Cmud what is in your hands - hud (script)

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Cmud what is in your hands - hud (script)
Category utility,hud
Front-end cmud
Author Tirsten

General Information

This script will make two buttons on your screen to show what is in your hands

Front end: Cmud

Usage:  button size and placement needs to be manually set

The Script

<trigger type="GSL" priority="3170" id="317">
  <value>#if (%1 == "m") {#BU righthand %gsl( m) {glance}}
    #if (%1 == "l") {#BU lefthand %gsl( l) {glance}}
    #if (%1 == "p") {
      #BU roomname %gsl( p) {glance}
      #win roomnamedesc " "
      #win roomnamedesc "[ " %gsl( p) " ] "