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Dantia/Logs/20191103 Log
[Merchant Lounge, Lobby]
Brightly dyed lengths of silk hang haphazardly on the walls, allowing sections of gleaming chitin to peek through in places. Spanning the far wall of this makeshift lobby are four metal doors painted bright red, yellow, blue and green. Chintz cushions placed around the area facilitate a more comfortable wait for patrons.
You also see a vivacious azure kitten in a stylish ruby songsilk vest, a tiny midnight black kitten with bright silver eyes, a spotted teacup piglet with an elegant black velvet jacket with slender lapels of silver jaalmin on it, a green-eyed lilac point kitten, a tiny leopard-spotted kitten sporting an oversized sweater which reads "RAWR", an adorable alabaster kitten wearing a delicate moonsilk collar, a lazy and monstrously fat golden pig with some sensational lipka cotton wings dyed in shades of lavender on it, a jaguar-spotted kitten dappled in black rosettes upon a wispy orange coat, a heavy steel archway leading out, a polished steel table with several things on it and a waiting list.
Also here: Modotta, Witch Keishalae, Outrider Mozadar, Fateweaver Djordje, Chelinde, Ghost Hunter Elurotso, Mindflayer Giosaffat, Wintyer who is surrounded by a pink cloud of glitter, Ershta Zehira screened by inky black droplets washed in iridescence, Pit Viper Aruthas, Grandmaster Zurial, Shop Filler Thires, Kitten Queen Lycette, Sea Ranger Lorwryn, Szofia, Shorasa Bovi, Life Restorer Belkas, Druid Hnot who is sitting, Bladesinger Lydaiva, Den Father Rhorgul, Immigrant Kingdok, Riftal, Knight Magister Saragos, Pit Viper Tennman, Kitten Snuggler Anlise, Relic of the Grove Xixist, Ironsoul Gorzon, Lord Knight Baeus, Shhrtel Shh'oiyvh-ur Razhak, Alley Fighter Allye, Ambassador Pengwin who is awash in Xibar-blue light, Slo'shh'oiyvh-ur Hotoke, Merchant Greyhallow, Daisylou, Child of Grazhir Aaoskar, Life Tender Melindrha, Tehana, Tyrun, Web Healer Aislynn who is sitting, Darkling Frantz, Safari Guide Lemb, Guard Sergeant Rirsti, Opportunist Meeanda, Engineering Legend Dreamheart, Fate Blade Aailani who is enwreathed in vaporous shadows, Dancer Vixonia who is sitting, Sir Hebion, Infernal Butcher Shinikaze, Armot, Spectral Spineripper Raikage, Thievery Legend Jalika, Sojourner Shaylynne who is fringed by a sprinkle of blinking fireflies, Night Hunter Shyduska and Warlock Baalshamin.
Obvious exits: none.
Ruea nods to you.
> poke list
Elwir is next but has left the game.
> poke list
Moriora is next.
> cheer Mori
You let out a hearty cheer for Moriora!
Ruea reaches over and holds hands with Moriora.
Ruea asks Moriora, "Are you ready?"
Moriora nods.
Witch's Assistant Ruea's group entered a bright green door.
> read list
The waiting list contains the following names:
(1) Jalika (2) Meeanda (3) Shyduska (4) Bovi (5) Rirsti (6) Greyhallow (7) Zehira (8) Shaylynne (9) Belkas (10) Aaoskar (11) Lydaiva (12) Xixist (13) Thires (14) Aailani (15) Djordje (16) Melindrha (17) Aislynn (18) Tyrun (19) Daisylou (20) Baalshamin (21) Elurotso (22) Allye (23) Vixonia (24) Gorzon (25) Anlise (26) Dreamheart (27) Lemb (28) Saragos (29) Hebion (30) Frantz (31) Rhorgul (32) Tehana (33) Hotoke (34) Shinikaze (35) Razhak (36) Riftal (37) Armot (38) Zurial (39) Tarimun (40) Raikage (41) Mozadar (42) Hnot (43) Pengwin (44) Lycette (45) Vivalynn (46) Giosaffat (47) Szofia (48) Tennman (49) Baeus
Any number of people may sign up on the waiting list while it's open. Players of any race and profession may join the list. There is no charge to sign up on the waiting list. The selection order is random.
