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Item:Crimson camlet tshoga with a flying golden dragon embroidered on the back

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crimson camlet tshoga with a flying golden dragon embroidered on the back
Look: The outstretched wings of the reptile stretch over both shoulders, the wingtips ending in large curled claws. The rest of the dragon covers most of the back of the garment, worked in mostly gold metallic threads but with orange and scarlet threads for the flames the animal is breathing out
Weight: 5 stones
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: 1,375,000 Kronars1,100,000 Lirums <br />992,200 Dokoras <br />1,375 LTBpoints <br />1,375 Tickets <br />1,375 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is an article of clothing.
  • This item has pockets.
  • This item is worn in the shirt (with armor) slot.
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Capacity: 6 length x 3 width x 1 height (? stones)
Sources: Source is Farhana's Island Exquisites (3), Farhana's Island Exquisites (2)

Thinking about the tshoga, you wonder if you might not be able to ADJUST, BOW, CLEAN, HUG, PAT, PET, REMOVE, ROLL, RUB, SHAKE, WEAR, and YANK it.