Creature Update Drive August 2015

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In response to the so many complaints about insufficient information about creatures on elanthipedia, we're going to reward the people that make USEFUL edits over the next month.


  1. First, if you don't know how to do wiki edits, make sure you read this page: How to edit a creature page
    • Information to support your Edit should be made on a Talk page for the creature, such as an appraisal, or your weapon/defensive ranks.
  2. Second, keep track of the edits you make! You'll need to report them here:


Everyone that submits a report with 5 confirmed edits will be given a RPA in September, once the submissions are reviewed.

  • RPAs do not stack. You may only claim one per account.
  • Yes, you can use more than one account, but the RPA must go to a character on the account you make a submission for.
  • Yes, F2P may participate.
  • The top five contributors will be given alterations.
Standard rules apply. 6 months to complete.


Q - What if someone already posted data on a creature I want to?
A - Post your own on the talk page as well. Be sure to sign it. That's why we've asked for the appraisal data.
Q - When does it end?
A - Any updates after midnight, CST on August 30th will not be counted.

See also