The waiting list is closed. Leaving the game is allowed. You MUST be back by your turn. Leaving the room is allowed. You MUST be back by your turn.
You may only be on ONE list at a time. Joining another will remove you from the first.
> say 49 left on the list!
You exclaim, "49 left on the list!"
Allye grins.
Kingdok says, "Riiiiiiiiiiiiii."
Elwir came through a heavy steel archway leading out.
Elwir whispers, "did i get called at some point?"
Inneth says to you, "Another name, if you please."
Inneth grins at you.
> nod
You nod.
> poke list
Aaoskar is next.
Inneth reaches over and holds hands with Aaoskar.
Aaoskar nods.
Elwir quietly asks, "My name is no longer on the list?"
> whisper Elwir Looking back, one moment.
You whisper to Elwir, "Looking back, one moment."
> whisper Elwir Aye, you were called and were no longer logged in.
You whisper to Elwir, "Aye, you were called and were no longer logged in."
Elwir nods to you.
Elwir quietly says, "Ah well, my luck."
Elwir chuckles.
> pat Elwir
You pat Elwir on the back.
Kingdok asks, "Ya my name got removed too, can I get it added back?"
Ruea laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Allye ponders.
Gorzon grins.
Kingdok exclaims, "What is this!"
Razhak loudly exclaims, "Razhak!"
Meeanda grins at Razhak, her dimples flashing into view.
Gorzon asks, "Anyone have popcorn?"
> say No names were removed. The list was started just before this session began.
You say, "No names were removed. The list was started just before this session began."
Gorzon says, "I think I may need some."
Ruea says to you, "I'll take someone."
Kingdok says, "No my name was removed, must been a clerical error."
> nod Ru
You nod to Ruea.
> poke list
Tehana is next.
Tehana gasps!
> beam tehan
You beam at Tehana!
Ruea smiles at Tehana.
Ruea asks Tehana, "Are you ready?"
Ruea clasps Tehana's hand tenderly.
Tehana exclaims, "I am ready!"
Tehana beams at Ruea!
Witch's Assistant Ruea's group entered a bright green door.
Daisylou says, "Wow almost 20 done."
Daisylou nods.
> nod Dai
You nod to Daisylou.
Daisylou grins at you.
Gorzon says, "Things go smoother under pain of death."
Gorzon shrugs.
> say They are very efficient, but can only be as efficient as each one of you! So please prepare your ideas!
You exclaim, "They are very efficient, but can only be as efficient as each one of you! So please prepare your ideas!"
> beam
You beam!
Greyhallow winks at you.
> say }Greyhallow Am I doing it right?
You ask Greyhallow, "Am I doing it right?"
> grin Grey
You grin at Greyhallow.
Greyhallow exclaims, "Looks good to me!"
> beam
You beam!
Xixist smiles.
Greyhallow says, "You can be the "soft" counter point to The Witche's "hard"."
> giggle Grey
You giggle at Greyhallow.
Witch's Assistant Inneth came out of a bright blue door.
> hum
You hum to yourself.
Inneth says to you, "One more for me, as well."
> nod Inn
You nod to Inneth.
> poke list
Zurial is next.
> cheer Zur
You let out a hearty cheer for Zurial!
Inneth reaches over and holds hands with Zurial.
Inneth asks Zurial, "Ready?"
Witch's Assistant Inneth's group entered a bright green door.
> say I have not seen a single death so far. Just think, this means your chances of dying on your turn increase with each finished customer!
You exclaim, "I have not seen a single death so far. Just think, this means your chances of dying on your turn increase with each finished customer!"
> beam
You beam!
Meeanda shifts her weight.
Allye gnaws on her lip.
Dreamheart shifts her weight.
Kingdok says, "How can I get back on the list, my name disappeared."
Lydaiva says, "Kingdok, if you joined the list that was sitting here open since the event opened, the Witch closed that list and erased it, then opened it for new names after she chose her helpers."
> nod Lyda
You nod to Lydaiva.
Kingdok says, "Ok please put me back on the list."
Anlise says to Lydaiva, "He was never on the list. He didn't even come into here until well after it was closed."
Hebion snickers at Kingdok.
Shinikaze says, "No."
Shinikaze pats Kingdok on the back.
Gorzon says, "We need popcorn."
