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Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 12152024/Liraxes Speaks at the Machine

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Liraxes Speaks at the Machine
Event Date: 12/15/2024
Event Instance: Prime
  • Steward of Recursion Liraxes joins the adventure.

[General] Your mind hears Liraxes thinking, "Liraxes is currently present at the machine located to the west of The Crossing, with updates on current calculations."


[Inside the Machine]
The room is vast and angular, its deep blue crystal walls scattering light into a spectrum of hues. The smooth surfaces reflect and refract, casting intricate patterns across the floor. Embedded in the walls are complex metallic patterns wrought in nickel, icesteel, niniam, and zinc, occasionally glowing with heat in rhythmic pulses. Thin crystalline rods connect the mechanisms, shifting and changing smoothly. The air hums with a subtle vibration, punctuated by the occasional metallic click. Thin, translucent tubes filled with glowing blue liquid pulse gently, in sync with the mechanisms. You also see an opening in the wall and a crystalline pedestal extending from the center of the room.

Casari folds her arms across her chest.

You see Steward of Recursion Liraxes, Warden of Adaptation, a being of pure probability.
Liraxes is composed of fractal blue crystal that twists and arcs in lattices into a form vaguely resembling a male humanoid. Impossible geometry forms in only vaguely symmetrical patterns across the body of this being, extruding into a jagged network of fragmented spines. A translucent face approximates what one would expect of a Human, only without a clear definition; it adjusts between varying expression of approximation of emotion, appearing noticeably similar but entirely alien.
Liraxes is of indeterminate age.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a raiment of fractal crystals.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj came through an opening in the wall.

Brother Harsh came through an opening in the wall.

Knight Errant Trajan came through an opening in the wall.

Casari glances up at the sky.

Lady of Elamiri Ayrell came through an opening in the wall.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes will wait a short while in the event of additional observers approaching."

Ayrell gazes at Liraxes.

Casari asks, "What is the probability of additional observers approaching?"

Starlight Queen Gwenhwyfach came through an opening in the wall.

Trajan says, "Highly likely, I would say."

Harsh snickers.

Gwenhwyfach asks, "What is highly likely?"

Casari says, "Sorry, we can't talk about it. We were sworn to secrecy."

Trajan says, "The probability of additional observers approaching."

Gwenhwyfach chuckles.

Harsh quietly says, "Fifty."

Harsh nods.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Gwenhwyfach, "The arrival of at least one additional observer."

Lady Knight Elurora came through an opening in the wall.

Gwenhwyfach says, "I guess I raised that probability."

Elurora bows to Ayrell.

Elurora waves to Casari.

Casari says, "You would have lowered it, really."

Ayrell smiles at Elurora.

Casari waves to Elurora.

Gwenhwyfach says, "Traders always raise it."

Gwenhwyfach winks.

Trajan nods politely to Elurora.

Haxen came through an opening in the wall.

Elurora snaps to attention and hails Trajan with a crisp hand salute.

Shyna came through an opening in the wall.

Trajan snaps to attention and hails Elurora with a crisp hand salute.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Many of you will have noticed the ongoing activity in the sky above. However, what is perceivable by visual senses alone does not give a fully accurate depiction of what is happening."

Haxen glances up at the sky.

Harsh sniffs the air around him.

[General] Your mind hears Crobin thinking, "How are things looking Liraxes?"

[General] Your mind hears Tweedee thinking, "theres a machine!?"

Gwenhwyfach asks, "Have you a better observation than us that you will share?"

Wrath's Herald Zynell came through an opening in the wall.

Ayrell smiles at Zynell.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes does not have access to the inner thoughts of either the Heralds or the Immortals, but based on available data Liraxes is able to make inferences about what is currently transpiring."

Elurora grins at Zynell.

Sublime Mender Kerennya came through an opening in the wall.

Trajan says, "This sounds like something that's going to require puppets."

Elurora bows to Kerennya.

Zynell grins at Ayrell.

Kerennya smiles at Elurora.

Zynell grins at Elurora.

Haxen grins.

You notice Sofina trying to remain hidden while speaking.
You hear the voice of Sofina say, "Enlightenment is what the masses strive for."

Gwenhwyfach asks, "What does Liraxes infer is transpiring?"

Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.

[General] Your mind hears Crobin thinking, "Twee you are a machine"

Shavay came through an opening in the wall.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Based on current observations, the Heralds seem to be enraged, and are preparing for a strike with the intent of wiping out their enemies once and for all. That they have not yet launched this strike may be for several reasons."

