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Grey Empath Academy/Logs/20231005 Grey Empath Academy Lesson 1

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Event Name: Grey Empath Academy Lesson 1
Event Instance: Prime
Real Date: 2023-10-05
Game Date of Event: Unknown Date
Point of View: Unknown POV
[Hilltop Cemetery, Before Mausoleum]

The trees have given way to a mausoleum crafted from white marble. The entrance is marked by two smooth columns and perched just above, a solemn-looking stone gargoyle surveys the surroundings. You also see an enormous airy fissure, an itsy bitsy hedgehog, a diamondwood sideboard with an ornate chef's carving station with several things on it, a fuzzy brown sea otter, a frosted cupcake, an apple strudel cupcake iced with brown sugar frosting dusted in cinnamon, a radiant dawnfire steel automaton with labyrinthine veins of glowing moonsilver, a colorful fireworks sack, an ethereal vela'tohr plant, a majestic dragon with fiery crimson eyes and void-black scales, a sleek abyssal black kitten, an Elven silk picnic cloth embroidered with silvery thread with several things on it, a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace with several things on it, an elaborate storyplait picnic cloth patterned with fanciful dancing spatulas with several things on it, a porky saddleback piglet with a few things on it, a pink-eared white piglet with a dusty rose canvas bodice on it and a huge WARNING sign. Also here: Moon Warrior Allye who is wreathed by ethereal gladiolus blossoms, Deathbeing, Tear Reaper Tambellis, Raven Queen Chelinde who is sitting, Puddle Stomper Piw, Veteran Apprentice Anuril who has a fiery visage, Mountain Titan Robarvo, Ecologist Penrhyn, Niliaevat Raesh Isen Illiahanna, Eyskin, Initiate Empath Merilith, Macabre Shuya, Indomitable Fortress Voranos, Nepenthe Huebald, Nurse Illiya, Blood Dancer Selame who is sitting, Water Flower Larasa who is sitting, Crauyo Alai Leayne, Fearless Crobin and Handy. Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.

Illiya says, "This is about to be the safest place in Elanthia with all the empaths here."

Eyskin says, "If anyone dies in the realm they're in a heap of trouble."

Illiya says, "Hey everyone! Looks like we have an amazing turnout tonight. We'll try to keep to our time limit, so let's get started."

Akeiro beams at Illiya!

Tichond praises Illiya.

Illiya says, "Welcome to Grey Empath Academy! We're glad to have you all with us."

Illiya says, "I'm Illiya, and this is Akeiro."

Illiya motions to Akeiro.

Larasa lets out a hearty cheer for Illiya!

Akeiro sweeps his hand in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing at the same time.

Allye applauds.

Larasa lets out a hearty cheer for Akeiro!

Handy waves.

Dasheek gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Akeiro exclaims, "Greetings All!"

Illiahanna lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Illiya!

Illiya says, "This has been an idea that has been in the works for a while."

Illiya says, "Since Akeiro and I are both active in the sparring scene, we often get questions from other Empaths about wanting to learn how we do it. It was apparent that there was a need and a desire for this information, so we thought it would be best to put together a formal course to share the fun and excitement of Empath combat."

Akeiro nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Illiya exclaims, "We hope that you come out of this with the tools and knowledge necessary to confidently engage in combat as an Empath, if or when you choose to do so!"

Tichond nods to Illiya.

Illiya says, "OOC: This class is about Empath PvP. Of course, the principles could be applied to many PvE situations such as champion, boss, or arena fights. Many principles can even be applied in a non-shock context. To stay generally in character, we are going to sometimes refer to this broadly as Empath combat."

Crobin says, "Empaths...I thought it was a picnic."

Allye nods to Illiya.

Crobin sniffles.

Illiahanna grins at Crobin.

Illiya says, "First some housekeeping: if you could avoid excess actions it would be appreciated."

Illiya says, "As we have many students with little to no PvP experience, the course content will begin with some basic Empath combat information, and then we will expand to more advanced strategies later."

Crobin says, "Not a picnic, guess I will just be beat up then."

Illiya says, "Of course you are all free to ask questions to get more in-depth answers as you like. We will be having lecture days with a little bit of sparring as time allows (OOC: Thursdays) followed by more focused 1v1 and group spar practice (OOC: Fridays)."

Illiya asks, "Any questions so far?"

Illiya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Vaddon shakes his head.

Tichond shakes his head at Illiya.

Allye shakes her head.

Akeiro raises his hand.

Illiahanna ponders.

Akeiro angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Illiya.

Illiya grins at Akeiro, her dimples flashing into view.

Illiya asks Akeiro, "Yes?"

Yallen asks, "I bes wan'n tas ska-ins das nekras. Cannas I bes do'n dats?"

Akeiro says, "I was just kidding."

Akeiro casually observes the area.

Illiahanna raises her hand.

Akeiro ducks his head.

