Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 09062024/Gathering the Steadfast

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Gathering the Steadfast
Event Date: 09/06/2024
Event Instance: Prime


  • Holy Guardian Unaka joins the adventure.

[Tamsine's Rest]
A shady clump of sicle saplings cluster around a large, moss-encrusted fragment of pink coral. Carved into a hollow in the center of the coral landmark is a crude yet moving image of Tamsine, one of the patron goddesses of the town. Before the simple shrine is a low limestone bench, where the weary traveler might take some rest in the shade, leave offerings of flowers or food, and contemplate matters of the soul and spirit. You also see a low gate and a flat rock. Also here: Asvoyra, Enelne's Daughter Azume, Mageling Aerilia, Cultivator Shaylynne who is encircled by ethereal phofe flowers, Strawberry Nurse Illiya, Medir, Lady Knight Elurora whose figure is gracefully highlighted in a soft aurora of silvery-violet light, Cateress Allye who is fringed by a sprinkle of blinking fireflies, Firehawk Casari, Musical Enthusiast Kentara, Serial Killer Damiza who is darkened by an unnatural shadow, Veteran Apprentice Anuril who has a fiery visage, Knight of Meraud Tirost, Knight Errant Trajan, Ezathiel, Holy Vengeance Imroth, Lanahh Pejek'zhra Isaish, Khozh Elizzibiana who is shadowed by the spectral image of a grey-eyed viper formed of fire and smoke, Druid Zyros who has a stony visage, Dawnsworn Briaen who is surrounded by a corona of fiery light, Reverend Gragnel, Holy Lash Nawain who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Sister Severei and Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu who is kneeling. Obvious paths: east.

Allye accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Holy Guardian Unaka just arrived.

Briaen nods graciously at Ezerak, giving him a polite smile.

Allye says to Nawain, "Thank you."

Nawain gets a tall silvery altar candle from inside her slender rugursora.

Nawain points her World Dragon at a tall silvery altar candle and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the candle quickly catch fire.

Elurora snaps to attention and hails Unaka with a crisp hand salute.

Shaylynne beams at Unaka!

Imroth smiles at Unaka.

Nawain offers Casari a burning altar candle.

Casari raises her shell up, and a cold white glow surrounds it.

Unaka waves.

Elurora waves to Ezerak.

Medir moves a bottle of bearheart stout to his left hand.

Medir moves a burning altar candle to his right hand.

Shaylynne waves to Unaka.

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Unaka.

Ezerak waves to Elurora.

Aerilia waves to Unaka.

Briaen smiles at Unaka.

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Ruea just arrived.

Sukidesu waves to Unaka.

Tirost warmly says to Illiya, "Thanks as always."

Nawain nods to Allye.

Tirost bows to Unaka.

Ezathiel softly says to Nawain, "I have no prayer to offer but would like a candle to show my honoring of Tamsine."

Illiya smiles at Tirost, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Allye gets a gigantic cinnamon roll slathered with sticky brown sugar icing from inside a little lilac lunchbox.

A golden flame wavers across the tip of Elurora's altar candle.

Nawain nods to Ezathiel.

Illiya beams at Unaka!

Casari accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Casari nods graciously at Nawain, giving her a polite smile.

Unaka gives a brief nod to those gathered, though she looks a little haggard.

Severei trills softly at Unaka.

Nawain gets a tall silvery altar candle from inside her slender rugursora.

Nawain points her World Dragon at a tall silvery altar candle and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the candle quickly catch fire.

Ezathiel places his hands on his thighs and bows deeply at the waist towards Unaka, holding the position for a moment before returning upright.

Trajan nods to Briaen.

Nawain offers Ezathiel a burning altar candle.

Ezathiel accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Medir nods to Unaka.

Allye offers Unaka a gigantic cinnamon roll slathered with sticky brown sugar icing.

Ezathiel smiles at Nawain.

Ezathiel nods to Nawain.

Medir takes a sip of his stout.

Nawain gets a tall silvery altar candle from inside her slender rugursora.

Nawain points her World Dragon at a tall silvery altar candle and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the candle quickly catch fire.

Unaka gazes at Allye.

Nawain offers Ruea a burning altar candle.

Unaka declines Allye's offer.

Ruea accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Gragnel gets a cup of holy water from inside his simple cassock.

Unaka quietly says, "Not right now, thank you."

Allye nods to Unaka.

Medir's altar candle crackles as a spark rises from it.

Ruea smiles at Nawain.

Gragnel cleans his panther pin with a cup of holy water, restoring the anloral's azure purity.

Allye puts her roll in a giant party sack bedazzled with countless glitterstars and shadowstars.

Elurora looks with concern at Unaka.

Nawain gets a tall silvery altar candle from inside her slender rugursora.

Nawain points her World Dragon at a tall silvery altar candle and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the candle quickly catch fire.

Nawain offers Illiya a burning altar candle.

Illiya accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Nawain gets a tall silvery altar candle from inside her slender rugursora.

Nawain points her World Dragon at a tall silvery altar candle and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the candle quickly catch fire.

Illiya smiles at Nawain, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Nawain offers Anuril a burning altar candle.

Briaen says, "Good evening, gathered faithful. Please take a moment to find a comfortable location to sit. Nawain is passing out candles, should you like one. If you've come prepared with statements, hymns, or prayer, do please let me know. We will begin momentarily."

Gragnel puts his water in his simple cassock.

Zyros says, "I'd like a candle as well."

Sukidesu takes a seat near a flat rock.

Severei takes a seat near a flat rock.

Heart Tender Kethrai just arrived.

Ezathiel takes a seat.

Azume takes a seat near Sukidesu.

Kentara sits down on the limestone bench.

Nawain offers Aerilia a burning altar candle.

Imroth says to Nawain, "I would take a candle, if I am offered."

Aerilia accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Unaka takes a seat near a flat rock.

Nawain nods.

Shaylynne takes a seat near Allye.

Nawain gets a tall silvery altar candle from inside her slender rugursora.

Nawain points her World Dragon at a tall silvery altar candle and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the candle quickly catch fire.

Gragnel sits down on the limestone bench.

Ezerak takes a seat.

Aerilia gestures, and a smooth eruption of rock rises from the ground with a low rumble, shifting and flowing fluidly before settling into a seat of stone. She walks over to it and sits down.

Nawain offers Zyros a burning altar candle.

Elurora grins at Gragnel.

Zyros accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Nawain gets a tall silvery altar candle from inside her slender rugursora.

Nawain points her World Dragon at a tall silvery altar candle and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the candle quickly catch fire.

Unaka settles herself atop the rock, gazing at Briaen.

Nawain offers Imroth a burning altar candle.

Kethrai takes his rightful place beside Anuril.

Imroth accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Allye takes a seat.

Nawain gets a tall silvery altar candle from inside her slender rugursora.

Nawain points her World Dragon at a tall silvery altar candle and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the candle quickly catch fire.

Nawain offers Kethrai a burning altar candle.

Allye leans on Shaylynne.

Zyros offers Damiza a burning altar candle.

Kethrai accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Briaen clears his throat.

Severei's eyelids droop as she trills briefly in warm content.

(Elurora moves to stand behind the bench.)

Briaen studies the faces around him.

Gragnel grins at Elurora.

Nawain offers Gragnel a burning altar candle.

Imroth takes a seat.

Gragnel accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Court Advisor Aaiyaah just arrived.

Nawain gets a tall silvery altar candle from inside her slender rugursora.

Nawain points her World Dragon at a tall silvery altar candle and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the candle quickly catch fire.

Nawain offers Aaiyaah a burning altar candle.

Gragnel idly picks at a burning altar candle.

Tirost shakes Aaiyaah's hand.

Aaiyaah accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Aaiyaah grins at Tirost.

Imroth smiles aaia

Tirost smiles at Aaiyaah.

Aaiyaah shakes Tirost's hand.

Imroth clears his throat.

Briaen says, "Brothers and sisters, we gather in these uncertain times, with the warmth of our hearths threatened and the safety of our homes shaken by forces beyond our understanding."

Gragnel moves a burning altar candle to his left hand.