Kingdok says, "Put me on list."
Melindrha says, "Kingdok, the list you joined was open in error, and was wiped earlier today."
Kingdok says, "Need to drain this swamp with all this chickenry."
Gorzon says, "You know - there's no popcorn."
Gorzon sighs.
Shyduska gets a massive tub of crunchy salted popcorn drenched in rivers of golden butter from inside her overlapping belt.
Shyduska offers Gorzon a massive tub of crunchy salted popcorn drenched in rivers of golden butter.
Shyduska takes a bite of the popcorn.
Dreamheart says, "An enterprising trader could make a fortune on popcorn imports then."
Meeanda asks, "Popcorn??"
Tennman takes a bite of the popcorn.
Lydaiva says, "Kingdok, if you joined the list that was sitting here open since the event opened, the Witch closed that list and erased it, then opened it for new names after she chose her helpers."
Vixonia quietly says to herself, "Mmmm... popcorn..."
Anlise says, "I didn't even see you walk into this room for the first time until after the list was closed and the Witch started."
Kingdok says, "All these folk chiming in, not needed."
Hebion says to Kingdok, "Right, it's not needed because you should not be on the list."
Razhak loudly says, "Razhak."
Kingdok asks, "Why, because I'm a immigrant?"
Hnot says, "Yes."
Shyduska grins at Kingdok.
Kingdok says, "I knew I couldn't find a free open list here."
Meeanda appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Kingdok says, "This is some bull crap discrimination against immigrants."
Eruwyn blinks at Kingdok.
Hnot says, "Good."
Hnot says, "We need more of that."
Anlise says, "There will be plenty of lists throughout the festival. This is only the third full day, and it goes on for more weeks."
Shyduska chortles softly at some secret joke.
Hnot says, "It might things more interesting."
Lydaiva says, "If he keeps it up, the executioner might return. The Witch hired one for Guildfest."
Kingdok says, "Maybe next time I should have fair human skin and sign up and I won't be removed."
Kingdok taps something inside his money bag.
Meeanda asks, "Really?"
Hebion says to Kingdok, "The signing up part helps, yes."
Shyduska pats Kingdok on the back.
> look king
You see Immigrant Kingdok Kakkerlak, Scaler of Elanthia, a Gor'Tog.
Kingdok has a square-jawed face with a heavily spiked brow ridge tinted a dark onyx hue, slightly pointed ears, sparkling topaz eyes and an aquiline nose. He has ebon skin and a well-muscled build.
He is mountainous for a Gor'Tog.
He appears to be an adult.
His shoulder has a tattoo of a hand of cards displaying a royal flush.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a beaver mask with two buck teeth, a heavy bathrobe embroidered with the Estate Holder's crest and a faded gold ring.
Kingdok scowls at Hebion.
Xixist grins.
Lycette appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Gorzon says, "I had to sign up again. but a voice in my head told me I had to."
Shyduska says, "I think you need a tinfoil hat for that."
> hum
You hum to yourself.
Pengwin leans on you.
Pengwin sighs.
> pat Peng
You pat Pengwin on the back.
> whisper Peng Things should be moving again soon!
You whisper to Pengwin, "Things should be moving again soon!"
Pengwin nods to you.
Kingdok asks, "If I smooch and kiss my wife a lot does that help me get on the list?"
> roshambo Pengwin rock
You hold your hand out towards Pengwin, palm upward and holding your other hand which is balled into a fist, inviting him to roshambo.
Melindrha says, "Not onto a closed list."
Ruea asks Kingdok, "Do you have a wife?"
Hebion says to Kingdok, "Signing up for the list gets you on the list."
Dreamheart says, "Depends on the list." > You and Pengwin pound your fists in your open palms three times...
You make the symbol for rock!
Pengwin makes the symbol for paper!
...Pengwin wins!
Kingdok says, "I'll get one."
Shyduska asks Kingdok, "Can you even get married?"
> scoff peng
You scoff at Pengwin.
Pengwin smirks at you.
> grumble peng
You grumble at Pengwin.
> grin
You grin.
Hnot says to Dreamheart, "I was about to say depends how old his wife is."
Tyrun says, "I'm very tempted to use my spot on the list for whatever Kingdok's hearts' desire happens to be."
Dreamheart laughs with delight, her eyes full of merriment.
