Current Events/Logs/436-01-06-Log of A Mission of Mercy: Part 2
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The following article contains player-created lore or theories.
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Log of A Mission of Mercy, Part 2
Ankis Dir Observatory, outside Leth Deriel
OOC: October 10, 2020 beginning at 9:00 PM EST
Event Name: A Mission of Mercy: Part 2 |
Event Instance: Prime |
Real Date: 2020-10-10 |
Game Date of Event: 436-01-06 |
Point of View: Unknown POV |
Aaoskar says, "Thank you all for coming."
Aaoskar says, "We meet here at the Cosmic Eye to discuss the details of a plan that we hope will bring some measure of peace to a probabilistic entity in the Frozen Heavens, high in the Dragonspine mountains." Windus grins at Dantia. Dantia smiles at Windus. Aaoskar says, "I will give a brief factual background to provide context and to illuminate the rationale behind this quest. Those who were present at the recent meeting at the Trabe Plateau should be familiar with this information." Atazai mutters something into the air. The Dwarf gives Zalinyar a baleful scowl then asks, "Were you planning on becoming part of the scenery around here?" Aaoskar says, "There is a consciousness in an ancient obelisk in the Unfathomable Grotto, high in the cold Dragonspine mountains just south of here. This entity is clearly probabilistic in nature, for in exchange for a Moon Mage's stored observations of the heavens it trades deep knowledge of the stars in the form of the spell we call Read the Ripples." Atazai blinks. The Dwarf rubs his nose and squints. Aaoskar says, "Let me be clear - this knowledge is not gained without paying a high price. This entity is neither benevolent nor kind. It is powerful and violent, often killing the mage that attempts to listen to its voice. But those who have listened know that the exchange is offered out of desperation, for the being is trapped in the obelisk and begs for help." Aaoskar says, "The translucent obelisk, with four disks representing what appear to be the four moons, has long maintained a silent vigil in the mountains. Its builders and its purpose remain a mystery. What is known, however, is that about 35 years ago, around 1 Nissa the Maiden 400AV, a Dwarven explorer removed a white disk from the obelisk, resulting in his death. It is rumored that the Children of Kalestraum stole the disk from his body and still keep it." Aaoskar says, "The removal of the disk resulted in serious planar instability. A planar breach opened and out poured extraplanar beings, like Nimbuses, which still stalk the snowy peaks of the Frozen Heavens to this day. Tozu, apprentice to Mortom, closed the planar breach by creating a replacement white disk out of thealstones. He described it as merely a patch, not quite a repair." Aaoskar says, "Something lingered in the obelisk, even with the patch. Trapped. Begging for help, for freedom. The entity. A second patch was applied 16 years later, and the entity grew desperate." Nefis scratches distractedly at his stubble. Aaoskar says, "It sends the same messages to listeners now as it did years ago. "Free, help me, free me," it says. "I need you. Betrayed." "Save me," it implores." Windus asks, "Was the entity there before the removal of the disc, or after?" Aaoskar says, "We do not know for certain." Aaoskar asks, "It demands a sliver of our freedom in exchange for secret knowledge, for power. What the entity takes from us is our prophetic pools. But why would it call this freedom?" Aaoskar says, "What we collect in our prophetic pools is the raw material we use to reshape our destinies at will. That is the freedom the entity describes. But a display of divination is not what the entity seeks. No, it wants the raw materials of our prophecy. It wants probability. It wants to feel at home, through us." Aaoskar says, "Many of my guild have accepted the bargain, willingly taking the only thing the captive entity has to offer in exchange for their observations. I am no exception. Like most if not all others, I did not consider the pain the entity felt as its words seeped into my mind, only the prospect of gaining a powerful reward from doing as it asked." Ayliana raises an eyebrow. Aaoskar says, "Undoubtedly, many of you are aware of the tensions between the Plane of Probability and the Plane of Abiding. We have used various methods to try to understand the source of hostility, including attempting to speak with extraplanar being at the Taisgath obelisk, and more recently by attempting to appease the Spirits