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Item:Shrunken orc head

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shrunken orc head
Look: You see nothing unusual.
Weight: 3 stones
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: 1,250 Kronars1,000 Lirums <br />902 Dokoras <br />1.25 LTBpoints <br />1.25 Tickets <br />1.25 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is an item.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
  • This item is a toy.
Dimensions: 2 length x 2 width x 2 height
Sources: Source is Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/Incidental loot, Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/Incidental loot, Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 439/Incidental loot, Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 436/Incidental loot, Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 432/Incidental loot, Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 428/Incidental loot, Hollow Eve Festival 399/Auction

Auctioneer's Notes

[21:47] Auctioneer Cesiro says, "You've all seen the normal humdrum bouncing ball..."

[21:47] Auctioneer Cesiro says, "Next up we've got a humdrum bouncing head."

[21:48] Auctioneer Cesiro says, "Much like that fancy little ball, this ugly face is great for a game of catch."


To play with the orc head, use the following commands:
-- RUB --
If the head has no owner, rubbing it will make you the owner.
If it already has an owner, rubbing it adds you to the four
people who can play, unless there are already four players.
If you are the owner of the head, rubbing it will erase the
names of everyone you invited to play with you.
-- MUSS --
If you're the owner of the head, mussing it will remove you
as the owner. You will need to RUB it again to reclaim it.
Try BOUNCE, KICK, POKE, SPIN, THROW, and TOSS with the head.