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Diedretta Dosidosiger
Status Active
Race Gnome
Gender Female
Guild Barbarian
Instance Prime

Dancer, mind & body fitness practitioner, and barbarism in its most concentrated form.


You see Diminutive Diedretta Dosidosiger, a Gnome. She has a triangular face, almond-shaped gold eyes and a classical nose. Her platinum hair is long and thick, and is worn tied back in an intricate five-stranded braid. She has smooth skin and a curvaceous figure. Her nails are red, but you're not certain they're painted. She is short for a Gnome. She is an adult (physically).

Disposition and Mannerisms

Diedretta is sweet and energetic. She loves to eat! She loves to drink!! She loves to play with sharp objects!!! Diedretta enjoys good people, good times, and good fights ... provided she wins. However, some folks get the sense that something is not quite right about Diedretta. Perhaps it is related to the insane degree to which she loathes bugs, both insects and arachnids. Or maybe her incomprehensibly intense fascination with tiny weapons gives one cause for concern. Regardless of her peculiarities, most folks find her a joy to be around ... so long as one doesn't get too close.


She is wearing a short golden firesilk cape fluttering from the shoulders, a glass shard hanging from a silken cord, a snug moonsilk bandeau wrapped around the chest, a rugged leather weapons belt with a Barbarians' Guild crest buckle, a thigh-length moonsilk sarong knotted at one side, some iridescent silk tights, some silvery windfish-scale slippers, a mist grey wrist purse, a beryl blue satin knapsack, a tiny triangular sipar, some armor, and some other stuff.


When asked about her past Diedretta pauses momentarily, a barely concealed painful expression upon her face for the briefest instant, before she lights up in a big smile and says sweetly, "I nae recall much about 'at." When drunk, Diedretta has occasionally revealed hints about maltreatment, striking back with a knife, being arrested, and having scars that no empath can heal. Perhaps the truth is something that Diedretta has yet to discover for herself, let alone share with anyone else.

Recently, Diedretta has been most in her element when focused on her dancing and meditative exercises. She claims to be a dancer who is studying under Agonar and Mo. Through coordination of breath with motion of the body and focus of the mind, Diedretta achieves her peak physical performance, spiritual strength, mental clarity, and some much-needed emotional peace.


Dern tootin'!

I fight best with weapons right-sized for mees. My swords fit best when 3 spans long. My blunts are best when 2-3 spans. Anything 4 spans or more's a gnomish two-hander for this gal, as far as 'at goes.

I am a researcher. I am studyin' bio-mechanics through the careful dissection of hostile corporeal life forms. I've never been attacked by a deer, so I know nothin' about them. If you want to know about ghosties, talk to a cleric please. I nae dance with them.

I nae know why, but bone armor is just spintastic! Somethin' about bein' protected by skeletons of the dead just keeps me all warm an' fuzzies inside.

When confronted by a larger opponent: "My brains versus your brawn. Brin' it on!"

When confronted by a really, really dumb opponent: "My brawn versus your brains. Brin' it on!"