Elurora furrows her brow.

Kerennya says, "They already attacked recently."

Gwenhwyfach asks, "Any possibilities of why the delay?"

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Their capability is not in question, so it may be that it is a matter of focus. Destroying this entire plane does not seem to be in their interests, even if their actions regarding sorcery would eventually lead to such an outcome."

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Casari.

Gwenhwyfach says, "Well that is good to know they don't want total destruction."

Gwenhwyfach mutters to herself.

[General] Your mind hears Myrable thinking, "Liraxes what is coming?"

Liraxes tonelessly says, "That the Immortals were able to strike in such a way as to disrupt the activities of the Heralds may have also caused the Heralds to reassess their plans."

Gwenhwyfach asks, "What are the odds of the Immortals defeating the Heralds?"

Trajan says, "So they're delayed because they're currently rethinking their life choices."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Regardless of their specific intent, however, their power is gathering, and the time for making use of it appears to be coming near."

Gwenhwyfach asks, "Does Liraxes have odds on who will be victorious?"

Kerennya asks, "Do your calculations indicate any particular location for their strike?"

Gwenhwyfach says, "Oh that is a great question."

Gwenhwyfach nods.

Shavay says, "Never tell us the odds."

Trajan says, "At their size, I believe this continent qualifies as a locatrion."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Gwenhwyfach, "Under most circumstances, it would be very unlikely. However, if things go in an opportune manner at several critical junctions, Liraxes believes that the Immortals will be victorious."

Trajan says, "Location, rather."

Gwenhwyfach asks, "Do you have locations where these junctions are?"

Urbaj asks, "And what actions can we take to increase the odds of the Immortals' victory?"

Gwenhwyfach nods in agreement.

Casari asks, "And what actions can we take to increase the odds that both sides lose?"

Trajan says, "I believe he meant critical junctions in a chronological form."

Fearless Crobin's group came through an opening in the wall.

You notice Sofina trying to remain hidden while speaking.
You hear the voice of Sofina say, "Oh, I like how the Bard thinks."

Crobin hugs Zynell, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Ayrell ponders.

Crobin shakes Shavay's hand.

Crobin just hugged Harsh.

Leayne hugs Zynell, getting a smile in return.

Elurora chuckles at Casari.

Kerennya waves to Crobin.

Kerennya waves to Leayne.

Crobin hugs Ysilda, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Elurora hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Elurora with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Kerennya, getting a smile in return.

Elurora hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Elurora with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Ysilda hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Ysilda with a warm smile.

Kerennya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Kerennya with a warm smile.

Crobin nods to Ayrell.

Leayne hugs Kerennya, getting a smile in return.

Shavay chuckles.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Not physical locations. Points of action being taken. Liraxes will not reveal any information obtained on specific plans of the Immortals, however, as there are allies to the Heralds who might pass on such information if obtained."

Ayrell smiles at Crobin.

Kerennya hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Kerennya with a warm smile.

Leayne hugs Ayrell, getting a smile in return.

Ayrell hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Ayrell with a warm smile.

Gwenhwyfach says, "Understood, Asildu being one."

Crobin angles his ears forward in curiosity.

Sofina searches around for a moment.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "However, Liraxes will share that Liraxes has determined an opportunity by which Liraxes, with your assistance, may be able to help push things in the right direction at the critical moment."

Leayne stands near Crobin.

Mountain Lord Ezerak came through an opening in the wall.

Crobin shakes Ezerak's hand.

Sofina rubs her neck.

Elurora bows to Ezerak.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Haxen raises an eyebrow.

Gwenhwyfach says, "Oh yes that is a great opportunity."

Kerennya asks, "Do you need anything from us, like you did with the rods and gears?"

Elurora cocks her head at Liraxes.

Gwenhwyfach nods to Liraxes.

Ezerak steps towards Ayrell to join her, but Ayrell steps away.

Casari asks, "What do you mean by the right direction?"

[General] Your mind hears Myrable thinking, "because if there is, then everything gonna be alright"

Ayrell looks at Ezerak and blushes.

Ezerak smiles at Ayrell, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Ezerak waves to Elurora.

Ezerak joins Ayrell's group.