Illiya sticks her tongue out at Akeiro.

Penrhyn giggles at Akeiro.

Illiahanna asks, "Do we get to use Robarvo to practice on?"

Illiahanna glances at Robarvo.

Illiya asks, "We should, shouldn't we?"

Akeiro nods at Illiahanna, obviously agreeing with her views.

Illiya beams at Robarvo!

Illiahanna studies the ground for a moment.

Illiahanna nods in agreement.

Illiya exclaims, "Let's get started with the class then!"

Akeiro gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Illiya asks, "What is Empathic shock? Does anyone know?"

Tichond observes Illiya with fascination.

Crobin raises his hand.

Illiya points at Crobin.

Larasa exclaims, "Bad feeling from hurting others!"

Gneemo quickly says, "When we get surprised by something spooky."

Illiahanna says, "Something we don't really want."

Tichond grins at Larasa.

Penrhyn nods in agreement.

Illiahanna chuckles.

Elurora giggles at Gneemo.

Crobin asks, "A bit of something you get when causing harm to others which can block out your healing skills?"

Illiya says to Crobin, "True."

Akeiro nods.

Tambellis joylessly says, "Sad evolution."

Akeiro chuckles.

Illiya asks, "Is shock morally good or bad?"

Yallen raises her hand.

Yallen bounces from where she is sitting!

Illiya points at Yallen.

Yallen bounces from where she is sitting!

Akeiro laughs happily.

Illiya asks Yallen, "Yes?"

Penrhyn raises her hand.

Illiya points at Penrhyn.

Yallen says, "Das shoks nahs bes gud ohr bahds. Dems bes jus das ways ovs nahs bes wifs das gifs fers un tims."

Illiya asks Penrhyn, "Penny?"

Penrhyn says, "Shock isn't morally good or bad itself, it's a consequence of an action that might have been good or bad."

Yallen nods to Penrhyn.

Akeiro nods to Penrhyn.

Yallen says, "Wats dems sed."

Akeiro says, "Well said."

Illiya nods at Penrhyn, obviously agreeing with her views.

Yallen points at Penrhyn.

Illiya says, "Shock is not morally good or bad, exactly."

Illiya says, "It's merely a physiological reaction."

Yallen furrows her brow.

Illiya says, "Salvur literally describes it as the feeling of, if you lived in a cave for a year and then wandered out into the sun... the bright light would hurt your eyes and you would be temporarily blinded. The pain and temporary 'shock' is caused by the over-stimulation of your empathic senses."

Akeiro says, "It's like if an explosion went off next to your head, your hearing gets dampened."

Illiya nods at Akeiro, obviously agreeing with his views.

Yallen makes a grunting noise.

Leayne shudders.

Akeiro says, "If you're spent enough time in the courtyard, chances are Harsh has already illustrated this to you."

Illiya says, "So shock itself is not morally wrong."

Illiahanna nods to Leayne.

Akeiro chuckles.

Illiya grins at Akeiro, her dimples flashing into view.

Penrhyn laughs!

Jaelia grins.

Handy nods.

Illiya says, "But what's more, as Empaths, we are not tied to a vow of pacifism. The guild does not care, nor does it have any rules regarding shock."

Illiya says, "We are not like Paladins who cannot advance in the guild due to soul state. Empaths can advance just the same even when completely fullshocked."

Larasa ponders.

Akeiro says, "Most of the leaders are shocked if you check as well."

Handy nods to Akeiro.

Illiya says, "So there are no guild rules regarding shock."

Illiya says, "Despite the guild's lack of policy regarding shock, many of you may have personal feelings about harming other living beings. You joined the guild because you wanted to help others, not hurt them."

Penrhyn nods in agreement.

Leayne nods to Illiahanna.

Merilith nods in agreement.

Illiya asks, "But can anyone think of any times when even a generally non-shock Empath would want to attack a person or living creature?"

Larasa asks, "During an invasion?"

Handy says, "To protect someone."

Illiya nods at Larasa, obviously agreeing with her views.

Illiahanna nods to Larasa.

Akeiro nods to Handy.

Eyskin says, "Atuen."

Illiya points at Handy.

Tichond says, "To protect someone else."

Illiya says to Handy, "Exactly."

Akeiro laughs happily.

Dasheek laughs at Eyskin.

Akeiro nods to Eyskin.

Illiya nods at Tichond, obviously agreeing with his views.

Illiahanna nods to Handy.

Tichond laughs at Eyskin.

Deathbeing nods to Handy.

Deathbeing laughs at Eyskin.

Yallen says, "Meh Mista Ahtooins bes verra guds tanks fers yas."

Illiya says, "Sometimes the best way to help others is to fight."

Akeiro nods to Illiya.

Penrhyn softly says, "Some folks have very strong feelings about the undead, and work to put them down."

Akeiro nods at Yallen, obviously agreeing with her views.

Akeiro grins.

