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Item:Twisted sanrisi branch socket

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Incomplete Item
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  • Item Type

twisted sanrisi branch socket
Look: The socket is a mechanism for holding large decorations and magical wards on the cover of a spellbook.
  • (detached from spellbook): It is not currently attached to a spellbook and is not holding anything.
  • (attached to spellbook but empty): The socket is attached to a <cover description> spellbook and is empty.
  • (attached to spellbook and containing an item, example): A hafaltu-veined kuldaez crystal rests in the relentless clutches of the twisted sanrisi branch.
Weight: 4 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 28125 Kronars22,500 Lirums <br />20,295 Dokoras <br />28.125 LTBpoints <br />28.125 Tickets <br />28.125 Scrips <br />
Dimensions: 2 length x 2 width x 2 height
Sources: Sold by Mystical Machinations for 22500 lirums
Source is Mystical Machinations (2), Mystical Machinations (1)
  • PUT (on my spellbook) - You carefully attach a twisted sanrisi branch socket to your spellbook's cover, just below the title.