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Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 10252024/Miraena's Farewell

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Miraena's Farewell
Event Date: 10/25/2024
Event Instance: Prime


It has been 450 years, 311 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 8th month of Skullcleaver the Dwarven Axe in the year of the Golden Panther.
It is currently fall and it is mid-afternoon.


[Gaethrend's Court, Solarium]
Amongst a variety of unrecognizable red-orange plants, you notice a small riolur bush flourishing in the sunlight. The ceiling is much lower here but is made up of a number of small multi-colored glass panes which add a curious tint to the atmosphere.

Miraena nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Nevali says, "Had some kind of lunar sense you were out of your room..."

Miraena nods to Nevali.

Nevali twitches an ear nervously.

Nevali asks, "How are you?"

Miraena asks Nevali, "Did you perhaps see Asildu as you came in?"

Nevali says, "No... just them..."

Nevali points at Sayase.

Sayase blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Nevali says, "Sent you both letters... guess it's a little late now..."

Nevali glances outside a moment.

Miraena asks Sayase, "Are you familiar with Asildu? Did you possibly seem him a few moments ago?"

Nevali tilts her head, clearly curious about something.

Sayase says, "I'm familiar with him, but I haven't seen him in some time."

Miraena frowns.

Nevali asks, "Was he... in your room with you, and just left?"

Nevali eyes Miraena.

Miraena quietly says, "I could swear I just saw him, but lost him before I could catch up."

Miraena frowns.

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Nevali says, "Gonna try a locate..."

Nevali says, "Not sure it'll work with all his weird wards."

Nevali gestures.

Nevali says, "...unclear."

Miraena says to Nevali, "No, I was just coming out of my room and saw what... sort of... looked like him rushing down the hallway."

Nevali nods.

Nevali says, "Sort of."

Nevali twitches an ear nervously.

Nevali yanks her wizard's hat down around her ears.

[General] Your mind hears Nevali thinking, "Have moon mages ever done like a group locate attempt to really traingulate someone's position?"

[General] Your mind hears Nevali thinking, "Would be good to try and get a locate on Asildu at this moment..."

Miraena says, "I called out his name, but the person didn't turn back."

Nevali says to Miraena, "I got a really nasty wizardly intuition feeling that... Asildu might not be a person anymore."

Miraena frowns.

Nevali says, "As always, hoping I'm wrong."

Miraena says, "I'm afraid of the very same thing."

Sayase frowns.

Miraena says, "I only caught sight of the very side of his face, and perhaps it was just shadows..."

Miraena frowns.

Nevali asks, "Clothes look familiar at all? If any?"

Miraena says, "Yes, the clothes looked very much like him."

Nevali says, "You know, the very thing I first noticed about the both of you was you have the same taste in vests."

Nevali grins weakly.

Miraena says, "But the shape of his face, and the bulk on the side of the body I saw just seemed off."

Miraena adjusts her vest, smoothing it out on top of a burlap tunic.

Sayase ponders.

Nevali asks, "Packing on the muscles or pound cakes?"

Miraena chuckles.

Nevali says, "I've gotten stronger! I was just helping thin the ogre horde outside the gate. First time being useful like that."

Nevali preens. Someone's pleased with herself!

Miraena praises Nevali.

Nevali says, "Got some blood on my robes... mostly mine... I got shot with a crossbow."

Miraena cringes.

Nevali nods.

Nevali says, "That's why you wear the armor underneath."

Nevali pats a purple ring hauberk.

Miraena says, "Yes, I am starting to think that maybe Crossing is growing too dangerous for me now."

Miraena gazes off to the west.

Nevali says, "Right through the rings, though..."

Nevali says to Miraena, "And yet..."

Nevali nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Nevali sighs.

Nevali asks, "I hate to say it, but all the sorcery, I GUESS... has been making all the wild magic... tame?"

Miraena gives a slight nod.

Miraena says, "And if the Immortals and Heralds are going to be in conflict... I'm not sure that there is anything more here for a farmer to do."

Nevali says, "I've almost never seen or felt anything off for a long while now, except the mana itself still getting frisky in the way it moves... or stops moving."

Miraena nods to Nevali.