Illiya says, "So if you are generally indisposed to fighting, you could consider this as a self-defense class of sorts."

Handy says, "Sometimes pacifism isnt an option."

Yallen beams at Akeiro!

Tambellis dances about lightly!

Illiya nods to Handy.

Akeiro nods to Illiya.

Akeiro says to Handy, "Very true."

Illiya says, "We are preparing for the possibility that you may need to fight one day, and we will teach you how to do it."

Robarvo lets out a hearty cheer for Illiahanna!

Robarvo lets out a hearty cheer for Illiya!

Illiya exclaims, "So, let's talk about Empathic shock!"

Illiahanna glances at Robarvo.

Illiahanna smirks.

Illiya asks, "Does anyone know what the effects of shock are?"

Handy shakes his head.

Crobin raises his hand.

Illiahanna shudders.

Larasa says, "Can't use a bunch of our spells."

Illiya grins at Akeiro, her dimples flashing into view.

Merilith raises her hand.

Larasa shrugs.

Illiya nods at Larasa, obviously agreeing with her views.

Illiya points at Merilith.

Illiya asks Merilith, "Yes?"

Merilith says, "I've been told that my skills would be less effective too."

Illiya nods to Merilith.

Yallen says, "Wes bes do'n dis das ols fashuns ways."

Illiya says, "Your ability to heal others is reduced with Empathic shock."

Tichond nods to Illiya.

Illiya says, "The more shock you have, the harder it will be to heal others."

Allye nods to Illiya.

Larasa asks, "Like it takes longer to take the wounds?"

Akeiro nods to Larasa.

Illiya nods to Larasa.

Handy asks, "Do scars work the same way?"

Illiya says to Larasa, "It will be as if you had less empathy skill."

Illiya says, "Shock scars are permanent but have no effect."

Illiya says, "Other than people commenting on it when they touch you."

Tichond nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Akeiro chuckles.

Eyskin asks, "More difficult to heal yourself also?"

Tichond says, "When I was young, I mistook the scar for active shock. Was quite embarassing the mess that caused."

Akeiro grins at Tichond.

Allye grins at Tichond.

Illiahanna grins at Tichond.

Illiya says to Eyskin, "The scar itself will not make it more difficult to heal, but if you have active shock your healing spells will be less effective."

Illiahanna chuckles.

Elurora grins at Tichond.

Yallen grins at Tichond.

Handy says, "I did that last week."

Illiya says, "I think it happens to us all in the beginning."

Illiya asks, "Does anyone here have a shock scar?"

Akeiro raises his hand.

Illiya raises her hand.

Leayne raises her hand.

Eyskin raises his hand.

Larasa raises her hand.

Illiya asks, "Are there any Empaths here that do NOT have a shock scar?"

Deathbeing raises his hand.

Yallen raises her hand.

Merilith raises her hand.

Huebald raises his hand.

Yallen says, "I bes gohts das skar."

Akeiro quietly says to Yallen, "Beating up necros will get one for sure."

Akeiro winks at Yallen.

Illiya says, "Most of us have gotten one even accidentally at some point or another."

Tichond grins at Akeiro.

Illiya says, "Well yeah, fighting other people will do it for sure."

Illiya chortles softly at some secret joke.

Illiya says, "A small amount of shock will have small effects, but if you get to the point of fullshock, you will not be able to heal others at all, or manipulate, shift, perceive health, or cast several of our spells. You will also have to undertake a lengthy quest to restore your healing ability."

Penrhyn impishly says, "It's not that lengthy."

Penrhyn's tail twitches, a mischievous look on her face.

Piw asks, "How do I tell how much shock I have?"

Piw hums to himself.

Akeiro touches Piw on the wrist with two fingers.

Akeiro says to Piw, "Full shocked."

Akeiro pats Piw on the back.

Illiya says to Piw, "Well if you were an Empath.."

Piw ducks his head.

Illiahanna touched her root.

Illiya says, "So, we're not trying to get to the point of fullshock."

Akeiro nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Penrhyn nods.

Illiya says, "With a little bit of shock, certain spells are still reduced in power and efficiency -- how much depends on how much shock you have. Regenerate, Guardian Spirit, Fountain of Creation, Heart Link, Heal, Vitality Healing, are all reduced."

Illiya says, "How much shock you are willing to take, and how much damage and in what situations you are willing to deal damage -- these are decisions personal to each Empath and their own set of values and beliefs, as well as their tolerance for the consequences."

Illiya asks, "So how do we manage Empathic shock? The first step is figuring out how much shock you have. Does anyone have a cassava root?"

Akeiro raises his hand.

Illiya gets a slender piece of cassava root cradled in strands of brushed silver from inside her haversack.

Larasa raises her hand.

Huebald raises his hand.

Akeiro gets a chubby cassava root affixed with googly eyes from inside his entangling brambles.

Crobin says, "Don't smoke it."

