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Kethrai/Logs/20250321 Discussion With Unaka

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Event Name: Discussion with Unaka
Event Instance: Prime
Real Date: 2025-03-21
Game Date of Event: 22 Lirisa 452
Point of View: Kethrai
Vision from the event...

A golden glow erupts from Unaka's halo, and your vision is overtaken by a blinding flash! When the haze dissipates, you find yourself surrounded by blue so vast and bright that it sears your eyes. You blink and realize you are looking at an endless ocean meeting a perfect blue sky. Suddenly, you plunge into it, the initial shock of cold giving way to a feeling of buoyancy, your view now one of sun-soaked dolphins swimming peacefully beneath the surface. A voice enters your mind, as if embracing you from all around. "I sense your thirst for understanding. Persist. Search ardently, experiment, and you may draw My gaze."

[Silvery Pool, Waterfall]
Cool tendrils of water slip down the rough surface of the mammoth stone outcropping, cascading to the rock's base with a sibilant whisper. Water dances and leaps jubilantly beneath the waterfall, before rippling away in great waves, to finally die away and lie still at the pool's farthest reaches. Along the banks, tall vilt reeds provide privacy for modest swimmers.You also see a ghostly white banner.
Also here: Aerilia, a calmed Unaka, a calmed Gragnel, a calmed Zalinyar and a calmed Vaddon.
Obvious paths: northwest.

Valta Varna Mistanna just arrived.

Bluntmaster Medikaus just arrived.

Miskton just arrived.

Ezathiel just arrived.

Zalinyar gestures, and a strong warm breeze swirls around her.

Gypsy Amabalis just arrived.

Vythlak just arrived.

Gragnel bows to Vaddon.

You get a fluffy ochre cotton towel embroidered with the image of Andreshlew from inside your rose-colored haversack.

Ectheleon just arrived.

Kilenti just arrived.

Miskton vigorously rubs his body below the waist with a fluffy oversized towel embroidered with variegated moon-phases along the hem, drying himself off as much as possible.

Zalinyar gestures, and a strong warm breeze swirls around Vaddon.

Crypt Guardian Relay just arrived.

Miskton squeezes a damp oversized towel, wringing out the last few drops of water.

Fearless Crobin just arrived, leading his group.

Miskton squeezes a damp oversized towel, wringing out the last few drops of water.

Rienth just arrived.

You vigorously rub your feet with a fluffy ochre cotton towel embroidered with the image of Andreshlew, drying off as much water as possible.

Miskton wrings a fluffy oversized towel, knotting it into a ball.

Soul Surgeon Zynell just arrived.

You squeeze a damp cotton towel, wringing out the last few drops of water.

You wring a fluffy cotton towel, knotting it into a ball.

You wring a fluffy cotton towel, knotting it into a ball.

Zynell joins Gragnel's group.

Vythlak begins to listen to Crobin teach the Perception skill.

Katamba slowly rises above the horizon.

You put your towel in your rose-colored haversack.

Legendary Cleric Mazilyn just arrived.

Mazilyn joins Gragnel's group.

Leayne begins to listen to Zynell teach the Holy Magic skill.

(Aerilia pats herself down with her towel.)

Miskton glances up at the sky.

After a few moments he lowers his gaze.

Gragnel's feet are dripping with water. Pools of it are forming all around him.

Vythlak says to Gragnel, "A good omen - Katamba just rose."

Ezathiel's body below the waist is dripping with water. Pools of it are forming all around him.

Water sheets off of Vythlak's copper zills.

Gragnel says, "Alright, folks, I'm not responsible for any drycleaning bills. Your wardrobe is your responsibility."

Water sheets off of Vaddon's copper zills.

Vythlak glances up at the sky.

After a few moments he lowers his gaze.

Leayne glances up at the sky.

(Kethrai manages to go from 'soaked' to 'damp' but that's about it. He still looks a bit like a drowned rat.)

Ezathiel studies his diamond-hide almanac closely.

Mistanna stares at the sky for a few long moments.

She breathes deeply of the air and faces the wind.

Aerilia chuckles at Gragnel.

Unaka extends her hand toward a ghostly white banner and concentrates.

Vaddon gazes down at his hands.

Ectheleon says, "Keep the breeze up and we should be fine."

Water sheets off of Amabalis's silver zills.

With a slight tremor in her voice, Amabalis reprises the last few words of the chorus of her infectious tune, drawing out the final note of each phrase and letting it gradually fade.

[General][Mistanna] "There's rain on the way."

Vaddon quietly says to Zalinyar, "Prunes."

Leayne grins at Ectheleon, her dimples flashing into view.

Crobin slides a pair of copper zills off his finger.

Zalinyar pats Vaddon on the back.

Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu just arrived, leading his group.

Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu shuffles northwest, leading his group.

Crobin shakes his copper zills!

Darkly gleaming motes of sanguine light swirl briefly about Ezathiel's fingertips as he gestures while uttering an incantation.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Blood Staunching spell.

Vythlak roots around the area for a moment.

Vythlak forages around the area for a while until he finds a mahogany stick.

Crobin slides a pair of copper zills onto his finger.

Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Ectheleon smiles at Leayne.

Zalinyar quietly says to Vaddon, "I got you dry as quick as I could hun."

Vythlak drops a mahogany stick.

Mistanna hums to herself.

Gragnel exclaims, "So Unaka had said some here had mailed her, so if that's you, listen up!"

Vythlak roots around the area for a moment.

Vythlak forages around the area for a while until he finds a bocote stick.

Crobin snuggles up to Leayne and cradles her in his arms.

Gragnel gestures at Unaka.

Ezathiel gestures.

Ezathiel's sturdy belt emits a loud *snap*.

Unaka nods.

You say, "An anlas of brushing never hurt anyone I guess."

Gragnel's feet are dripping water everywhere.

Darkly gleaming motes of sanguine light swirl briefly about Ezathiel's fingertips as he gestures while uttering an incantation.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Heal spell.

Vaddon gazes at his fingernails.

Zynell gestures.

Vythlak points his silver drake at a bocote stick and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the stick quickly catch fire.

Ezathiel's body below the waist is dripping water everywhere.

Unaka says, "Zynell first, I think."

The burning bocote stick glows brighter until it begins to burn steadily.

Water drips from Vythlak's copper zills.

Unaka gestures.

She twiddles her fingers at the white banner.

The white banner bobs and shudders for a moment.

Zynell nods to Unaka.

Crobin says, "Except the carpal tunnel."

Crobin nods to you.

A burning bocote stick flutters slightly.

Vythlak drops a bocote stick.

Ezathiel gestures.

Ezathiel's sturdy belt emits a loud *snap*.

Ezathiel's skin flushes slightly.

Darkly gleaming motes of sanguine light swirl briefly about Ezathiel's fingertips as he gestures while uttering an incantation.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Flush Poisons spell.

Vythlak points his silver drake at a bocote stick and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the stick quickly catch fire.

The burning bocote stick glows brighter until it begins to burn steadily.

Unaka says, "Zynell, I hear your concerns and will be meditating on what you asked."

Aerilia quietly says to you, "There are some days I miss my cantrips. Air would've been nice to have for today."

Leayne squeezes a wet twilight-hued towel, wringing out a stream of water.

Zynell says, "Many thanks."

Vythlak picks up a mahogany stick.

A burning bocote stick flutters slightly.

Leayne squeezes a damp twilight-hued towel, wringing out the last few drops of water.

