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Item:Firestained steel lockpick ring formed into the shape of a dragon

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firestained steel lockpick ring formed into the shape of a dragon
Look: Made from a single piece of steel, the ring is molded into a circular serpentine dragon with its wings folded back. The beast's jaw overlaps the tail, allowing lockpicks to slide on and off. Firestaining completes the piece by bringing out shades of blues and purples in the metal.
Weight: 7 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 3,156 Kronars2,524.8 Lirums <br />2,277.37 Dokoras <br />3.156 LTBpoints <br />3.156 Tickets <br />3.156 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is a container.
  • This item is worn in the belt slot.
  • This item reduces the inventory count and/or weight of its contents. Note: because of this, it may count as two items.
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Capacity: ? length x ? width x ? height (? stones)

This acts as a lockpick ring.