Illiya taps a slender piece of cassava root cradled in strands of brushed silver that she is holding.

Leayne nods.

Crobin nods.

Illiya grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Handy shakes his head.

Akeiro chuckles.

Illiya says, "Cassava roots are useful tools to figure this out. You can touch them and they will show you a visual representation of how strong your empathic senses are, or how much shock you have."

Akeiro nods.

Illiya says, "If any students need a cassava root and don't have one, let me know and we will try to arrange one for you."

Merilith nods to Illiya.

Handy nods.

Illiya asks, "Now how do we control the amount of shock we have?"

Illiya touched her root.

Yallen says, "Das tims."

Illiya nods to Yallen.

Crobin asks, "Buy hurting or not hurting people?"

Akeiro nods to Crobin.

Handy says, "Deal a lot of damage with a few hits."

Piw says, "Socks and carpets."

Seydin asks, "Sharing it with other, willing Empaths?"

Akeiro nods at Handy, obviously agreeing with his views.

Illiya says, "The simplest way to manage shock is to limit the amount that you fight."

Illiya exclaims to Seydin, "That's the other way!"

Illiya says to Handy, "That's very true as well and something we will cover too."

Akeiro hums happily to himself.

Handy smiles.

Illiya says to Chelinde, "Well we all know the party doesn't really start until Chelinde arrives."

Akeiro wraps his arms around Chelinde, giving Chelinde a great big bear hug!

Chelinde grins at Illiya, her dimples flashing into view.

Illiya says, "You can also ask other empaths to help you take some of the shock. This is sometimes called 'shock sharing' or 'shock circles' to spread the shock among many empaths. Personally I don't like to bother others with it, so I just limit myself."

Akeiro says, "It's worth noting."

Akeiro says, "If you do not have a shock scar."

Akeiro says, "You won't get one permanently from sharing."

Illiya nods at Akeiro, obviously agreeing with his views.

Voranos says, "Oh that's interesting."

Huebald ponders.

Tichond gazes at Akeiro.

Illiya says, "You can only get a shock scar from self-inflicted shock, not healing others."

Illiya says, "Not healing other empaths' shock that is."

Tichond says to Akeiro, "I had no idea."

Deathbeing raises his hand.

Illiya says, "From personal experience, if you are only waiting for the shock to go away by itself, you can probably have 1-3 fights per week, depending on the type of fight and whether or not you kill."

Illiya says, "Yes, killing any living being does cause a significant amount of shock."

Akeiro nods.

Akeiro says, "Sparring is surprisingly forgiving without the coup de grace."

Piw says, "Killing gnomes causes double shock."

Yallen says, "Buts killin' Meh Roovins bes worfs dems shok."

Illiya grins at Yallen, her dimples flashing into view.

Akeiro chuckles.

Illiya asks, "Any questions on shock or shock management?"

Larasa asks, "About how long would it take to recover the shock gotten from one fight?"

Illiya says to Larasa, "So, it depends on the fight."

Voranos says to Piw, " another great point."

Larasa nods.

Piw asks, "Does shock amount vary based on damage done or just hit?"

Illiya says, "Mostly I would say a day or two. Unless you have killed someone, or unless the fight itself runs very long."

Larasa asks, "And how fast does it fade if you don't share it?"

Merilith asks, "Will a longer, more drawn out fight end up with more shock?"

Illiya says, "Shock depends on damage done, good question."

Larasa nods.

Akeiro nods.

Illiya says to Merilith, "Yes, exactly."

Tambellis joylessly says, "Yeah, so kill them quick."

Voranos says, "So don't fight another empath or paladin."

Illiya points at Voranos.

Illiya says, "We try to avoid fighting other Empaths."

Akeiro says, "Though if you wanted to go full shock with a friend..."

Illiya grins at Akeiro, her dimples flashing into view.

Piw says, "If two empaths fight, and take each others shock while fighting..."

Illiya grins at Piw, her dimples flashing into view.

Piw asks, "Does the world end?"

Illiya exclaims to Piw, "There would still be a net accumulation of shock!"

Illiya says, "To this day, Akeiro and I have never actually fought."

Akeiro says, "And two precariously close to spirit death empaths."

Akeiro nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Huebald says to Piw, " /quiet If they healed each other's wounds while they were at it, that might get even more interesting."

Illiya says, "Paladins are another guild which are very difficult for us, because they are so tanky."

Selame says, "Oil doesn't help either."

Illiya says, "If I'm feeling lazy or not wanting to take a lot of shock I may pass on sparring a Paladin."

Akeiro laughs with delight, his eyes full of merriment.

Illiya grins at Selame, her dimples flashing into view.

Larasa says, "So small weapons are generally a bad idea."

Illiya nods to Larasa.

Dasheek points at Larasa.

Akeiro nods to Larasa.

Larasa nods.

Illiya says to Larasa, "We generally try to focus on big attacks and avoid a lot of small attacks."

