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Elanthipedia Grievances

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Despite our best efforts, we understand that there may be issues, and so we have set up a page to explain what your options. Our preferred method of resolution is to simply contact the other party and attempt to work out a compromise, but we understand that it is not always possible.

Standard/Basic Accounts

If you have a problem with another account that cannot fixed by speaking with them, you are welcome to contact one of the moderators or the head administrator.

Moderator Issues

If you have an issue with the activities of one of the moderators, we encourage you to contact the head Administrator. These issues will remain private and will not be shared with other staff.

Administrator Issues

If you have a problem with the actions of the head administrator, then your best bet is to contact one of the moderators, as they are more likely to be able intercede.

What Not to Do

If you have had one of had one of your edits reverted without explanation, please examine the history and see if a comment has been made. The Manual of Style also explains some of the basic policies that are enforced by moderators.

If you cannot determine why your edit was reverted and are unable to resolve the issue with the Moderator, do not simply repeat the changes. Repeatedly returning a page to a reverted edit, regardless of who is right, will most likely result in the page being locked and possibly the editor being banned.

This is not to say that our moderators are infallible or immune to criticism, but they were made moderators after displaying a dedication and understanding of the site for a period of time. Therefore, they are generally assumed to have a better understanding of policies and standards than the average user.

Likewise, turning to an outside forum such as the forums in order to plead your case is unlikely to do anything more than make the staff less likely to change their stance.

It is also inappropriate to threaten a moderator and/or demand a moderator do/not do something.

In short, engaging in a war with someone that has the power to ban you is not prudent.


While they are technically moderators, note that the accounts beginning with DR- are GM accounts provided to allow them to bypass some of the limitations in place for basic accounts. While we are more than happy to work with the GMs in order to make Elanthipedia the best it can be, GMs are not part of the Elanthipedia staff and should not be approached to handle these issues.

Likewise, the Elanthipedia staff will be unable to help with issues relating to GameMasters actions outside of Elanthipedia.