Aaiyaah shakes Imroth's hand.

Allye gazes at Briaen.

Sukidesu nods.

Medir takes a sip of his stout.

Elurora shakes her head at Illiya.

Briaen says, "Once peaceful clans, where families broke bread and the fires of hearths burned brightly, now lie in ruin. Struck down by the meteors from the above, brought by the Heralds and their foul representative."

Apprentice Empath Kyreena's group just arrived.

Nawain offers Shaylynne a burning altar candle.

Briaen gazes at Tirost.

Unaka nods to Briaen.

Gragnel frowns.

Shaylynne accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Anuril raises an eyebrow.

Aerilia frowns.

A pained expression crosses Tirost's face.

Briaen strongly says, "But here, in the heart of Crossing, we stand yet unbowed."

Nawain offers Anuril a burning altar candle.

Anuril declines Nawain's offer.

Anuril shakes his head at Nawain.

Allye nods to Briaen.

Nawain gives a slight nod.

Briaen says, "Though fear tries to creep into our hearts, we will not be ruled by it. We call upon Tamsine, the gentle hand who weaves the threads of peace and protection through our lives."

Unaka quietly asks, "May I have a candle?"

(Nawain flinches a bit and firms her lips at some thought, then offers a lit candle to Unaka, failing to meet the 'Togs gaze.)

Nawain offers Unaka a burning altar candle.

Unaka accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Unaka gives Nawain a slight nod.

Nawain nods to Unaka.

Kethrai trills softly at Nawain.

Elurora touches Nawain with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Briaen says, "Tonight, the faithful gather in hopes that Tamsine will hear our prayers, as we uplift our voices in hopes of protection of this, the city of the Crossing. I will be calling on several of those gathered here tonight. If you have no yet let me know you wish to speak, please do so quietly as we call upon our first guest."

Nawain offers Damiza a burning altar candle.

Isaish grumbles ominously, "May Ushnish's ire not focus on me, nor on my family, that disease and famine may pass us by. May he spare our town from his wrath, lest lava flow and floods strike down."

Imroth bows his head and chants a prayer.

Briaen asks Gragnel, "Reverend Durbin. If you would please?"

Gragnel nods to Briaen.

Gragnel stands up.

Elurora gazes at Gragnel.

Unaka holds the candle in one hand, its form tiny compared to the size of her hand. She stares at the small light as she listens.

Briaen nods graciously at Gragnel, giving him a polite smile.

Gragnel gets a pitted iron comb from inside his wool longcoat.

Gragnel runs his iron comb through his hair.

Gragnel runs his iron comb through his hair.

Allye smiles at Gragnel.

Gragnel puts his comb in his wool longcoat.

Gragnel clears his throat.

Imroth claps his hands once in an august gesture.

Gragnel matter-of-factly says, "Greetings, I am Reverend Gragnel. I am in the service of our Lord Damaris and I am a preacher and from Wolf Clan..."

Gragnel gazes off into the distance.

Imroth bows his head and chants a prayer.

Sukidesu kneels down and begins to pray.

Gragnel worriedly says, "Wolf Clan... Home..."

Allye gazes sadly at Gragnel.

Elurora gazes sadly at Gragnel.

Gragnel shakes his head.

Briaen just touched Gragnel.

Ezathiel frowns.

Gragnel distractedly asks himself, "Where was I?"

Tirost nods to Gragnel.

Zyros waves to Gragnel.

Ezathiel pats Gragnel on the back.

Gragnel says, "Oh. I remember. Tamsine."

Gragnel clears his throat.

Nawain gazes sadly at Gragnel.

Gragnel recites:

   "Tamsine, sweet sister and mother.
    Today we bring reverance to you.
    You who gifted us with the idea of civilization.
    Our guiding light during times of building and settling."

Briaen gazes up at the sky.

Gragnel recites:

   "Tamsine, goddess of warm hearths and comfortable homes.
    Today we bring celebration to your name.
    You who gifted us with both peace from Albreda balanced by destruction from Harawep."

Elurora just touched an ornate aldamdin trinket graced with a vedda dove.

Gragnel recites:

   "Tamsine, loving tutor and reverent instructor.
    We seek your guidence in this time of trial and test.
    Show us the way to preserve what we have built here in your name.
    Aide us in finding the path to take."

Nawain offers Briaen a burning altar candle.

Allye gazes at Gragnel.

Unaka quietly says to Aaiyaah, "I need to focus right now."

Gragnel recites:

   "Tamsine, look upon us with favor today.
    Bring us the dove and spare us the spider.
    We raise our voices to you and exhalt you in our words.
    We, those of the faith who in your grace have given so much to."

Kethrai mumbles a word of general praise.

Allye's altar candle burns with a comforting glow.

Gragnel recites:

   "Tamsine, hear our prayers and bless us in our deeds."

Tirost mumbles a word of general praise.

Gragnel loudly says, "Thank you all."

Gragnel nods.

Gragnel nods to Briaen.

Ezathiel nods to Gragnel.

Tirost nods to Gragnel.

Gragnel sits down on the limestone bench.

Sukidesu nods to Gragnel.

Briaen nods to Gragnel.

Elurora continues to praise Gragnel.

Aerilia nods to Gragnel.

Unaka nods to Gragnel.

Briaen says to Gragnel, "Well said. We thank you for your guidance."

Allye smiles at Gragnel.

Imroth smiles at Gragnel.

Imroth examines a burning altar candle.

Medir takes a sip of his stout.

Anuril nods to Gragnel.

Sukidesu shakes his head.

Briaen says, "Gragnel calls upon Tamsine, to look upon us with favor. We humbled, who face dangerous and uncertain times. Let Her be praised. Let Her hear us."

Gragnel nods.

Sukidesu continues praying fervently.

Medir takes a sip of his stout.

Sukidesu quietly says, "Tamsine be praised..."

Unaka says, "Let her hear us."

Briaen asks Tirost, "My old friend. Knight of Meraud. If you would please?"

Briaen gestures at Tirost.

Tirost nods to Briaen.

Ezathiel bows his head in acknowledgement.

Tirost stands near a flat rock.

Sublime Mender Kerennya just arrived.

Tirost gets a flagon of Reserve ale from inside his watersilk bag.

Tirost reverently places a flagon of Reserve ale atop the flat rock.

Nawain offers Kerennya a burning altar candle.

(Elurora cups the candle in her hands as she listens thoughtfully to the speakers.)

Kerennya accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Kethrai gazes at his candle.

Tirost kneels down.

Nawain gazes at Tirost.

Briaen gazes at Tirost.

Tirost chants in a baritone voice:

   "O immortal goddess, whose peace shields life,
    Thank you for your blessings.
    A tempest rages but your supple branches
    Do not break."

Ruea gazes up at the sky.

Sukidesu gazes at Tirost.

Tirost chants in a baritone voice:

   "Guide our steps to free our people,
    And restore the order by which
    Each in their time blossoms."

Briaen nods in agreement.

Tirost bows his head.

Sukidesu gives a ruby cat with sapphire eyes a hug!

Tirost stands up.

Gragnel nods in agreement.

Tirost stands near Aerilia.

Aerilia smiles at Tirost.

Ezathiel gazes up at the sky.

Allye smiles at Tirost.

Briaen says to Tirost, "Thank you."

Imroth nods to Tirost.

Tirost nods to Briaen.

Sir Madigan just arrived.

Reriyn just arrived.

Aaiyaah grins at Madigan.

Aaiyaah shakes Madigan's hand.

Nawain offers Reriyn a burning altar candle.

Madigan shakes Aaiyaah's hand.

Reriyn accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Madigan smiles at Aaiyaah.

Madigan gets a mug of roasted coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Nawain offers Madigan a burning altar candle.

Gragnel tilts his altar candle side to side, making the light play off it.

Kerennya's feet are soaked.

Madigan accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Madigan bows to Nawain.

Briaen says, "I would ask now, just for a brief moment - for silence. As we sit still, present in this moment. I want you to envision those we may have lost in these attacks."

Valynn just arrived.

Nawain offers Valynn a burning altar candle.

Ezerak gazes down at the ground.