Yallen raises her hand.

Illiya says, "We'll have more information on how to do that in a future class too."

Akeiro angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Yallen.

Akeiro asks Yallen, "Yes?"

Yallen asks in Gorbesh, "So the longer a fight lasts, the more shock accumulates? It's not based on how many persons or creatures you attack?"

Akeiro nods to Yallen.

Yallen asks in Gorbesh, "Which part are you nodding to?"

Akeiro says, "For instance hitting the same person ten times, or ten different people once should be the same amount of shock."

Illiya nods to Akeiro.

Handy says, "So would bleeders be the best for a fight."

Illiya asks Handy, "Bleeders in what way?"

Piw asks, "If i remember correctly, debil's dont cause shock, does magic attacks such as lightning bolt?"

Illiya says to Piw, "Yes, harmful Targeted Magic spells do cause shock."

Akeiro says, "They do, some debilitations cause shock as well."

Illiya says, "Also, some debilitation spells DO cause shock too."

Handy says, "Cutting people and they can't heal."

Dasheek says, "And Ice Patch. For some reason."

Akeiro nods to Dasheek.

Illiya nods at Dasheek, obviously agreeing with his views.

Penrhyn playfully exclaims to Dasheek, "Because falling down on ice hurts, a lot!"

Huebald asks, "Can't we DISCERN our spells to recall which spells will cause shock also?"

Illiya exclaims to Handy, "Ideally we try to hit as hard as we can per hit to minimize the shock, so if you could cause a bleeding wound with a hit that would be good!"

Illiya says to Handy, "It's not often we can hit that hard with a single hit though."

Handy nods to Illiya.

Akeiro nods to Illiya.

Illiya says to Huebald, "Yes and that's a good tip too, to DISCERN and determine if the spell will cause shock or not."

Illiya says, "You can also ask, and many of us will be able to tell you."

Illiya says, "The native Empath spells Lethargy and Paralysis do not cause shock of course."

Huebald nods.

Handy nods.

Akeiro says, "They're also both superb."

Illiya asks, "Any other questions about shock?"

Illiya says, "Now to get down to what we all came here for."

Illiya grins, revealing her dimples.

Akeiro nods.

Penrhyn grins.

Illiya asks Akeiro, "So, what exactly is a 'Grey Empath'?"

Larasa asks, "Is sharing shock the only way to remove it faster?"

Illiya says to Larasa, "Yes."

Akeiro clears his throat.

Akeiro says, "The simplest explaination is a Grey is an empath that fights back, usually with some combination of spells and weapons, paying a little bit of shock for a little bit of damage dealing capability."

Akeiro says, "As Illiya had touched on before the how and why an empath would chose this route is as individual to each person as their reason for joining the guild. Whether you find yourself in a position where this is the only option of defending yourself, or you simply wish to push yourself and really test your abilities both will find a good home here."

Akeiro chuckles.

Akeiro says, "As Grey Empathy is more of a mindset than a creed any empath at any time can choose to be Grey, Near universally empaths all bear the scars of shock already, oftentimes from when they felt compelled to act in light of the consequences, and some of us held onto that idea."

Akeiro says, "It's an option we have, one we invite you to consider, and one we hope to enable you to put to good use."

Robarvo raises his hand.

Handy nods.

Akeiro angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Robarvo.

Illiya nods in agreement.

Illiya asks Robarvo, "Yes?"

Akeiro asks Robarvo, "Had a question?"

Robarvo says, "When in shock and cant use spells for heals can you pick up other spells? like scrolls."

Akeiro ponders.

Robarvo says, "Like the spell slots open up>."

Illiya says, "You still have the spells, you just can't use them when you are full shocked."

Akeiro says, "No, you still know the spells always. And greys don't actually lose the ability to cast any spells."

Akeiro says, "Well."

Deathbeing raises his hand.

Akeiro says, "Except circle of sympathy and embrace of the vela'tohr."

Robarvo says, "I see i get what ya mean yes... thankyou."

Illiya says, "As for scroll spells, there is always a hard limit of 2 scroll spells that you can learn in addition to one tattoo."

Akeiro nods.

Illiya points at Deathbeing.

Deathbeing nods.

Deathbeing asks, "The stun you get from attacking does it go away?"

Illiya says, "Good question."

Illiya says, "Our native spell Awaken reduces the duration of the stun."

Deathbeing nods.

Handy says, "Do you get stunned more with more shock."

Akeiro says, "The stun itself does get shorter in duration, but unless you are very close to fullshock awaken will always pulse you out of it before the stun ends naturally."

Illiya says to Handy, "You actually get stunned less."

Handy nods.

Deathbeing asks, "And there is a stun for every attack?"

Akeiro nods to Deathbeing.

Illiya says to Deathbeing, "As long as the attack hits."

Illiya says, "If you whiff completely there is no stun."