Kingdok says, "What if I'm giving it my all I got."
Pengwin quietly asks, "What do I win?"
Pengwin glances at you.
> ponder
You ponder.
> rumm in my sat
You rummage through a fur-lined doeskin satchel and see a simple white compendium, some burnished plate gauntlets with enamel banded cuffs, a black gem pouch, a bronze tower shield emblazoned with an imposing stag, a pair of black bat-like wings crafted from supple leather reinforced with bone, an acenite hip-chain woven to resemble a spider's web, a steel parry stick made to resemble the ulna and radius bones of the arm, a dented iron trunk, a poorly made mahogany caddy, a worm-eaten deobar coffer, a mud-stained oaken crate, a mildewy mahogany chest, a large canvas sack, a sturdy steel trunk, a steel biomechanical tarantula, a festive spider pouch with googly eyes, some deep violet powder, some metal tinker's tools, a heavy steel ring set with a rough-cut obsidian skull, a glowing Meraud orb, a curved bronze dagger with a bejeweled hilt, a sparkling white pouch, a soft white sailcloth woodwind pouch, a spring emerald charm inscribed with an ivy tendril, an arm pouch with a lock in the shape of a corn kernel, a wooden torch wrapped in resin-soaked cloth, a wooden torch wrapped in resin-soaked cloth, some white enameled plate gauntlets, a platinum and ruby ring, a rusted iron skull suspended from a battered leather cord, a Caidremi figurine, a Puremi figurine, a Puremi figurine, a Puremi figurine, a Puremi figurine, a suede gem pouch and a sturdy oaken chest.
> shake head
You shake your head.
> say Literally nothing.
You say, "Literally nothing."
> beam Peng
You beam at Pengwin!
Eruwyn offers Pengwin a mug of mocha coffee.
Pengwin looks at you and shrugs.
Kingdok praises Tyrun.
Kingdok says, "Looking for a wife."
> glance King
You glance at Kingdok, a male Gor'Tog.
Xixist smiles.
Tennman takes a bite of the popcorn.
Tyrun says, "I reluctantantly agree to give away the lady Dantia to the noble immigrant Kingdok to be wed, and also officiate the ceremony at no charge."
> blink
You blink.
Shyduska grins.
Eruwyn moves over to guard you.
Eruwyn folds her arms across her chest.
Tyrun says, "I am sad to see her leave the loving many arms of the spider."
Eruwyn fixes Tyrun with a frank, even stare.
Anlise moves over to guard you.
> gasp
You gasp!
Lycette raises an eyebrow.
Kingdok says, "I Accept."
> say Nope nope nope.
You say, "Nope nope nope."
Tyrun exclaims, "We have an accord!"
Shyduska laughs!
Anlise says, "Please don't harass the Witch's helper."
Kingdok says, "Come here pretty lady."
Kingdok crooks his finger, motioning for you to come closer.
> glance Tyru
You glance at Tyrun, a male Elf.
> glance King
You glance at Kingdok, a male Gor'Tog.
Lycette chortles softly at some secret joke.
> blanch
You blanch.
Lycette moves over to guard you.
Shyduska laughs!
Eruwyn says, "I'm pretty sure we don't."
Ruea smiles.
> sniffle
You sniffle.
Vixonia moves over to guard you.
Hebion says to Tyrun, "Do not make me invoke the holy name."
Tyrun grins at Hebion.
Shyduska says to Ruea, "We need your matchmaking skills."
Hnot says to you, "Well atleast youll have lots of money to spend."
Isharon asks Tyrun, "How has Dantia wronged you, that you would consider condemning her to such a matrimonial prison?"
Tyrun says to Kingdok, "You may yet have wooing to do..."
Kingdok asks, "Do I get a Dowry?"
> glance King
You glance at Kingdok, a male Gor'Tog.
> say }Kingdok I am heavily in debt. Heavily.
You say to Kingdok, "I am heavily in debt. Heavily."
> say Much gambling.
You say, "Much gambling."
Melindrha nods to you.
Tyrun says to Kingdok, "Have you considered a jewelry coupon? It did no wonders on my wife, but who doesn't love a coupon."
Tyrun gets a silver-inked jewelry coupon from inside a blue leather magical device carrier.
Kingdok says, "I got some."