Briaen says, "Think of the lives they may yet not live. Think of the good and grace they could have brought to each of us."

Elurora gazes at her candle.

Valynn accepts Nawain's altar candle.

(Aerilia bows her head and closes her eyes.)

Aaiyaah smiles at Valynn.

Valynn smiles at Nawain.

Valynn smiles at Aaiyaah.

Valynn joins Aaiyaah's group.

Ezathiel bows his head in acknowledgement.

Allye's ears droop dejectedly as a look of melancholy crosses her face.

Kerennya gets a mournful expression on her face.

Unaka takes in a deep breath, closing her eyes, as her great form achieves remarkable stillness.

Allye's altar candle burns with a comforting glow.

Nawain gazes down at the ground.

Valynn pulls Aaiyaah to her in a tight hug.

(Sukidesu closes his eyes as he prays silently to Tamsine)

Ezathiel gazes down at the ground.

Imroth inhales a great swallow of air.

Danyte nods to Kyreena.

Aaiyaah hugs Valynn, who wraps her arms around Aaiyaah with a warm smile.

Imroth slowly empties his lungs.

Nawain offers Ezerak a burning altar candle.

Ezerak accepts Nawain's altar candle.

Elurora breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.

Ezathiel bows his head in acknowledgement.

Briaen gazes up at the sky.

Elizzibiana stretches her arms.

Valynn grins at Aaiyaah.

Briaen nods.

Elizzibiana yawns expansively.

Gragnel gazes off into the distance.

Nawain shudders.

Briaen upliftingly says, "Tamsine, whose fire has always been the center of many a hearth, is not only the tender mother but also the shield over our roofs and the quiet strength in our temple walls. It is by Her grace that we find the power to protect our families, to stand firm in the face of destruction."

Danyte nods to Kyreena.

Tirost nods to Briaen.

Briaen says, "We do not ask for comfort alone."

Tempest Knight Saragos just arrived.

Briaen asks Allye, "Yet I can think of no other who would see us comforted than Cateress Karayilma. If you would, please?"

Allye nods to Briaen.

Ezathiel gazes at Allye.

Allye stands up.

Elurora cocks her head at Allye.

Kerennya smiles at Allye.

Severei trills softly at Allye.

Allye inhales a great swallow of air.

Unaka gazes at Allye.

Allye says, "Gracious Tamsine, keeper of the hearth and protector of home, please wrap your gentle warmth around the people of Zoluren."

Gragnel gazes up at the sky.

Allye says, "In their struggles, be their shelter, in their joys, be their light. Guide their hearts with your steady flame that they may find peace in your embrace."

Gragnel turns the clerical collar about his neck for a moment.

Zyros glances up at the sky.

Briaen nods in agreement.

Tirost mumbles a word of general praise.

Nawain gazes at Allye.

Allye says, "May your love guard their homes, and may your comfort fill their spirits, now and always. May we yet see the safe return of the many missing."

Elurora gazes at Allye.

Kentara nods in agreement.

Kethrai mumbles a word of general praise.

Allye says, "Blessed Tamsine, watch over them with kindness and grace."

Gragnel turns the clerical collar about his neck for a moment.

(Allye lowers her candle, its flickering light cast across her somber face. She places it gently upon the bench before the shrine, pausing to gaze at the Goddess' image before returning to her seat.)

Imroth solemnly says, "Tamsine protect our home."

Allye takes a seat near Shaylynne.

Elurora touches Allye with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Briaen nods graciously at Allye, giving her a polite smile.

Ezathiel softly says, "Tamsine guard us."

Allye smiles sadly at Elurora.

Sukidesu quietly says, "Tamsine be with us..."

Briaen says, "We can but remain steadfast in our faith, in prayer, and kinship. In times such as these, it is the food of the soul."

Ezathiel nods in agreement.

Allye nods to Briaen.

Briaen asks Nawain, "Sfarns del Dzive, if we could be graced by your words, please?"

Nawain nods to Briaen.

Elurora smiles encouragingly at Nawain.

Ezathiel gazes thoughtfully at Nawain.

Unaka gazes at Nawain.

Madigan smiles at Nawain.

Severei gazes at Nawain.

Ruea nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

(Nawain straightens, letting the familiar feeling of ritual give her voice a confidence she doesn't feel.)

Sukidesu gazes at Nawain.

Ezathiel tugs at the tip of his beard distractedly.

Nawain recites:

   "O Tamsine, Guardian of Hearth and Home, whose warmth kindles peace in mortal souls, extend Your grace over the city of Crossings."

Ezathiel blinks.

Allye gazes at Nawain.

Briaen gazes up at the sky.

Nawain recites:

   "Protect it and all those who find refuge within its walls from those who threaten the safety of our people."

Azume smiles at Nawain.

Nawain recites:

   "Let Your hearthflame burn strong, Gentle Mother, in every Hearth and every Heart that calls this place Home."

(Elurora gazes up at the night's sky as she listens to the prayer.)

Gragnel nods.

Nawain recites:

   "In Your name, may we always find refuge and strength. In Your name.""

Kentara kneels down and begins to pray.

(Nawain gazes towards the West, towards the Clans. Her eyes well with tears, and she offers, in a quieter, more urgent voice)

A tear runs down Ezathiel's face.

Gragnel frowns.

Briaen gazes at Nawain.

Nawain urgently says, "Protect them, please, Tamsine. Everyone we can't find right now. They need to be okay."

Kethrai gazes at his candle.

A tear runs down Severei's face.

Gragnel nods in agreement.

Elurora nods at Nawain, obviously agreeing with her views.

Allye nods to Nawain.

Druid Zyros goes east.

Ezathiel furrows his brow.

Ezerak rubs his right eye.

Unaka nods to Nawain.

Kerennya nods to Nawain.

Imroth solemnly says, "Tamsine protect our home."

Sukidesu nods to Nawain.

Valynn gazes at her candle.

Imroth hugs Nawain, who wraps her arms around Imroth with a warm smile.

Aerilia quietly says, "Let families be reuinited."

Nawain just hugged Imroth.

Elurora quietly says, "Please keep the innocent safe."

Illiya nods.

Nawain sniffles.

Allye nods to Aerilia.

Briaen says to Nawain, "The faith is strengthened by your resolve. By your courage. By your leadersihp. We raise our voices in concert with your plea."

Nawain rubs her hands together.

Ezathiel softly says, "Tamsine, let no more be lost."

Elurora nods to Ezathiel.

Kentara continues praying fervently.

Kerennya nods to Ezathiel.

Tirost nods to Nawain.

Ezathiel sighs.

Briaen asks, "Is there anyone here gathered that has been moved to speak who has yet to have the chance?"

A tear runs down Ezerak’s face.

Tirost quietly says to Nawain, "Thank you."

Briaen studies the faces around him.

Gragnel runs his fingers along his panther pin and mutters to himself.

Unaka quietly says, "I would speak."

Nawain gives Tirost a slight nod.

Kerennya pats Ezathiel on the back.

Elurora smiles at Unaka.

Allye gazes at Unaka.

Briaen nods graciously at Unaka, giving her a polite smile.

Ezathiel gazes at Unaka.

Ezathiel smiles at Kerennya.

Sukidesu gazes at Unaka.

Aerilia smiles at Unaka.

Unaka stands up.

Illiya gazes at Unaka.

Ruea rubs Ezerak gently.

Gragnel observes Unaka with fascination.

Kerennya smiles at Unaka.

Unaka's altar candle crackles as a spark rises from it.

Unaka moves ponderously forward toward the image of Tamsine, directing her gaze into the hollow.

Severei gazes at Unaka.

Unaka takes a deep breath.

Kentara glances at Unaka.

Nawain gazes at Unaka.

Kentara stands up.

Kentara sits down on the limestone bench.

Kentara leans forward.

Elurora gazes at Unaka.

Anuril leans back against Kethrai with a loving smile.

Unaka says, "There are people out there who still live, suffering after these... encasements. The Traders who were away on business. Those visiting family. A few yet remain."

Ezathiel gazes at Unaka.

Nawain nods to Unaka.

Sukidesu nods to Unaka.

Unaka says, "Tamsine, I bid you protect these people. Lend them the warmth of your fire, a small sense of peace."

