Item:Stormsilk gypsy skirt adorned with a stormfire topaz clasp and dainty bells

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stormsilk gypsy skirt adorned with a stormfire topaz clasp and dainty bells
Look: Various shades of metallic material have been cut into many layers and sewn together to create a flowing skirt designed to ride low on the hips. Each edge is cut vertically with pointed tips to give a petal effect and has a silver bell fastened to each end. Spun platinum and tarnished silver threads, ranging in color from black to grey to silver, are used in the warp of the fabric, giving it a stormy look as the skirt appears to crackle with electricity when the light catches it.
Weight: 10 stones
Appraised Cost: Unknown
Properties: This is an article of clothing.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
  • This item is worn in the pants slot.
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Sources: Source is Estate Holder Mini-Fest 449/Auction