Tyrun holds a silver-inked jewelry coupon high into the air for all to see.
Kingdok says, "Somewhere."
Kingdok gets a Damaris dusk berry from inside a simple poke.
Kingdok asks, "How about this innocent berry as a treat?"
Kingdok offers you a Damaris dusk berry. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
> cough
You cough.
Tyrun says, "I will pay Kingdok's dowry of 100 platinum dokora in full upon Dantia's sealing of the kiss with the rose."
Tyrun says, "I will also provide the rose."
Kingdok says, "I'll give you a message afterwards."
> glance Tyrun
You glance at Tyrun, a male Elf.
Ruea says to Shyduska, "Who am I matching? I've been trying to marry Kingdok off for months but he's happy with just the pig."
Ruea shrugs.
Melindrha says, "It's as innocent as you are."
> decline
Offer declined.
Allye wrinkles her nose.
Meeanda laughs!
Shyduska says to Ruea, "You're marrying Kingdok to somebody... Soon. Before Danita is forced into marriage with him."
Xixist whispers, "I wouldnt"
> shake head Xix
You shake your head at Xixist.
> whisper Xix Either would I!
You whisper to Xixist, "Either would I!"
> say }Kingdok I'm afraid I am married to... my work.
You say to Kingdok, "I'm afraid I am married to... my work."
> nod
You nod.
Dreamheart moves over to guard you.
Xixist grins.
Kingdok puts his berry in a large hunting pack crafted from wyvern hide.
Dreamheart says, "No forced marriages today."
Jardani leans on you.
Melindrha looks downright miserable.
> beam Dream
You beam at Dreamheart!
Eruwyn quietly says to Hebion, "I think the most amusing thing is the circle of women around her at this point."
> say This is the safest I've ever felt.
You say, "This is the safest I've ever felt."
> chuckle
You chuckle.
Ruea laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Allye grins at you.
Xixist chuckles.
Lycette grins at you, her dimples flashing into view.
Dreamheart says to you, "Bardesses are the best, you know."
Ruea asks Kingdok, "Are you threatening in some way and I haven't noticed yet, darling?"
Dreamheart strikes a heroic pose.
Anlise says, "Tamsine is not pleased with forced marriages. You dishonor her. Be an adult and leave her be."
> grin Dream
You grin at Dreamheart.
Xixist smiles.
Anlise pats you on the back.
Hebion says to Tyrun, "I invoke the name of Sir Madigan De'Mascus who entrusted me to speak for him when matters are most dear. There shall not be a wedding this day."
Tyrun says, "Arranged marriages end in love throughout history."
Kingdok says, "No.."
Shyduska says, "Kingdok's a doll."
Tyrun says, "And sometimes a marriage is arranged for convenient politics."
Shyduska says, "Or death."
Kingdok says, "Must be my mask."
Tyrun folds his arms across his chest.
Kingdok takes a beaver mask with two buck teeth off his head.
> cheer Heb
You let out a hearty cheer for Hebion!
Ruea dryly says, "My goodness, this has gotten out of hand."
Dreamheart says, "Arranged is different than forced."
Kingdok says, "Didn't know the ladies were afraid of the beavers."
Jalika paces back and forth.
Tyrun asks, "Arrangibly forced?"
Tyrun asks, "Forcefully arranged?"
Hebion says, "We all know how much he loved engagements and marriages."
Dreamheart frowns at Tyrun.
Ruea shrugs.
Tyrun grins at Dreamheart.
Dreamheart says, "No forcing involved."
Ruea says, "There are worse things than arranged marriage."
Ruea waves her hand distractedly.
Shyduska says, "Ya, marriage."
> glance Ruea
You glance at Ruea, a female Elf.
Tyrun says, "It's not so much a force as a more than gentle suggestion."
Xixist says, "Arranged divorces."
Xixist nods.
Kingdok puts his mask in his hunting pack.
Xixist says, "Or worse .. arranged widowship."
Xixist chuckles.
> say }Tyrun As a Witch's Assistant, I am empowered to take your suggestion and say no.
You say to Tyrun, "As a Witch's Assistant, I am empowered to take your suggestion and say no."
> nod
You nod.
Vixonia nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Tyrun puts his coupon in a dark steelsilk pack dangling metal cogs on leather cords.