Gragnel nods in agreement.

Briaen nods in agreement.

Ezathiel bows his head in acknowledgement.

Madigan nods in agreement.

Nawain nods.

Madigan praises Unaka.

Kerennya nods in agreement.

Unaka says, "They feel lost. Without their homes, without their people. Tamsine, grant them a small piece of home, though you cannot fill this wound."

Unaka gives a slight nod.

Casari's altar candle goes out and crumbles away.

Allye nods to Unaka.

A tear runs down Gragnel's face.

Briaen nods to Unaka.

Unaka steps back again.

Gragnel rubs his right eye.

(Tirost's attention is entirely held by Unaka and her words.)

Briaen says to Unaka, "Thank you."

Kerennya pats Gragnel on the back.

Imroth solemnly says, "Tamsine give them a home."

Sukidesu gazes up at the sky.

Ezathiel softly says, "Tamsine help them know they are watched over."

Briaen says, "The Maul of Truffenyi reminds us of the pain of loss and uncertain. And yet calls upon the hearth as the center of healing. Let us raise our voices in collective calling for that peace, short as it may be."

Kethrai quietly says, "Small piece of home..."

Unaka nods at Briaen, obviously agreeing with his views.

Elurora nods to Briaen.

Ezathiel softly says, "Peace."

Nawain nods to Briaen.

Ezathiel nods in agreement.

Briaen asks, "Who else is moved? Are there yet more voices amongst the faithful tonight?"

Madigan adjusts his half plate.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Madigan gets a mug of iced coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Nawain gazes heavenward with a long-suffering look and murmurs a prayer to Tamsine for patience.

Valynn gazes at her candle.

Time slows and the air takes on a golden light. Everything goes silent.

Elurora inhales a great swallow of air.

Aerilia tilts her head to one side.

Madigan gazes up at the sky.

Kethrai blinks.

Ezathiel cocks his head.

Ezerak blinks.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Kerennya tilts her head, clearly curious about something.

Valynn takes a deep breath.

Briaen says, "Tamsine. Tonight we ask for your guidance, your strength, and your protection."

Allye flicks one ear back as though listening for something.

Briaen gazes up at the sky.

Nawain gazes up at the sky.

Suddenly, you smell the scents of cinnamon and cloves, and you feel a gentle get firm squeeze on your shoulder, though when you look no one is there. The air feels heavy and honeyed, and a sense of warmth pervades you, as if you were sitting in front of a cozy fire. You hear the tinkling sound of laughter around you.

Sukidesu quietly says, "Mother...we feel you..."

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Allye slowly empties her lungs.

Briaen passionately says, "As meteors fall and destruction looms, we invoke Tamsine s steadfast love to shelter us and this city. Let her spirit be the bulwark that no flame can breach, the wind that diverts the darkest clouds, and the silent hand that mends all that is broken. Let us call out to her now, that her watchful eye might see our need and preserve our home."

Gragnel sniffs the air around him.

Gragnel sighs.

Ruea raises an eyebrow.

A shimmering, silvery cat materializes before you, padding softly across the ground. Looking aimless at first, it wanders its way toward Unaka and slips around her her ankles, luxuriously pulling itself between and around both feet in little circles. Unaka bends down to scratch the cat's ears, but it skips behind her legs and vanishes without a trace.

Ezathiel gazes up at the sky.

Unaka blinks.

Elurora blinks.

Kerennya grins at Unaka.

Madigan smiles warmly.

Gragnel glances at Unaka.

Ruea says, "Oh..."

Allye smiles at Unaka.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Aerilia smiles.

Nawain smiles at Unaka.

Illiya smiles at Unaka, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Elurora smiles at Unaka.

Tirost gazes at Unaka in wonder.

Ezathiel smiles.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Ezathiel blinks at Unaka.

Briaen smiles.

Allye hugs herself tightly.

Kethrai quietly says to Unaka, "We won't tell Truffenyi if you won't."

Unaka smiles slightly.

Unaka nods to Kethrai.

Elurora looks at Kethrai, obviously trying not to grin.

Ezathiel chuckles.

Madigan chuckles.

Nawain chuckles at Kethrai.

Valynn grins.

Sukidesu quietly says, "Perhaps it is true that Tamsine is Truffenyi's consort."

Unaka looks surprised a moment as the cat appears again, its tail brushing against her calf. It casually extracts itself and walks through the area, wending its way around the gatherers. Looking down, you find yourself staring into the cat's eyes, and for a moment you see a glimmer of stars. You hear a voice, "You are seen, and welcome. Continue on the path you have chosen. Right this world. Trust in Us." The cat sits for a moment, purring, as if inviting you to pet it. However, before you can reach it, it slips off and fades away entirely into air.

Sukidesu nods.

Nawain smiles.

Aerilia nods.

Ezathiel smiles.

Gragnel rubs his right ear.

Ezathiel nods in agreement.

Elurora gives a slight nod.

Nawain nods in agreement.

Kethrai distantly says, "Like trying to pet the Captain..."

Allye's ears sag slightly in relaxation, a contented smile on her face.

Imroth smiles.

Mathematician Avrenka just arrived.

Briaen says, "Praise the hearth, gathered faithful."

Ruea smiles at Kethrai.

Elurora giggles at Kethrai.

Isaish takes her rightful place beside Elizzibiana.

Medir nods.

Nawain gazes heavenward with a long-suffering look and murmurs a prayer to Tamsine for patience.

Allye nods to Briaen.

Ezathiel softly says, "Blessed be Tamsine."

Avrenka bows to Saragos.

Unaka quietly says to Kethrai, "Cats are always too quick for me."

Madigan just touched a large coral shrine.

Madigan smiles.

Anuril smirks.

Illiya grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Briaen says, "Praise the peace between battles, the times ahead may have few moments of passing times such as these. Brief respites in what will surely be chaos."

(Sukidesu runs his fingers over his ruby cat and cries happy tears, "Blessed be Tamsine.")

Nawain glances at Briaen.

Gragnel nods to Briaen.

Nawain gives a slight nod.

Imroth praises Briaen.

Medir sighs.

Medir nods.

Unaka nods to Briaen.

Elizzibiana yawns expansively.

Valynn smiles at Sukidesu.

Kethrai says, "Connection to the hearth..."

(Elizzibiana rubs her face tiredly)

Sukidesu smiles at Valynn, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Briaen says, "Before we disband, I will offer a closing prayer. Please bow your heads."

Kethrai widens his eyes like a lunatic.

Ezathiel bows his head in acknowledgement.

Nawain gazes down at the ground.

Sukidesu bows his head in acknowledgement.

Kethrai gazes off to the northeast.

(Elurora bows her head as requested.)

Kerennya bows her head in acknowledgement.

Gragnel bows his head in acknowledgement.

Imroth bows his head in acknowledgement.

Ezerak gazes down at the ground.

Valynn bows her head in acknowledgement.

Unaka bows her head.

Shaylynne gazes down at the ground.

Avrenka bows his head in acknowledgement.

Kyreena bows her head in acknowledgement.

Trajan gazes down at the ground.

Allye tilts her head down.

(Tirost bows his head silently.)

Heart Tender Kethrai glides east.

(Aerilia bows her head.)

Briaen recites:

   "Tamsine, Keeper of the Hearth, Mother of Peace, we stand before you with our hearts laid bare.  Guard us now, as you have guarded countless homes before."

Madigan gazes down at the ground.

Anuril frowns.

Anuril gets a cat talisman from inside his silk backpack.

Anuril moves a cat talisman to his left hand.

Briaen recites:

   "Let your warmth surround this city, this shrine, and turn aside the destruction that seeks to darken our doors."

Sukidesu gives a ruby cat with sapphire eyes a hug!

Medir glances at a large coral shrine.

Briaen recites:

   "As destruction looms from the skies above and fear howls with fury, we beseech you, Tamsine!  Calm the storm with your steady presence. Like the watchful cat who guards the hearth, shelter the Crossing from the dangers that seek to claim us."

Briaen recites:

   "So that we may rise to greet the challenge, still whole, still unbroken, under your steadfast gaze.  May your blessings hold us and shelter us now and always, Tamsine, Lady of Hearth and Home."

