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Gragnel/Logs/Wild Magic 10022024/To Dream A Dream

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Zynell says, "Alright, we are at the top of the hour so... Welcome to the Zoluren Defense Triage Meeting."

Zynell says, "After the last drake attack we need to take a good look at these plans and find the best way forward. This may mean some experimentation and flexibility."

Zynell says, "While i have not been through as many invasions as some of you, i have been at most of the triages for big and small invasion in recent years."

Zynell says, "I have seen the old way work smoothly, i have seen new attempts be made, and i have helped set up triage in some unusual places."

Zynell says, "Unfortunately, i do not think there is a simple solution to Zoluren s triage."

Zynell says, "But i do think there are plans we can make and with some communication and teamwork, we can make sure folk get back to the front lines."

Zynell says, "Crossing triage for the last many years has been held in the Healerie. From the Empath garden, down the stairs and through the doors. This room is well warded. Undead and most creatures do not dare tread across the threshold."

Zynell says, "The problem with this area is that the garden is swiftly overrun and monsters come down the stairs to slay anyone coming out of the triage room. While we can take the tunnels to and fro, the entrance is in the room outside triage s door."

Zynell says, "Paladin bannering helps here. If we can get the courtyard and downstairs bannered, dragging bodies can be pretty easy. However, we do not always have the paladin support or they do not remember to banner downstairs."

Zynell says, "Traditional Crossing triage plans have the Temple slated asa the backup place when things like this happen. However,the temple has its own issues with a confusing layout and even longer body drags."

Zynell says, "During the last raid, even though i had yet to fully explain the first experiment in drake triage to everyone like i am about to do, you did very well at adapting."

Zynell says, "This area discourages violence, the room beside us is unfriendly to magic, and we are well within the building so hopefully we will be less right where the flames are . Should they realize where we have gone,"

Zynell exclaims, "All healing and all soul restoration spells work in here. You can use plants, trees, and debil a corpse. Plus . Tip your bartender!"

Zynell says, "However, there are still issues with this location."

Zynell says, "This does not mean announce it over gweth unless we do end up with a defense channel, but that is more an illiya and leadership question. But do, drop it in casual conversation for newer folk to hear or in a memo to your friend group and so forth."

Zynell says, "Two, the initial wave of death in the empath garden still needs to be handled. This can be managed by a smaller team though."

Zynell says, "Three, it is not directly on the tunnel route. Close, but not direct."

Zynell says, "All that being said, pros and cons."

Zynell says, "What i propose is that if/when we are attacked, main triage is set up here."

Zynell says, "A cleric and 1-2 empaths with 1-2 draggers goes to the Healerie to damage control the initial wave of courtyard deaths.

Zynell says, "A paladin banner in 3 rooms would make life a little easier. In the courtyard, down the stairs, and one right outside the inn. While fire is still an issue, a little more safe is still better."

Zynell says, "Once damage control is done, that first response group returns to main triage, bringing as many as we can with us. Someone with fast boots needs to run this so we have little to no casualties."

Zynell says, "If this area happens to become overrun, we still have options."

Zynell says, "Even though this room is a dead end, once outside we can either run to the cleric guild, run to the ranger guild, and use the tunnel systems from either of those to get to the temple, or run straight to the temple."

Zynell says, "I think we should keep the temple as our backup triage should this one experience trouble. Though at that point, nearly anywhere we can set up would do."

Zynell says, "With this plan, we have a couple key places to remember."

Zynell says, "Healerie for first response group."

Zynell says, "Taelbert s bar, here, for main triage."

Zynell says, "Temple for backup triage."

Zynell says, "None of the triage places are perfect, but this one has booze so it is worth another round of testing."

Zynell asks, "Any questions on the location section or overall pan before we move to some of the more specifics on triaging and what we can hope for?"