Ezathiel gestures.

Ezathiel's sturdy belt emits a loud *snap*.

Ezathiel breaks out into a sweat.

Leayne squeezes a damp twilight-hued towel, wringing out the last few drops of water.

Darkly gleaming motes of sanguine light swirl briefly about Ezathiel's fingertips as he gestures while uttering an incantation.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Cure Disease spell.

You nod at Aerilia, in complete agreement with her views.

Leayne blinks.

Amabalis continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

Ezathiel gestures.

Ezathiel's sturdy belt emits a loud *snap*.

Ezathiel looks a bit dizzy for a moment.

Darkly gleaming motes of sanguine light swirl briefly about Ezathiel's fingertips as he gestures while uttering an incantation.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Gift of Life spell.

Gragnel's feet are soaked.

Ezathiel's body below the waist is soaked.

Unaka says, "And Kethrai, I got yours, but it's long and there's a lot to think about."

Ezathiel gestures.

Ezathiel's sturdy belt emits a loud *snap*.

You giggle.

Darkly gleaming motes of sanguine light swirl briefly about Ezathiel's fingertips as he gestures while uttering an incantation.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Tranquility spell.

A burning bocote stick sputters suddenly and then goes out.

Unaka asks, "Do you want to start with talking about one particular part?"

Leayne smiles at you, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

You say, "Yeah, sorry about that."

Gragnel says, "Long letter? From Kethrai? Wow."

Sensitive Leilanie just arrived.

Gragnel smirks.

Ezathiel places his hands on his temples.

Ezathiel's sturdy belt emits a loud *snap*.

Ezathiel's countenance takes on a sublimely tranquil air.

Please rephrase that command.

Leayne giggles at Gragnel.

Miskton glances up at the sky.

After a few moments he lowers his gaze.

Mistanna appears to be trying hard not to grin.

You say to Gragnel, "Well now you don't get one."

Gragnel begins pouting.

Vythlak drops a mahogany stick.

You ponder.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Vythlak roots around the area for a moment.

Vythlak forages around the area for a while until he finds a redwood stick.

The field of silver-blue light dissipates from around Unaka.

Vythlak points his silver drake at a mahogany stick and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the stick quickly catch fire.

The burning stick glows brighter until it begins to burn steadily.

Amabalis's voice takes on an almost lyrical quality as she launches into the chorus of Faenella's Grace, each word flowing to the next with a seamless ease.

Aerilia assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Gauge Flow spell.

You say to Unaka, "Um. Maybe the first question related to the Immortals would be the one they're best equipped to answer."

A burning stick flutters slightly.

Unaka fixes you with a heavy, ponderous stare.

Gragnel roots around the area for a moment.

You say, "The nature of how they've been limited."

Gragnel roots around the area for a moment.

Gragnel forages around the area for a while until he finds an ebony branch.

Unaka asks, "Mind saying it for everyone?"

Vythlak roots around the area for a moment.

Aerilia gestures.

Aerilia's silver anklet emits a loud *snap*.

Aerilia's silver armband emits a loud *snap*.

Aerilia says, "Ah."

Gragnel puts his branch on a small fire.

Vythlak roots around the area for a moment.

Vythlak forages around the area for a while until he finds a fir stick.

Aerilia nods to you.

Gragnel roots around the area for a moment.

Zynell grins at Ectheleon.

Gragnel roots around the area for a moment.

Gragnel forages around the area for a while until he finds a larch branch.

Vythlak puts his stick on a small fire.

Gragnel puts his branch on a small fire.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Gragnel roots around the area for a moment.

Gragnel forages around the area for a while until he finds a willow branch.

Gragnel puts his branch on a large fire.

With a slight tremor in her voice, Amabalis reprises the last few words of the chorus of her infectious tune, drawing out the final note of each phrase and letting it gradually fade.

You say, "Um, more clearly for everyone -- when the Immortals came here, the Heralds did something to limit them. It seemed to be related to their use of sorcery. I hope to understand that more."

Gragnel gives a slight nod.

Unaka nods to you.

You say, "How were they limited, what would they do if those limits weren't there..."

Leayne roots around the area for a moment.

Leayne forages around the area for a while until she finds a balsa branch.

Unaka says, "This is the kind of question that I can try to meditate on, if everybody wants. To search for an answer among my visions from Truffenyi."

Leilanie nods to Amabalis.

Leayne puts her branch on a large fire.

Amabalis stops listening to Vaddon.

Zynell nods in agreement.

Leilanie begins to lecture Amabalis on the proper use of the Brawling skill.

Amabalis begins to listen to Leilanie teach the Brawling skill.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Leayne studies her scholar's tome closely.

Amabalis beams at Leilanie!

Unaka says, "From my own understanding, I don't exactly know, at least I'm not sure."

A large fire flutters slightly.

Zalinyar nods to Unaka.

Vythlak takes a seat.

Miskton stops listening to Vaddon.

Miskton begins to listen to Zynell teach the Holy Magic skill.

Vythlak strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Unaka says, "Truffenyi definitely is our Father and would continue to work to protect and love us, even if whatever limit was removed."

Leayne glances up at the sky.

Amabalis continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

Unaka asks you, "Why do you think there's a limit, exactly?"

Aerilia glances up at the sky.

After a few moments she lowers her gaze.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Leayne roots around the area for a moment.

Leayne forages around the area for a while until she finds a fir branch.

Leayne puts her branch on a large fire.

Crobin smiles at Leayne.

Crobin exhales softly on his sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

Vythlak stands up.

Vythlak goes northwest.

You say, "It was definitely a sense we got several times from Elanthia's visions. But Truffenyi gave a vision that seemed to say something similar. Throwing the drink in their faces, and then being turned into something the size of a mouse..."

Crobin stops teaching.

Vythlak just arrived.

Crobin snuggles up to Leayne and cradles her in his arms.

Unaka nods to you.

Aerilia nods to you.

Zynell nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Vythlak puffs on his sungrown cigar.

Leayne snuggles up to Crobin and cradles him in her arms.

Unaka says, "Yeah. In truth, I have the same sense, just wondered how much of it got through to you all."

Amabalis picks up the pace of her chant, letting each measure roll after the other with a simple grace excelled only by the precision at which she performs it.

Unaka says, "Interesting that Elanthia would say that too."

Crobin says, "I will just ponder magic over here."

Zynell says, "Also the tree vision of the saplings then larger trees."

You nod.

Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Gragnel pats Crobin on the back.

Aerilia nods to Zynell.

Gragnel begins to listen to Zynell teach the Holy Magic skill.

You say, "We Life casters got maybe a more detailed sense of it..."

Vythlak's sungrown cigar glows faintly as it burns down.

Leayne points her tin viper at a sungrown cigar and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the cigar quickly catch fire.

Crobin studies his slim almanac closely.

Water drips from Vaddon's copper zills.

Leayne takes a long drag off of a burning sungrown cigar.

Wisps of smoke glide from Leayne's mouth, intertwining to form a pristine figure of an unicorn, which bows its head, then snorts and stamps its forelegs.

Unaka says to Zynell, "Which one was that exactly? There's been so many."

Gragnel nods to Unaka.

Water drips from Amabalis's silver zills.

Zynell says, "I forget the specifics of it but it implied that the immortals were regaining strength. it was during the meraud vigil i think."

A pristine smoke figure of an unicorn fades away into the breeze.

Lazy curls of smoke drift off of Leayne's sungrown cigar.