Ezerak whispers something to Ayrell.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes will repurpose the existing machine. Further construction materials are not required. However, when the Immortals make their move, Liraxes will require assistance with the creation of a complex sorcerous pattern."

Fearless Crobin went through an opening in the wall.

Fearless Crobin came through an opening in the wall.

Trajan asks Liraxes, "Just for the sake of detail, could we please get clarification on what we're considering to be the 'right direction'?"

Elurora shakes her head.

Crobin clasps Leayne's hand tenderly and draws her into his arms.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Trajan, "Disrupting the Heralds and providing an opportunity for the Immortals to take advantage of."

Trajan nods to Liraxes.

Trajan says to Liraxes, "Thank you."

Gwenhwyfach says, "I support Liraxes doing this."

Sir Madigan's group came through an opening in the wall.

Madigan snaps to attention and hails Crobin with a crisp hand salute.

Crobin waves to Madigan.

Gwenhwyfach asks, "How will you notify us how to help you?"

Dantia smiles at Leayne.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes will adjust the machine to allow participants to weave mana, which Liraxes will integrate into a larger pattern."

Gwenhwyfach says, "That seems too easy."

Crobin says, "Excellent...I can't wait to weave mana."

Zynell waggles her fingers mystically at Crobin. How nice.

Harsh snickers.

Madigan gets a crested porcelain cup of Tethloren velvet coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes will send word, though it will be at short notice. You will likely observe movement in the skies indicating something is happening."

Elurora glances at Crobin.

Elurora looks at Crobin, obviously trying not to grin.

Gwenhwyfach nods in agreement.

Indomitable Fortress Voranos came through an opening in the wall.

Leayne smiles at Dantia, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Crobin winks at Elurora.

Crobin leans on Zynell.

Trajan asks Liraxes, "Is the mana from this machine being used in any way, shape, or form that we haven't yet been apprised of?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Crobin, "It may become necessary to defend those who are participating, depending on the actions taken by the Heralds."

Crobin says, "Protect I can do."

Gwenhwyfach asks, "So those weaving mana will be inside the machine here?"

Casari asks, "Could your machine also be used to disrupt the Immortals? Or demons? Or any other enormous beings?"

Crobin says, "I mooned the Heralds last night."

Crobin says, "I hope they saw it."

Voranos traces a careful sigil in the air.

Voranos grins at Crobin.

Gwenhwyfach laughs at Crobin.

Dantia touches Voranos with a confident grace.

Madigan grunts at Crobin.

Ezerak looks at Crobin and sighs.

Voranos edges away from Crobin.

Ezerak chuckles.

Dantia touches Harsh with a confident grace.

Leayne looks at Crobin and sighs.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Trajan, "Currently the machine is only using mana for the purposes of powering itself for monitoring activities."

Voranos gazes up at the sky.

Dantia touches Harsh with a confident grace.

Crobin chuckles.

Trajan nods to Liraxes.

Harsh quietly says to Dantia, "Thank you."

Dantia smiles at Harsh.

Trajan asks Liraxes, "And that's it?"

Gwenhwyfach says, "That is a simple and fair request that we can all do."

Ayrell smiles at Dantia.

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Casari, "In theory, however the machine itself will require direction. And Liraxes should clarify that disruption is more on the level of a distraction, not destruction."

Crobin says, "Like."

Crobin asks, "Are we talking we are shining a light into their eyes sort of thing?"

Dantia whispers something to Voranos.

Gwenhwyfach says, "More like a bolt of lightening."

Gwenhwyfach chuckles.

Dantia grins at Voranos.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Crobin, "For beings on the level of the Heralds, that is perhaps not inaccurate. An extremely bright light if calculations are correct, however."

Crobin says, "Oh I hope I can help target it."

Gwenhwyfach says, "Light bouncing off all the paladin's plates should be extremely bright."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes will consider additional methods for assistance that can be implemented in the time available, but the primary need will be for the contribution of mana to the larger pattern."

Gwenhwyfach says, "Using a giant mirror flash it at them would be interesting."

Leayne softly says to Crobin, "Thanks hun."

Ysilda hesitantly asks, "Is this... the best plan for the safety of the world... or just for balance?"

Urbaj says, "Same thing."

Gwenhwyfach says, "It would tip the scales in the favor of the Immortals is what Liraxes said."

Ysilda hesitantly says, "Not... necessarily."

Sofina studies the faces around her.

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Madigan draws forth a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage.