Illiya chortles softly at some secret joke.

Akeiro says, "It's actually an exploitable weakness if you're fighting someone with incredible timing."

Illiya nods in agreement.

Akeiro says, "Just the wrong response while you're waiting on awaken can hurt, you're also more susceptible to several debils while stunned."

Illiya says, "It is one of our weaknesses to be aware of."

Illiya nods in agreement.

Penrhyn curiously says, "I don't think I've ever used awaken."

Akeiro angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Penrhyn.

Illiya says, "Awaken is useful on its own, even if you don't plan on attacking."

Akeiro nods.

Illiya says, "So much so that many other guilds will scroll Awaken for fighting."

Robarvo says, "And can be cast on others when we... um when we are KO in spar."

Akeiro nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Penrhyn thoughtfully says, "Huh."

Illiya says, "It will pop you out of a stun or sleep by your opponent much faster than you would naturally recover."

Piw says, "Or when random logs fall on your head from the sky..."

Akeiro grins at Piw.

Robarvo grins.

Illiya says, "And if you happen to get caught.. um.. sneaking into houses in a clan, it prevents you from kneeling there stunned embarrassingly for what feels like 5 whole rois."

Akeiro grins at Illiya.

Penrhyn laughs!

Dasheek grins at Illiya.

Crobin says, "Who would do something like that Illiya."

Illiya exclaims, "It's a useful spell!"

Illiya says to Crobin, "Not me, certainly."

Akeiro nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Crobin says, "Sure...sure."

Akeiro says, "Regarding our strengths and weaknesses in fighting other adventurers."

Akeiro says, "Some people may compare our fighting abilities with other adventurers and rank us against different guilds under ideal conditions. However, I think it is more useful to focus on how to fight each guild as effectively as we can, rather than where we stand in relation to them."

Deathbeing nods to Akeiro.

Akeiro says, "Even if some guilds, such as clerics or warrior mages, are considered hard counters to greys or any empaths, it does not mean you should give up before the fight begins."

Akeiro says, "With the knowledge that we will teach you in this course, and the experience that you will gain from practice and real-world situations, you can overcome any challenge and potentially turn the tide of battle in your favor."

Handy nods to Akeiro.

Illiya nods at Akeiro, obviously agreeing with his views.

Akeiro says, "We can adapt to different situations and roles in group combat, depending on the needs of our allies and the threats of our enemies. We can heal, debilitate, or damage, or even do a combination of these, to support our group and hinder our foes."

Illiya says, "We are really hard to kill, so.. that is always an advantage we have."

Selame nods in agreement.

Voranos says in Gorbesh, "Learn Frostbite, with Lethargy and render them helpless at no fatigue and ACM them to pieces and collect those warrior mage tears."

Akeiro nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Akeiro grins at Voranos.

Akeiro says, "This can make us more valuable and fun to fight with than a conventional empath, who can only heal effectively. However, we also have to accept that we are not the best at any of these roles individually."

Illiya nods at Akeiro, obviously agreeing with his views.

Akeiro says, "We cannot heal as well as an unshocked empath, nor can we deal as much damage as some of the more combat-oriented professions. We have to balance our abilities and use them wisely, to make the most of our potential."

Akeiro says, "As for weaknesses we have a few to note, though on the whole I feel that we, as a guild, have an incredibly robust kit of abilties to bring to bear. The main ones that you'll run into most commonly is that we are very dependent on our wards, more specifically iron constitution."

Robarvo exclaims, "Being hard to kill is a big advantage!"

Illiya nods at Robarvo, obviously agreeing with his views.

Akeiro says, "If that gets shredded off of you, or you're like me and forget to cast it somehow, you're just as squishy as anyone sans healing. Also we're very reliant on being able to cast, so attacks to our concentration, or spells that can silence you such as huldah's pall represent extreme dangers to us. Beyond that in the open world it can be extremely hard to get someone down before they have an opportunity to run away."

Akeiro grins like an idiot.

Illiya nods at Akeiro, obviously agreeing with his views.

Illiya says, "We may be harder to kill, but we're also more offensively limited than other guilds."

Akeiro nods to Illiya.

Crobin says, "I feel that is pending on your shock level."

Crobin chuckles.

Illiya nods to Crobin.

Illiya says, "Even at full shock though, I think we are the most offensively limited guild."

Akeiro says, "And we have probably more flexibilty than most in our ability to choose scrolls."

Crobin asks, "Even with spells you can learn to help and such?"

Akeiro nods to Crobin.

Illiya says, "It does improve our offensive ability and decrease our defensive ability though."

Crobin says, "I mean with your pop and the other spells I think you can learn."

Crobin says, "Stabbing you is almost worse then going down to Corik's wall and trying to beat it down."

Illiya grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Crobin says, "And that is not just you."

Akeiro chuckles.

Crobin says, "Any empath with PoP is very...stab resistant."

Vaddon smiles at Crobin.