Leayne takes a long drag off of a burning sungrown cigar.

Wisps of smoke glide from Leayne's mouth, intertwining to form a pristine figure of an unicorn, which bows its head, then snorts and stamps its forelegs.

Unaka nods.

You say, "A sense that when the Immortals came here, they used sorcery despite the negative effect it had on the Heralds, and in response they restricted them in some way... But a way that the Immortals didn't notice, at first? I think."

Ectheleon nods.

Unaka says, "Maybe."

Amabalis's voice takes on an almost lyrical quality as she launches into the chorus of Faenella's Grace, each word flowing to the next with a seamless ease.

A pristine smoke figure of an unicorn fades away into the breeze.

Leayne takes a long drag off of a burning sungrown cigar.

Wisps of smoke glide from Leayne's mouth, intertwining to form a pristine figure of an unicorn, which bows its head, then snorts and stamps its forelegs.

Aerilia ponders.

Unaka says, "And... there was that vision of the wolf lying down, maybe from fatigue."

Crobin nods.

You nod to Unaka.

Unaka nods to you.

Leayne nods to Unaka.

A pristine smoke figure of an unicorn fades away into the breeze.

Vythlak puffs on his sungrown cigar.

Lazy curls of smoke drift off of Vythlak's sungrown cigar.

Leayne takes a long drag off of a burning sungrown cigar.

Wisps of smoke glide from Leayne's mouth, intertwining to form a pristine figure of an unicorn, which bows its head, then snorts and stamps its forelegs.

Mistanna waves.

Mistanna salutes before turning and wandering off to find some rest.

Crobin holds an indurium phoenix with eyes of canary diamond in his hand and closes his eyes in concentration.

A wild fervor flashes in Crobin's eyes.

Crobin gazes intently into his sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

Unaka says, "That would make a lot of sense. If the Heralds really don't like sorcery, they wouuld probably strike out against gods who do use it."

A pristine smoke figure of an unicorn fades away into the breeze.

Gragnel nods.

Gragnel says, "That tracks in my mind."

Amabalis continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

Ezathiel studies his diamond-hide almanac closely.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Gragnel roots around the area for a moment.

Gragnel forages around the area for a while until he finds a mahogany branch.

You say, "I also got the sense from those visions that the Immortals weren't even aware of the harm they were causing. It seemed more... miscommunication, than conflict, at least at first."

Gragnel puts his branch on a large fire.

Leayne casually flicks some ashes off the end of her sungrown cigar.

Vythlak asks, "So some gods are not using sorcery then?"

Unaka nods to you.

Ectheleon says, "That seems an interesting thought, Kethrai."

Vythlak nods at Ectheleon, obviously agreeing with his views.

Leayne ponders.

Unaka says to Vythlak, "Don't know for sure, but I think all the Immortals support sorcery. The Heralds really hate it."

The vibrant blue nimbus fades from around Kilenti.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Crobin says, "One can support the use of sorcery wihtout using it."

Crobin says, "Trust me."

Gragnel says, "The Immortals have said, "Sorcery is the way."

You feel the Embrace of the Vela'Tohr spell fade away.

Gragnel lightly touches his panther pin as he says a quick prayer.

Vythlak nods to Unaka.

Zynell says to Vythlak, "The immortals are all against using necromancy."

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

A light haze of smoke wafts off Leayne's sungrown cigar.

Zynell shrugs.

With a slight tremor in her voice, Amabalis reprises the last few words of the chorus of her infectious tune, drawing out the final note of each phrase and letting it gradually fade.

Aerilia nods to Gragnel.

Ectheleon says, "Early meetings turn to miscommunications turns to friction which finds it's way to conflict."

Unaka says to you, "Seemed to me from your letter like you really wish they could talk and work it all out."

Vythlak says, "In the sense of support it, but not all may use it."

Leayne stops listening to Zynell.

You say, "Enelne has also joined the Immortals in this, which might mean the Great Pack all support it."

Unaka nods to you.

Crobin begins to lecture Leayne on the proper use of the Perception skill.

Leayne begins to listen to Crobin teach the Perception skill.

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

A large fire flutters slightly.

You say, "No real sense of where the Triquetra stand... I am hoping to ask that, actually."

Lazy curls of smoke drift off of Vythlak's sungrown cigar.

Leayne nods to you.

Unaka nods to you.

You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.

Leayne calmly extends one hand as a silvery-blue beam of light descends from the sky to fill her upturned palm with radiance.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Iron Constitution spell.

Leilanie smiles at you.

Crobin nods to you.

Crobin says, "Good question for them."

Leayne gestures.

Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.

A liquid, dusky light cascades down Leayne's body like thick honey before thinning out.

A tiny spider lowers itself on a silken thread from Medikaus's shoulder and then skitters out of sight beneath his cloak.

Amabalis continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

Unaka asks, "There was a group of Prydaens who did pray, did you talk with them?"

Lazy curls of smoke drift off of Leayne's sungrown cigar.

You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.

Leayne calmly extends one hand as a silvery-blue beam of light descends from the sky to fill her upturned palm with radiance.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Tranquility spell.

Ectheleon stops listening to Zynell.

Ectheleon begins to listen to Leilanie teach the Brawling skill.

You nod to Unaka.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Leayne places her hands on her temples.

Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.

Leayne's countenance takes on a sublimely tranquil air.

Unaka nods.

Leayne roots around the area for a moment.

Leayne forages around the area for a while until she finds an alder branch.

Leayne puts her branch on a large fire.

You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.

Leayne calmly extends one hand as a silvery-blue beam of light descends from the sky to fill her upturned palm with radiance.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Heal spell.

Ezathiel softly says to Gragnel, "I am sorry but I need to leave. Thank you for the opportunity to contribute."

Crobin holds a blue glass bottle with a crackled interior in his hand and closes his eyes in concentration.

Zynell says, "It would be worth another ask, given our newer informations."

Unaka says to you, "Well, I will try to be there with you in support, if I can make it. Not sure if I can but I'll try."

Ezathiel places his hands on his thighs and bows deeply at the waist towards Gragnel, holding the position for a moment before returning upright.

Leayne waves to Ezathiel.

Zynell nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

You say, "It was... a while ago, before the conflict came into real focus. I'm hoping we'll get more direct answers to more direct questions."

Ezathiel waves.

Kilenti waves to Ezathiel.

Unaka nods to you.

Leayne gestures.

Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.

Leayne's skin flushes slightly.

Ezathiel strolls northwest.

Tiny puffs of smoke rise from Leayne's sungrown cigar as it burns.

You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.

Leayne calmly extends one hand as a silvery-blue beam of light descends from the sky to fill her upturned palm with radiance.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Gift of Life spell.

Unaka asks, "What are the direct questions? Your questions about the Heralds as caretakers?"

A large fire flutters slightly.

Amabalis's voice takes on an almost lyrical quality as she launches into the chorus of Faenella's Grace, each word flowing to the next with a seamless ease.

You shake your head.

Aerilia assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Heal spell.

Leayne casually flicks some ashes off the end of her sungrown cigar.

Gragnel roots around the area for a moment.

Gragnel forages around the area for a while until he finds a fir branch.

Leayne gestures.

Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.

Gragnel puts his branch on a large fire.

You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.

Leayne calmly extends one hand as a silvery-blue beam of light descends from the sky to fill her upturned palm with radiance.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Mental Focus spell.

Aerilia gestures.