Casari says, "Best case, Liraxes is speaking truthfully about being a servant of balance, in which case there's no guarantee that its subjective view on balance aligns with anyone else's."

Sofina went through an opening in the wall.

Dantia gets a glass of red wine from inside her silveress case.

Dantia takes a sip of her wine.

Trajan asks Liraxes, "Will we be taking steps to ensure this mana is either non-consumable by the Heralds, or at least non-palatable?"

Gwenhwyfach says, "I do not thing it is possible for there to ever be balance between the Immortals or the Heralds, it is one or the other."

Gwenhwyfach says, "Do not think."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The long term interests of Balance align with keeping this plane capable of maintaining life, and avoiding the wholesale destruction of your kind."

Kerennya gets a cup of steaming hot Dolphin Vine tea from inside her liquor cabinet.

Crobin nods to Leayne.

Kerennya takes a sip of her tea.

Ysilda nods to Liraxes.

Elurora gazes off into the distance.

Trajan says, "We do enjoy interests that lean toward avoiding the wholesale destruction of our kind."

Harsh quietly says, "I been wholesale destructed before. It's not so bad if happens quick."

Harsh shrugs.

Madigan says, "Just so."

Gwenhwyfach says, "At least the machine can be repurposed, we dumped a lot of materials into it."

Leayne giggles at Harsh.

Madigan smiles at Trajan.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Trajan, "This mana will be used in a large scale sorcerous pattern. Even the act of doing so should be at least unpleasant to them, even without the actual impact."

Casari asks, "If maintaining balance in your view required lying about what the balance means, you would lie, wouldn't you?"

Trajan nods to Madigan.

Trajan nods to Liraxes.

Trajan says to Liraxes, "Understood. Thank you."

Voranos grins at Casari.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Casari, "Under that hypothetical scenario, yes."

Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Gwenhwyfach chuckles.

Ayrell nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Crobin smiles at Leayne.

Trajan says, "It sounds like balance means we avoid destruction and imbalance means we don't."

Trajan says, "I'm not sure the details matter much in that scenario. At least not yet."

Gwenhwyfach says, "Balance means keeping sorcery active which weakens the Heralds."

Ezerak says to Trajan, "Unless it decides that balance is best achieved by our deaths."

Madigan says, "The Heralds do not like sorcery and the Chandalier is going to be doing sorcery. I am guessing the Heralds are not going to like that. That aligns with my position concerning the Heralds."

Trajan says to Ezerak, "That's at least not in this stage of the plan."

Gwenhwyfach says, "With us dead to not cast sorcery, it would be complete imbalance."

Voranos nods to Madigan.

Kerennya takes a sip of her tea.

Ysilda asks, "Wouldn't too much sorcery also be bad for balance?"

Gwenhwyfach says, "But it would be worse for the Heralds."

Madigan sheathes his hurling axe.

Voranos ponders too addicted to stop now...

Trajan says, "We don't currently seem to be at a stage of 'too much sorcery', though."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Gwenhwyfach says, "That has yet to happen."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Too much sorcery could, eventually, become an issue. The system has a great deal of flexibility to it, however. The current problem has been building for a very long time."

Ysilda nods slightly.

Harsh quietly says, "We were casting native magic long before we figured out sorcery. I figure native magic has a head start."

Trajan nods to Harsh.

Ysilda sighs.

Gwenhwyfach says, "And well before the division of the guilds."

Crobin chuckles.

Casari says, "I hope that the very convenient path the majority have chosen turns out to be good for us in the end."

Ayrell gazes off into the distance.

Gwenhwyfach says, "Without the immortals we would not have favors anymore."

Trajan says, "The convenient path is survival."

Elurora nods to Casari.

Knight of Meraud Tirost came through an opening in the wall.

Voranos asks Liraxes, " Has there ever been a time you could point to as an example where sorcery reached a point that was bad for balance in that it was used too much?"

Harsh quietly says, "Without the immortals I would be a commoner."

Harsh grins.

Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Casari says to Trajan, "So some say."

Crobin hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Ezerak says to Trajan, "It even said that it would lie, if it would suit its purpose."

Tirost hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Gwenhwyfach says, "We all would be."

Kerennya waves to Tirost.

Harsh quietly says, "I'd definately have a burden right now."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Tirost waves to Kerennya.

Kerennya takes a sip of her tea.

Dantia touches Tirost with a confident grace.