of the Nomads of the Arid Steppe on the Trabe Plateau with a ritual dance." Aaoskar says, "The dance did not appease the Spirits. All present at the Trabe Plateau witnessed the wrath of extraplanar probabilistic beings. They spoke with hatred imbued in their words, calling Moon Mages Defilers before they launched an attack that left several dead, including the Shaman they possessed to deliver their message." Dantia nods. Cleyra gulps. Aaoskar says, "We looked for another way to show extraplanar beings that we seek peace. We thought that we could do just that by showing mercy to the entity in the Frozen Heavens, feeding our prediction pools to it without asking for anything in return." Aaoskar says, "When this plan was unveiled at the last meeting at the Trabe Plateau, most attendees expressed extreme skepticism. Most said that this is a bad idea, that it will do no good, and that it is too dangerous." Aaoskar says, "Their words weighed heavily on Lenaea and I. We almost considered scrapping the plan altogether. But our resolve hardened. So many have taken advantage of this entity trapped in a dark cave, but now only a few want to help ease its suffering. No wonder creatures from the Plane of Probability hate us." Dantia gnaws on her lip. Aaoskar says, "We are aware of the danger and do not make light of it at all. We know that our efforts might prove futile. But we must do something. I must do something, even if it results in my death. I ask for your help in accomplishing this mission." Aaoskar says, "I will now describe the particulars of the plan. Of course, help from Moon Mages is most welcome, but we will need the help of many guilds if we are to have any measure of success." Aaoskar says, "In a few weeks' time we will gather here, at the Cosmic Eye, and travel as a group to the Frozen Heavens. Before traveling to the obelisk, Moon Mages who plan to participate will be asked to fill their prediction pools to capacity." Aaoskar says, "The area surrounding the obelisk is dangerous. Nimbus stalk the frozen mountains and will attack any who linger there. We hope that some adventurers will assist in creating a sanctuary around the obelisk, such as a Bard through a sanctuary spell or a Paladin through a banner of truce, or both." Jycanth nods to Aaoskar. Aaoskar says, "To further ensure safety, we hope that empaths and clerics will attend to help heal any wounds and to raise any who are struck down. I must speak honestly - this plan is very dangerous. I expect that death will come to some who interact with the entity." You nod. Aaoskar says, "Finally, before beginning the ritual, we will ask someone to offer a prayer to Rutilor or Chadatru, gods of truth, to ask that our hearts and our minds will remain pure in our efforts." Dantia nods at Aaoskar, obviously agreeing with his views. Atazai gets a bronze statue from inside her waterproof bag. Atazai raises her bronze statue high into the air rallying all who see into battle! Aaoskar says, "Now. The ritual itself. This can be performed by any who are pure of heart and mind, but it would be best done by Moon Mages. We will draw Tyura Circles to improve our spiritual state, thereby helping us act with pure motive and to bring our thoughts and actions into harmony." Aaoskar says, "We will draw three ritual circles with salts purchased from the Temple of Enlightenment, west of Shard. The number of circles is important. We hope that the probabilistic entity will appreciate the mathematical expression of the ritual. Perhaps the use of three, a prime number, found in the number of salts used for each circle, the number of circles, and the number of people leading the drawing of each of the circles, will draw the entity's attention. Thrice times Thrice times Thrice." Aaoskar says, "But equally important is the order of the circles, and what each represents. The first circle will be of white, pink, and violet salts, representing the recognition of being, reflected by the blanketing snow upon the mountain as it captures a single, perfect sunrise." Aaoskar says, "The next circle will be of yellow, red, and white salts, representing the connection of all being, reflected by the savant eye, the ruddy moon, and the wisp of smoke that twists ever upward." Aaoskar says, "The final circle will be of red, orange, and yellow salts, representing the invigoration of being, reflected in the colors of the slow flame, the eternal beacon, that which burns and yet does not exhaust." Aaoskar says, "Once the circles have been drawn, we will ask the Moon Mages present to