Aerilia's silver armband emits a loud *snap*.

Aerilia's skin flushes slightly.

Aerilia assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Awaken spell.

Crobin nibbles on Leayne affectionately.

A light haze of smoke wafts off Vythlak's sungrown cigar.

Leayne chews on Crobin's shoulder and follows it up with a kiss on his cheek.

Leayne gestures.

Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.

A light haze of smoke wafts off Leayne's sungrown cigar.

Aerilia gestures.

Aerilia's silver armband emits a loud *snap*.

A soft crackle briefly comes from Aerilia's direction.

You ask, "No, for the Triquetra I'd want us to just ask more simply... where they stand? Do we use sorcery, do we eschew it? Do they want us supporting the Immortals in this fight?"

Aerilia assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Awaken spell.

Unaka nods to you.

You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.

Leayne calmly extends one hand as a silvery-blue beam of light descends from the sky to fill her upturned palm with radiance.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Vigor spell.

Aerilia holds a silver armband inlayed with cambrinth in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.

Aerilia gestures.

Aerilia's silver armband emits a loud *snap*.

A soft crackle briefly comes from Aerilia's direction.

Tiny puffs of smoke rise from Vythlak's sungrown cigar as it burns.

A light haze of smoke wafts off Leayne's sungrown cigar.

Leayne gestures.

Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.

Leayne closes her eyes and settles into a graceful stance.

Leayne smiles at you, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Aerilia assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Awaken spell.

You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.

Leayne calmly extends one hand as a silvery-blue beam of light descends from the sky to fill her upturned palm with radiance.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Aggressive Stance spell.

Crobin taps a curving bloodwood branch that he is holding.

With a slight tremor in her voice, Amabalis reprises the last few words of the chorus of her infectious tune, drawing out the final note of each phrase and letting it gradually fade.

Unaka asks, "I'm curious, where would you stand depending on the different answers?"

Aerilia gestures.

Aerilia's silver armband emits a loud *snap*.

Leayne gestures.

Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.

You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.

Leayne calmly extends one hand as a silvery-blue beam of light descends from the sky to fill her upturned palm with radiance.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Aesandry Darlaeth spell.

Zynell says, "Next to Damaris."

A large fire flutters slightly.

Unaka nods to Zynell.

Leayne gestures.

Leayne suddenly seems more graceful and deliberate in her movement.

A light haze of smoke wafts off Vythlak's sungrown cigar.

Unaka says, "We know where Damaris stands at least."

Zalinyar nods to Zynell.

Unaka grins at Zynell.

Zynell grins mischievously.

You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.

Leayne calmly extends one hand as a silvery-blue beam of light descends from the sky to fill her upturned palm with radiance.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Perseverance of Peri'el spell.

Vythlak takes a long drag off of a burning sungrown cigar.

Vythlak puffs out a few little balls of smoke. The scent of Sungrown follows the image.

Leayne sweeps her unicorn through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.

Gragnel adjusts his leather longcoat into place.

Leayne's unicorn steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!

Tiny puffs of smoke rise from Vythlak's sungrown cigar as it burns.

Leayne's unicorn fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.

Gragnel idly picks at a black leather longcoat decorated in homage to Damaris.

Some little balls of smoke fades away into the breeze.

You say, "They're a third party who so far doesn't seem to be involved in the fight. So, I'd take what they have to say with some seriousness, less likely to be biased one way or another."

Amabalis continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

Unaka nods to you.

Mazilyn strides off, muttering prayers under her breath.

Leayne gestures.

Leayne takes a deep breath, looking serene and determined.

Vythlak asks you, "But why would they not have a role in this, or what would make them different?"

You say, "But I don't suppose I can come to any real answers until I hear theirs."

Mazilyn arrives, her eyes on the sky above.

You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.

Leayne calmly extends one hand as a silvery-blue beam of light descends from the sky to fill her upturned palm with radiance.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Mental Focus spell.

Tiny puffs of smoke rise from Vythlak's sungrown cigar as it burns.

Leayne gestures at Crobin.

Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.

Crobin studies his slim almanac closely.

Zynell asks, "When will you be asking them?"

A large fire flutters slightly.

You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.

Leayne calmly extends one hand as a silvery-blue beam of light descends from the sky to fill her upturned palm with radiance.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Vigor spell.

A light haze of smoke wafts off Vythlak's sungrown cigar.

Leayne nods to you.

Amabalis picks up the pace of her chant, letting each measure roll after the other with a simple grace excelled only by the precision at which she performs it.

Leayne gestures at Crobin.

Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.

Crobin closes his eyes and settles into a graceful stance.

You say, "Well, what I mean is... This seems to be a fight between the Heralds and the Thirteen, at least on the surface. At least so far, it doesn't seem like the Triquetra are being directly threatened by either."

You say, "Aside from the possible effects on the Prydaen people."

You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.

Leayne calmly extends one hand as a silvery-blue beam of light descends from the sky to fill her upturned palm with radiance.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Refresh spell.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Gragnel roots around the area for a moment.

Gragnel forages around the area for a while until he finds a cypress branch.

Leayne gestures at Crobin.

Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.

Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around Crobin.

Gragnel puts his branch on a large fire.

You say to Zynell, "I've asked to put a meeting on the provincial calendar, it'll be in five andaen."

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Zynell nods.

Unaka nods to you.

You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.

Leayne calmly extends one hand as a silvery-blue beam of light descends from the sky to fill her upturned palm with radiance.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Awaken spell.

Unaka says, "Well, good questions to ask."

Amabalis's voice takes on an almost lyrical quality as she launches into the chorus of Faenella's Grace, each word flowing to the next with a seamless ease.

Leayne gestures.

Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.

Miskton glances up at the sky.

After a few moments he lowers his gaze.

Zynell says, "The clerics will do their best to support your quest."

You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.

Leayne calmly extends one hand as a silvery-blue beam of light descends from the sky to fill her upturned palm with radiance.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Aesandry Darlaeth spell.

Zynell nods to you.

Ectheleon nods in agreement.

Gragnel says, "I'll be honest, I'm ignorant on the faith and practices of the Prydaen people. I'm interested in attending for sure."

Vythlak nods to you.

Gragnel nods to you.

You say, "To some extent, it's... mmh."

A large fire flutters slightly.

Mazilyn nods emphatically.

Tiny puffs of smoke rise from Vythlak's sungrown cigar as it burns.

You say, "Many Prydaen are culturally against sorcery."

Ectheleon says to you, "I would love to learn as well."

Leayne gestures.

Leayne suddenly seems more graceful and deliberate in her movement.

Unaka nods to you.

Crobin nods to you.

You say, "But that's because of our experience with necromancy, and not... making much of a distinction between them."

Leilanie says, "With good reason."

Crobin says, "I use to be myself."

Aerilia nods to you.

Vythlak's sungrown cigar glows faintly as it burns down.

The sky becomes completely overcast.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Amabalis continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

Unaka says, "I wonder if we will need to keep up with sorcery forever, or if we can let it fall off at some point."

Mazilyn taps some mismatched haralun hand claws set with symbols of blue gold-inlaid kadepa that she is wearing.

You say, "I'm not sure if we've ever heard directly from Eu-Demrris-Tenemlor what they think about sorcery that isn't necromancy."

Leayne's sungrown cigar goes out and crumbles away.

Mazilyn beams at you! What a warm feeling!

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Zynell shakes her head.

Leayne ponders.

Unaka nods to you.

