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Item:Sturdy brinewood herbal case adorned with a firestorm samite material

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sturdy brinewood herbal case adorned with a firestorm samite material
Look: Durable wood with faded white lines speckled by tiny silvery flecks track along with the natural grain has been fashioned into a sturdy case. Think luxurious material of spun platinum threads woven with firestorm fibers line the inside of the container. A pair of white ribbons are set in each side to keep the case from falling completely open even when unlatched.
Weight: 15 stones
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: 3,000,000 Kronars2,400,000 Lirums <br />2,164,800 Dokoras <br />3,000 LTBpoints <br />3,000 Tickets <br />3,000 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is a container.
  • This item is worn in the belt slot.
Dimensions: 6 length x 3 width x 3 height
Capacity: 6 length x 3 width x 3 height (60 stones)
Sources: Source is Garden of Plenty
Looking at the herbal case, it appears to be designed for the efficient gathering, storage, and bulk handling of herbs and healing reagents.  You think that you could:

    PUT an herb or healing reagent into the herbal case.
    GET or TAKE an herb or healing reagent from the herbal case.
    FILL the herbal case from another container or the ground.
      [To fill from the ground, just FILL CASE while holding the case.]
    DUMP the contents of the herbal case onto the ground or into a trash receptacle.
      [To dump the contents onto the ground, DUMP OUT while holding the case in your right hand.]
    PINCH off a single dose of an herb in the herbal case.
    ASSESS how full the herbal case is.