listen to the obelisk and offer their prediction pools to it without asking for anything in return." Aaoskar says, "What will happen after that I do not know. The entity may take our offering, but it may also kill us. I know not." Aaoskar says, "I will not lie to you or mislead you in any way. This is dangerous. Very dangerous. We expect that some will die for their sacrifice. I ask that you make your peace with your gods before you travel to the Frozen Heavens." Aaoskar stretches his arms. Aaoskar asks, "Now that the plan is laid out, are there any here who would help us carry it out?" Aaoskar studies the faces around him. Cleyra is hugging herself. You smile at Aaoskar. Ayliana raises an eyebrow. Cleyra nervously says, "I don't... I don't know." Zalinyar ponders. You say, "I will help, certainly." Windus asks, "This seems like a high risk, no reward mission ... what could be gained from this?" Aaoskar says, "Any questions? As you can see, we are looking to clear out thoughts and to act in a peaceful way." Cleyra squints at Windus. Jycanth says, "It seems reasonable. You're offering in excess what many mages already offer? If that leads to ruin, it seems likely that ruin would come some day either way." Jycanth asks, "Am I understand that right?" Aaoskar says, "Very much so Jycanth." You say to Windus, "We are hoping to show the probabilistic entities that we mean them no harm. We may be able to do just that by showing mercy to one of their kind who is trapped." Jycanth nods. Nefis whispers something to Aaoskar. Ayliana says, "What is it that you are hoping this accomplishes? Not in the abstract but in the immediate." Jycanth says, "Sanctuary can be fickle, but I'll do some tests with the nimbus creatures and see if it helps there when I have time. If so, I'm happy to assist with Bardic magic." Jycanth smiles. You smile at Jycanth. Aaoskar says, "Many thanks. We appreciate your help greatly." Cleyra rubs her neck. Windus says, "Not sure what a lowly Ranger such as myself could do ... I'd more likely to be a liability." Miskton says, "It does seem like the sacrifices made to the entity are granting it some degree of peace, rather than helping it to escape. Not that we should necessarily trust its word, but the mages who have done so so far don't seem to have made any impact on the obelisk at least. But, aside from the potential that it is seeking to weaken the seal somehow..." Zalinyar says, "As a Warrior Mage, I am not sure I could be of any assistance." You ask Windus, "We will need a fire, for the cave is very dark. Will you tend it for us?" Aaoskar says, "A token of kindness can go a long way. This is what we hope." Miskton says, "I've interacted with the entity myself. And afterwards, it explicitly told me not to return." Aaoskar says, "I have never had it tell me that. If it told you that, perhaps you should honor its wishes." Windus says to you, "A fire-bearer? Fine, if you wouldn't mind me being a combat liability." You nod to Windus. Aaoskar asks, "As for the sacrifice itself, it is likely that it helps it in someway, else why does it beg for them?" Ayliana asks, "I would be trying to escape in its shoes. But a larger question. If it was put there by betrayal, has it ever said what it was betrayed BY?" Nefis says to Windus, "I'd expect you are in tune with forces that the moonmages are not. Others may be able to pick up changes, or variations undetected by those who are directly invovled." Cleyra says, "I've... already filled my prediction pools, as I understand it... My problem is I can't seem to make a prediction... so, ah... my knowledge is useless to me. If it helps this... thing feel better... Maybe I'll come along..." Agalea says, "Almost as if it were lost in the desert wanting some water." You nod to Agalea. Aaoskar says, "No it has not ever stated what betrayed it. Perhaps if tensions were eased, it would be less hostile and more likely to help...though at this time, this is not what we seek. we only seek to alleviate suffering." You say to Cleyra, "Even if you don't particpate I'm sure your insight will prove useful. Watchers may be able to see things that others who are offering their pools cannot." Cleyra gives a slight nod. Aaoskar says, "I will say one more thing about anyone who wishes to participate in drawing tyura circles." Eyst asks, "Curious... what was the experience of it taking from your prophetic pool like?" You shudder. Aaoskar says, "Learn to use them before hand and make sure you know Niloa limits how often she will bless you with this gift." Jycanth