Tichond chuckles.

Handy nods.

Illiya says, "We are strong against Thieves, that is true."

Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Akeiro says to Crobin, "You should see one with manifest force up."

Crobin gasps!

Crobin says, "HOW DARE YOU."

Crobin chuckles.

Illiya says, "I mean..."

Illiya gazes at Crobin.

Crobin says, "I am as pure as the driven snow."

Illiya asks Crobin, "Paladins?"

Crobin laughs!

Illiya gives Crobin a studious look, as if committing him to memory.

Crobin says, "We all know the truth."

Dasheek says, "Pop is the spell Perseverance of Peri'el."

Crobin nods to Illiahanna.

Dasheek says, "A ward."

Larasa asks, "So two empaths fighting could take a long time?"

Crobin nods to Larasa.

Akeiro says, "Forever."

Illiya says, "Oh it might be endless."

Larasa grins.

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Akeiro says, "Assuming equal skill you probably won't ever get another empath down."

Tambellis joylessly says, "Just watch out for anyone who can attack your spirit."

Illiya says, "If you are anywhere near close to the other empath's skill."

Illiya beams at Tambellis!

Larasa nods to Tambellis.

Illiya says, "A good point by Tambellis."

Leayne nods to Tambellis.

Illiya says, "Spirit is the one thing we can't heal."

Penrhyn asks, "What does low spirit health actually... do?"

Illiya says, "You can die a spirit death."

Akeiro says to Penrhyn, "Kills you."

Illiya nods in agreement.

Crobin says, "And no rezzing."

Illiya says, "Just like one could die a vitality death, you could die a spirit death."

Illiya says, "Clerics and Bards have spells that can attack the spirit."

Akeiro nods.

Akeiro says, "Clerics can kill us a fair few ways."

Akeiro chuckles.

Huebald frowns.

Zalinyar smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Crobin says, "Dispell can help as well."

Illiya nods in agreement.

Akeiro says, "I've been incinerated through all my wards with Aesrela Everild."

Illiya says, "Alright, if you have time to stick around for a few minutes we are going to have a demonstration fight."

Voranos ponders paperweights...

Merilith nods to Illiya.

Illiya says, "Learning by experience is the best way to learn, but observation and watching other people is the second best way. I learned a lot from watching Akeiro personally."

Robarvo asks, "So what spells that take spirt health from empaths you most fear?"

Selame nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Robarvo asks, "And is there a counter for it you can cast?"

Akeiro says, "Soul Attrition."

Akeiro says, "Do try that one."

Akeiro chortles softly at some secret joke.

Piw asks Akeiro, "Did you say shock reduces spirit as well?"

Tambellis joylessly says, "There's only 3 I can think of. Chill Spirit, Soul Attrition, and Abandoned Heart."

Voranos asks, "Does dispel have a place in the grey empath tool kit?"

Larasa says, "Could get Auspice to help counter it if it is that big of a problem."

Akeiro nods to Voranos.

Voranos jots down some notes.

Tambellis joylessly says, "You need Soul Shield."

Larasa nods.

Tambellis joylessly says, "Getting your soul damaged doesn't follow most rules, I've murdered peoples souls in one second."

Robarvo gasps at Tambellis!

Illiya says, "I have seen her do that."

Illiya nods to Tambellis.

Tambellis joylessly says, "Or a rattle, that will help."

Tambellis joylessly says, "If you remember to use it before you die."

Larasa says, "Oh right. Those rattles are great."

Illiya says, "There are some items that help to restore spirit."

Illiya says, "If you're not used to watching fights it may seem like a lot is happening, but try to see if you can tell generally what each person is trying to do."

Merilith nods to Illiya.

Akeiro stretches his arms.

Akeiro bends over and touches his toes.

Tambellis joylessly says, "OOC: if people want a play by play I can do that in the general voice."

Illiya says, "If you two don't mind, try to stay in the room for most of the fight so our students can watch."

Leayne nods to Tambellis.

Illiya says, "I will do a general one here in text."

Illiya says, "OOC heh."

Tambellis joylessly asks, "Who's fighting?"

Illiya says, "Akeiro and Dasheek."

Akeiro stretches his arms.

Akeiro says, "Ready here."

Illiya says, "So part of the challenge of fighting as an Empath is the balance of keeping yourself healed while also applying damage."

Illiahanna nods to Illiya.

Dasheek says, "Almost."

Akeiro pops his knuckles and breathes deep, trying to look calm.

Dasheek says, "Ready."

Illiya beams!

Handy taps the tip of his nose.

Akeiro steps up to Dasheek and says, "I challenge you to The Pain in a contest of skill!"

<They fight.>

Akeiro backs off Dasheek who collapses into unconsciousness. The challenge has been satisfied.

Illiya says, "Alright, good fight."

Akeiro bows to Dasheek.

Handy applauds.