Unaka quietly says, "Now and always."

Allye mumbles a word of general praise.

Tirost mumbles a word of general praise.

Elurora mumbles a word of general praise.

Briaen recites:

   "In your name, we humble mortals beg you - hear our plea."

Ezathiel pleasantly says, "Now and always."

Shaylynne mumbles a word of general praise.

Briaen grins at Unaka.

Nawain says, "Now and always."

Tempest Knight Saragos strides east.

Nawain nods.

Kerennya mutters something into the air about be it.

Sukidesu says, "Now and always."

Madigan says, "Just so."

Gragnel gets some sacramental wine from inside his simple cassock.

Kyreena smiles at Allye.

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Madigan moves a burning altar candle to his right hand.

Gragnel pours some sacramental wine on the ground.

Briaen firmly says, "Now and always."

Madigan offers Nawain a burning altar candle.

Allye grins at Kyreena.

Imroth nods.

Nawain snuffs out her altar candle.

Aerilia nods.

Imroth says, "Now and always."

Elurora gives a slight nod.

Ezathiel whispers something to Nawain.

Nawain puts her candle in her slender rugursora.

Nawain accepts Madigan's altar candle.

Madigan smiles at Nawain.

Gragnel gazes up at the sky.

Nawain nods at Ezathiel, obviously agreeing with his views.

Anuril frowns.

Veteran Apprentice Anuril goes east.

Nawain nods to Madigan.

Gragnel gets some holy oil from inside his simple cassock.

Gragnel pours some holy oil onto the ground.

Gragnel kneels down and begins to pray.

Severei gets some holy water from inside her white backpack.

Gragnel gazes up at the sky.

Nawain puts her Dragon in her slender rugursora.

Isaish glances at Elizzibiana.

Aerilia stands up.

Severei sprinkles some holy water on herself.

Briaen says, "Thank you, gathered faith. For your patience. For your trust. For the honor of serving you. Please depart and know that you are blessed."

A stone seat collapses back into the ground.

Imroth says, "I hope that anyone who is without shelter during these difficult times can find the peace of the hearth that Tamsine brings."

Ezathiel stands up.

Gragnel stands up.

Unaka nods to Briaen.

Ezathiel places his hands on his thighs and bows deeply at the waist towards Briaen, holding the position for a moment before returning upright.

Tirost says to Briaen, "Thank you and Nawain for gathering us together."

Briaen nods graciously at Imroth, giving him a polite smile.

Elurora gives Imroth a slight nod.

Madigan nods to Tirost.

Medir ponders.

Briaen shakes Tirost's hand.

Medir nods.

Madigan says to Briaen, "Great message. Thank you."

Aerilia says, "Thank you for the service."

Madigan smiles warmly.

Illiya says, "Thank you for a beautiful service."

Unaka quietly asks Briaen, "Do you mind if I ask a question of people while they are here? If you are finished?"

Briaen nods graciously at Madigan, giving him a polite smile.

Tirost says to Unaka, "And thank you for being here, Unaka."

Madigan says to Nawain, "And, thank you."

Aaiyaah says, "Fantastic service, well done."

Elurora cocks her head at Unaka.

Briaen says to Unaka, "I do not mind at all."

Unaka nods to Tirost.

Nawain glances at Madigan.

Gragnel says to Briaen, "Thank you for bringing this congregation together."

Kerennya says, "Go ahead, Unaka."

Nawain rubs her head.

Nawain gives Madigan a slight nod.

Gragnel says to Nawain, "And to you as well."

Briaen just touched Gragnel.

Ezerak snuffs out his altar candle.

Unaka clears her throat.

Serial Killer Damiza limps east.

Briaen nods to Gragnel.

Nawain gazes at Unaka.

Ezerak offers Nawain an altar candle.

Valynn gazes at Aaiyaah.

Nawain gives Gragnel a slight nod.

Aerilia gazes at Unaka.

Nawain accepts Ezerak's altar candle.

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Madigan gets a mug of iced coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Valynn gently kisses Aaiyaah on the cheek.

Madigan grunts at a mug of iced coffee.

Gragnel raises an eyebrow in Unaka's direction.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Valynn grins at Aaiyaah.

Shaylynne stands up.

Elurora smiles at Gragnel.

Aaiyaah winks at Valynn.

Court Advisor Aaiyaah strides east.

Valynn smiles aaiy

Madigan grins at Valynn.

Medir gets an applewood wand topped with an autumn jasper pumpkin from inside his cartographer's cloak.

Valynn grins at Madigan.

Medir twirls the applewood wand through a complicated series of gestures. A goblet of Glythtide's merry wine appears in his left hand!

Valynn shrugs.

Unaka slowly says, "I want to know if anyone is certain yet of who the real enemy is. Or where people are thinking."

Medir puts his wand in his cartographer's cloak.

Medir moves a goblet of Glythtide's merry wine to his right hand.

Gragnel frowns.

Allye gazes at Unaka.

Ezathiel furrows his brow.

Nawain ponders.

Briaen says, "I believe my thoughts on the matter are well known."

Kerennya says, "Someone we haven't met yet, I think."

Aerilia folds her arms across her chest.

Kyreena says, "I usually think in my head."

Kyreena says, "Sometimes outloud."

Elurora says, "I've said before it was something else, now I'm wondering if it was that thing the Rangers and Emapaths saw."

Elurora glances at Allye.

Valynn nods at Kerennya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Unaka nods to Kyreena.

Casari says, "It's less clear than ever."

Illiya nods to Elurora.

Sukidesu says, "I am less certain than ever before."

Nawain asks Elurora, "That thing Waydren mentioned?"

Nawain frowns.

Sukidesu shakes his head.

Unaka slowly says to Kyreena, "Sorry. I meant, if you think anything about what is causing all this, or who."

Kyreena smiles at Unaka.

Aerilia ponders.

Elurora says to Nawain, "The Gardener? The one that was hungry."

Madigan says, "No one bloody knows for sure Unaka."

Allye says, "At Waydren's gathering tonight, we were granted visions of a Gardener who once tended to Elanthia, who was imprisoned."

Kyreena says to Unaka, "Oh, thats a whole lot different."

Allye nods to Elurora.

Nawain nods to Elurora.

Elurora nods to Allye.

Tirost says to Unaka, "I don't know, but I am told Asildu called out to the Heralds to prove that he could, and the clans were encased."

Kyreena beams at Unaka!

Medir takes a sip of his wine.

Trajan says, "I don't know if the Heralds wear boots, but if they do, Asildu for certain knows what their leather tastes like."

Nawain nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.

Trajan says, "And that concerns me."

Briaen nods at Trajan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ezathiel nods at Trajan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Nawain ponders.

Aerilia says to Unaka, "There was a new vision, just before this gathering. In it.. well, it appeared something ancient hungered to devour mana."

Unaka tensely says to Madigan, "I understand. I am simply... ready. I am ready to fight Truffenyi's true enemies, if only I can find them."

Nawain ponders.

Unaka nods to Aerilia.

Allye nods to Aerilia.

Elurora cocks her head at Nawain.

Unaka asks, "Devour mana, you say?"

Madigan says to Unaka, "}unak You and me both. I will be glad when the smart people figure it out."

Trajan says, "There's been destruction, and it's only come from one source so far."

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Madigan clears his throat.

Elurora nods to Unaka.

Shaylynne nods to Unaka.

Unaka nods to Madigan.

Allye says to Unaka, "I believe many of us are feeling the same way."

Tirost gazes thoughtfully at Aerilia.

Valynn nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Aerilia says, "It wanted mana so much that it tore open the plane and brought in outside mana, and thus let outsiders in."

Sukidesu says, "I have difficulty believing that it's the Heralds...but it's hard to see what is unknown."

Kerennya says, "The mana devouring was from the past. We think it got the gardener from the vision in trouble, and they were imprisoned in a prison like the one our friends are in."

Gragnel says, "I can offer no more insight than the next fella, but what I do know is that I choose to place my faith in the Immortals. I advise others to do the same."