Trajan says, "Ezerak We're not basing this on just the word of one single being."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "As it will take some time, Liraxes will begin the process of repurposing the machine, so that it will be ready when needed."

Tirost smiles at Dantia.

Leayne hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Tirost hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Kerennya takes a sip of her tea.

Kerennya takes a sip of her tea.

The hum filling the air changes in pitch slightly, followed by a soft rumbling from the crystal walls. The fluid moving through the pipes rushes for a few moments, before settling back to a gentle pulsing.

Haxen ponders.

Kerennya puts her tea in her mariner's rucksack.

Crobin flicks one ear back as though listening for something.

Voranos leans over and scratches Tirost's back.

Elurora bows.

Lady Knight Elurora went through an opening in the wall.

Crobin hugs Voranos, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Voranos hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Voranos with a warm smile.

Trajan ponders.

Gwenhwyfach asks, "Should we remain inside while Liraxes does this?"

Trajan glances up at the sky.

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Madigan draws forth a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage.

A soft silver glow briefly envelops Madigan's hurling axe.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The interior should remain safe. This will take some time to complete, so do not expect immediate changes. Most of what must be done will be in the internal structures that are not readily visible."

Gwenhwyfach nods.

Madigan slides a triple-reinforced vardite pavise shield off his left arm, gripping it in one hand.

(Crobin examines the tubes and pieces of wall he can see and taps lightly on them)

Madigan adjusts his half plate.

Madigan asks, "You expect the Heralds to respond to this?"

Madigan raises an eyebrow.

Gwenhwyfach asks, "Does Liraxes have anymore observations to share with us?"

Haxen went through an opening in the wall.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes will provide additional updates when the transition is complete. Be alert. The Heralds are preparing, and Liraxes calculates that the one known as Asildu will act again as well."

Trajan nods to Madigan.

Gwenhwyfach says, "Interesting my starlight moved."

The air around Liraxes shimmers and distorts, and its crystalline form seems to recede into the distance without actually moving. In just a moment it has taken the appearance of a tiny dot, at which point the distortion of the air vanishes with a faint pop.

Liraxes steps into a shadow and is simply gone!

Dantia frowns.

Tirost frowns.

Harsh quietly says, "Stay livin everyone."

Harsh smiles.

Crobin says, "Aww come on Harsh."

Thinker Couri came through an opening in the wall.

Crobin winks at Harsh.

* Liraxes returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Gwenhwyfach says, "Sounds like the time is upon us."

Leayne blinks.

Zynell grins.

Harsh quietly says, "Ok ok, I guess for you to be able to kill someone someone has to die. Stay livin everyone except that someone."

Voranos pulls down the hood of his robes.

Harsh hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Harsh with a warm smile.

Harsh waves.

Brother Harsh went through an opening in the wall.

Ezerak whispers something to Ayrell.

Trajan says, "I wonder if he could repurpose some weather proofing on the ceiling, while he's at it."

Trajan gazes up at the sky.

Ayrell shakes her head at Ezerak.

Leayne sighs.

Ezerak frowns.

Gwenhwyfach says, "My starlight is being shorn off from my, that is interesting."

Kerennya puts her logbook in her duffel bag.

Madigan says, "Well...looks like we might get another swing or two against Asildu."

Ezerak quietly says to Ayrell, "I do not trust it."

Gwenhwyfach chuckles at Madigan.

Tirost rests his hand on a haralun bastard sword inscribed with arcane symbols.

Crobin says, "Understandable Eze."

Casari asks Ezerak, "The thing from the place that hates people from here? How come?"

Ayrell nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ezerak grins at Casari, his dimples flashing into view.

Gwenhwyfach says, "I trust Liraxes far more than Asildu."

Trajan nods.

Tirost nods in agreement.

Starlight Queen Gwenhwyfach went through an opening in the wall.

Urbaj says, "Liraxes' actions have only ever given us reasons to trust them."

Ayrell softly says, "You can trust one more than another and still not trust either."

Trajan says, "We don't need to trust Liraxes yet."

Madigan says, "Not sure we have to trust the Chandalier. If it stops being useful in the fight against the Heralds, we drop it. As long as it is doing stuff the Heralds do not like, we keep riding it."

Trajan says, "And I agree that we shouldn't."

Dantia nods to Madigan.

Voranos says, "Standing on the sidelines while it passes us by can have consequences as well."

Casari asks, "And if we lose our home to the plane of probability in the process, well, oops?"

