Disarm (script)
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Disarm (script) | |
Category | utility,Survival |
Front-end | StormFront |
Author | Damian, Seped |
Added section to attempt to loot and dismantle boxes, gem listing is still in progress, add new items you want dealt with in the LOOTLOOP: section.
To disable this functionality go to the LOOT: label and add GOTO DONE on the next line.
Scroll down further for modified script that works with lockpick rings. -Permethrim
#.disarm %1 = box %2 = harvest item disposal SETVARIABLE lockpickHolder back goto DISID ARMOR: MATCH DISID You are wearing nothing of that sort. MATCH DISID You have nothing of that sort. MATCH REMARM You are wearing PUT INV ARMOR MATCHWAIT REMARM: ECHO *** You are still wearing armor! ECHO *** Type 'YES' to continue, 'DONE' to quit MATCH DISID positive attitude MATCH DONE Please rephrase that command. MATCHWAIT PDISID: PAUSE DISID: MATCH PDISID ...wait MATCH DISID fails to reveal to you what type of trap protects it MATCH DISID something to shift MATCH DISHARD would be a longshot MATCH DISHARD You have an amazingly minimal chance MATCH DISHARD You really don't have any chance MATCH DISHARD Prayer would be a good start for any MATCH DISHARD You could just jump off a cliff and save MATCH DISHARD You probably have the same shot as a snowball MATCH DISHARD A pitiful snowball encased in the Flames MATCH DISCARE covered black scarab of some unidentifiable substance clings to the MATCH DISCARE are covered with a thin metal circle that has been lacquered with MATCH DISQUICK trivially constructed gadget which you can take down any time MATCH DISQUICK This trap is a laughable matter, you could do it blindfolded MATCH DISQUICK An aged grandmother could defeat this trap in her sleep MATCH DISNORM will be a simple matter for you to disarm MATCH DISNORM You think this trap is precisely at your skill level MATCH DISCARE with only minor troubles MATCH DISCARE should not take long with your skills MATCH DISCARE trap has the edge on you, but you've got a good shot at disarming MATCH DISCARE You have some chance of being able to disarm MATCH DISCARE odds are against you MATCH UNKDIS Roundtime PUT DISARM MY %1 IDENTIFY MATCHWAIT DISHARD: ECHO *** Too Hard to Disarm! GOTO DONE UNKDIS: ECHO *** Unknown Trap Difficulty -- using CAREFUL! DISCARE: SAVE CAREFUL GOTO DISARM DISNORM: SAVE "" GOTO DISARM DISQUICK: SAVE "QUICK" GOTO DISARM DIS: SAVE "QUICK" GOTO DISARM PDISARM: PAUSE DISARM: MATCH PDISARM ...wait MATCH DISMORE not yet fully disarmed. MATCH DISID proves too difficult to manipulate MATCH DISCARE something to shift MATCH DISFAIL lock springs out and stabs you painfully in the finger. MATCH DISFAIL An acrid stream of sulfurous air hisses quietly MATCH DISFAIL A stream of corrosive acid sprays out from the MATCH DISFAIL With a sinister swishing noise, a deadly sharp scythe blade whips out the front of the MATCH DISFAIL There is a sudden flash of greenish light, and a huge electrical charge sends you flying MATCH DISFAIL A stoppered vial opens with a pop and cloud of thick green vapor begins to pour out of the MATCH DISFAIL breaks in half. A glass sphere on the seal begins to glow with an eerie black light MATCH DISFAIL Just as your ears register the sound of a sharp snap MATCH DISFAIL Looking at the needle, you notice with horror the rust colored coating on the tip. MATCH DISFAIL You barely have time to register a faint click before a blinding flash explodes around you MATCH DISFAIL Moving with the grace of a pregnant goat, you carelessly flick at the piece of metal causing MATCH DISFAIL You make a small hole in the side of the box and take deep breath to blow the powder free but a MATCH DISFAIL With a cautious hand, you attempt to undo the string tying the bladder to the locking mechanism MATCH DISFAIL The dart flies though your fingers and plants itself solidly in your forehead! MATCH DISFAIL Almost casually, you press on the tiny hammer set to break the tube. The hammer slips from its locked MATCH DISFAIL Nothing happened. Maybe it was a dud. MATCH DISFAIL You get a feeling that something isn't right. Before you have time to think what it might be you find... MATCH DISFAIL and emits a sound like tormented souls being freed, then fades away suddenly. MATCH DISFAIL has gotten much bigger! MATCH DISFAIL and clumsily shred the fatty