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Item talk:Stable elemental cube of water

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From page... "The functions are three water-themed abilities, designed around state (solid, liquid, vapor) and elemental magic.

The first is a pure offensive ability: you can shoot a giant ice spike at what you're facing in combat. Short cooldown, uses your highest offensive combat skill to contest. Can be parried, blocked, or dodged. Teaches Polearms in PVE."

Is "uses your highest offensive combat skill in combat" confirmed? It teaches Polearms in PVE (confirmed) so I'm wondering if it doesn't use Polearm skill in contest.

Confirmed: Zadraes: It uses your highest skill for all calcs as Lyneya shared. The weird behind-the-scenes thing with polearms is that the template we used for the 'attack' is a halberd, so when it hits you learn that, keeps it standard for everyone. For funsies, it's the same template Xala'shar slayers hurl around with their bone spike special attack. Your skill in polearms doesn't affect the calcs unless polearms is your highest offensive skill.