Crobin chuckles at Madigan.

Zynell gazes at Voranos.

Shavay ponders.

Leayne frowns.

Shavay says, "So... let's start an emigration to a different plane."

Ezerak says, "I trust Asildu to do exactly what he's been doing. This thing, it's alien. We've no idea what its motivations actually are."

Crobin says, "I just try to put my dagger well it is most useful."

Shavay says, "Lightning's available at the moment."

Trajan says, "It is true that he hails from a fairly hostile plane of existence."

Shavay chuckles.

Urbaj says, "The Plane of Probability can't exist without our plane. Its in their interest to keep us alive."

Ezerak asks Urbaj, "Says who?"

Trajan says, "Currently Liraxes motivations seem to line up well enough with ours, though."

Urbaj says to Ezerak, "Lunar scholars."

Ezerak says to Trajan, "The operative statements there. Currently, and seem."

Casari says, "It's definitely saying things that have the highest probability of getting the most people to go along with it."

Shavay says, "Well sure. If he were instrumental in breaking a contract he'd likely get fired."

Crobin says, "You don't have to put your trust fully into anything, but always be ready for if things turn differently."

Crobin nods to Ezerak.

Tirost says, "I also believe that Liraxes, like the Immortals and the Rakash gods are united in wanting to return stablity to the Plane."

Voranos nods to Crobin.

Crobin smiles at Voranos.

Trajan says, "Ezerak Unless you know of some form of time travel, the only time we have to operate in is 'currently'."

Ezerak says to Tirost, "But what does stability look like to something from the Plane of Probability."

Madigan says, "We are going to ride Liraxes until he spits the bit. We need all the bloody help we can get against the Heralds."

Shavay chuckles.

Ezerak says to Trajan, "Ask Rarethrew about that."

Ayrell nods to Madigan.

Shavay says, "Nice analogy."

Dantia gazes up at the sky.

Crobin says, "I shall continue to moon them."

Crobin nods to Madigan.

Leayne frowns at Crobin.

Tirost says to Ezerak, "Liraxes has said their goal was to return the plane to its state before wild magic."

Ezerak asks Tirost, "How far before?"

Ezerak says to Tirost, "It says a lot of things."

Crobin says, "Bout time for OA hun."

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Ayrell softly says, "I am inclined to agree with Madigan. It is safer to view this as a tool that can benefit what we believe to be the best course of action rather than throwing our trust entirely behind it. It may prove useful, but if it then also proves dangerous, we will need to be prepared to... handle it."

Leayne softly asks, "Are things stable here?"

Trajan nods to Ayrell.

Crobin says, "For now."

Ezerak nods at Ayrell, obviously agreeing with her views.

Crobin says, "Liraxes is making changes to the machine we can't see really at this point."

Wrath's Herald Zynell went through an opening in the wall.

Madigan sheathes his hurling axe.

Tirost says to Ezerak, "They didn't specify and exact time, but the gods have given us no warnings against Liraxes, and if they wish to help us against the Heralds, it is worth pursuing, I think."

Ezerak says to Crobin, "We don't even know what the machine does now."

Crobin nods to Ezerak.

Trajan says, "Balance, at least for us, means survival right now. That doesn't mean it won't change later, but we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it."

Trajan says, "If we come to it."

Madigan says, "Well, right now it is a voting booth. I hope he does something useful with it."

Crobin says, "From what it sounds is going to gather mana so it can be used to blind the heralds."

Crobin says, "But what do I know about magic."

Tirost grins at Madigan.

Crobin winks at Ezerak.

Shavay says, "I'm pretty sure it will make tarts."

Leayne softly asks, "Where was the machine before it was here?"

Crobin says, "He built it here love...maybe it could of existed on the Plane he is from, but not sure."

Tirost says to Leayne, "Liraxes built it from donated materials."

Ezerak says to Leayne, "It was a bunch of rods and such before that."

Ezerak nods.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Madigan nods in agreement.

Leayne nods to Ezerak.

Tirost says, "It's impressive, but..."

Leayne softly says, "Right."

Tirost grins at Madigan.

Tirost says, "It would be nice to see what it can really do."

Urbaj says, "A combination of our physical materials and Liraxes' crystalline structures."

Crobin says, "It is a voting booth for some."

Crobin says, "Not all."

Ysilda asks, "Weren't there warnings about Liraxes from other beings from the Plane of Probability before it showed itself to us?"