Ezathiel softly says, "I do not think we are going to be able to defeat such enemies without aid. So I think we should be seeking the favor of the immortals."

Unaka says, "Hmmm. I have asked Valenal to meet with me. I've heard he is a researcher of magic, and mana I would imagine."

Gragnel folds his arms across his chest.

Some sacramental wine soaks into the ground.

Briaen nods at Gragnel, obviously agreeing with his views.

Elurora nods at Nawain, obviously agreeing with her views.

Nawain nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Allye looks thoughtfully at Unaka.

Unaka tensely says, "I must understand. I need to find the true cause."

Allye asks Unaka, "Do you trust him?"

Tirost nods to Unaka.

Ruea puts her almanac in her feyweave purse.

Isaish nods to Elizzibiana.

Madigan nods to Unaka.

Khozh Elizzibiana hobbles east, leading her group.

Tirost says to Unaka, "I agree, Unaka. We must find the root cause."

Unaka says to Gragnel, "Your faith is well received."

Sukidesu says, "If only there was a being as old as Elanthia that we could seek guidance from..."

Aerilia nods.

Sukidesu sighs.

Gragnel smiles at Unaka.

Unaka says to Allye, "Truffenyi said not to trust just anyone coming with a message. But I have to do something."

Elurora says, "I tried to ask the Zemmy but alas."

Elurora gazes off into the distance.

Gragnel says to Unaka, "Your words bolster my resolve."

Allye nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Sukidesu nods to Elurora.

Imroth nods.

Kerennya nods to Elurora.

Unaka says, "And I don't trust those other two."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Imroth says, "The enemy is suffering. Pointing a finger at the culprit is difficult."

Briaen says, "Asildu deserves oblivion and I intend to deliver him unto."

A puddle of holy oil soaks into the ground.

Unaka says, "I figure, if this Valenal can explain things simply enough that an untrained 'Tog like me can understand, maybe there's a chance he's telling the truth."

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Sukidesu nods to Unaka.

Madigan says, "An Asildu death costs two clans. I recommend we wait for whomever is pulling his strings to show himself."

Unaka says, "Even if he's not, worth a shot."

Unaka nods to Briaen.

Casari says, "I wonder if Asildu is just... overcome and not in control of his own emotions. At least sometimes. And unfortunately, I found out... as Madigan said."

A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.

Casari sighs.

Kyreena says, "Not a very good trade."

Madigan nods to Casari.

Kyreena shakes her head.

Imroth says, "I have seen some clear intentions though. Asildu does not have people's wellbeing in his heart."

Ezerak nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Briaen nods to Casari.

Madigan says, "It is not a good trade."

Unaka nods to Madigan.

Madigan says, "And...it does nothing. Asildu goes down like a cheap cloak."

Shaylynne says to Unaka, "I thought he was a little odd at first, but thinking on it, he may be the only one not pushing an agenda on people..."

Ezerak says, "He does seem to feel the anger of the Heralds."

Shaylynne ponders.

Briaen says to Madigan, "Your caution is wise, however my blood lust will not be tamed by wisdom."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Briaen says, "If his strings need be severed so that we can chase them to the puppet master's hand. So be it."

Severei nods at Briaen, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kerennya says, "I have to wonder if Valenal isn't just an opportunist of some sort, driven by the elementals inside of him."

Kentara stands up.

Nawain gnaws on her lip.

Severei grins at Briaen.

Avrenka says, "Valenal has an agenda, just as Liraxes does."

Briaen says, "And should he turn to seek forgiveness, may he find it at the edge of reality and may he pray his prayers can be heard from such places."

Unaka slowly asks, "Wait. He's got... elementals inside him?"

Aerilia asks Briaen, "There's no valor to be had in putting more people at risk to sate your bloodlust. Do you want to be responsible for the separation of more families?"

Ezerak asks Briaen, "And if your lack of restraint costs us another Clan, what then?"

Kentara casually observes the area.

Allye nods to Unaka.

Tirost nods to Unaka.

Madigan nods to Unaka.

Elurora points at Ezerak.

Kerennya nods to Unaka.

Unaka rubs one hand across her scalp, looking worried.

Kentara says to herself, "Totally not my scene here."

Kentara rubs her neck.

Musical Enthusiast Kentara parades east.

Madigan says to Unaka, "If he goes crazy, just kill him. He is not overly offended by it."

Danyte asks, "So more lost clan and people are worth "blood lust"?"

Allye says, "It is difficult to know whether you are speaking with him, or... one of them."

Unaka says, "Uhh. I didn't know that. Well, I guess maybe I'll talk to him anyway."

Unaka nods to Madigan.

Sukidesu says, "He usually tries to warn people though, I'm told."

Avrenka says to Allye, "Illiya figured it out ... watch how he speaks and how he behaves ... each elemental has its own personality quirks."

Allye says, "Well, perhaps not always difficult. If he tries to eat rocks, it might be an elemental, for example."

Kerennya says, "I missed the warning, to my own sorrow."

Madigan nods to Sukidesu.

Allye says to Avrenka, "That does make sense."

Madigan says to Sukidesu, "He is polite like that. Interesting fellow."

Elurora grins at Allye.

Briaen says to Ezerak, "I understand the wisdom of your question. I do not understand the patience to continue to allow us to be attacked."

Trajan asks, "As long as they're all in consensus, I'm sure that's... fine?"

Avrenka says, "Fire elemental is flighty, desire state change ... earth elemental is slow speaking, rooted in concrete ideas."

Unaka slowly says, "So I'm trusting my understanding to... a guy who eats rocks."

Azume casually asks Allye, "...does that mean my brother Tystreith is an elemental??"

Unaka grunts softly.

Elurora says, "And wears sandwiches as hats."

Elurora nods to Unaka.

Allye looks thoughtfully at Azume.

Briaen winces.

Azume casually says, "He is an elemental mage, I guess..."

Nawain gazes at Ezathiel.

Trajan says, "I've seen barbarians eat worse."

Azume ponders.

Gragnel blinks.

Madigan nods to Unaka.

Nawain praises Ezathiel.

Ezathiel looks at Nawain and blushes.

Allye quietly asks Azume, "Does your brother eat rocks?"

Ezathiel nods to Nawain.

Imroth exclaims, "Also wears sandwiches as hats!"

Unaka says, "Well. I still guess it's worth a shot."

Azume casually says, "He licks them. He says he's 'communing' but..."

Shaylynne nods to Unaka.

Madigan says to Unaka, "As far as I know, we have wrung everything we can out of him. However...at this point, any breadcrumbs are good."

Allye says to Azume, "Perhaps worth looking into."

Allye looks at Azume, obviously trying not to grin.

Azume grins at Allye.

Aerilia says to Unaka, "He's.. at times a reasonable man, like any other. At times he is controlled by entities with.. childlike curisoity and no restraint."

Shaylynne says, "Maybe he has a mineral deficiency."

Shaylynne shrugs.

Allye grins at Shaylynne.

Avrenka says, "Him eating rocks and wearing sandwiches was likely the Electricity elemental."

Nawain shifts her weight.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Briaen sighs.

Nawain stands near Briaen.

Allye nods to Avrenka.

Ezerak nods to Briaen.

Avrenka says, "Procedural driven, spoke in mathematics, didn't understand anatomy or individuality."

Unaka says to Madigan, "Oh? Yeah. I guess I haven't heard it all yet. Anyway I told him to explain it all in small words."

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Madigan says to Elurora, "I think your point got talked over in the beginning. I agree. The vision today may have shed a ton of light on the real culprit behind all of this."

Imroth says, "I have eaten weird stuff too, he seems alright."

Madigan grins at Unaka.

Illiya gestures.

Ezerak says to Briaen, "I'll not stop you. And I hope I'll not say that I told you so."

Kerennya says to Unaka, "If you are lucky enough to get Valenal the man, you just might get that."

Elurora nods to Madigan.

Madigan says to Unaka, "I like small words. I understand them better as well."

Tirost asks Madigan, "Do you have a sense of who or what it might be?"

Briaen says to Ezerak, "On this point, we are in accord."

Unaka says to Elurora, "Did you have an idea? I might have missed it."

Imroth glances at Ezerak.