bladder behind it in the process. MATCH DISFAIL "liquid shadows" MATCH DISFAIL You wiggle the milky-white tube back and forth for a few moments in an attempt to remove it from MATCH DISFAIL With a nasty look and a liberal amount of hurled, unladylike epithets, she wiggles back inside and slams MATCH DISFAIL Not sure where to start, you begin by prying off the body of the crusty scarab, hoping to break it free MATCH DISFAIL You feel like you've done a good job of blocking up the pinholes, until you peer closely to examine MATCH DISARM You work with the trap for a while but are unable to make any progress. MATCH DISNEXT Roundtime PUT DISARM MY %1 %s MATCHWAIT DISMORE: SAVE DISID GOTO DISANAL DISNEXT: SAVE PICK GOTO DISANAL DISFAIL: GOTO DONE PDISANAL: PAUSE DISANAL: MATCH PDISANAL ...wait MATCH DISHARV You've already analyzed MATCH DISANAL You are unable to determine a proper method MATCH DISHARV Roundtime PUT DISARM MY %1 ANAL MATCHWAIT PDISHARV: PAUSE DISHARV: MATCH PDISHARV ...wait MATCH DISHARV You fumble around with the trap apparatus MATCH %s much for it to be successfully harvested. MATCH %s completely unsuitable for harvesting. MATCH CLRLFT previous trap have already been completely harvested. MATCH CLRLFT Roundtime PUT DISARM MY %1 HARV MATCHWAIT PCLRLFT: PAUSE CLRLFT: MATCH PCLRLFT ...wait MATCH LEG leg in your left hand MATCH FACE face in your left hand MATCH SEAL seal in your left hand MATCH CRYSTAL crystal in your left hand MATCH TUBE tube in your left hand MATCH RUNE rune in your left hand MATCH NEEDLE needle in your left hand MATCH RESERVOIR reservoir in your left hand MATCH STRIKER striker in your left hand MATCH BLADE blade in your left hand MATCH SPRING spring in your left hand MATCH CUBE cube in your left hand MATCH STUDS studs in your left hand MATCH DISC disc in your left hand MATCH VIAL vial in your left hand MATCH PIN pin in your left hand MATCH HAMMER hammer in your left hand MATCH %s nothing in your left hand. MATCH STOWIT in your left hand. PUT GLANCE MATCHWAIT LEG: #Legs have good pawn value, so save them. IF_2 PUT PUT LEG IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP LEG GOTO %s FACE: IF_2 PUT PUT FACE IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP FACE GOTO %s SEAL: IF_2 PUT PUT SEAL IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP SEAL GOTO %s CRYSTAL: IF_2 PUT PUT CRYSTAL IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP CRYSTAL GOTO %s TUBE: IF_2 PUT PUT TUBE IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP TUBE GOTO %s RUNE: IF_2 PUT PUT RUNE IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP RUNE GOTO %s NEEDLE: #Needles have good pawn value, so save them. IF_2 PUT PUT NEEDLE IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP NEEDLE GOTO %s RESERVOIR: IF_2 PUT PUT RESERVOIR IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP RESERVOIR GOTO %s STRIKER: IF_2 PUT PUT STRIKER IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP STRIKER GOTO %s BLADE: IF_2 PUT PUT BLADE IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP BLADE GOTO %s SPRING: #Springs have good pawn value, so save them. IF_2 PUT PUT SPRING IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP SPRING GOTO %s CUBE: IF_2 PUT PUT CUBE IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP CUBE GOTO %s STUDS: IF_2 PUT PUT STUDS IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP STUDS GOTO %s DISC: #DISCS have good pawn value, so save them. IF_2 PUT PUT DISC IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP DISC GOTO %s VIAL: IF_2 PUT PUT VIAL IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP VIAL GOTO %s PIN: IF_2 PUT PUT PIN IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP PIN GOTO %s HAMMER: IF_2 PUT PUT HAMMER IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP HAMMER GOTO %s STOWIT: PUT STOW LEFT GOTO %s PPICK: PAUSE PICK: MATCH PPICK ...wait MATCH CLRLFT You need a free hand to pick that up. MATCH PICKID you get a MATCH NOPICK referring to? PUT GET MY LOCKP FROM MY %lockpickHolder MATCHWAIT NOPICK: ECHO *** No more lockpicks, or try a different container. GOTO DONE PPICKID: PAUSE PICKID: MATCH PPICKID ...wait MATCH BROKEID Find a more appropriate tool and try again! MATCH OPENBOX It's not even locked, why bother? MATCH PICKID fails to teach you anything about the lock guarding it. MATCH PICKBLIND trivially