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Item:Thick metal tinker's tools (crafted)

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A Tinker's tools is a metal blacksmithing template.

It is a 09- Intricate template, uses 4 volumes of metal, and is covered by the Proficient Engineering Design technique.

It is 3 by 2 by 2 spans.


Used unweighted tempered medium carbon steel for reference.

Speed Construction Tempered Construction
3 - extremely ineffective 9 - average construction 14 - very strong against damage


This crafting tool derives its potency from the material's hardness and weight (harder is better, lower is better).

Material Hardness Durability Density Speed Construction Tempered Construction
Tyrium 99 80 4.37 4 - very ineffective 13 - highly protected against damage 18 - practically invulnerable to damage
Tyrium 99 80 6 3 - extremely ineffective 13 - highly protected against damage 18 - practically invulnerable to damage

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