Unaka says, "Sometimes it's hard to hear when you all talk at once."

Valynn smiles at Elurora.

Sukidesu nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Imroth asks Ezerak, "I told you so?"

Briaen says to Ezerak, "But let us also not forget that I am not a more accomplished warrior than is Casari. My vengence my well flow true and strong now, but my ability to deliver it may not be enough."

Imroth chortles softly at some secret joke.

Elurora says to Unaka, "Of sorts. The Empaths and Rangers did a thing today, and in their vision they saw, let's call it the First Gardener, it created but it was also hungry."

Medir takes a sip of his wine.

Ezerak nods to Imroth.

Casari says to Briaen, "It seems like I won't be able to predict what side I will think is right by the time that's tested."

Elurora says to Unaka, "It seemed to desire mana? And it was seen tearing holes to get at this mana? I think? Then it was put in a null prison."

Unaka nods to Elurora.

Casari looks at Briaen and shrugs.

Nawain quietly says to Briaen, "You can take him."

Ezathiel smiles at Nawain.

Aerilia nods to Elurora.

Unaka slowly asks, "What do you mean, Gardener?"

Ezerak says to Imroth, "If Briaen were to attack Asildu, and the Heralds strike another Clan, village, or town. Or city."

Nawain smiles at Ezathiel.

Valynn nods to Elurora.

Unaka fixes Elurora with a heavy, ponderous stare.

Briaen says to Casari, "For my sake, let us hope we are aligned."

Nawain nods at Ezathiel, obviously agreeing with his views.

Severei says, "I just want to stab him a little."

Avrenka asks Elurora, "I missed this vision ... mind telling me its entiriety?"

Kerennya says to Unaka, "Our best guess is, the First Gardener was a Herald."

Elurora asks Avrenka, "I did not see it myself, but perhaps Allye or Illiya did?"

Imroth says to Ezerak, "I am laughing because you seem to be on my side now when you were once clearly not. I should be saying "I told you so" to you."

Elurora says, "Or Lady Valynn."

Elurora grins at Valynn.

Unaka slowly asks, "The Heralds like... plants?"

Valynn grins at Elurora.

Avrenka nods to Elurora.

Elurora asks Unaka, "I'm not sure. We saw an orange dragon become a woman, then touch this being and it started to create things?"

Ruea raises an eyebrow in Imroth's direction.

Briaen cocks his head.

Madigan says to Elurora, "Which...is the best breadcrumb we have had as far as I can tell. That was a very, very interesting vision."

Elurora says to Unaka, "Well, they saw."

Unaka says, "Wow. Okay."

Elurora nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Tirost folds his arms across his chest.

Ruea says to Imroth, "Be sweet, darling. It's a stressful time."

Madigan nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Ezerak says to Imroth, "Perhaps so. And feel free, if it helps you in some way. But I cannot ignore the evidence in front of me."

Imroth says, "We all can change sides as quickly as we can change where our finger points."

Allye quietly says to Avrenka, "I'd be happy to share it with you in detail after this. It was... quite a lot to take in."

Illiya says to Unaka, "Our guess is that it was a Herald, but perhaps an earlier one than what we know as the Heralds."

Unaka nods to Illiya.

Madigan nods to Illiya.

Imroth nods to Ruea.

Unaka asks, "Okay. So it made a new Herald, and that Herald started to create?"

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Imroth says, "We could all use a bit of sweetness."

Elurora gets a moist brown sugar cupcake topped by maple glaze covered in chopped walnuts from inside her square lunchbox.

Elurora offers Imroth a moist brown sugar cupcake topped by maple glaze covered in chopped walnuts.

Gragnel says, "No need to change sides when you side with the Immortals, so there's that."

Aerilia says, "But creating made it hungry for mana. More and more of it."

Gragnel folds his arms across his chest.

Imroth accepts Elurora's brown sugar cupcake.

Madigan says, "Which...Asildu may be representing...that disgruntled Heralds or Outcast Heralds. That is a working theory."

Unaka nods at Gragnel, obviously agreeing with his views.

Elurora grins at Imroth.

Imroth grins at Elurora.

Ezathiel nods at Gragnel, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kyreena beams at Gragnel!

Tirost gazes at Aerilia.

Allye grins at Gragnel.

Imroth takes a bite of the cupcake.

Nawain gives Briaen a slight nod.

Unaka nods to Madigan.

Unaka asks, "And what's this about mana?"

Kerennya says to Unaka, "But it made a hole and pulled in mana from the outside, and that led to the world being damaged, which is why that Herald got put into the null prison."

Avrenka says, "It's interesting cuz Asildu claimed that all the Heralds worked and thought in unison."

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Madigan says, "Pardon me friends."

Madigan bows.

Madigan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Briaen nods to Madigan.

Sir Madigan goes east.

Ezerak nods politely.

Avrenka says, "Clearly a complete lie."

Sukidesu says, "Either that, or even he is misinformed."

Unaka says to Avrenka, "Yeah. I don't trust him."

Unaka looks at Avrenka and shrugs.

Avrenka nods.

Medir takes a sip of his wine.

Trajan asks, "Does it matter who the puppet master is, when we only have access to the puppets?"

Elurora asks, "If it's a Herald, perhaps since it was the First Gardener, it is...something not quite a Herald?"

Unaka says to Trajan, "Yeah. I think it does."

Sukidesu asks, "A proto-Herald?"

Avrenka asks, "By the way ... what was the origin of this vision that Waydren just received? Was this channeled thru someone? Or was it just another Elanthia vision?"

Ezerak says to Avrenka, "If it is untrue, that does not make it a lie. He could just be ignorant on the matter, the same as the rest of us."

Sukidesu says, "It was a vision, no channeling through anyone but Empaths and Rangers."

Ezathiel softly says, "It has been a long night. I must bed down and get some rest. Safe paths all. My thanks to those who put this together."

Unaka says, "See, if I want to stop a gopher from getting into the turnips, I can't just plug the holes. I've got to get the gopher."

Ezathiel places his hands on his thighs and bows deeply at the waist, holding the position for a moment before returning upright.

Elurora hugs Ezathiel, who wraps his arms around Elurora with a warm smile.

Allye nods to Ezathiel.

Casari waves to Ezathiel.

Illiya hugs Ezathiel, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Avrenka says to Ezerak, "Or perhaps the Heralds that he is thinking of work in unison."

Ezathiel hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Elurora gives Unaka a slight nod.

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Aerilia nods.

Illiya affectionately says to Ezathiel, "Night Ezzy."

Allye nods to Unaka.

Shaylynne says to Avrenka, "A ritual similar to the one we tried the first time we got a vision."

Ezathiel hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Ezathiel smiles at Illiya.

Avrenka nods to Shaylynne.

Ezathiel pleasantly says, "Safe paths."

Ezerak says to Avrenka, "Or the only ones he knows of."

Ezathiel waves.

Ezathiel strolls east.

Avrenka asks, "So not thru Asildu?"

Allye shakes her head at Avrenka.

(Nawain distracts herself from the conversation by cleaning the parts of the pink coral shrine that aren't moss-covered, refilling incense, adding holy water and more candles.)

Shaylynne says to Avrenka, "Correct."

Trajan asks Unaka, "'What will we do when we puzzle through it?"

Valynn shakes her head at Avrenka.

Avrenka nods.

Avrenka says, "One would hope Elanthia is not a deceiver."

Sukidesu nods to Avrenka.

Shaylynne nods at Avrenka, obviously agreeing with his views.

Valynn says to Avrenka, "All the rangers and empaths saw the same thing."

Avrenka grins wryly.

Unaka says to Trajan, "Once we find the enemy, we fight it. Whatever it takes."

Briaen nods in agreement.

Allye nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Illiya says to Avrenka, "It was an attempt to seal the wounds caused by sorcery using knitted aether with Rangers beseeching Elanthia to reveal the location of the wounds."

Gragnel says, "I have duties to tend to at the Temple, so I shall leave you all in peace. Walk in the light of the Immortals and no shadow shall harm you."

Gragnel gives a slight nod.

Reverend Gragnel slogs east.

Trajan says to Unaka, "'The real enemy seems to be staying just out of blade's reach, though. We would need a way to draw it out."