Vythlak's sungrown cigar goes out and crumbles away.

Leayne leans back against Crobin with a loving smile.

Unaka says, "Well, now seems to be a time that the gods are speaking, so you might as well ask."

Leayne roots around the area for a moment.

Leayne forages around the area for a while until she finds an elm branch.

Ectheleon asks Unaka, "That's a thought, what if current conceptions of sorcery weren't what they were and may not be what they will be?"

You nod at Unaka, in complete agreement with her views.

Unaka says, "You heard Eluned."

Leayne puts her branch on a large fire.

You say, "Precisely my thought."

A large fire flutters slightly.

Unaka nods to Ectheleon.

Kilenti bows her head and chants catechisms.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Gauge Flow spell.

Zynell nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Kilenti gestures.

Vythlak softly says, "I think we have ourselves a quest to undertake."

With a slight tremor in her voice, Amabalis reprises the last few words of the chorus of her infectious tune, drawing out the final note of each phrase and letting it gradually fade.

Vythlak strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Unaka says, "Yeah. It doesn't help that some of the sorceries have different names either."

Leilanie smiles.

Unaka rubs her head.

Amabalis lazily waves her hand about as she quietly hums a catchy tune.

You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Gauge Flow spell.

Miskton glances up at the sky.

After a few moments he lowers his gaze.

Miskton gazes skyward and traces the planetary alignments in the air.

You decipher the telltale signs of the Piercing Gaze spell.

Miskton gestures.

Unaka asks, "Has anyone made any plans about the Null Prison?"

Miskton glances up at the sky.

After a few moments he lowers his gaze.

Aerilia ponders.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Vythlak glances up at the sky.

Zynell says, "Avrenka."

Amabalis gestures.

Miskton scratches distractedly at his beard.

Aerilia says, "Avrenka's holding an experiment soon in Arhat's Tower."

Gragnel says, "Yeah, I'm not the only one who heard a voice speak. Am I? It said to continue. Persist. Search. Experiment."

Aerilia nods.

You nod to Gragnel.

You say to Gragnel, "That's what I heard too."

Unaka nods.

Vythlak nods to Gragnel.

Zynell nods to Gragnel.

Gragnel says, "Okay, didn't know if it was one of my crazy Cleric moments or not."

Vaddon nods.

Gragnel says, "I have those from time to time."

Ectheleon grins at Gragnel.

Gragnel gazes up at the sky.

Gragnel's shoulders bow as if under some great burden.

Unaka smiles at Ectheleon.

Gragnel rolls his eyes heavenward and mumbles, "Why me?!"

Crobin says to Gragnel, "You are crazy."

Amabalis continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

Leayne studies her scholar's tome closely.

Unaka nods to Ectheleon.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Gragnel says to Crobin, "This is a fact."

You say, "I think Saragos is also working on the Null Prison idea, he was here earlier but seems to have left."

Aerilia closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Vythlak offers a prayer to Eluned for safe journeys.

Zynell says, "We also have the beseeching of elanthia coming up."

Unaka says, "Well, experimenting is good. I still have the sense that it can be opened again. My feeling is that the way is through the Immortals, but who knows, might be another way."

You nod to Zynell.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Leilanie rubs her head.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Vythlak nods at Leilanie, obviously agreeing with her views.

Amabalis's voice takes on an almost lyrical quality as she launches into the chorus of Faenella's Grace, each word flowing to the next with a seamless ease.

Zynell says, "We are also still working on the Asildu assistance program."

Aerilia says, "Based off of what happened last time.. I don't think we'll be prying it open without divine assistance."

Zynell nods to Unaka.

[General][Dierik] "Union Locksmith on duty at Drue's Pond for the next 30 roi."

Gragnel says, "If there is a way with the Immortals grace, that's the way for me. Anything else is untrustworthy at best."

You ask Unaka, "I think you said earlier that it would require strength from them to do it, and might leave them weakened afterward... Is that still true?"

Ectheleon bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.

Gragnel folds his arms across his chest.

Vythlak says to Zynell, "Maybe after we get through each of the Thirteen we do a big confab for all immortals together."

Leayne smiles at Zynell, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Leilanie gives Vythlak a half-hearted grin.

Zynell grins at Vythlak.

[General][Ezathiel] "Thank you Dierik"

A large fire flutters slightly.

Unaka says to you, "I don't know for certain. I do get the sense that what we mortals do affects them, but who knows how right I am."

Leayne takes a sip of her wine.

Crobin says, "I can only waggle my fingers so much."

Gragnel stands near Leayne.

Gragnel leans on Leayne.

Vythlak says to Unaka, "It seems like it must, else why the earlier recorded intervention of the Heralds...."

You say, "That seems certain, at least. Your halo sure responds to what we do."

Gragnel stretches out a hand imploringly to Leayne.

Zalinyar grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

With a slight tremor in her voice, Amabalis reprises the last few words of the chorus of her infectious tune, drawing out the final note of each phrase and letting it gradually fade.

Leayne smiles at Gragnel, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Leayne giggles at Crobin.

You notice Vythlak attempting to conceal his spell preparations.

Vythlak bows his head and chants catechisms.

You decipher the telltale signs of the Glythtide's Gift spell.

Leayne waggles her fingers mystically at Crobin. How nice.

Crobin flails his arms about.

Gragnel asks Leayne, "Got any more where that came from?"

Crobin nibbles on Leayne affectionately.

Mazilyn sighs and says a soft prayer to herself.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Unaka says, "If I had to guess, I'd say that maybe the idea is to empower them in the right way, direct them the right way, and they can use that power to open the Prison? But I don't know."

Vythlak says to Gragnel, "Glythtide's got you covered."

Vythlak raises his hand in an imaginary toast.

You hear a distant but hearty chuckle as a tall glass of Ishra's Pale appears in Vythlak's right hand!

Unaka says, "If it does weaken them, probably shouldn't open it too many times."

Leayne moves a glass of red wine to her left hand.

Leayne moves a glass of Ain Ghazal red wine to her right hand.

(Gragnel looks hopefully at Leayne's glass of wine.)

Vythlak offers Gragnel a tall glass of Ishra's Pale.

You nod to Unaka.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Gragnel declines Vythlak's offer.

Gragnel stands near Leayne.

Vythlak moves a tall glass of Ishra's Pale to his left hand.

Vythlak moves some deep red wine to his right hand.

Zynell says, "So no lefts."

Zynell nods to Unaka.

Vythlak taps some deep red wine that he is holding.

Leayne offers Gragnel a glass of Ain Ghazal red wine.

Gragnel accepts Leayne's Ain Ghazal red wine.

Gragnel sniffs at a glass of Ain Ghazal red wine.

Gragnel beams!

Gragnel takes a sip of his wine.

Leayne smiles at Gragnel, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Vythlak takes a sip of his Pale.

Leayne takes a sip of her wine.

Crobin gives Damoone a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Crobin studies his slim almanac closely.

Zalinyar grins at Zynell, her dimples flashing into view.

Unaka says, "But then again, opening it could weaken the Heralds too, if those prisoners are helping them somehow."

Gragnel says, "Ahhh, Ain Ghazal. Nice."

Unaka shrugs.

Leayne smiles at Damoone, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Gragnel praises Leayne.

Gragnel takes a sip of his wine.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Leayne giggles at Gragnel.

Amabalis continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

Miskton glances up at the sky.

After a few moments he lowers his gaze.

