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Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 12182024/Asildu Gweth Conversation

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Asildu Gweth Conversation
Event Date: 12/18/2024
Event Instance: Prime


It has been 451 years, 130 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 4th month of Shorka the Cobra in the year of the Amber Phoenix.

Gweth Conversation

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "I hope you've all gotten your affairs in order."

[General] Your mind hears Tiddeggur thinking, "Should we have affairs to begin with?"

[General] Your mind hears Tiddeggur thinking, "I might be behind some if thats the case"

[General] Your mind hears Darkewolff thinking, "well, one can only hope, Asildu."

[General] Your mind hears Illiya thinking, "More threats Asildu?"

[General] Your mind hears Echosong thinking, "We're having a party. Wanna come?"

[General] Your mind hears Blackspine thinking, "I thought you were a pile of ash, Asildu"

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "That's the problem with the way you all think. You're usually wrong."

[General] Your mind hears Shaoimhe thinking, "Affairs are not nice. Be faithful to your partners, people!"

[General] Your mind hears Echosong thinking, "Don't s'pose you'd settle for a nice, calm chat over tea instead of whatever you're about to do, eh, Asildu?"

[General] Your mind hears Rairken thinking, "Who is Asildu and why does he matter?"

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "Oh, there's nothing for me to do this morning. You're all doing quite enough working your way to your ends as it is."

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "Eh, he's a nobody who thinks he's a somebody."

[General] Your mind hears Rairken thinking, "Thats kind of what I figured..."

[General] Your mind hears Darkewolff thinking, "Asildu, then we shall make it such an end worthy of remembrance."

[General] Your mind hears Nawain thinking, "Hunh. You haven't been punished yet for all eternity for failing to convince us to submit to your flavor of angry sky people? Hunh. Maybe they've lowered their standards over the last couple of millenium. Millenies? Millenii?"

[General] Your mind hears Echosong thinking, "asildu Awww. C'mon, Asildu. We've all figured out that the Heralds are as much out of control of whatever is happening as any of us."

[General] Your mind hears Echosong thinking, "Really, though. What's your favorite kind of tea? I can hit Arthe on the way to wherever you wanna talk it all out"

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "Quite the contrary, I've been rewarded by the Heralds for my loyalty."

[General] Your mind hears Rairken thinking, "Ahh, so you are a follower, that tells us all we need to know"

[General] Your mind hears Echosong thinking, "It IS a neat make-over."

[General] Your mind hears Qij thinking, "Loyalty to what?"

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "Anyone can claim that. Doesn't make it true. Like I could say I'm a goddess undercover on Elanthia. Is it true tho?"

[General] Your mind hears Myrable thinking, "what is that reward, Hearalding out end?"

[General] Your mind hears Harsh thinking, "have they given you legs that work? the last i seen you you could barely stand, and even when you could it was never for long"

[General] Your mind hears Rakkor thinking, "They do tend to reward failure. Promotion through incompetence is...interesting."

[General] Your mind hears Jelanda thinking, "Asildu, nothing good ever came from them. Take it from someone who was there the last time they stopped by at Aesthene's Close..."

[General] Your mind hears Rakkor thinking, "I've heard of "failing up", but your track record certainly takes the cake."

[General] Your mind hears Tiddeggur thinking, "I can see why you praise them, when you have your face in the mud, everyone looks royal, doesnt it Asildu?"

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "You all know nothing about me. You never cared to."

[General] Your mind hears Illiya thinking, "Tell us then"

[General] Your mind hears Jelanda thinking, "I mean you're right! I don't know you, but I'd like to."

[General] Your mind hears Rakkor thinking, "We know that you're incompetent, an imbecile, and a braggart. What more is there to know?"

[General] Your mind hears Rairken thinking, "Thats insane, because you give us such a reason to get to know you..."

[Local] Your mind hears Belzor thinking, "Actually, good sir, I tried to learn about you in the Silver Eye, do you recall?"

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "You see what you wanted to see. I've been there when people were trying to get to know you. So who's the liar now?"

[General] Your mind hears Echosong thinking, "That's not true. I asked around about you. I've heard different sides, really. If it helps, I really think that yours is a story that won't be told correctly."

[General] Your mind hears Belzor thinking, "Actually, Asildu, I tried to learn about you in the Silver Eye, do you recall?"

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "Do we have some theraputic services for Asildu? He seems to be quite delusional and in severe denial of what actually happened. We could still try to get 'em some help."

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "No, my story will never be told correctly. You all chose to judge me based on your own skewed perceptions. I never had a chance. But now I'll be the one having the last laugh."

[General] Your mind hears Rakkor thinking, "Because we'll choose to ignore you after you laugh pointlessly again?"

[General] Your mind hears Nawain thinking, "Have a good chuckle, then, buddy. Can't think of a better way to go than laughing, really."

[General] Your mind hears Belzor thinking, "Asildu, that is not entirely correct. I have not judged you on anything because I have not gotten to know you, even though you casted fire upon me from three cities away, which was interesting."

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "We'll see how funny you all think you are when you're dead."

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "I'm so scared..."

[General] Your mind hears Rairken thinking, "I will still be funny"

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "Not sure if my thoughts was as sarcastic as I was thinking it but yeah."

[General] Your mind hears Nawain thinking, "We'll probably grumble about it for however long it takes the clerics to put things a'right. Four, maybe five roisaen."

[General] Your mind hears Echosong thinking, "I only met you for the first time on that spire. You threw drakes at me first! C'mon. Tea. I'll even buy tarts"

[General] Your mind hears Nawain thinking, "Then back to the laughing, I suspect. We're an easily entertained bunch."

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "Well, I was laughing when I gave him pigtails that one day."

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "So I can't say that I hadn't been laughing."

