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Alchemy Society Master CarmifexAlchemy Society Master Carmifex
Status: Alive
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Location: Riverhaven Alchemy Society (Ranik Map 30)

Carmifex is Master of the Riverhaven Alchemy Society, where he gives workorders, teaches techniques, and grants careers and hobbies in the Alchemy disciplines.


This spry Elf steps quickly about the Hall, organizing and cleaning at a pace that is quite difficult to follow. An array of multi-colored vials jut from a thin belt tied snugly to his hips. As almost a ritual of habit, Carmifex snatches one of these up and sips its contents in one motion. Carmifex's balding head, yellowing skin and wrinkled eyes hint at very uneven aging even for such a long-lived race.

Conversation Topics

You look the trainer over, realizing they are in charge of this Crafting Society and can likely answer all of your questions.

[You can ASK Carmifex ABOUT <discipline> to learn more about that crafting Discipline]
[You can ASK Carmifex ABOUT <career/hobby> to learn more about those]
[You can ASK Carmifex ABOUT CHOOSING <career/hobby> <discipline> to pick that as your own]
[You can ASK Carmifex ABOUT LEARNING <technique> to learn that technique]
[You can ASK Carmifex ABOUT FORGETTING <technique> to forget that technique]
[You can ASK Carmifex ABOUT <technique name> to learn more about that technique]
[You can ASK Carmifex FOR <difficulty> <discipline> WORK while holding a logbook]
[You can ASK Carmifex ABOUT MINING for instructions on how to do that]