You say, "And that might mean they can't break everyone out of the prison. So they'll need to come up with a way to figure out who they should prioritize."

Unaka says, "Lot of unknowns, though. Don't treat my word as the final one."

Aerilia says, "Maybe something like what we did to open Knife Clan's encasement. Lots of sorcery to fuel them, and let the gods pry open the door again."

Leayne rests her hand on Damoone's arm with a soft smile.

Aerilia ponders.

Unaka nods to you.

Leilanie knits her eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown.

Gragnel takes a sip of his wine.

Gragnel licks his lips.

Gragnel lets out a long sigh of relief.

Crobin says, "Do like a good prison break."

A large fire flutters slightly.

Zynell says to Aerilia, "That seems to be sortof the plan."

Leayne laughs at Crobin.

You say, "So, one thought that I've had about that..."

Gragnel says to Leayne, "That. Was. Perfect. Thank you."

Aerilia nods to Zynell.

Zalinyar chuckles at Crobin.

Leayne nods to Gragnel.

You say, "Since we brought up Sraan Mehath earlier..."

Amabalis picks up the pace of her chant, letting each measure roll after the other with a simple grace excelled only by the precision at which she performs it.

Leayne takes a sip of her wine.

Aerilia asks Zynell, "Getting it open is only half of it, though. What do we do about the countless people inside?"

Crobin says, "I know little about magic...but when it comes to prison's...I find ways in and out of them."

You ask, "What if they weren't destroyed, or killed? What if they were all imprisoned?"

Aerilia nods to you.

Leilanie smiles at Crobin.

Zalinyar says, "Grab n drag. just like durin an invasion."

Zalinyar nods to Aerilia.

Leayne smiles at Zalinyar, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Zynell says to Aerilia, "That is a decidedly not anyone planning the break in's problem."

Unaka fixes you with a heavy, ponderous stare.

Crobin ponders.

Zynell grins mischievously at Aerilia.

Aerilia chuckles.

You say to Zalinyar, "There were... thousands in there. Tens of thousands. More, maybe."

Unaka slowly says, "Could be."

Leayne gasps!

Aerilia says to you, "It does seem to be their favored method of punishment."

Aerilia ponders.

Zalinyar nods to you.

Amabalis's voice takes on an almost lyrical quality as she launches into the chorus of Faenella's Grace, each word flowing to the next with a seamless ease.

Zalinyar says to you, "I saw them in chains."

Crobin asks, "Unaka?"

You nod to Zalinyar.

Unaka says, "Or maybe they have a reason to kill some and imprison others."

Unaka shrugs.

Unaka nods to Crobin.

Crobin asks Unaka, "Is there a warden in this prison?"

Leayne giggles at Crobin.

Aerilia says, "I had an idea, based on the vision of Hodierna's Unicorn and the vela'tohr plant. It was large, and spread out to reach everyone on a battlefield.."

Unaka says, "Uh... I didn't exactly go looking around in there myself."

Zynell giggles at Unaka.

You say, "If there was a warden, we haven't run into them."

Unaka says, "But could be. Lots of prisons have wardens."

Aerilia asks you, "Maybe if we made our own thicket, Hodierna could empower it to reach into the prison and grab the prisoners?"

Amabalis continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

You ponder the meaning of Aerilia's existence.

Unaka says, "I'd be prepared to dodge one just in case, if it were me."

Crobin says to Unaka, "Take out the Warden the prison becomes easier to work through."

Unaka says, "I doubt you'll have time. Or if you do, you trade it for prisoners you could be saving."

You say, "Or if not grab them... Sense them, empower them, give them something to follow back out of the maze."

Gragnel says to Crobin, "You're starting to sound like one of those Grey Raven folk."

Gragnel glances at Crobin.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Gragnel looks at Crobin and recoils.

Aerilia nods to you.

Crobin says, "One good snatch and grab for a key if there is one and then all locks become much easier to open."

Gragnel roots around the area for a moment.

Gragnel forages around the area for a while until he finds a rosewood branch.

Gragnel puts his branch on a large fire.

Zalinyar grins at Gragnel, her dimples flashing into view.

With a slight tremor in her voice, Amabalis reprises the last few words of the chorus of her infectious tune, drawing out the final note of each phrase and letting it gradually fade.

Miskton nods politely.

Miskton strolls northwest.

Aerilia says to you, "I recall Dantia saying that it was her empasthic senses that the Immortals latched onto to pull her out."

A large fire flutters slightly.

You nod to Aerilia.

Aerilia says, "So.. maybe empathy can reach back in, too."

Gragnel ponders.

You say, "Maybe... Though I'd still be worried that we might be releasing some people from prison who are in there for important reasons."

Unaka shrugs.

Ryeka just arrived.

Ryeka smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Zynell grins at Ryeka.

Aerilia says, "I don't think we'll have the time to be selective about who we bring out."

Ryeka grins at Zynell, her dimples flashing into view.

Gragnel says, "Empathy is outside of my realm of skill, I'm just gonna have to stick to praying and preaching."

Tendrils of ethereal blue light suddenly enwreathe Ryeka, fading from view as they race in a swirling pattern down her body, disappearing into the ground.

You say, "One person being falsely imprisoned doesn't mean we should set the mass murderers loose."

Gragnel chuckles.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Amabalis continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

Ryeka begins to listen to Crobin teach the Perception skill.

Zalinyar says to you, "Good point."

Aerilia asks you, "But does anything warrant an eternity in a timeless prison? Anything a mortal can do?"

Light rain begins to fall from the sky.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Zynell says, "We have several things imprisoned on this realm...."

Zynell says, "For good reasons."

Rienth says in Ilithic, "I don't know that we can assume they're all mortals."

Rienth coughs.

Amabalis's voice takes on an almost lyrical quality as she launches into the chorus of Faenella's Grace, each word flowing to the next with a seamless ease.

Crobin angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Rienth.

You shake your head at Rienth.

You say to Rienth, "No, we can't."

Crobin brushes the surface of his bone amulet and begins to reel! He clutches his head in pain!

Rienth nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Rienth says, "That's exactly what I mean."

A large fire flutters slightly.

Unaka says, "Truffenyi isn't the god of justice. He is one of mercy and forgiveness. But even he I think would protect his children from those who are evil and do not repent."

Rienth says, "This isn't exactly the Crossing jail we're talking about."

Ryeka nods to Unaka.

Crobin says, "Yes."

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Crobin says, "It is much bigger."

Zynell says, "That also assumes they are his children which are imprisoned."

Crobin says, "Much more exciting to break into."

Gragnel nods to Unaka.

Zynell giggles.

You say, "So, the theory Saragos is working with, about the Heralds..."

Unaka nods to Zynell.

Mazilyn says, "They could be! or could choose to be."

Mazilyn beams!

Crobin studies his slim almanac closely.

With a slight tremor in her voice, Amabalis reprises the last few words of the chorus of her infectious tune, drawing out the final note of each phrase and letting it gradually fade.

Zynell nods to Mazilyn.

Fingers of spectral flame flicker down Ryeka's forearms to swirl over her clenched fists for a brief moment.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Gragnel pats Mazilyn on the back.

You say, "He thinks they're less like gardeners, and more like farmers. Planting a crop, and then coming back to harvest it someday."

Kilenti just left.

Gragnel says to Mazilyn, "I'm loving your love for the Ox."

You say, "That is to say -- we, mortals, are the crop."