Nevali says to Miraena, "I don't know if there's anywhere on this whole planet safe from the skies."

Nevali says, "Maybe a mine shaft."

Miraena says, "Yes, which means it may be time to return to my family. If my village is just as unsafe as here, at least I am with them."

Nevali says, "Hibarnhvidar's real lovely this time of year..."

Hodierna's Fist Jundara just arrived.

Nevali says, "They've got a whole mountain above them."

Jundara waves to Miraena.

Miraena says, "I would have remained for Asildu... but..."

Jundara joins Nevali's group.

Jundara snuggles up to Nevali.

Miraena beams at Jundara!

Nevali hugs Jundara, who wraps her arms around Nevali with a warm smile.

Jundara wipes her forehead.

Nevali rubs Jundara gently, massaging her muscles.

Nevali gets a small kertig's tear meteorite from inside her leather baldric.

Miraena asks Jundara, "I don't suppose you happened to see Asildu on your way here?"

Nevali gets a blue iris from inside her tear meteorite.

Nevali says to Miraena, "I'll not forget you."

Miraena beams at Nevali!

Jundara says, "Not that I noticed, no..."

Nevali puts her iris in her tear meteorite.

Jundara says, "Sorry."

Nevali puts her meteorite in her leather baldric.

Miraena nods to Jundara.

Nevali reaches over and grooms Jundara's ears for a moment, purring softly.

Nevali says to Jundara, "She's wanting to go back to be with her family..."

Miraena says to Jundara, "I was just telling Nevali and my new friend here that I think I saw him briefly in the hallway, but he ran off before I could catch him."

Sayase says to Miraena, "Maybe he would respond by gweth? I think I've heard his thoughts with it before."

Nevali asks Miraena, "Should I let people know it could be their last chance to say goodbye to you?"

Miraena ponders.

Miraena adjusts her kyanite gwethdesuan.

Nevali beams at Miraena!

Nevali says, "So brave now."

Miraena says to Nevali, "Yes, I think I am very well versed with this thing now."

Nevali says, "Being with family is important in times like these... which is why... I'm going to be right wherever this adorable girl is, when the skies come crashing down."

Nevali just took the hand of Jundara and gently kissed the back of it.

Jundara trills softly at Nevali.

Jundara nods at Nevali, obviously agreeing with her views.

[General] Your mind hears Miraena thinking, "Hello, Asildu? This is Miraena. Can you hear me?"

[General] Your mind hears Miraena thinking, "I know I saw you in Gaethrend's a few moments ago, but you did not respond when I called out to you. I would very much like to talk with you before I go."

[General] Your mind hears Miraena thinking, "Asildu, I'm very sorry for the way things have turned out. I'm sorry that the Heralds used us for whatever their own purposes. I hope you are able to see the truth in things before it's too late."

[General] Your mind hears Miraena thinking, "I am returning soon to my village - the one with no name - to be with my family. Thank you to all of the Adventurers I met and who helped bring me back to the Immortals."

Jundara pulls Nevali to her in a tight hug.

Miraena nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Nevali emits a little "prprpr" noise.

Miraena smiles at Nevali.

Miraena says, "Yes, I think if we are not suited for fighting that it's best we be with our loved ones."

Nevali says, "And if they're suited for fighting... well... gonna be a rough time."

Nevali grins.

Sayase nods in agreement.

Primal World Ender Anuril just arrived.

[General] Your mind hears Anuril thinking, "The immortals are the ones using people."

Anuril squints.

Anuril nods.

Miraena draws a deep breath, before exhaling slowly.

Jundara says to Nevali, "Speaking of fighting, you were amazing helping fight the invasion at the Northeast Gate."

Nevali trills softly at Anuril.

Nevali beams at Jundara!

Jundara waves to Anuril.

Jundara trills softly at Anuril.

Nevali says, "It's all in the wrist. And the elbow... and the arm. And shoulder. And hips."

Nevali says, "Even the feet, I suppose."

Miraena quietly says, "There, that will have to do."

[General] Your mind hears Tirost thinking, "It was good to meet you, Miraena. Good luck to you, your family and your village."

[General] Your mind hears Kerennya thinking, "You have a good heart, Miraena. Don't lose that."