constructed gadget which you can take down any time MATCH PICKBLIND An aged grandmother could MATCH PICKBLIND you could do it blindfolded MATCH PICKQUICK trivially constructed piece of junk barely worth your time MATCH PICKQUICK will be a simple matter for you to unlock MATCH PICKQUICK should not take long with your skills MATCH PICKQUICK You think this lock is precisely at your skill level MATCH PICKQUICK with only minor troubles MATCH PICKCARE lock has the edge on you, but you've got a good shot at MATCH PICKCARE You have some chance of being able to MATCH PICKCARE odds are against you MATCH PICKCARE would be a longshot MATCH PICKCARE You have an amazingly minimal chance MATCH PICKHARD You really don't have any chance MATCH PICKHARD Prayer would be a good start for any MATCH PICKHARD You could just jump off a cliff and save MATCH PICKHARD You probably have the same shot as a snowball MATCH PICKHARD A pitiful snowball encased in the Flames MATCH UNKPICK Roundtime PUT PICK MY %1 ID MATCHWAIT PBROKEID: PAUSE BROKEID: MATCH PBROKEID ...wait MATCH PICKID you get a MATCH NOPICK referring to? PUT GET MY LOCKP FROM MY %lockpickHolder MATCHWAIT PICKHARD: ECHO *** You have no chance to open this lock! ECHO *** Proceeding to Pick Quick Anyway GOTO PICKQUICK PICKCARE: IF_4 SAVE "" IF_4 GOTO PICKANAL SAVE CAREFUL GOTO PICKANAL UNKPICK: ECHO *** Unknown Lock Difficulty -- using normal. PICKNORM: IF_4 SAVE QUICK IF_4 GOTO PICKANAL SAVE "" GOTO PICKANAL PICKQUICK: IF_4 SAVE BLIND IF_4 GOTO PICKANAL SAVE QUICK GOTO PICKANAL PICKBLIND: SAVE BLIND GOTO PICKANAL PPICKANAL: PAUSE PICKANAL: MATCH PPICKANAL ...wait MATCH PICKANAL You are unable to determine anything useful about the lock MATCH PICKLOCK This lock has already helpfully been analyzed... MATCH PICKLOCK Roundtime PUT PICK MY %1 ANAL matchwait PPICKLOCK: PAUSE PICKLOCK: MATCH PPICKLOCK ...wait MATCH PICKLOCK You are unable to make any progress towards opening the lock. MATCH BROKE just broke MATCH BROKE Find a more appropriate tool and try again! MATCH PICKID You discover another MATCH OPENBOX Roundtime PUT PICK MY %1 %s MATCHWAIT PBROKE: PAUSE BROKE: MATCH PBROKE ...wait MATCH PICKLOCK you get a MATCH NOPICK referring to? PUT GET MY LOCKP FROM MY %lockpickHolder MATCHWAIT POPENBOX: PAUSE OPENBOX: MATCH POPENBOX ...wait MATCH STRONGBOX strongbox in your right hand MATCH CADDY caddy in your right hand MATCH CASKET casket in your right hand MATCH TRUNK trunk in your right hand MATCH BOX box in your right hand MATCH COFFER coffer in your right hand MATCH CHEST chest in your right hand MATCH SKIPPET skippet in your right hand MATCH CRATE crate in your right hand MATCH NEWBOX in your right hand PUT GLANCE MATCHWAIT STRONGBOX: SAVE STRONGBOX GOTO LOOT CADDY: SAVE CADDY GOTO LOOT CASKET: SAVE CASKET GOTO LOOT TRUNK: SAVE TRUNK GOTO LOOT BOX: SAVE BOX GOTO LOOT COFFER: SAVE COFFER GOTO LOOT CHEST: SAVE CHEST GOTO LOOT SKIPPET: SAVE SKIPPET GOTO LOOT CRATE: SAVE CRATE GOTO LOOT NEWBOX: ECHO *** Unknown Box Type! GOTO DONE STORPICK: PUT PUT LOCKP IN MY %lockpickHolder GOTO LOOTLOOP LOOT: PUT open %s GOTO STORPICK LOOTLOOP: pause 1 MATCH BREAKBOX is nothing in there MATCH COIN coin MATCH NUGGET nugget MATCH TSAVORITE tsavorite MATCH ZIRCON zircon MATCH root root MATCH QUARTZ quartz MATCH CHALC chalc MATCH DIOP diop MATCH CORAL coral MATCH MOONSTONE moonstone MATCH ONYX onyx #Topaz must be before amber MATCH TOPAZ topaz MATCH AMBER amber MATCH PEARL pearl MATCH CHRYSO chryso MATCH LAZULI lazuli MATCH TURQUOISE turquoise MATCH BLOODSTONE bloodstone MATCH HEMATITE hematite MATCH MORTAR mortar MATCH LEAF leaf MATCH FLOWER flower MATCH ROOT root MATCH MORGANITE morganite MATCH SAPPHIRE sapphire MATCH AGATE agate MATCHRE BAR /\bbar\b/ MATCH FLOWER flower MATCH CARNELIAN carnelian MATCH RUNESTONE runestone MATCH PESTLE pestle MATCH DIAMOND diamond MATCH CRYSTAL crystal MATCH EMERALD emerald MATCH RUBY ruby MATCH TOURMALINE tourmaline MATCH TANZANITE tanzanite MATCH JADE jade MATCH IVORY ivory MATCH SUNSTONE sunstone MATCH LABEL label MATCH IOLITE iolite MATCH BERYL beryl MATCH ARROWHEAD arrowhead MATCH GARNET garnet MATCH ALEXANDRITE alexandrite MATCH AMETHYST amethyst MATCH CITRINE citrine MATCH AQUAMARINE aquamarine MATCH STARSTONE star-stone MATCH CRYSTAL crystal MATCH FLIGHTS flights MATCH KUNZITE kunzite MATCH SPINEL spinel MATCH UNITEM you see PUT look in %s MATCHWAIT