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Item:Tyrium cereus blossom handflower striated with a pitch pearl stamen

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tyrium cereus blossom handflower striated with a pitch pearl stamen
Look: Folds of purple tyrium have been intricately shaped into the petals of a rare cereus bloom. Tiny bits of crushed pitch pearl along an iron shaft have been utilized to make up the stamen of the blossom as the likeness of this desert flora is captured at the height of its bloom. A gnarled and winding stem of carved absinthe emerald serves as the means for the contraption to encircle the wearer's wrist. From the joining of two of the tyrium petals, a pure white glaes chain culminates in a like-colored mist.
Weight: Unknown
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: Unknown
  • This item is worn in the wrist slot.
  • This item trains a skill with its use.
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Sources: Source is Hollow Eve Festival 428/Auction