[General] Your mind hears Rairken thinking, "Just checking in...are we all dead yet?"

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "Not yet. But soon."

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "I think he's talking to himself in the mirror, Rairken."

[General] Your mind hears Rairken thinking, "So do we get a 5 second head start, how does this work?"

[General] Your mind hears Myrable thinking, "is there anything we can do to speed this whole process Asildu, for those of us on the ball"

[General] Your mind hears Nawain thinking, "Is "soon" still considered early morning hours, or can I pick up some coffee first?"

[General] Your mind hears Rairken thinking, "And do we have to get in line to be killed? Is there a list? I would like to sign up please."

[General] Your mind hears Eurynomile thinking, "i says soonishlys too all the time when thinking about the diets.. trust me.. it bes awhile."

[General] Your mind hears Rozalynde thinking, "I know the element of surprise is very important for underhanded folk like yourself, but could you define "soon" a little better?"

[General] Your mind hears Anino thinking, "I'm pretty sure I stabbed you the last time I saw you, Asildu."

[General] Your mind hears Illiya thinking, "We are having some spars at the Northern Watchtower if you would like to come show us a thing or two Asildu. We could use an opponent for Rakkor"

[General] Your mind hears Eskila thinking, "is everyone going to die? like all the stablehands and farmers, and all the people everywhere? Or just people who did sorcery?"

[General] Your mind hears Rakkor thinking, "Asildu and what army, Illiya?"

[General] Your mind hears Echosong thinking, "Asildu. If I told you I could show you the world's cutest Gnome, would you suddenly think mortals are worth saving?"

[General] Your mind hears Illiya thinking, "Watch him actually bring an army of drakes now"

[General] Your mind hears Nawain thinking, "I'm surprised some enterprising soul hasn't started a pool on when and what "soon" turns out to be. Ahem. Ahrm ahem."

[General] Your mind hears Rakkor thinking, "The entire drake army died last time. I was not impressed."

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "Well, of course, Illiya. Because cowards send their minions instead of facing us himself."

[General] Your mind hears Rozalynde thinking, "he is the minion though"

[General] Your mind hears Rairken thinking, "Can m,inions have minions?"

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "Interesting thought. So he's a minion with minions."

[General] Your mind hears Nawain thinking, "Pfft. Minions have skills. He's just a useful tool, at this point."

[General] Your mind hears Rozalynde thinking, "yes, he could send subminions, even less impressive I'd guess"

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "Okay so these guardians hire cowards to send minions?"

[General] Your mind hears Rairken thinking, "Minus the "useful""

[General] Your mind hears Myrable thinking, "and if that makes you mad, wait until you hear their managment style"

[General] Your mind hears Nawain thinking, "An excellent point, Rairken."

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "I faced plenty of you myself last time before the drakes came to set you on fire. But, yet again, you tell the story skewed."

[General] Your mind hears Myrable thinking, "one lone Herald in a box, refusing all calls"

[General] Your mind hears Echosong thinking, "I liked the spire, before it got all violent."

[General] Your mind hears Rakkor thinking, "You pontificated and then died. Par for the course."

[General] Your mind hears Eskila thinking, "I would really like to know if its just gweth-users who are in danger or if its everyone in the world, or somewhere in between??"

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "Eh, I didn't see it, Asildu. Right now you're more of an annoying mite than anything."

[General] Your mind hears Rairken thinking, "Well that seems aniti-climactic"

[General] Your mind hears Echosong thinking, "Was a neat view. I didn't get a great look at the Heralds themselves before my chest got chewed open, sadly.. Do the Heralds wanna have tea, too? Do they eat tarts?"

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "I've never seen these so called 'heralds' and you seem more like a minion of Huldah to trick us into thinking end of the world so you can get your way with your temper tantrums."

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "Anyone got a belt? Maybe a lil physical discipline will work with Asildu."

[General] Your mind hears Tiddeggur thinking, "Im certain he would enjoy that"

[General] Your mind hears Damiza thinking, "Ok, I'm intrigued."

[General] Your mind hears Jelanda thinking, "So... why do the Heralds need some messenger? The last time the came they took magic away and the world ended itself just find. Can they not do that again?"

[General] Your mind hears Nawain thinking, "The truly sad part is that either we're right, and the Heralds are obsolete and imperfect, or you're right, and the Heralds are all-knowing and all-powerful... And hence absolutely already knew that you weren't up to the task you were given from the moment they gave it to you. Ouch."

[General] Your mind hears Rairken thinking, "That is a solid thought Nawain..."

[General] Your mind hears Harsh thinking, "I can tell the story of the fight against Asildu unskewed. Ashes to ashes Asildu died, everyone cheered and nobody cried"

[General] Your mind hears Imroth thinking, "Someone send Asildu some oinment"

[General] Your mind hears Echosong thinking, "I don't think the Heralds can just turn magic off this time. I think it's not that snuggly all in their realm of control anyway"

[General] Your mind hears Tiddeggur thinking, "Well that was Harsh"

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "Enjoy your sarcasm and bad jokes. I'll leave you with one last warning that the Heralds have grown tired of your hubris."

[General] Your mind hears Eskila thinking, "But whose..."

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "You all are but rats in their house and they will no longer tolerate your incessant chewing of holes through their once perfect walls. You've caused enough damage. Death is the consequence of your choice."

[General] Your mind hears Shavay thinking, "Somebody check - is Asildu wearing a foil hat?"

[General] Your mind hears Rozalynde thinking, "whosebris?"

[General] Your mind hears Jelanda thinking, "for the record- and i want this on the record. I was not joking or sarcastic. I was being snide."

[General] Your mind hears Rakkor thinking, "Yawn. I thought it out loud so you'd be able to picture it, Asildu."

  • Asildu returns home from a hard day of adventuring.