Gragnel grins at Mazilyn.

Unaka nods to you.

Aerilia ponders.

The white banner fades out of sight.

Ryeka smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

You feel the Perseverance of Peri'el pattern diminish and fade away.

Mazilyn beams at Gragnel!

Unaka says, "Might explain why they were caretakers for so long."

Ryeka roots around the area for a moment.

Ryeka forages around the area for a while until she finds a pine stick.

The gentle rain patters down on the surface of Vaddon's copper zills.

Ryeka sprinkles some holy water on a pine stick.

You notice Ryeka attempting to conceal her spell preparations.

Ryeka bows her head and chants a prayer.

You decipher the telltale signs of the Bless spell.

Ryeka gestures at a pine stick.

A brilliant silver glow surrounds a pine stick for a few moments, and is slowly absorbed.

You ask, "If he's right about that... I also wonder if that Null Prison might be better thought of as their... grain silo?"

A wisp of spectral fire sweeps about Ryeka briefly.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Ryeka draws forth an ivory-hilted knife.

The gentle rain patters down on the surface of Amabalis's silver zills.

Unaka shudders.

Ryeka begins to hack away at a pine stick with her knife.

Unaka says, "Not a nice thought."

Ryeka frowns.

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Amabalis continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

Gragnel winces.

You shake your head at Unaka.

Ryeka nods in agreement.

With fluid strokes, Ryeka strikes her pine stick with an ivory-hilted knife, carving away with fanciful abandon.

Crobin says, "Not nice, but could be accurate."

Crobin nibbles on Leayne affectionately.

Ryeka continues to whittle away at a pine stick with her knife, rounding out a large knob toward the end.

Unaka says, "But I dunno, it seems like what they really care about is mana, not mortals."

Ryeka carefully carves out the knob on a pine stick with her knife.

You nod to Unaka.

Gragnel says, "They want food, not friends."

A large fire flutters slightly.

Ryeka makes a final cut in her pine stick, causing the bulk of it to fall to the ground, leaving her holding a rough pine block.

Leayne studies her scholar's tome closely.

Crobin ponders.

Gragnel gazes up at the sky.

Unaka says, "Obviously the mana storms and horrible effects aren't great for us."

Ryeka sheathes her ivory-hilted knife.

Crobin holds an indurium phoenix with eyes of canary diamond in his hand and closes his eyes in concentration.

A wild fervor flashes in Crobin's eyes.

Leayne nods to Unaka.

You say, "True. And even during the pure magic gathering, when we felt them seeming to take a gulp... It didn't involve anybody getting one of those plugs in their neck."

Crobin asks, "Is there a way to make a sorcery storm?"

Amabalis picks up the pace of her chant, letting each measure roll after the other with a simple grace excelled only by the precision at which she performs it.

Unaka says, "But I don't know if it's us they're harvesting, exactly. Maybe some kidna mana harvest."

Water drips from Vythlak's copper zills.

Leayne ponders.

Aerilia nods.

Ryeka masterfully begins shaping her pine block.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Ectheleon ponders.

Ryeka masterfully runs her shaper over the surface of her pine block.

Unaka asks Crobin, "Lotta casting, maybe. And I heard that Liraxes is making something?"

You say to Crobin, "Yeah, with enough mixed mana. Saragos and company managed that during one of our experiments."

Water is quickly puddling on the ground nearby, but two spots in the shape of feet or shoes remain strangely dry.

With heavy strokes, Ryeka adeptly scrapes and scratches at her pine block with a brass wood shaper.

Ryeka nods to Unaka.

Gragnel nods to you.

Ectheleon says, "I must apologize but I'm about ready for a nap. Thank you again for everyone's time and I hope you all the best."

Leayne stops listening to Crobin.

Ripples of gleaming cerulean light exude from the orb hovering near Ryeka causing her skin to take on the texture and color of a babbling brook.

Ectheleon sweeps a lumium sallet off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing at the same time.

Ectheleon hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Ectheleon with a warm smile.

Leayne begins to listen to Zynell teach the Holy Magic skill.

Unaka nods to Ectheleon.

Ectheleon hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Ectheleon with a warm smile.

Ryeka says, "I saw that machine- and checked on it."

Crobin says, "Hmm sorcery storms and find a way to send them towards the Heralds."

Aerilia says, "I think it was Asildu that mentioned the Heralds' previous world was destroyed, and blamed on sorcery. Maybe that was a 'crop' that went bad."

Ectheleon hugs Leilanie, getting a smile in return.

Ryeka ponders.

Crobin hugs Ectheleon, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Ectheleon hugs Zynell, getting a smile in return.

Gragnel asks you, "That was the one weaving the lattice of aether, yes?"

Leayne hugs Ectheleon, who wraps his arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Ectheleon waves to Amabalis.

Zynell says, "There is the magic storm in shard."

The gentle rain patters down on the surface of Vythlak's copper zills.

Ryeka smiles with satisfaction as she continues to adeptly buff and shape her pine block.

You nod to Gragnel.

Amabalis waves to Ectheleon.

Unaka nods to Aerilia.

Ectheleon goes northwest.

You notice a rough pine block taking shape in the form of a dolphin as Ryeka continues to carve at its surface adeptly with a brass wood shaper.

A large fire flutters slightly.

You say to Zynell, "But that's purely Elemental, not sorcerous."

The glowing aura fades from around Ryeka.

Amabalis's voice takes on an almost lyrical quality as she launches into the chorus of Faenella's Grace, each word flowing to the next with a seamless ease.

Pursing her lips in concentration, Ryeka continues to shape the surface of her pine block skillfully.

You say to Aerilia, "That's also a thought."

Ryeka focuses skillfully on bringing out the details in her pine block.

You innately sense that fate has smiled on you, and the world seems just a bit brighter than it did before.

[You have received a role-playing award! Type RPA HELP to review how to use it.]

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Crobin says, "Alright all."

Ryeka beams with pride as she places the last finishing touches on her rendition of a dolphin, completing a pine dolphin bead.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Aerilia says, "Wish we could learn more about that, but I doubt the Immortals or Elanthia would have any idea about other worlds."

Vaddon smiles.

Leayne stops listening to Zynell.

Crobin says, "All this talking of casting and such is making the head hurt."

Crobin hugs Zynell, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Gragnel laughs!

Crobin hugs you, and you wrap your arms around him with a warm smile.

Ryeka grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Zalinyar grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Crobin shakes Gragnel's hand.

Medikaus grins.

Zalinyar waggles her fingers mystically at Crobin. How nice.

You ask, "Although, when we talk about a previous world... Does it mean a different Plane? Or a different planet on Abiding?"

Leilanie smiles at Crobin.

Crobin hugs Zalinyar, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Leayne hugs Zynell, getting a smile in return.

Unaka nods to Crobin.

Crobin shakes Vaddon's hand.

Gragnel says to Crobin, "It's been 0 days since your last bath."

Unaka says to Crobin, "Goggles. Next time."

Unaka nods to Crobin.

Gragnel nods to Crobin.

Aerilia looks at you and shrugs.

Leayne hugs Zalinyar, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Zynell says to you, "We could try adding magic to it, i do not know if anyone has bothered with that yet? if we need to solve a couple problems at once."

Crobin nods to Unaka.

Amabalis continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

Leayne hugs Aerilia, getting a smile in return.

Crobin says, "Will look for some."

Crobin hugs Aerilia, getting a smile in return.