Illiya rests her hand on Dasheek's arm with a soft smile.

The wounds afflicting Dasheek gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Illiya's flesh.

Dasheek appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Akeiro says to Dasheek, "Thank you."

Chelinde applauds.

With a wave of Illiya's hand, she suddenly looks much healthier.

Dasheek leaps to his feet!

Merilith applauds.

Allye applauds.

Akeiro says, "As you can see, our fights are short."

Akeiro pants.

Robarvo grins.

Selame says, "Well done, both of you."

Dasheek shakes Akeiro's hand.

Akeiro shakes Dasheek's hand.

Illiya says, "So that fight had a little bit of everything and shows you the range of what we can accomplish as Empaths in PvP."

Illiya says, "Akeiro is one of, if not the best, at it."

Allye nods to Illiya.

Akeiro shifts uneasily, avoiding eye contact with Illiya.

Illiya asks, "Any questions about the fight?"

Larasa nods.

Illiya grins at Akeiro, her dimples flashing into view.

Piw asks, "How come no guardian is in place when I see empaths fight?"

Larasa asks, "So you get a stun after every hit? Does that happen with TM too?"

Illiya says, "So Guardian Spirit is a cyclic spell and we can only have one cyclic up at a time."

Akeiro says, "It takes up our cyclic slot, usually we get better mileage out of aesandry darlaeth."

Akeiro nods to Piw.

Illiya says, "There is almost always a better spell to use than Guardian Spirit."

Illiya nods in agreement.

Illiya says, "In some fights, Regen could be better."

Akeiro says, "If I had to rank cyclics it'd be AD, distantly followed by regen, even more distantly followed by guardian spirit."

Akeiro says, "Strictly for fighting other adventurers."

Akeiro says, "Guardian spirit is a fine spell for training."

Illiya says, "The alfar really does so little damage as to not be worth it usually."

Illiya nods at Akeiro, obviously agreeing with his views.

Illiya says, "For training GS is great."

Handy nods to Illiya.

Illiya says to Larasa, "Any damage done to a living being will cause shock, including weapons or TM."

The interlocking rings upon Dasheek's armlet shift to form a grand alignment with the ring of water at the apex.

Leayne softly asks, "Why not Regen?"

Illiya says, "Regen is good, but AD usually helps us more."

Larasa says, "Didn't get hit enough to need regen."

Leayne nods.

Leayne ponders.

Illiya says, "AD improves balance and can help us escape webbed or immobilization."

Akeiro says, "If you eat a full duration stun, or debil, there are plenty of folks that can destroy a critical body part in between regen pulses."

Illiya says, "So AD with Heal is a good combination usually."

Larasa asks, "Why vertigo?"

Leayne nods to Akeiro.

Akeiro exclaims, "A few reasons!"

Akeiro says, "It does not knock your opponent away from you, and I tend to focus on melee attacks."

Illiya says, "We will go over more options for debilitation and scroll spells in a future class too."

Akeiro says, "It does not interefere with being able to use nissa's bidning again(OOC: they don't share diminishing returns)."

Larasa nods.

Merilith asks, "Will future classes also go over advice for training so that we are prepared to fight if we need or choose to?"

Akeiro says, "And it's a spell that contests the opponents willpower which I'm already specialized in."

Illiya asks Merilith, "You mean training like hunting critters?"

Merilith nods.

Handy nods to Akeiro.

Illiya says to Merilith, "We hadn't planned to discuss training, but we're happy to answer any questions you may have."

Akeiro nods to Merilith.

Merilith says, "I've barely ever touched a weapon, I am not sure where I should start."

Akeiro chuckles.

Akeiro says to Merilith, "For starters, with a weapon."

Akeiro nods to Merilith.

Akeiro grins.

Handy laughs!

Chelinde says, "Weapons are a great start."

Merilith grins at Akeiro.

Larasa says, "Stick em with the pointy end."

Akeiro quietly says to Merilith, "We can chat a bit about some combat choices."

Akeiro nods to Merilith.

Illiya nods in agreement.

Merilith says, ">Akeiro I would appreciate that."

Illiya says, "We can give you some more advice after class about that."

Illiya says, "Basically, we can train weapons on constructs without any shock."

Merilith nods to Illiya.

Illiya asks, "Any other questions?"

Illiya says, "We will have a lab for sparring practice tomorrow at Wyvern Arena."

Akeiro nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Larasa says, "Lots! But there will be more time."

Illiya says, "Wyvern Arena is an amazing place to spar with death protections and the ability to equalize skills."

Leayne giggles at Crobin.

Illiya says, "You'll get personalized coaching from myself and Akeiro."

Akeiro nods in agreement.

Dasheek nods.

Illiya says, "So, look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night! Non-Empaths are very welcomed to help as sparring partners too."

Illiya exclaims, "Remember, the best way to learn to fight is by fighting, but also by watching. So we hope to see everyone again tomorrow!"