Item:Wee crystal bottle bound in striped saffron-on-mauve ribbons

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wee crystal bottle bound in striped saffron-on-mauve ribbons
Look: A tiny comet moth is poised atop the matching crystal stopper, its glorious wings swept with saffron and mauve glitter swirled with hints of silver and gold.
Weight: 1 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: Unknown
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Sources: Source is Tildi's Blooms (3)

You think you can shake, wipe, spin, toss, stare, fill, or point your bottle but play around with it, there may be more things to quench your thirst for glitter!

> shake bottle You shake your bottle causing the scintillating saffron and silver will o' wisps swirled with golden glitter inside to slide around with a rustle. > wipe bottle You rub your scintillating saffron and silver will o' wisps swirled with golden glitter bottle while giggling a little oddly. > spin bottle You spin about in a small circle flinging scintillating saffron and silver will o' wisps swirled with golden glitter into the air, causing it to fly around in a brief shower of scintillating saffron and silver will o' wisps swirled with golden sparkles! > toss bottle You grin broadly as you toss a pinch of scintillating saffron and silver will o' wisps swirled with golden glitter into the air! Ooo, sparkles! > stare bottle Mesmerized, you stare at your scintillating saffron and silver will o' wisps swirled with golden glitter bottle while turning it slowly side to side causing the glitter inside to shift and sparkle crazily in the available light. Ooo, shiny. > fill bottle You can't fill that with anything. > point bottle You poke and prod at your scintillating saffron and silver will o' wisps swirled with golden glitter bottle but are unable to break it open. >