Aerilia says to you, "Good question. I have no idea how all of that works."

Leayne just hugged Amabalis.

Aerilia hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Aerilia with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Mazilyn, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Unaka nods to you.

Leayne hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile.

Aerilia hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Aerilia with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Leilanie, getting a smile in return.

Ryeka holds a pine dolphin bead high into the air for all to see.

Crobin hugs Zynell, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Unaka says, "Lots we don't know. Good day for Eluned, if you ask me."

Leilanie hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Leilanie with a warm smile.

Crobin says, "You all be good."

Mazilyn hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Mazilyn with a warm smile.

Gragnel grins at Ryeka.

Crobin says, "Or good at it."

Mazilyn hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Mazilyn with a warm smile.

Leayne hugs Leilanie, getting a smile in return.

Ryeka grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Zynell hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Zynell with a warm smile.

Crobin says, "And if you need someone to run into a prison to break things out."

Ryeka nods to Unaka.

Zynell hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Zynell with a warm smile.

You nod at Unaka, in complete agreement with her views.

Crobin says, "I am the guy for you."

A large fire flutters slightly.

Leayne hugs Gragnel, getting a smile in return.

Leilanie hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Leilanie with a warm smile.

Crobin shakes Unaka's hand.

Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Leayne hugs Unaka, getting a smile in return.

Ryeka smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Leayne waves.

Gragnel says, "Was a very good day for Eluned. The perfect spot, and a wonderful crowd."

Crobin waves to Ryeka.

Ryeka offers Unaka a pine dolphin bead.

Zalinyar nods to Gragnel.

Unaka hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Unaka with a warm smile.

Crobin says, "Here we go hun."

Zalinyar hugs Gragnel, getting a smile in return.

Unaka accepts Ryeka's dolphin bead.

You say, "Some visions have shown the Heralds associated with what looks like a portal in the sky to a foreign field of stars..."

Leayne softly says, "Be well."

Ryeka smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Fearless Crobin saunters northwest, leading his group.

Unaka says, "Thanks."

Gragnel nods to you.

Aerilia nods to you.

Ryeka exclaims, "My pleasure!"

Zalinyar says, "Good to see everyone and hear the ideas."

Gragnel says to you, "Yeah, the unfamiliar stars. I remember that."

Unaka glances up at the sky.

With a slight tremor in her voice, Amabalis reprises the last few words of the chorus of her infectious tune, drawing out the final note of each phrase and letting it gradually fade.

You say, "Which makes me think it's a place on Abiding, just unimaginably far away."

Unaka says, "Hmm, can't see them now."

A large fire flutters slightly.

Vaddon glances up at the sky.

Ryeka glances up at the sky.

Amabalis glances up at the sky.

Zalinyar glances up at the sky.

Various tones and shades of blue wash over the cerulean orb floating near Ryeka, illuminating the surroundings in the full scale of rich, oceanic hues.

You say, "We saw some similar things in the Involuted Passage..."

Vythlak just left.

Aerilia says, "Hopefully Liraxes can soon restore them from wherever they've been hidden or stolen."

Unaka nods to you.

Aerilia glances up at the sky.

You say, "Crobin even tried to go through one. Unsuccessfully."

A large fire flutters slightly.

Unaka chuckles.

You say, "Seemed to be more like windows than doors."

Unaka says, "Sounds like him."

Gragnel says to you, "That tracks for him."

Aerilia smiles quickly.

Amabalis continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

Amabalis nods to Leilanie.

Leilanie clasps Amabalis's hand tenderly.

Leilanie bobs down and back up in a quick curtsy.

Gragnel waves to Leilanie.

Sensitive Leilanie walks northwest, leading her group.

Unaka asks you, "Well, do you at least feel any better than you did the other day?"

A large fire flutters slightly.

          • You just received 1 PIRP point. Way to go! *****

Type RPA to get more information on the PIRP system.

You say to Unaka, "No less confused, but... better for having expressed it, I guess."

Unaka nods to you.

Water drips from Vaddon's copper zills.

Unaka says, "Yeah, I get that."

Ryeka shivers suddenly, seeming less secure.

Zynell nods.

You say to Unaka, "And thank you for listening, it helps."

Ryeka smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Unaka says, "You want that clarity, and it's hard for you to head into battle without it."

Unaka nods to you.

Gragnel says, "Aptly put."

Gragnel nods to Unaka.

Ryeka roots around the area for a moment.

Ryeka forages around the area for a while until she finds a redwood stick.

Zalinyar nods.

Zalinyar says, "Indeed."

Unaka nods to Zynell.

Ryeka puts her stick on a large fire.

You say, "Hard enough even when I know what's going on."

Zynell bows to Unaka.

Ryeka chuckles.

Unaka nods to you.

Aerilia nods.

The gentle rain patters down on the surface of Vaddon's copper zills.

Mazilyn says, "I never know whats going on."

Mazilyn beams!

Ryeka chuckles.

Gragnel chuckles.

The brilliant silver glow dissipates from Ryeka.

Gragnel pats Mazilyn on the back.

Unaka says, "Well, glad I could help at least a little. I'll keep trying."

Mazilyn beams at Unaka!

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Zalinyar praises Unaka.

You brush one ear with your hand, grooming it absentmindedly.

An unfortunate divagation brings a moth into perilous contact with Medikaus's spidersilk cloak. With a sudden flurry of activity, an orange spider emerges from the folds of the cloak and binds the moth in a mucilaginous shroud of silk.

A large fire flutters slightly.

You say, "Hope that doesn't sound too much like cowardice."

Gragnel says, "I see this as a test of faith, if I allow myself to be bullied then I may as well allow it for the rest of my life. Mama Durbin told her son to always stand up to bullies. And, I'm that son."

Gragnel just traced a circle around his face.

Aerilia asks Unaka, "Thanks for doing it. No more head wounds from parsing visions lately?"

Unaka says to you in Prydaenese, "May the Prydaen gods look on you with their wisdom. But also know that Truffenyi sees your people as his children too."

You trill softly at Unaka.

Unaka says to Aerilia, "None lately. There are some that are more difficult than others."

Vaddon studies the faces around him.

Aerilia nods.

Ryeka nods.

A sudden swell of mana washes through you, setting your nerves atingle.

Gragnel roots around the area for a moment.

Gragnel forages around the area for a while until he finds an ebony branch.

You grimace.

A large fire flutters slightly.

Unaka says, "These seem to come naturally with these gatherings. Deeper questions, not as much? Depends."

Gragnel puts his branch on a large fire.

Unaka says, "Anyway, I should get going. Good to see the faith remaining strong."

You bow to Unaka.

Ryeka exclaims, "Rest well!"

Aerilia says, "Good night. Take care."

Gragnel says to Unaka, "We try to choose a location and create an environment for the Immortals to hopefully recieve our praise as best they can."

Zynell says, "Reminder, next week is our Damaris Grove Gathering for his followers, a few days after that we have Huldah."

Unaka nods to Gragnel.

Unaka exclaims, "It seems to be working!"

Gragnel beams at Unaka!

Ryeka nods to Zynell.

Zalinyar nods to Zynell.

Unaka nods to Zynell.

Ryeka gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

You say to Unaka, "Be safe and be well."

Unaka waves.

Aerilia waves to Unaka.

Zynell waves.

Unaka says, "Goodbye."

Zalinyar waves.

Vaddon waves.

Truffenyi's Prophet Unaka strides northwest.