Kingdok gets a vanilla cream pie decorated with the words "IN YOUR FACE!" from inside his hunting pack.
Kingdok snickers.
> hum
You hum to yourself.
Tyrun says to Kingdok, "I'm afraid she has simply decided that she abhors you and all that you stand for... I fear you were right about your status as an immigrant."
Tyrun sighs.
Tyrun pats Kingdok on the back.
> flail
You flail your arms about.
Kingdok says, "I can't let this go unchallenged."
Kingdok suddenly hurls a vanilla cream pie decorated with the words "IN YOUR FACE!" straight at you! The cream pie smacks you dead-on, splattering goo everywhere! You are stunned!
> gasp
You gasp!
Anlise exclaims, "Hey!"
Ruea says to Kingdok, "Behave."
Ruea begins nagging Kingdok unmercifully.
Shyduska laughs!
Shyduska shakes her head.
> lick dantia
You lick your lips.
Kingdok says, "How dare she turn this down..."
Kingdok points at himself.
Allye offers you a plush turquoise beach towel. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Lycette rolls her eyes.
Kingdok slips out of a heavy bathrobe embroidered with the Estate Holder's crest.
> beam Ally
You beam at Allye!
Kingdok flexes his bulging biceps. Looks like he could lift a horse!
> accept
You accept Allye's offer and are now holding a plush turquoise beach towel.
Kingdok slips into a heavy bathrobe embroidered with the Estate Holder's crest.
Tyrun asks Kingdok, "Do you wish to challenge her to single combat for besmirching your honor?"
Xixist smiles.
> hug towel
You hug a fluffy beach towel tightly, feeling all warm and cuddly.
> kiss towel
You hug and kiss your fluffy beach towel.
Kingdok says, "No, I'll let her do her list thing."
Kingdok says, "I'm not a monster."
> give towel to Allye
You offer your beach towel to Allye, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Allye grins at you.
> say }Kingdok It's a good thing you never joined the list.
You say to Kingdok, "It's a good thing you never joined the list."
> wink King
You wink at Kingdok.
Allye has accepted your offer and is now holding a plush turquoise beach towel.
Kingdok gasps!
Pengwin chuckles at you!
Kingdok says, "She just taunted me."
Xixist chuckles.
> hum
You hum to yourself.
Meeanda laughs!
Kingdok says, "I got witnesses."
Tyrun says, "I believe teasing is the proper word. This is called courting, my friend."
Kingdok says, "Oh.."
> facepalm
You frown and shake your head in exasperation, resting your face in the palm of your hand.
Tyrun asks, "Do you need me to whisper the sweet nothings you must offer to soothe her wild spirit and tame her winged heart?"
> glance Tyr
You glance at Tyrun, a male Elf.
Kingdok says, "Yes please. build me up and make me unresistable Tyrun."
Shyduska grins at Kingdok.
> lean
You shift your weight.
Shyduska says to Tyrun, "I think your wingman skills are wasted on Dantia."
> nod
You nod.
Tyrun leans over and whispers, "He's a very nice large gor'tog. You should really consider him as a potential mate. I understand his father owns a very successful apple cart business in Shard, you know."
> blink Tyr
You blink at Tyrun.
Kingdok says, "I would set fire to my wife, I'd lay her down by the fire."
Anlise grins.
Xixist grins.
> glance King
You glance at Kingdok, a male Gor'Tog.
> say This is all very awkward.
You say, "This is all very awkward."
Djordje nods.
Anlise pats you on the back.
Giosaffat says, "This room is pretty intense."
Ruea says, "You have no idea..."
Ruea chuckles.
Tyrun says, "It's really unfortunate that there is such a rattling table leg propping up the love and care offered here. Why, fine Kingdok the Fair, wished for a bride to be, only to be jilted by all your capriciousness."
Tyrun says, "My heart hurts for him so."
Tyrun clutches his chest with an anguished expression.
Kingdok says, "That's ok Tyrun, I'm use to it."
Tyrun pats Kingdok on the back.
Shyduska says to Kingdok, "Don't worry, I'll find you someone who can appreciate your... sense of humour."
Tyrun looks at Kingdok and shrugs.
> grin Shy
You grin at Shyduska.
> cheer Shy
You let out a hearty cheer for Shyduska!