Leayne laughs at Crobin.

Breakfast Connoisseur Myrable's group came through an opening in the wall.

Myrable says, "Ah here is everyone."

Madigan nods to Ysilda.

Leayne softly says, "Not that I do not believe."

Ezerak says to Ysilda, "There were certainly some frightening visions, at the least."

Ysilda nods.

Madigan says to Ysilda, "I arrived when he first showed up figuring for a fight. Turns out he might me useful."

Ysilda nods.

Tirost says, "The Heralds are clearly beings of unfathomable power. I don't plan to turn down the help of the emissary of the Plane of Probability."

Trajan says, "So now we're trusting some beings from the Plane of Probability, but not others."

Ysilda says, "I just think we should keep those warnings in the back of our minds."

Crobin says, "Mad's you show up everywhere hoping or expecting a fight."

Crobin chuckles.

Madigan smiles warmly.

Leayne softly says, "Look who's talking."

Madigan says, "That is what I get paid to do sir. I have no other talents."

Leayne gives Crobin a gentle poke in the ribs.

Crobin gasps!

Dantia grins at Madigan.

Madigan deftly slings a triple-reinforced vardite pavise shield onto his left arm in one graceful movement.

Crobin says, "Well you are wrong there sir."

Madigan frowns.

Trajan says to Madigan, "Unless wearing armor is a talent, I'm in that same boat with you."

Crobin chuckles.

Crobin says, "You both have talents."

Firehawk Casari went through an opening in the wall.

Myrable asks, "So heralds throwing fits, Liraxes have anyting to say about it?"

Crobin says, "You just try and hide them from others."

Crobin smiles at Myrable.

Myrable grins, revealing her dimples.

Myrable ducks her head.

Sublime Mender Kerennya went through an opening in the wall.

Dantia says, "For me it simply comes down to this. One entity of all of those we're speaking about went so far as to kidnap and hold people hostage, both individuals and entire clans. That becomes an easy target."

Dantia adjusts her Therengian rose into place.

Myrable says, "I heard the other one the other nibht."

Crobin says, "Looking at making the machine turn into a bit of ways to annoy and distract them."

Trajan says to Myrable, "We're going to antagonize them by shining a light in their eyes."

Madigan nods to Dantia.

Tirost gazes thoughtfully at Crobin.

Trajan nods to Dantia.

Crobin smiles at Tirost.

Tirost asks Crobin, "That's what Liraxes said was his goal? A distraction?"

Crobin asks, "Sup brother?"

Voranos nods at Dantia, obviously agreeing with her views.

Trajan nods to Tirost.

Tirost nods.

Crobin says, "He hopes to make the machine into a way to gather the mana and use it to distract them."

Trajan says to Tirost, "The machine is being repurposed to provide a distraction."

Ayrell nods to Dantia.

Crobin says, "He doesn't think he can make it do serious damage."

Shavay went through an opening in the wall.

Dantia nods to Ayrell.

Crobin says, "But annoy them...that sounds like fun too."

Trajan nods to Crobin.

Tirost says, "A distraction is good."

Urbaj says, "A distraction so that the Immortals can strike. Liraxes was intentionally vague on that so that their plans don't leak back to the Heralds."

Ayrell softly says to Dantia, "I am in agreement with that as well."

Crobin glances up at the sky.

Myrable nods.

Dantia smiles at Ayrell.

Myrable says, "That makes some sense."

Leayne glances up at the sky.

(Crobin makes a rude gesture towards the Heralds)

Trajan says, "I hope while he's renovating, he takes foritification into mind. I don't want to be inside a crystalline structure when a being that size decides to put its foot down."

Dantia nods to Madigan.

Madigan says, "Well, take care everyone. I am going to head to the OA meeting for a bit."

Dantia says, "Excuse us, friends."

Madigan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Urbaj nods to Trajan.

Sir Madigan's group went through an opening in the wall.

Tirost asks Crobin, "You and Leayne headed that way?"

Leayne nods.

Tirost smiles at Leayne.

Crobin says, "Yes we are."

Leayne smiles at Tirost, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Tirost says, "I'll see you there."

Leayne softly says, "Then, let's go."

Crobin says, "Look forward to it."

Crobin says, "Here we go hun."

Fearless Crobin's group went through an opening in the wall.

Urbaj stretches his arms.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj went through an opening in the wall.