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Item:Grey fur boots with shaggy cuffs

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grey fur boots with shaggy cuffs
Look: Crafted from seal fur for its value as a sleek, water resistant material, these boots also have a sheepskin lining for warmth. The boot tops have been turned down, using the sheepskin as a decorative cuff. Just above the heel, almost buried in the fur is the stamp of the cobbler.

There appears to be something written on it.

A pair of fur boots reads:

Weight: 10 stones
Appraised Cost: 2,375 Kronars1,900 Lirums <br />1,713.8 Dokoras <br />2.375 LTBpoints <br />2.375 Tickets <br />2.375 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is an article of clothing.
  • This item has pockets.
  • This item is worn in the feet slot.
Dimensions: 3 length x 1 width x 1 height
Capacity: 3 length x 1 width x 1 height (12 stones)
Sources: Source is Ithinnu's Clothier and Cobbler (1)