Jundara says to Nevali, "We need to get a Prydaen Pin Cushion made... in honor of Istercal's fighting style."

Nevali says to Miraena, "You know."

Jundara giggles at Nevali.

Nevali says, "You may have no name for it, but to us, it will be Miraena's Village."

Miraena smiles at Anuril.

Jundara nods at Nevali, obviously agreeing with her views.

Anuril nods to Miraena.

Jundara nods.

Miraena grins at Nevali.

Miraena says, "Yes, if you ever want to come visit me, just ask for Miraena's village."

Miraena laughs!

A sudden swell of mana washes through you, setting your nerves atingle.

Jundara giggles.

Nevali exclaims, "It's a historical site!"

Miraena nods at Nevali, obviously agreeing with her views.

Anuril smirks.

Nevali says, "Where the Heralds imbued a simple girl with a billion visions."

Nevali says, "I wonder what you mean by the truth of things..."

Miraena says, "I have no idea why they chose to bring me into it... but I did what I thought was right."

Miraena frowns.

Miraena says, "I am very afraid for Asildu, though."

Jundara pats Miraena on the back.

Jundara says to Miraena, "That's all we can ever do."

Miraena says, "I think the Heralds have him firmly in their grip, and whatever anger they have is channeling down into him."

Anuril says, "The heralds wouldn't be so angry if the immortals and adventurers who follow them would cease their aggression."

Shadow Priest Gragnel just arrived.

Miraena nods to Gragnel.

Anuril nods to Gragnel.

Gragnel carefully pushes the twine off two of his fingers and onto his wrists, keeping the loops in place while letting them settle downward.

Gragnel asks Miraena, "There you are, I hear you're planning to return to your village?"

Miraena asks Gragnel, "Adventurer Gragnel, I was hoping you would let me keep the book you gave me?"

Gragnel says to Miraena, "Oh, perfect, seems we are of the same mind on this. Yes. I would greatly enjoy you taking that book on the Immortals with you."

Gragnel says to Miraena, "I happily gift it to you, and I give it with the hopes that it will lead others to find faith in the Thirty-Nine."

Anuril frowns.

Miraena curtsies to Gragnel.

Jundara observes Anuril with fascination.

Miraena says to Gragnel, "I will take it back to my village and share it with my friends and family, while we wait to see the outcome of what is to come."

Gragnel gives Miraena a slight nod.

Nevali fidgets nervously.

Gragnel says, "Well, yes. Of course."

Miraena gazes upward.

Gragnel asks, "Well, Miraena, I just wanted to say that bit and wish you well on your journey. Will you be leaving this day?"

Miraena says to Anuril, "I can't pretend that I understand what has brought the Heralds and Immortals to blows, or how sorcery plays into it, but that fight is well and fully out of my hands at this point."

Miraena nods at Gragnel, obviously agreeing with his views.

Nevali asks Miraena something in Prydaenese.

Anuril says, "What has brought them to blows is that the immortals have misbehaved since their arrival on this plane."

Miraena says, "Yes, I was staying only to try to catch Asildu once more, but he refuses to meet me."

Nevali gazes hopefully at Miraena.

Miraena says, "I would be very wary of Asildu though, if I were staying here in Crossing."

Gragnel says to Miraena, "Then, once again, wish you good health on your travels and a speedy route to your home. It was a pleasure to meet you, Miraena."

Nevali says, "I..."

Miraena smiles at Gragnel.

Gragnel bows to Miraena.

Starting suddenly, the fur along Nevali's tail bristles substantially as she lowers her tail and glances around.

Sayase asks, "Wary?"

Jundara opens her pink sack.

Miraena says to Gragnel, "Thank you, Adventurer Gragnel."

Nevali says, "He's... going to kill you."

Nevali blinks at Miraena.

Anuril searches around for a moment.

Gragnel says, "Walk in the favor of the Immortals, all."

Gragnel waves.

Shadow Priest Gragnel slogs east.

Anuril searches around for a moment.

Anuril searches around for a moment.

Nevali asks Miraena, "Do you have the protection of the Heralds still?"

Anuril looks over Miraena very closely.

