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Dorhum | |
Status: | Alive |
Race: | Human |
Gender: | Male |
Associates: | Zasele, Poltu, Bradyn, Nezhiri |
Tasks: | craft |
You see Researcher Dorhum, a Human. Dorhum has a round face, blue-green eyes rimmed by dark circles and a bulbous nose. His chestnut-brown hair is short and fine with a white streak running through it. He has smooth skin and a scrawny build. He appears to be an adult.
He is wearing a woolen skullcap, a grey linen robe with rolled-up sleeves, a scorched and ink-stained bookbag, and a pair of faded velvet slippers.
Dorhum was first seen at the Hollow Eve Festival 450. He gives out tasks that use the Enchanting system to complete.
Task Requirements
This is for the Hollow Eve Festival 450 (2024) event: For a fee of 5 gold kronar, Dorhum will provide you with one of the instructions below and direct you to return with 7-? items:
- * note: you can check TASK to see your progress when you've accepted a task.
In exchange for these items you will receive a woven sack which will include some coin, some common gems and some crafting materials.
Random Crafting Material Rewards
Ask Dorhum about Dorhum
Researcher Dorhum frowns and leans in to whisper, "Hush! I'm not exactly an invited guest here, so the less said about me, the better."
Ask Dorhum about Enchanting
"Enchanting is my field of expertise," Researcher Dorhum replies, stifling a yawn, "but there is always more to learn. If you'd like to assist with my current academic endeavors, just ASK me for a TASK."
Ask Dorhum about Supplies
"Sigils...sigils are everywhere. They hide in the very shape and shadow of seemingly mundane things. You just have to look," Dorhum muses. "As for anything else you may need, figure it out yourself. The Enchanting Society back on the mainland is certainly a practical option."
Ask Dorhum about Merelew
"I will have their secrets..." Dorhum mutters quietly, eyes narrowed.
Ask Dorhum about Sacks
Dorhum replies, "I have a few coins and trinkets that I will be glad to share as appreciation for any assistance you can offer."
Ask Dorhum about Instructions
If not on a task:
Dorhum peers at you curiously. "I don't recall striking an agreement with you. Perhaps you have mistaken me for someone else?"
[You are not currently on a task for Nezhiri.]
If on a task:
Researcher Dorhum hands you some spongestone instructions. He says, "Please don't lose these. The instructions are tedious to transcribe, and my time is quite valuable."
Ask Dorhum for Task
Researcher Dorhum musters a meager smile. "You wish to help me with my research? I am an enchanter by trade, and if you possess a similar skillset, there is a great deal of knowledge for us to uncover here together."
"As a token of your commitment to this work, I must ask for a fee of 5 gold Kronars first however," he continues. "I'll reward you with whatever I can spare when you're done, but I make no promises about what it will be worth. If you agree, just ask again and we can strike our deal."
[ASK DORHUM FOR TASK again if you agree to his terms.]
Researcher Dorhum gives a slight bow. "Thank you for hearing me out. To further my academic investigation into Merelew magic, I need a few more samples of local enchantments," he explains. "What I'm most curious about next is a spongestone. If you make me 7 of them, I will reward you as best I can. Do note that anything you give me must be well-made or better, though. If you proceed, I will ask you for that fee and set you straight to work."
[You may accept by typing ACCEPT TASK, or decline by typing DECLINE TASK]
Researcher Dorhum nods at you. He holds out a hand and says, "I'll take those 5 gold coins now then."
Researcher Dorhum accepts your coins and slips them away. "Alright, we have ourselves a deal."
Rifling through his bookbag, Dorhum hands you some spongestone instructions. "All the information you need to create the enchantment is in there. Return to me when the work is done, and remember that everything you give me must be crafted with your own hands and well-made or better. Also, be sure to finalize our business before Andreshlew returns to the ocean, because I won't be able to give refunds later. Or ever." Dorhum smirks and turns away.
[You can check your progress with the TASK verb.]