asks, "What exactly is a Tyura Circle?" You say to Eyst, "Something between demon possession, the depth of terror, and the greatest elation." Aaoskar says, "You can also only draw one circle per day, the process is demanding." Agalea says, "It really is just different colored salt." Aaoskar says, "A tyurca circle is an Elothean tradition." Jycanth nods. Cleyra asks, "I have some questions about this thing. Did it just say 'Betrayal' as one sentence? If so, maybe its the betrayer? Why is it trapped?" Aaoskar says, "It is a process where one becomes more in tune with who they are, but they also are a way to guide one for spiritual growth and improvement." Miskton says to Eyst, "The experience is difficult to put into words, but one might liken it to having something clawed out of your brain." Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly. You say to Cleyra, "It is a bit confusing. It does not speak it full sentences or full thoughts as we might." Hermina ponders. You say to Cleyra, "It does very clearly ask us for help, for freedom, however." Cleyra exclaims, "So do prisoners who killed people!" Aaoskar says, "But that freedom is not freedom as most understand it." You say to Cleyra, "And although it asks for freedom, no Moon Mage yet has provided freedom to this entity." You say to Cleyra, "Not freedom as we understand it, as Aaoskar said." Cleyra asks, "What does it look like? The thing its trapped in is translucent, right?" Aaoskar says, "It is almost as if it is asking for a return to its conceptual state." You ponder. Eyst says, "And that at just a small portion? Brave to want to go through it again. Maybe a mark in its favor that it didn't take advantage of what sounds like a position to take more than promised." You say, "I don't know that it looks like anything. It's a consciousness. Nothing corporeal that I can recall." Ayliana says, "I've vivisected enough zendics that I probably wouldn't be much help in a situation like this." Nefis nods. Nefis nods at Eyst, obviously agreeing with his views. Aaoskar says, "I do not think that this is a decision that anyone should make today. This is something a person should consider deeply. We are asking for much." You notice Miskton trying to remain hidden while speaking. You hear the voice of Miskton say, "It also leaves a small, but permanent gap in the memory." Agalea says, "It sounds like it could be fun." You say, "And we won't fault anyone for coming just to watch, or for cutting and running if things go sideways." Zalinyar asks, "A memory gap?" Windus says, "Tinkering with forces beyond our understanding that have the power to rend us all into pieces? Count me in." Aaoskar says, "It does take a splinter of our freedom." Windus flashes a quick grin. Aaoskar says, "Our prophetic pools that are wiped from our minds." Ayliana asks, "Are we certain that is the only freedom it took?" You ponder. You notice Miskton trying to remain hidden while speaking. You hear the voice of Miskton say, "Unfortunately, it's rather difficult to examine your own mind for damage." Jycanth chuckles. You say, "I haven't noticed anything else missing from my mind or person, but, yes. Difficult to say." Hermina ponders. Aaoskar says, "It is the only thing that I have noticed. But how can a person ever truly knows what happens to them at an unconscious level." Ayliana says, "The traders dealt with the Arbiter in much the same way and I've heard talk of spinal implants." You say, "I would think that Empaths would be able to tell if someone has an implant, as they can with Traders." Agalea says, "I would be willing to be that everyone has suffered some form of damage to their minds during their lives." You grin at Agalea. Aaoskar says, "I wish i knew more about the situation that runs in the Trader guild. I admit that my knowledge and understanding is mostly related to obscure knowledge within my own guild." You say to Agalea, "Is that your polite way to say that I'm brain damages." Windus asks, "Let me see if I understand ... you gain prediction pools by staring at the celestial bodies ... and that gives this entity "freedom"?" Nefis says to you, "Some things are able to hide, even from Empaths." You wink at Agalea. Miskton says, "I will say that other than what I described, I haven't noticed any other ill effects." Agalea exclaims to you, "Oh hun, you read my mind!" Agalea hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile. Miskton says, "I have definitely seen people killed by the process, however." Aaoskar says, "Yes, Windus." Ayliana says, "The reason I