STARSTONE: put get star-stone put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP SUNSTONE: put get sunstone put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP LABEL: put get label put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP AQUAMARINE: put get aquamarine put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP CRYSTAL: put get crystal put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP FLIGHTS: put get flights put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP KUNZITE: put get kunzite put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP SPINEL: put get spinel put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP CITRINE: put get citrine put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP AMETHYST: put get amethyst put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP ALEXANDRITE: put get alexandrite put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP GARNET: put get garnet put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP IOLITE: put get iolite put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP ARROWHEAD: put get arrowhead from %s put put arrowhead in %2 GOTO LOOTLOOP BERYL: put get beryl put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP IVORY: put get ivory put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP JADE: put get jade put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP TANZANITE: put get tanzanite put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP TOURMALINE: put get tourmaline put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP RUBY: put get ruby put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP EMERALD: put get emerald put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP CRYSTAL: put get crystal put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP TOPAZ: put get topaz put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP DIAMOND: put get diamond put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP CARNELIAN: put get carnelian put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP RUNESTONE: put get runestone from %s put put runestone in %2 GOTO LOOTLOOP PESTLE: put get pestle from %s put put pestle in %2 GOTO LOOTLOOP FLOWER: put get flower from %s put put flower in %2 GOTO LOOTLOOP LEAF: put get leaf from %s put put leaf in %2 GOTO LOOTLOOP ROOT: put get root from %s put put root in %2 GOTO LOOTLOOP MORTAR: put get mortar from %s put put mortar in %2 GOTO LOOTLOOP BAR: put get bar put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP AGATE: put get agate put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP SAPPHIRE: put get sapphire put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP MORGANITE: put get morganite put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP HEMATITE: put get hematite put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP BLOODSTONE: put get bloodstone put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP TURQUOISE: put get turqu put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP LAZULI: put get lazuli put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP CHRYSO: put get chryso put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP PEARL: put get pearl put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP AMBER: put get amber put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP ONYX: put get onyx put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP ROOT: put get root put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP CORAL: PUT get coral PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP MOONSTONE: PUT get moonstone PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP DIOP: PUT get diop PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP CHALC: PUT get chalc PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP QUARTZ: PUT get quartz PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP NUGGET: PUT get nugget PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP COIN: PUT get coin from %s GOTO LOOTLOOP TSAVORITE: PUT get tsavorite from %s PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP ZIRCON: PUT get zircon from %s PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP UNITEM: ECHO Unknown item found in box, add it to the loot section GOTO DONE BREAKBOX: PUT dismantle %s DONE:
Modified script allows for use with lockpick rings.