Miraena says, "I think he is channeling the anger of the Heralds, and would probably lash out wildly at anyone."

Nevali says, "You shouldn't go home alone..."

Jundara frets.

Miraena says, "Which is another good reason for me to return home."

Jundara begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

Nevali says, "He knows you're leaving now. He knows you'll be alone. Away from us."

Jundara gets a lance-shaped waffle filled with rainbow cream and a raspberry-bloodwyne mixture from inside her pink sack.

Nevali says, "He may think you're turning your back on the Heralds..."

Miraena says, "Then all the better for me to not be here."

Miraena nods.

Nevali says, "He's... going to go with you. He's waiting on the road..."

Nevali rubs her head.

Nevali says, "Please let this just be my imagination."

Miraena pats Nevali on the back.

Anuril asks Nevali, "Have you Located him?"

Nevali says, "I'm afraid you will never make it home..."

Nevali says to Anuril, "I tried..."

Nevali says, "I can try again..."

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Nevali gestures.

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Anuril frowns.

Nevali says, "She needs an escort."

Nevali gestures.

Nevali shakes her head at Anuril.

Anuril says, "Perhaps Unaka can handle that. Paladins are usually best for that kind of thing."

Nevali says, "No good."

Miraena says, "I think I'll be able to make it home alright, I still have the extra warding from the Heralds. Perhaps that's something that will stay with me forever now."

Miraena shrugs.

Nevali weakly says, "Yes, that won't make him angrier at all."

Miraena says, "I'll be the longest living farmer ever."

Miraena chuckles.

Anuril smiles at Miraena.

Jundara says to Miraena, "Here... take this for the road... It's yummy and will help make the journey better."

Jundara offers Miraena a lance-shaped waffle filled with rainbow cream and a raspberry-bloodwyne mixture.

Miraena beams at Jundara!

Miraena accepts Jundara's lance-shaped waffle.

Miraena puts her waffle in her craftsman's satchel.

Miraena exclaims, "Thank you!"

Nevali gets a wedge of watermelon from inside her blue hat.

Nevali offers Miraena a wedge of watermelon.

Miraena accepts Nevali's wedge of watermelon.

Miraena puts her watermelon in her craftsman's satchel.

Nevali says, "And this will quench the thirst of roads... if you make it far enough."

Miraena exclaims, "I will save them for the road, thank you!"

Nevali twitches an ear nervously.

Anuril says to Miraena, "Regardless of which side you're no now, you have been brave and selfless."

Anuril coughs.

Anuril says, "On now..."

Miraena curtsies to Anuril.

Nevali nods in agreement.

Nevali frets.

Nevali slinks back and forth, like a restless predator on the prowl.

Anuril says to Miraena, "Safe travels."

Jundara nods.

Miraena says to Anuril, "Thank you, Adventurer Anuril. It has been very nice making your acquaintance."

Miraena smiles.

Nevali says, "Not until we know where Asildu is and detain him."

Anuril bows to Miraena.

Miraena says, "And Adventurers Nevali and Jundara, I thank you both from the bottom of my heart. You were some of the first people I met upon my arrival, and have always been kind and helpful."

Nevali says, "You can't just say safe travels to make them safe. You have to take actions..."

Miraena pats Nevali on the back.

Nevali frets.

Nevali trills softly at Miraena.

Nevali worriedly says, "I... thank you..."

Nevali shifts uncomfortably for a moment.

Miraena says to Nevali, "I promise I will make as stealthy of an exit as I can."

Nevali gives a slight nod.

Nevali gazes upward.

Nevali says, "With all them watching."

Nevali slowly empties her lungs.

Nevali says, "Good heckin' luck..."

Miraena chuckles.

Miraena says, "They don't seem to be going away... so it's now or never."

Miraena smiles.

Jundara trills softly at Miraena.

Miraena hitches up the waistband of her workman's pants.

Nevali inhales a great swallow of air.

Miraena asks, "Would you pass my goodbye on to others?"

Nevali asks Miraena, "Still no prediction?"

Anuril nods to Miraena.

Miraena laughs!

Miraena says to Nevali, "Okay, once before I leave."

Miraena nods to Nevali.