ask is, perhaps people who have already made the bargain should not do the offering." Ayliana says, "It could be seen as an extension of our existing bargain." Zalinyar says to Ayliana, "Ah, I was about to ask about that." Cleyra nods to Ayliana. You say to Windus, "The freedom it speaks of is our ability to freely alter our destinies through predictions." Agalea says, "Wouldn't it be better for those who have done the action before to do an act of penance for this being? I mean, it might show the sincerity of your actions." You nod to Agalea. Ayliana says, "Not that I think arming one's enemy is a good idea. But if you're going to go all out, might be worth taking the existing bargains into consideration." Aaoskar says, "In essence, giving it probability is giving it back some of its own essence." Windus says, "Perhaps the obelisk restrains its probabilistic nature into zero or one, and desires uncertainty as "freedom." You say to Agalea, "Those who have visited this entity before might wish to atone for their prior sin." Miskton says, "I suppose it's possible that the small touch of our individual connections to the Plane of Probability might be over time allowing the entity to make a connection back to the plane and escape its confinement. If it escapes in that direction, though, I suppose there might not be any harm done. But then, the seal might be damaged in the process." Aaoskar says, "I definitely want to make penance. I acted without considering the Entity's plight." Agalea says to you, "History has recently shown that the wronged never get the chance for justice." Windus says, "Sounds like the obelisk is its prison." You say, "And, speaking honestly, I know very few Moon Mages of sufficient skill who have ~not~ traded their pools for the spell." Aaoskar says, "I hope Tozu is as good as an artificer as we all think." Zalinyar says to Windus, "And if that is the case, there's usually a good reason why someone gets locked up." Ayliana says, "It's a regret I've always had, one of the few times in my life I should have listened to my mother." Hermina quietly says to Agalea, "I'm still hung up on the whole "permanent gap in the memory" thing. I have too many gaps aready." Hermina rubs her eyes. Windus says, "Maybe the entity accidentally casted swarm in town while defending against invaders, what a crime to be locked up for." Windus looks downright miserable. You rub Windus gently, trying to massage any sore muscles. Agalea says to Hermina, "Think of it this way, if you can learn more than you ever forget then you are doing fine." Aaoskar says, "I think it is imprisoned there, but whether that was intentional or by accident, we do not know." Dantia pats Windus on the back. Dantia chuckles at Agalea. Cleyra thoughtfully asks, "Is freedome knowledge, or the power to use it?" Aaoskar says, "Tozu and Mortom likely know, but they have not spoken on this subject much." Windus says to Agalea, "That's a great way to look at it." Hermina ponders. Nefis says to Aaoskar, "Have you considered why the thealstone was able to "patch" it? Any why this would have caused it to be stuck there to begin with? I am no geologist to know the arcane properties of rocks." Ayliana says to Aaoskar, "We know it was intentional, but not the purpose." Jycanth asks, "Would it be possible to consult them on the subject?" Ayliana says to Aaoskar, "The entity itself tells us that much." Windus asks, "Do we know any famous lunar mages, sorcerers, or entities that were betrayed?" You chuckle. Hermina says to Windus, "Except you can't remember what you forget, so you don't know if you're winning or losing." Agalea says, "I can name two off hand." You say, "Tezirah was. Depending on your point of view, I guess." Agalea nods to you. Windus cheerfully exclaims to Hermina, "Well then, no reason to worry about it then!" Aaoskar says, "It tells us that it is betrayed. We do not know if the actions that led to his imprisonment were intentional or simply perceived by him to be intentional." Hermina laughs! Hermina says, "Point there... I think..." Aaoskar says, "I know that if i ended up being imprisoned accidentally by something, i would see it as intentional as well." Agalea says, "And most of us would be a bit upset about being imprisoned." Windus asks, "Tezirah ... didn't she use another obelisk?" You nod. Ayliana says, "She was hung from it." Cleyra blinks at Ayliana. You say, "And she appeared at the obelisk on Taisgath as well." Windus asks, "How do we know it's not her in this one?" Aaoskar says, "That is a complicated question. She definitely used one under her guild, but whether she appeared on taisgath or whether it was a simulacrum has not been decided definitively." Windus says, "Well she sounds like an okay person, probably fine to free her." You say to Windus, "We don't know, and can't without more information." Windus asks, "Right?" You say to Windus, "The notion that it *might* be Tezirah is not sufficient reason in my mind to call this off." Aaoskar says, "As a moon mage, we deal with probability, i dont think it is probable that it is tezirah." Nefis says to Windus, "I don't think they are suggesting freeing anything." Aaoskar says, "Not at all. we are only suggesting easing suffering." You say, "And our offering is not likely to set it loose anyway." Nefis sarcastically says, "Let's not go outside, might get run over by a caravan." You grin at Nefis. Agalea grins at Nefis, her dimples flashing into view. Ayliana says, "They are talking about giving it peace. The only thing that would give me peace in a situation like that is a key to my prison." Windus asks you, "How do you know that?" Hermina asks, "If she's the only one who's ever been found in an obelisk, doesn't that make it probable that it IS her?" You say to Windus, "Hundreds of Moon Mages have offered up their prediction pools before now. I seriously doubt that a few more pools will set it loose." Zalinyar nods to Hermina. Agalea says, "It could be any number of things." Zalinyar says, "Maybe now it wants blood." Jycanth grins at Zalinyar. Windus asks, "Hm ... but probably only one at a time ... what about many at once, with those elothean circles?" You say to Zalinyar, "It takes blood already." Agalea asks, "Maybe it deserves its pound of flesh?" Jycanth nods at Zalinyar, obviously agreeing with her views. Agalea says, "I mean, if I was trapped like it is, I would want more than a pound." Agalea hums to herself. Cleyra nervously asks, "It wants a body?" Ayliana says, "I've done worse over far less." Windus asks, "Anyway, what's the worst thing that can happen?" Aaoskar says, "I am going to point out that Moon Mages are already doing this. We are only doing this by first undergoing purifying rituals and after asking the gods to guide us, and then we are giving the entity something that so many others have already given. We are just doing it without asking for anything. We are doing it to help its suffering." Eyst asks you, "That is, taking it directly? Not merely the process itself being harmful?" Aaoskar says, "If anything, we are taking more precautions than the countless that have already interacted with this Entity." Zalinyar says, "I'd let you sacrifce me to it, it it wants that." Jycanth chuckles. Ayliana says, "I'd still recommend Tezirah's Veil over Read the RIpples if the guild would let me. Less suicidal bargain." You say to Eyst, "Sometimes, when a Mage listens to it, the entity commands the mage's body to tear itself apart." You say to Eyst, "And the mage dutifully complies." Eyst says, "Ah." Agalea says, "I would be more than happy to help in anyway that I can. I doubt that you want me making salt circles. But if worse comes to worse, I can try to protect empaths." Aaoskar says, "Hopefully it does not come to that Zalinyar. But unfortunately it could. But I am glad you are willing to try to help." Agalea says, "No promises on how well I do." Dantia smiles at Agalea. Nefis asks Ayliana, "Isn't manipulating the fates in such a way exactly what angers these entities? Would that not be worse?" Agalea grins, revealing her dimples. Nefis snickers. Windus says, "Hey I want to be sacrificed to some unknown other-worldly entity too." Nefis gazes at Windus. Agalea asks Windus, "You haven't yet?" Windus begins pouting. Agalea exclaims, "I thought everyone does that!" Agalea grins, revealing her dimples. Zalinyar says, "There ya go, two willing sacrificees." Windus says, "No ...." Aaoskar grins at Agalea. Nefis deftly removes the silver knife from his raekhlo. Nefis runs his finger over the serrated hills and valleys of the blade on his knife, grinning with a wicked sneer. Zalinyar grins at Windus, her dimples flashing into view. Dantia glances at Nefis. Dantia chuckles. You say, "Well! This is all sounding wonderful." You smile. Cleyra squints at you. Nefis hangs his silver knife from his raekhlo. It rattles against the quartz-inlaid athame hanging from his raekhlo, and he adjusts them. Dantia says to Aaoskar, "I do not pretend to understand the ways of a Moon Mage, this entity, or the Plane of Probability itself, but I will be there to heal should things turn harmful." Dantia nods to you. Nefis nods to Agalea. You say, "But please, everyone think on it. This is a big decision and nothing to be rushed into." Aaoskar says, "Thank you Dantia. Your help is greatly appreciated. The work of empaths is truly needed in this world." Cleyra asks, "Could... could someone go over the purification thing again?" Windus asks, "So is there like ... a spare thealstone seal somewhere, just in case this one breaks? Y'know, a backup?" Agalea says to you, "Oh this sounds fun. I don't need to think about it. Anything that I can do to help." Dantia chuckles. You hug Agalea. A faint scent of lotus blossoms clings to her skin. Zalinyar says to Dantia, "I'll help with keeping the mana enhanced and protection, if I am able." Dantia curtsies. Dantia smiles at Zalinyar. Aaoskar says, "We will be using Tyura circles, which are an Elothean tradition that is said to help one acquire spiritual betterment. I can take you to Niloa who can also help answer some questions." Windus rubs a rock with his thumb and his face takes on a look of intense concentration. Windus drops a rock. Hermina gnaws on her lip. Windus says, "That's about all I could do ... make glowy rocks." Agalea grins at Dantia, her dimples flashing into view. Cleyra asks, "Oh, the salt things. Hm. No special bathing or flogging your back in a temple or anything like that?" Dantia grins at Agalea. Agalea laughs! Windus says, "Flagellate is the term, I believe." Cleyra says, "No, I wouldn't do that in public." Dantia clears her throat. You snicker. Windus says, "Heck I'm down to try anything once." Aaoskar says, "Just a prayer to the immortals and the salts." Cleyra asks, "Should I eat salty things from now on just in case?" Dantia laughs! Cleyra says, "I don't really understand why salt..." Aaoskar says, "We will be wrapping everything up now. I know people have other places to be. I will stay around though for a few moments just in case." Zalinyar nods to Aaoskar. Agalea says, "Its the ritual behind the salt circles." Agalea says, "Its what makes them work." Windus says, "Doesn't salt ward off evil spirits in some cultures or something." Miskton marks a page and closes his astronomer's journal, securing the clasp. Agalea says, "It hasn't gotten rid of me yet." Agalea shrugs. Cleyra says, "Maybe the circles should be made with crushed thealstones..." Zalinyar grins at Agalea, her dimples flashing into view. Cleyra gives Agalea a most suspicious look. Cleyra edges away from Agalea. Hermina says, "Maybe you're not evil." Hermina gazes at Agalea. Miskton says to Aaoskar, "I'll be staying away, especially having been warned off by the entity itself, but I wish you luck." Dantia gasps at Hermina! Eyst says, "Or just not evil enough." Agalea gasps! Agalea exclaims, "You are right!" Aaoskar says, "Thank you Miskton. I am sorry to hear that, but perhaps it is best." Hermina nods. You say to Miskton, "Perhaps you can watch through someone else's Shadewatch Mirror or something." You nod. Zalinyar says, "I should get going, I have a long trip." Aaoskar waves to Zalinyar. Aaoskar says, "Thank you all for coming." Windus nods to Zalinyar. Zalinyar waves to Aaoskar. Jycanth waves to Zalinyar. Aaoskar waves to Zalinyar. Aaoskar waves to Miskton. Ayliana sighs. Images of streaking stars falling from the heavens flash across your vision as you quickly form the patterns of the Moongate spell. Windus says, "Maybe we should bring a box with a potentially unknown living or dead cat inside it." Nefis joins Agalea's group. Zalinyar says, "Thanks for the information, and the opportunity to try to be helpful." You laugh at Windus! Windus asks, "Think that'll ease its suffering a little?" Aaoskar laughs at Windus. Flamedancer Zalinyar limps northwest. You gesture. A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment. When it subsides, a twilight-blue Moongate surrounded by starbursts of glittery light stands before you, rippling slightly. Agalea says to Windus, "No killing cats." Aaoskar says, "Thank you again, Zalinyar." You point at a twilight-blue Moongate surrounded by starbursts of glittery light. Agalea squints at Windus. You say, "Crossing bank through here." Miskton snaps his fingers once and looks sheepish. You notice Teko peering through the other side of the twilight-blue Moongate. Dantia stretches her arms. Miskton says, "Take care, all." Miskton nods politely. You wave. Aaoskar says, "Take care." Tiakim gives a measured bow, deepening it ever so slightly to display additional respect. Nefis says to Windus, "Thats not a bad idea...miners often take canarys into deep caves with them." Vision Sage Miskton strolls northwest. Hermina just hugged Dantia. Jycanth says, "I think I'll head south for some research." Nefis says, "To tell when the air turns bad." Cleyra waves. Dantia smiles at Hermina. Jycanth smiles. Jycanth waves. Windus says, "Or we can bring lucky coins, or gambler's dice." Aaoskar says, "Thank you Jycanth." Agalea says to you, "But yes, it does sound like it will be fun." Aaoskar waves to Jycanth. Agalea smiles at you, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. You grin at Agalea. Dantia hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile. You release your mental hold on the lunar energy that sustains your moongate. A twilight-blue Moongate surrounded by starbursts of glittery light collapses in on itself. Eyst says, "Well, with a concrete plan laid out I look forward to seeing what happens." Aaoskar gestures. A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment. When it subsides, a lurid blue Moongate with oddly mottled edges stands before you, rippling slightly. Hermina peers through the blue Moongate. Windus says, "Well I'm bringing it ... can't hurt." Aaoskar says, "Thank you Eyst. Hope you are there." Windus waves. Eyst nods. Wanderer Windus went through a lurid blue Moongate with oddly mottled edges. Eyst says, "I will be, good night to you all." You smile. Ayliana says, "In the history of bad ideas I've heard, it ranks at number three. I just wish it could happen somewhere I could open a shadewatch mirror." Researcher Eyst plods northwest. Agalea says, "If it weren't for bad ideas, my life would be horridly boring." Agalea shrugs. Cleyra asks, "We could set up lots of mirrors, so the outside mirror can see inside the cave?" You say, "Bad ideas lead to some really, really good stories." Agalea says, "Oh I almost forgot." Cleyra asks, "One magic mirror, and lots of big normal mirrors?" Agalea says to Hermina, "This is Nefis, someone that I have worked with in the past." Nefis gazes at Hermina. Agalea says to Nefis, "This is Hermina." Hermina says, "Hi Nefis." Nefis bobs a brief, respectful bow towards Hermina. Nefis says to Hermina, "Hello, a pleasure." Agalea says, "Back when I still did the temple's work, I was her teacher." Agalea says, "Not that I was very good at it, but I attempted it." Hermina begins pouting. Nefis asks, "And she still consorts with you?" Hermina says, "I thought you still WERE my teacher." Cleyra says to Aaoskar, "I need to get home, but I have questions later, maybe..." Cleyra waves. Cleyra nods politely to you. Tail Chaser Cleyra went through a lurid blue Moongate with oddly mottled edges. Agalea asks Hermina, "Well lesss of an official teacher now and more of a friend who offers information?" Aaoskar says, "I must be going." Nefis says to Hermina, "I suppose that's true...a change of perspective doesnt mean any less to teach." Sweeping the zenganne cloak quickly around himself, Aaoskar begins to spin rapidly until becoming nothing more than a thin spindle of dust that traverses the area several times before being swept away in blustering gust. You say, "Hm, he's gone, but his moongate is still here." Hermina says to Nefis, "And it takes a looong time for me to learn anything." Agalea says to you, "He does tend to disappear quickly..." You say to Agalea, "He's like a vapor." Nefis says to Hermina, "Then the lessons should be succinct and to the point." The Dwarf says, "'Ware the Y'Shai!" Agalea says to Nefis, "No one would help her with her tasks within the Fortress. I found it fun that it came from me and it was pleasing to be back there." The Dwarf stubs his toe, spending the next few moments hopping up and down yelling loudly. You ask, "Alright, I must be going, too. Anyone care for one last gate to the bank?" Nefis chuckles at Agalea. Hermina says, "See, there's the problem! She has such difficulty getting to the point." The Dwarf shakes his fist at the sky and howls in despair. Agalea laughs! Atazai closes her eyes and fades swiftly into the shadows. Hermina giggles. Hermina peers through the twilight-blue Moongate. You wave. You say, "Thank you all for coming." Agalea waves to you. Nefis says to Agalea, "The Church might be hard-pressed to find any as versed in the goings-on inside Maelshyve's fortress." You say, "I greatly appreciate it." Nefis nods to you. Nefis says to you, "Thank you for the information. I look forward to the experiment." As you cross the Moongate's threshold you are drawn through to the other side... |