#.disarm %1 = box %2 = harvest item disposal goto DISID ARMOR: MATCH DISID You are wearing nothing of that sort. MATCH DISID You have nothing of that sort. MATCH REMARM You are wearing PUT INV ARMOR MATCHWAIT REMARM: ECHO *** You are still wearing armor! ECHO *** Type 'YES' to continue, 'DONE' to quit MATCH DISID positive attitude MATCH DONE Please rephrase that command. MATCHWAIT PDISID: PAUSE DISID: MATCH PDISID ...wait MATCH DISID fails to reveal to you what type of trap protects it MATCH DISID something to shift MATCH DISHARD would be a longshot MATCH DISHARD You have an amazingly minimal chance MATCH DISHARD You really don't have any chance MATCH DISHARD Prayer would be a good start for any MATCH DISHARD You could just jump off a cliff and save MATCH DISHARD You probably have the same shot as a snowball MATCH DISHARD A pitiful snowball encased in the Flames MATCH DISCARE covered black scarab of some unidentifiable substance clings to the MATCH DISCARE are covered with a thin metal circle that has been lacquered with MATCH DISQUICK trivially constructed gadget which you can take down any time MATCH DISQUICK This trap is a laughable matter, you could do it blindfolded MATCH DISQUICK An aged grandmother could defeat this trap in her sleep MATCH DISNORM will be a simple matter for you to disarm MATCH DISNORM You think this trap is precisely at your skill level MATCH DISCARE with only minor troubles MATCH DISCARE should not take long with your skills MATCH DISCARE trap has the edge on you, but you've got a good shot at disarming MATCH DISCARE You have some chance of being able to disarm MATCH DISCARE odds are against you MATCH UNKDIS Roundtime PUT DISARM MY %1 IDENTIFY MATCHWAIT DISHARD: ECHO *** Too Hard to Disarm! GOTO DONE UNKDIS: ECHO *** Unknown Trap Difficulty -- using CAREFUL! DISCARE: SAVE CAREFUL GOTO DISARM DISNORM: SAVE "" GOTO DISARM DISQUICK: SAVE "QUICK" GOTO DISARM DIS: SAVE "QUICK" GOTO DISARM PDISARM: PAUSE DISARM: MATCH PDISARM ...wait MATCH DISMORE not yet fully disarmed. MATCH DISID proves too difficult to manipulate MATCH DISCARE something to shift MATCH DISFAIL lock springs out and stabs you painfully in the finger. MATCH DISFAIL An acrid stream of sulfurous air hisses quietly MATCH DISFAIL A stream of corrosive acid sprays out from the MATCH DISFAIL With a sinister swishing noise, a deadly sharp scythe blade whips out the front of the MATCH DISFAIL There is a sudden flash of greenish light, and a huge electrical charge sends you flying MATCH DISFAIL A stoppered vial opens with a pop and cloud of thick green vapor begins to pour out of the MATCH DISFAIL breaks in half. A glass sphere on the seal begins to glow with an eerie black light MATCH DISFAIL Just as your ears register the sound of a sharp snap MATCH DISFAIL Looking at the needle, you notice with horror the rust colored coating on the tip. MATCH DISFAIL You barely have time to register a faint click before a blinding flash explodes around you MATCH DISFAIL Moving with the grace of a pregnant goat, you carelessly flick at the piece of metal causing MATCH DISFAIL You make a small hole in the side of the box and take deep breath to blow the powder free but a MATCH DISFAIL With a cautious hand, you attempt to undo the string tying the bladder to the locking mechanism MATCH DISFAIL The dart flies though your fingers and plants itself solidly in your forehead! MATCH DISFAIL Almost casually, you press on the tiny hammer set to break the tube. The hammer slips from its locked MATCH DISFAIL Nothing happened. Maybe it was a dud. MATCH DISFAIL You get a feeling that something isn't right. Before you have time to think what it might be you find... MATCH DISFAIL and emits a sound like tormented souls being freed, then fades away suddenly. MATCH DISFAIL has gotten much bigger! MATCH DISFAIL and clumsily shred the fatty bladder behind it in the process. MATCH DISFAIL "liquid shadows" MATCH DISFAIL You wiggle the milky-white tube back and forth for a few moments in an attempt to remove it from MATCH DISFAIL With a nasty look and a liberal amount of hurled, unladylike epithets, she