Nevali looks at Miraena and sighs.

Anuril praises Nevali.

Nevali says, "Well, that'll keep you here a while then. It's very hard to get the right amount of... fuel... without the stars."

Nevali grins weakly.

Jundara giggles at Nevali.

Nevali says, "How about just ... something to hopefully help you hide."

Nevali inhales a great swallow of air.

Miraena nods in agreement.

Nevali closes her eyes briefly before snapping them open again revealing scleras awash with shadows that creep into the irises. Threads of silver flicker across the pupils as her eyes drift about serenely.

Nevali blinks once, returning her eyes to normal.

Miraena blinks at Nevali.

Nevali brightly says, "Oh, whoops, you shouldn't leave just yet."

Jundara exhales softly on her sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

Nevali says, "Until that wears off."

Nevali yanks her wizard's hat down around her ears.

Nevali exclaims, "Sorry!"

Miraena grins at Nevali.

Jundara flails her arms about.

Jundara sticks out her tongue at Nevali and lets loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbt" from her lips!

Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.

Anuril asks, "Quietly Did you just curse her...?"

Nevali says, "Yeaaaahhhh..."

Nevali nods to Anuril.

Anuril quietly asks, "Did you just curse her...?"

Anuril coughs.

Jundara frowns, shaking her head with an expression of exasperation before resting her face in the palm of her hand.

Nevali says, "I didn't MEAN to."

Anuril appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Nevali says to Miraena, "Honest..."

Miraena says, "Yes, I somehow feel a little less stealthy now."

Miraena nods to Anuril.

Nevali says, "Well, uh... I can do THIS..."

Jundara widens her eyes like a lunatic.

Anuril says, "Oh no."

Nevali raises her arms skyward, chanting.

Anuril begins nagging Nevali unmercifully.

Nevali exclaims, "Wait! Wait, I can... fix it... some of it! Maybe!"

Nevali gestures at Miraena.

Miraena gazes at Nevali.

Miraena exclaims, "I feel more stealthy now!"

Jundara giggles.

Nevali says, "Shadows, woohoo."

Jundara lets out a hearty cheer for Miraena!

Miraena grins.

Miraena says, "I will blend in with the crowds on the way to the Eastern Gate."

Miraena nods.

Nevali chants a few words in a low voice.

Anuril gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Nevali begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

Miraena says, "Er, Western Gate."

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Miraena points west.

Nevali says, "No, no, go east. Confuse 'em."

Miraena laughs!

Anuril nods at Nevali, obviously agreeing with her views.

Jundara says to Miraena, "It was wonderful meeting you... sorry it wasn't under better circumstances."

Miraena nods at Jundara, obviously agreeing with her views.

Jundara smiles at Miraena.

Nevali says, "I could get you a moongate all the way near Knife Clan or Wolf Clan, wherever your trail picks up past them..."

Miraena says, "Perhaps I'll make the trek back one day."

Miraena smiles.

Nevali frets.

Miraena exclaims to Nevali, "And not use my new stealthy skills? I'll walk!"

Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.

Jundara grins.

Nevali says, "I just hope I'm better at magic than I am at fortunetelling..."

Miraena says, "And now it is time for me to be off, friends. Please heed my warning about Asildu."

Miraena nods.

Miraena waves.

Nevali says, "And mine..."

Nevali gazes at Miraena.

Jundara nods.

Nevali hugs Miraena, getting a smile in return.

Jundara waves to Miraena.

Miraena beams at Nevali!

Messenger Miraena wanders east.

Nevali says, "Don't let him... hurt you..."

Nevali gazes off into the distance.

Anuril pats Nevali on the back.

Nevali twitches an ear nervously.

Jundara snuggles up to Nevali.

Nevali says to Anuril, "Seeing possible futures absolutely SUCKS sometimes."

Nevali says, "Even if you just imagine them from nothing at all."

Nevali says, "Maybe I read too many books. It just makes narrative sense."

Nevali says, "I hope she's got a story left in her... a sequel..."

Nevali inhales a great swallow of air.

Anuril smiles.

Nevali slowly empties her lungs.

Anuril nods.

* Miraena returns home from a hard day of adventuring.