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Item:Lifesculpted double harp made of shark jaw with a tamboti soundboard

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lifesculpted double harp made of shark jaw with a tamboti soundboard
Look: This harp is made from the massive jaw of a great white shark into which the smaller jaw of a bull shark has been suspended with thin glaes wire. The pattern of hexagonal tesserae of the jaws themselves has been washed in cobalt paint, which has settled in the grooves allowing for a hint of color, while the edges the harp have been lined with tamboti wood for the soundboard. The criss-crossing strings have been secured from the interspersed teeth of each jaw, which have been fitted for use as tuning pins
Weight: 150 stones
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: Unknown
Properties: This is an instrument.
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Sources: Source is Hollow Eve Festival 414/Auction

Auctioneer's Notes

Auctioneer Mahilin says, "Be sure to take a good look at this gorgeous harp on the podium here."
Auctioneer Mahilin says, "Custom work by Master Kouzen."
Auctioneer Mahilin exclaims, "This is a harp for the serious professional!"
Auctioneer Mahilin exclaims, "Even the strings are made with top quality material!"
Auctioneer Mahilin says, "Beautiful piece. I hope you enjoy that."