wiggles back inside and slams MATCH DISFAIL Not sure where to start, you begin by prying off the body of the crusty scarab, hoping to break it free MATCH DISFAIL You feel like you've done a good job of blocking up the pinholes, until you peer closely to examine MATCH DISARM You work with the trap for a while but are unable to make any progress. MATCH DISNEXT Roundtime PUT DISARM MY %1 %s MATCHWAIT DISMORE: SAVE DISID GOTO DISANAL DISNEXT: SAVE PICK GOTO DISANAL DISFAIL: GOTO DONE PDISANAL: PAUSE DISANAL: MATCH PDISANAL ...wait MATCH DISHARV You've already analyzed MATCH DISANAL You are unable to determine a proper method MATCH DISHARV Roundtime PUT DISARM MY %1 ANAL MATCHWAIT PDISHARV: PAUSE DISHARV: MATCH PDISHARV ...wait MATCH DISHARV You fumble around with the trap apparatus MATCH %s much for it to be successfully harvested. MATCH %s completely unsuitable for harvesting. MATCH CLRLFT previous trap have already been completely harvested. MATCH CLRLFT Roundtime PUT DISARM MY %1 HARV MATCHWAIT PCLRLFT: PAUSE CLRLFT: MATCH PCLRLFT ...wait MATCH LEG leg in your left hand MATCH FACE face in your left hand MATCH SEAL seal in your left hand MATCH CRYSTAL crystal in your left hand MATCH TUBE tube in your left hand MATCH RUNE rune in your left hand MATCH NEEDLE needle in your left hand MATCH RESERVOIR reservoir in your left hand MATCH STRIKER striker in your left hand MATCH BLADE blade in your left hand MATCH SPRING spring in your left hand MATCH CUBE cube in your left hand MATCH STUDS studs in your left hand MATCH DISC disc in your left hand MATCH VIAL vial in your left hand MATCH PIN pin in your left hand MATCH HAMMER hammer in your left hand MATCH %s nothing in your left hand. MATCH STOWIT in your left hand. PUT GLANCE MATCHWAIT LEG: #Legs have good pawn value, so save them. IF_2 PUT PUT LEG IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP LEG GOTO %s FACE: IF_2 PUT PUT FACE IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP FACE GOTO %s SEAL: IF_2 PUT PUT SEAL IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP SEAL GOTO %s CRYSTAL: IF_2 PUT PUT CRYSTAL IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP CRYSTAL GOTO %s TUBE: IF_2 PUT PUT TUBE IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP TUBE GOTO %s RUNE: IF_2 PUT PUT RUNE IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP RUNE GOTO %s NEEDLE: #Needles have good pawn value, so save them. IF_2 PUT PUT NEEDLE IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP NEEDLE GOTO %s RESERVOIR: IF_2 PUT PUT RESERVOIR IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP RESERVOIR GOTO %s STRIKER: IF_2 PUT PUT STRIKER IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP STRIKER GOTO %s BLADE: IF_2 PUT PUT BLADE IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP BLADE GOTO %s SPRING: #Springs have good pawn value, so save them. IF_2 PUT PUT SPRING IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP SPRING GOTO %s CUBE: IF_2 PUT PUT CUBE IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP CUBE GOTO %s STUDS: IF_2 PUT PUT STUDS IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP STUDS GOTO %s DISC: #DISCS have good pawn value, so save them. IF_2 PUT PUT DISC IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP DISC GOTO %s VIAL: IF_2 PUT PUT VIAL IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP VIAL GOTO %s PIN: IF_2 PUT PUT PIN IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP PIN GOTO %s HAMMER: IF_2 PUT PUT HAMMER IN %2 IF_2 GOTO %s PUT DROP HAMMER GOTO %s STOWIT: PUT STOW LEFT GOTO %s PPICK: PAUSE PICK: MATCH PPICK ...wait MATCH CLRLFT You need a free hand to pick that up. MATCH PICKID you get a PPICKID: PAUSE PICKID: MATCH PPICKID ...wait MATCH OPENBOX It's not even locked, why bother? MATCH PICKID fails to teach you anything about the lock guarding it. MATCH PICKBLIND trivially constructed gadget which you can take down any time MATCH PICKBLIND An aged grandmother could MATCH PICKBLIND you could do it blindfolded MATCH PICKQUICK trivially constructed piece of junk barely worth your time MATCH PICKQUICK will be a simple