Category talk:Beast Info
I can understand why there is a separate category to search creatures based on different attributes (boxes/spells/skinning), but the link to get to it from the Bestiary I think is a little obscure (Beast Info). So I think it loses its useability by being on its own separate page because nobody will realize it is there. I would like to move all those categories to show up on the Bestiary main page so people know they can search by which creatures have boxes, skins, etc. Any objections?
Additionally, our search ability would be far more useful if there were a way to combine the different categories together, so for instance someone could search for creatures that have boxes and can be backstabbed. Anyone know how to do this?
Finally, I think we need to add one more category to our creature infobox - in town, out of town, or neutral. This is important to Rangers and Thieves and perhaps people who want to use abilities that are illegal in towns.
--Kraelyst 20:49, 30 October 2007 (CDT)