

Aerathor says to Aaoskar, "At any rate, thanks for the lecture."

Aerathor bows to Aaoskar.

Cerelum grumpily says, "Oh the samovar isn't a drink."

You say, "Questions beget more questions! The search for answers is where life is lived most fully."

Cerelum laughs!

You smile.

Aerathor says, "I must be going, but I appreciated it."

Nodding politely, Aerathor excuses himself with a brief bow.

Aaoskar says, "Thank you aerathor..and thanks to all for coming."

Aerathor says, "Be well all, til our fates align once more."

Cerelum grumpily exclaims, "Two gold for tea!"

You say, "I do hope all will come to the Steppe in the coming months."

Aerathor nods to Tatzu.

Tatzu nods.

Koreberg asks, "The steppe?"

Mistanna says to Cerelum, "Mildly hallucinogenic tea."

You nod to Koreberg.

Cerelum grumpily says to Mistanna, "You throw a party and don't have booze? Include me on the party planning next time, I can reach out a pub."

You say to Koreberg, "Aaoskar last presented the Dream Theory, where he explained that the unconscious mind affects probability."

Yvela says, "It is a concerning prospect, if moments in time can begin to interfere with one another. Especially if it's being driven by hostile intent."

Mistanna says to Cerelum, "I have some tea that's even stronger than this, if you'd like to try it."

You nod to Yvela.

Aaoskar says, "I completely agree Yvela."

Dasheek asks, "Whose hostile intent?"

Aaoskar says, "It is also scary if other beings are not bound by the same temporal laws that we are."

Aaoskar says, "The gorbesh temporal distortion that recently happened."

Dantia gnaws on her lip.

Cerelum grumpily asks, "Hostile Intent? Crap did I leave my electostatic on?"

Koreberg nods.

Dasheek asks, "Yes, but who was driving the boat there?"

You say, "We do not know."

Koreberg says, "The arbiter."

Yvela says, "That remains the question."

Dasheek nods to Yvela.

You say to Koreberg, "Entirely possible."

Cerelum grumpily says, "Bad kitten."

Dasheek glances at Cerelum.

Mistanna says to Cerelum, "Sorry, Coconut can be a little bitey sometimes."

Koreberg chuckles.

Cerelum grumpily asks, "Is there booze in here?"

Dasheek says to Aaoskar, "They are, no less, bound by SOME laws."

Aaoskar says, "That's all i had...lots to think about...i dont want to get in the way of the rathan spars that will be happening in a couple rois."

Dantia grins at Aaoskar.

Aaoskar says, "If you have questions, we should get together and talk when you have time."

Dantia says to Aaoskar, "You've provided much to think about, again. Thank you for sharing your ideas."

Mistanna asks, "Anyone else want some?"

Dantia nods to you.

Aaoskar says, "Thanks Dantia."

You smile at Dantia.

Cerelum grumpily says, "Reminds me... Of licking a tree, and then drinking hot water."

Cerelum grumpily asks Mistanna, "Is this gonna get me drunk?"

Dasheek frowns.

Dasheek nods to Aaoskar.

Cerelum guzzles down some of his tea and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.

Mistanna says to Cerelum, "I'd call it more stoned than drunk."

Cerelum grumpily exclaims, "WOAH!"

Cerelum blinks.

Aaoskar stands up.

Cerelum grumpily exclaims, "Takes a moment to hit you, then POW!"

Child of Grazhir Aaoskar went through an ornate silver gateway.

Dasheek says, "So, to recap from what I've heard: We think there is a being with hostile intent behind the rifts. We don't know who or what might hold that intent, nor do we know the plane of existence that... Individual?.. Abides."

Cerelum grumpily says, "One time, I was hunting down near Leth and found a frog, I licked it, because that's what you do, lick things, and I was seeing crazy stuff all hunting trip."

Cerelum grumpily says, "Memories..."

Dasheek asks, "Am I on the trail so far?"

You say to Dasheek, "We don't even know that it's hostile, per se. It could just be... chaotic."

You look at Dasheek and shrug.

Dasheek says, "Hmm.."

Daartin says, "Hi."

Koreberg says, "Chaotic that is a good description."

Mistanna says, "And he's gone."

Yvela says, "I've heard that just before the Gorbesh appeared, when that unsettling feel was felt by all.. some people heard a voice calling them to move into a breach. That someone had opened the way."

Dasheek nods to Yvela.

Dasheek says, "I remember that distinctly.."

Yvela says, "In that context, it certainly seems like a purposeful invasion rather than an accidental misplacement."

Mistanna says, "It felt like something... unholy, though."

Dasheek nods to Yvela.

Dasheek says, "It felt intentional to me.."

Yvela nods.

Cerelum grumpily asks, "Unholy?"

Cerelum grumpily says, "Want me to grab a Cleric or Paladin."

You say, "Indeed, but the underlying purpose may not be ill will - it may just be chaos for the sake of chaos."

Cerelum grumpily says, "I think my scimitar still has some bless on it."

Dasheek asks you, "To an orderly existence, are they not the same?"

You say to Dasheek, "I do not see them as the same."

You shrug.

Dasheek says to you, "Perhaps I should have phrased it differently.."

Mistanna says, "Perhaps it was something demonic in nature that brought the Gorbesh."

Dasheek says to you, "The reaction from the realms ought to be the same whether or not hostile intent exists.. And that is to stop the rifts and end the invasions, should this prove to be a recurring event."

Cerelum curiously asks, "Aren't Kaldar just Gorbish with better attitudes?"

Koreberg says, "That assumes all of the realms want to see the rifts closed and invasions end, perhaps some enjoy the chaos."

You say, "The intent of the force behind the temporal distortion matters little when the effect on us here, in this time and place, is the same. I agree."

Dasheek says to Koreberg, "Always a new facet.. I hadn't considered that."

Cerelum grumpily asks Mistanna, "It's okay that I have NO idea half of the words they are saying right?"

You pat Cerelum on the back.

You say, "Poor war mage."

Cerelum grumpily says, "I am pretty poor, only one hundred plat to my name."

A tear runs down Cerelum's face.

You exclaim to Cerelum, "It's not the size of the bank account, but how you use it!"

You say, "Chin up."

You smile.

Mistanna starts chortling at you!

Koreberg chuckles.

Koreberg says, "Some bank accounts are too small to be of much use."

Cerelum grumpily says to you, "I've been asleep a LONG time, I think I need to buy newer armor and weapons and stuff. It's expensive work."

You place your hand over Koreberg's mouth.

Cerelum sighs.

You ask, "Anyone headed to Ratha?"

Koreberg says, "You will find you can make a load of coin in no time at all."

Dasheek says to Cerelum, "And if you're always chasin' drink and party, you'll always be poor. I hear there's some sort of sparring? You may do less damage to the guild there."

Cerelum grumpily says, "I might, I was gonna see about buying a boat, but they still aren't making any new ones, boat maker in the rats area is USELESS."

Cerelum flails his arms about.

You say, "Stabby thing."

You say, "For skinning."

Dasheek nods.

You say, "Wearable, so you don't have to fetch a knife every time you make a kill."

Cerelum grumpily says, "Oh I have a belt knife."

Cerelum grumpily says, "This is nicer though."

You hum to yourself.

Cerelum grumpily asks, "You lot have a donation spot for little moonies?"

You say, "Well! I think I'll be moving along. If anyone wants to chat about this or other things please send me a thought."

Mistanna says, "Just west of Kssarh's office on the top floor."

You nod to Dasheek.

You wave.

Dasheek nods to you.

You say, "I'll take it there."

Yvela says, "Good evening."

You say, "I bid you all a fine evening."