matter for you to unlock MATCH PICKQUICK should not take long with your skills MATCH PICKQUICK You think this lock is precisely at your skill level MATCH PICKQUICK with only minor troubles MATCH PICKCARE lock has the edge on you, but you've got a good shot at MATCH PICKCARE You have some chance of being able to MATCH PICKCARE odds are against you MATCH PICKCARE would be a longshot MATCH PICKCARE You have an amazingly minimal chance MATCH PICKHARD You really don't have any chance MATCH PICKHARD Prayer would be a good start for any MATCH PICKHARD You could just jump off a cliff and save MATCH PICKHARD You probably have the same shot as a snowball MATCH PICKHARD A pitiful snowball encased in the Flames MATCH UNKPICK Roundtime PUT PICK MY %1 ID MATCHWAIT PBROKEID: PAUSE BROKEID: MATCH PBROKEID ...wait MATCH PICKID you get a MATCH NOPICK referring to? PICKHARD: ECHO *** You have no chance to open this lock! ECHO *** Proceeding to Pick Quick Anyway GOTO PICKQUICK PICKCARE: IF_4 SAVE "" IF_4 GOTO PICKANAL SAVE CAREFUL GOTO PICKANAL UNKPICK: ECHO *** Unknown Lock Difficulty -- using normal. PICKNORM: IF_4 SAVE QUICK IF_4 GOTO PICKANAL SAVE "" GOTO PICKANAL PICKQUICK: IF_4 SAVE BLIND IF_4 GOTO PICKANAL SAVE QUICK GOTO PICKANAL PICKBLIND: SAVE BLIND GOTO PICKANAL PPICKANAL: PAUSE PICKANAL: MATCH PPICKANAL ...wait MATCH PICKANAL You are unable to determine anything useful about the lock MATCH PICKLOCK This lock has already helpfully been analyzed... MATCH PICKLOCK Roundtime PUT PICK MY %1 ANAL matchwait PPICKLOCK: PAUSE PICKLOCK: MATCH PPICKLOCK ...wait MATCH PICKLOCK You are unable to make any progress towards opening the lock. MATCH BROKE just broke MATCH PICKID You discover another MATCH OPENBOX Roundtime PUT PICK MY %1 %s MATCHWAIT PBROKE: PAUSE BROKE: MATCH PBROKE ...wait MATCH PICKLOCK you get a MATCH NOPICK referring to? POPENBOX: PAUSE OPENBOX: MATCH POPENBOX ...wait MATCH STRONGBOX strongbox in your right hand MATCH CADDY caddy in your right hand MATCH CASKET casket in your right hand MATCH TRUNK trunk in your right hand MATCH BOX box in your right hand MATCH COFFER coffer in your right hand MATCH CHEST chest in your right hand MATCH SKIPPET skippet in your right hand MATCH CRATE crate in your right hand MATCH NEWBOX in your right hand PUT GLANCE MATCHWAIT STRONGBOX: SAVE STRONGBOX GOTO LOOT CADDY: SAVE CADDY GOTO LOOT CASKET: SAVE CASKET GOTO LOOT TRUNK: SAVE TRUNK GOTO LOOT BOX: SAVE BOX GOTO LOOT COFFER: SAVE COFFER GOTO LOOT CHEST: SAVE CHEST GOTO LOOT SKIPPET: SAVE SKIPPET GOTO LOOT CRATE: SAVE CRATE GOTO LOOT NEWBOX: ECHO *** Unknown Box Type! GOTO DONE STORPICK: GOTO LOOTLOOP LOOT: PUT open %s GOTO STORPICK LOOTLOOP: pause 1 MATCH BREAKBOX is nothing in there MATCH COIN coin MATCH NUGGET nugget MATCH TSAVORITE tsavorite MATCH ZIRCON zircon MATCH root root MATCH QUARTZ quartz MATCH CHALC chalc MATCH DIOP diop MATCH CORAL coral MATCH MOONSTONE moonstone MATCH ONYX onyx #Topaz must be before amber MATCH TOPAZ topaz MATCH AMBER amber MATCH PEARL pearl MATCH CHRYSO chryso MATCH LAZULI lazuli MATCH TURQUOISE turquoise MATCH BLOODSTONE bloodstone MATCH HEMATITE hematite MATCH MORTAR mortar MATCH LEAF leaf MATCH FLOWER flower MATCH ROOT root MATCH MORGANITE morganite MATCH SAPPHIRE sapphire MATCH AGATE agate MATCHRE BAR /\bbar\b/ MATCH FLOWER flower MATCH CARNELIAN carnelian MATCH RUNESTONE runestone MATCH PESTLE pestle MATCH DIAMOND diamond MATCH CRYSTAL crystal MATCH EMERALD emerald MATCH RUBY ruby MATCH TOURMALINE tourmaline MATCH TANZANITE tanzanite MATCH JADE jade MATCH IVORY ivory MATCH SUNSTONE sunstone MATCH LABEL label MATCH IOLITE iolite MATCH BERYL beryl MATCH ARROWHEAD arrowhead MATCH GARNET garnet MATCH ALEXANDRITE alexandrite MATCH AMETHYST amethyst MATCH CITRINE citrine MATCH AQUAMARINE aquamarine MATCH STARSTONE star-stone MATCH CRYSTAL crystal MATCH FLIGHTS flights MATCH KUNZITE kunzite MATCH SPINEL spinel MATCH UNITEM you see PUT look in %s MATCHWAIT STARSTONE: put get star-stone put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP SUNSTONE: put get sunstone put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP LABEL: put get label put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP AQUAMARINE: put get aquamarine put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP CRYSTAL: put get crystal put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP FLIGHTS: put get flights put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP KUNZITE: put get kunzite put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP SPINEL: put get spinel put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP CITRINE: put get citrine put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP AMETHYST: put get amethyst put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP ALEXANDRITE: put get alexandrite put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP GARNET: put get garnet put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP IOLITE: put get iolite put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP ARROWHEAD: put get arrowhead from %s put put arrowhead in %2 GOTO LOOTLOOP BERYL: put get beryl put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP IVORY: put get ivory put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP JADE: put get jade put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP TANZANITE: put get tanzanite put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP TOURMALINE: put get tourmaline put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP RUBY: put get ruby put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP EMERALD: put get emerald put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP CRYSTAL: put get crystal put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP TOPAZ: put get topaz put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP DIAMOND: put get diamond put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP CARNELIAN: put get carnelian put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP RUNESTONE: put get runestone from %s put put runestone in %2 GOTO LOOTLOOP PESTLE: put get pestle from %s put put pestle in %2 GOTO LOOTLOOP FLOWER: put get flower from %s put put flower in %2 GOTO LOOTLOOP LEAF: put get leaf from %s put put leaf in %2 GOTO LOOTLOOP ROOT: put get root from %s put put root in %2 GOTO LOOTLOOP MORTAR: put get mortar from %s put put mortar in %2 GOTO LOOTLOOP BAR: put get bar put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP AGATE: put get agate put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP SAPPHIRE: put get sapphire put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP MORGANITE: put get morganite put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP HEMATITE: put get hematite put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP BLOODSTONE: put get bloodstone put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP TURQUOISE: put get turqu put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP LAZULI: put get lazuli put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP CHRYSO: put get chryso put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP PEARL: put get pearl put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP AMBER: put get amber put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP ONYX: put get onyx put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP ROOT: put get root put stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP CORAL: PUT get coral PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP MOONSTONE: PUT get moonstone PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP DIOP: PUT get diop PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP CHALC: PUT get chalc PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP QUARTZ: PUT get quartz PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP NUGGET: PUT get nugget PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP COIN: PUT get coin from %s GOTO LOOTLOOP TSAVORITE: PUT get tsavorite from %s PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP ZIRCON: PUT get zircon from %s PUT stow left GOTO LOOTLOOP UNITEM: ECHO Unknown item found in box, add it to the loot section GOTO DONE BREAKBOX: PUT dismantle %s DONE: