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Knife's Edge (3)

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The Knife's Edge
Event Guildfest 412, Guildfest 416
# of Rooms 3
Store Type Clothing shops, Miscellaneous shops, Necromancer shops
Restrictions Necromancer
This store only accepts Kronars

The location of this shop is secret and should not be listed.

[The Knife's Edge, Front Room]
Crafted from burnished cedar, this small room has a just-built smell to it, and the plain boards making up the walls look as if they were freshly nailed. Four standing braziers light the room, one placed in each corner and lit with a pale orange glow. Crafted more for function than appearance, a narrow door leads into another area, while an alcove off to the side is blocked off by a simple white curtain. You also see a cedarwood knife stand with several things on it, a long counter with several things on it and an open archway. Obvious exits: none.

a cedarwood knife stand
Item Price Done
knife 625   !!
blackened iron knife with an elk horn handle 3,125   !!
small oravir knife 11,250   !!
basalt-handled knife sporting a sharply curved blade 1,250   !!
damite ritual knife with a sinuous double-edged blade 4,012,500   !!
slender icesteel knife with a silk-wrapped hilt 1,612,500   !!
niniam knife imbedded with fossilized shark's teeth along the crossguard 3,225,000   !!
A small note (on the stand) reads: "These knives are designed to be worn on the upper arm and will work for performing rituals."
a long counter
Item Price Done
small knife 1,250   !!
wickedly sharp ritual knife crafted from steel and bronze 2,500   !!
simple steel knife 1,875   !!
pitted iron knife with claw marks across the blade 1,000   !!
crude ritual knife with a jagged obsidian blade 1,000   !!
knife with a keenly honed gut hook blade 2,500   !!
burnished survival knife 2,500   !!
A small note (on the counter) reads: "These knives are designed to be worn on the thigh and will work for performing rituals."

Through the Door:

[The Knife's Edge, Back Room]
Set up with deliberate care, this storage area is carefully lined from wall to wall in lush red carpeting. Several paintings cover the walls, each of them depicting a very abstract and random pattern of brushstrokes. Gaethzen orbs decorate the ceiling in short rows, providing plenty of light, and a small door leads back to the front room. You also see a fine marble table with some stuff on it and a rosewood counter with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: none.

a fine marble table
Item Price Done
ritual knife incised with spidery symbols 3,125   !!
scrimshawed whale bone knife with a driftwood handle 625   !!
small knife 1,250   !!
slender knife dangling a rabbit's paw from the leather-wrapped hilt 2,500   !!
antiqued silver knife 1,875   
small knife with a rose-carved crystalline handle 3,750   !!
gleaming golden knife covered with complex geometric symbols from hilt to tip 3,750   !!
A small note (on the table) reads: "These knives are designed to be worn strapped to one wrist and will work for performing rituals."

a rosewood counter
Item Price Done
golden-hued leather satchel embossed with a repeating pattern of pufferfish 25,000   !!
rough-spun stammel backpack reinforced with leather 6,250   !!
supple leather tool bag branded with a hammer and shovel 6,250   !!
sturdy gabardine book bag fettered by bronze mouse-shaped toggles 12,500   !!
large octagonal container crafted from lacquered reeds 3,750   !!
mottled oilcloth sack tied with ruddy sinew 2,500   !!
sapphire-strewn wrist pouch shaped to resemble a raindrop 12,500   !!
These containers have special messaging for OPEN and CLOSE verbs (needs verification for redlinks)

Through the Curtain

[The Knife's Edge, Alcove]
Cramped and with barely enough room for shoppers to move, this small alcove is packed full of boxes and crates. Wares are spread out underneath a single lantern, which flickers in the windowless alcove. A half-unrolled red carpet lines the floor, looking like it was accidentally placed, stopping just before a plain white curtain. You also see a polished silverwillow table with some stuff on it and a flamewood wardrobe.
Obvious exits: none.

a silverwillow table
Item Price Done
elegantly slender knife hilted with a single fae-carved absinthe emerald 750,000   !!
small steel knife 1,500   !!
bejeweled platinum knife with elaborate gold-filled etchings along the blade 50,000   !!
blued steel knife with a grip-carved ironwood hilt 3,187   !!
viciously barbed ritual knife hilted in age-darkened bone 6,250   !!
polished copper knife with an enameled fish handle 1,875   !!
knife with a khor'vela handle displaying tiny vertebral inclusions within the wood 1,250   !!
A small note reads: "These knives are designed to be worn strapped to one ankle and will work for performing rituals."
a flamewood wardrobe
Item Price Done
voluminous leather robe hemmed with a fringe of silver bird skulls 12,500   !!
plain haircloth robe 1,000   !!
resplendent silvery moonsilk robe with trailing floor-length sleeves 112,500   !!
steel grey armure robe banded with knife-patterned black brocade 150,000   !!
flowing slik robe dyed the color of fresh heart's blood 25,000   !!
black leather chirurgeon's robe fastened down one side by onyx buttons 62,500   !!
plain brown monk's robe with a high collar 2,500   !!
simple linen robe with belled sleeves 2,250   !!
These robes hide worn items