Avrenka says to Illiya, "Interesting."

Imroth nods to Trajan.

Imroth says, "Finding the enemy seems to be the hard part."

Aerilia ponders.

Unaka nods to Trajan.

Unaka says, "Well, we've got to. We'll keep at it."

Imroth nods to Unaka.

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Aerilia says, "If it's hungry for mana, could we.. draw a lot of mana to one location? Maybe that's what attracted it to Arhat's in the first place."

Sukidesu nods to Unaka.

Unaka says, "There are towns that depend on us. Refugees from the Clans now, too."

Trajan nods to Aerilia.

Allye looks thoughtfully at Aerilia.

Unaka asks, "What kind of mana does it like?"

Tirost gazes at Aerilia.

Allye asks, "Set a trap for it somehow?"

Aerilia says, "All kinds."

Trajan says, "The best way to capture prey is to use appropriate bait."

Aerilia nods to Allye.

Sukidesu says, "I would think Life...but...yeah, probably all."

Kerennya says to Aerilia, "I think Saragos has something like that in the works. A repeat of what led to our friends being taken."

Unaka asks, "All mixed together?"

Briaen says, "Perhaps it will accept the blood of Asildu."

Briaen smirks.

Elurora glances at Briaen.

Ezerak nods to Kerennya.

Elurora shakes her head at Briaen.

Allye babbles something incoherent at Briaen.

Avrenka says, "I wonder if there's a way to convince the Heralds that sorcery isn't bad."

Avrenka says, "Get them on our side, y'know."

Casari says, "I wonder if it can eat the Bulwark."

Trajan says to Unaka, "'It doesn't seem to appreciate holy mana, but I'm unsure what it prefers."

Elurora slowly asks, "The Null Prison doesn't have holy mana, is this because the Heralds cannot make use of holy mana?"

Elurora gazes off into the distance.

Valynn goes east.

Severei whispers something to Briaen.

Imroth says, "Life I would guess."

Severei grins at Briaen.

Ezerak says to Elurora, "Perhaps so."

Briaen grins at Severei.

Aerilia nods to Elurora.

Kerennya says to Avrenka, "I think that may have been the point of the vision, though. The Heralds think sorcery is bad because one of them was the one who may have brought it to this world."

Severei nods to Briaen.

Unaka says to Briaen, "I know you're an Inquisitor, and you want him dead. I hear that. I am itching to fight too. But I've gotta talk to Truffenyi first."

Trajan says to Avrenka, "'I believe they're of the opinion that sorcery is bad for *them*."

Allye asks, "If they cannot use Holy mana, could it perhaps be used better against them?"

Illiya nods to Unaka.

Casari ponders.

Avrenka says, "I wonder why we don't see any Lunar dragons."

Briaen says to Unaka, "Dead is but the first stage of his repentence."

Avrenka says, "Since they apparently can use that mana type."

Elurora asks Ezerak, "If this thing likes sorcery, which would perhaps make sense if it was after something not native to our plane, could holy mana then be...more useful against it?"

Aerilia asks, "That's a thought. Lure it in with life, elemental and lunar. Trap or kill it with holy?"

Unaka nods to Briaen.

Allye nods at Aerilia, obviously agreeing with her views.

Unaka says to Briaen, "If it turns out it was all him, he will taste my maul."

Casari says, "Or can't use holy mana... yet? If it was having to keep trying new types to sustain its hunger."

Ezerak says to Elurora, "That is as solid of an idea as any so far."

Imroth takes a bite of the cupcake.

Briaen gives a gracious nod.

Allye says to Casari, "Hmm, that could get messy, in that case."

Casari says, "Or to sate it, anyway. You know what I mean."

Kyreena asks, "Or maybe it has holy and using the others to feed its sorcery tastes?"

Tirost nods to Unaka.

Briaen gazes up at the sky.

Elurora says, "Which could mean when folks are casting sorcery like Sir Imroth's party, we're feeding it."

Elurora glances at Imroth.

Unaka asks, "So wait, it can't use Holy?"

Casari nods in agreement.

Casari nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Unaka rubs her head.

A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.

Imroth ponders.

Trajan says, "Asildu is a pawn. A culpable pawn, but still a pawn."

Casari says to Unaka, "That's a guess. It's all guesses."

Ruea smiles.

Allye says, "There was no Holy mana used in the Null Prison. Perhaps we are assuming too much based on that, though."

Briaen whispers something to Nawain.

Ezerak nods to Allye.

Kerennya nods to Allye.

Ezerak says to Allye, "Also possible."

Severei coils her tail, looping it loosely around her waist.

Aerilia says, "It's said that holy mana comes from places the Immortals have touched in the past or future, right? I suppose that's why the Heralds don't use it. Maybe the thing goes for this gardener."

Shaylynne asks Allye, "The vision thing, it was trying to abuse it's power to stop decay?"

Ezerak says, "We know so little still, that all we can do is make assumptions and conjecture."

Nawain asks, "Hunh. Maybe it wasn't Sihmiauri eating the aether, then. Maybe it was this.. Gardener, thing?"

Avrenka says, "According to Valenal, the energy stealing only happens with native mana casting ... and not sorcery casting."

Nawain ponders.

Elurora nods to Nawain.

Imroth nods to Avrenka.

Trajan says to Unaka, "'It doesn't seem to have interest in holy mana, but it's a leap to guess what that means."

Aerilia nods to Avrenka.

Aerilia says, "Liraxes has said the same."

Unaka nods to Trajan.

Elurora says to Nawain, "Which might have been what cut your strings."

Nawain nods to Elurora.

Nawain winces.

Avrenka says, "And the Immortals have made it clear, at least to me, that Sorcery aids them as well."

Unaka fixes Avrenka with a heavy, ponderous stare.

Sukidesu nods to Avrenka.

Allye says to Shaylynne, "It felt... unhappy to see decay happen to the things it created, yes. I'm not sure if that was its original intent in using more and more mana."

Aerilia asks, "So maybe holy isn't the weapon, but sorcery?"

Casari asks, "That just... sounds wrong, doesn't it?"

Shaylynne nods to Allye.

Briaen says, "There are such things as Sorcerous Holy entities. Rare, as we may be."

Briaen gazes at his fingernails.

Nawain flinches.

Elurora glances at Briaen.

Imroth chuckles at Briaen.

Kerennya says to Shaylynne, "To me, the hunger for mana seemed more like an addiction."

Allye squints at Briaen.

Shaylynne nods to Kerennya.

Nawain nods to Briaen.

Allye nods at Kerennya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Nawain puts her candle in her slender rugursora.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Shaylynne says, "It was a lot to take in, but I wonder if it understood you can't have life without death and have balance."

Unaka slowly says, "Well... thanks for all your thoughts."

Elurora slowly asks, "This may sound a little crazy, but what if we had Sir Imroth do another party...but this time we're ready with a...net or something to pull it out?"

Elurora rubs her head.

Trajan says, "If anyone is keeping track of these clues on a cork board, I'm sure they're running out of string by now."

Imroth asks, "A net!?"

Shaylynne asks, "A holy net?"

Illiya grins at Imroth, her dimples flashing into view.

Elurora asks, "A lasso?"

Kerennya giggles at Trajan.

Elurora says, "But, yes."

Allye furrows her brow.

Imroth gets a heavily woven burlap net from his burlap sack.

Illiya says, "Oh this idea gets better and better."

Shaylynne nods to Unaka.

Nawain glances at Elurora.

Imroth hurls his burlap net at Elurora.

Elurora deftly sidesteps Imroth's burlap net. A heavily woven burlap net falls to the ground.

Illiya says, "Imroth loves nets."

Ezerak says to Elurora, "Interesting idea."

Elurora chuckles at Imroth.

Reriyn says, "Bless a bunch of nets."

Imroth laughs at Illiya.

Reriyn giggles.

Shaylynne says to Unaka, "I hope you find some answers with Valenal, Good luck."

Tirost says to Unaka, "It seems to me that the Immortals sense of balance and that of Liraxes and Valenal - or the elementals inhabiting him - point back to the state of things before wild magic. Asildu and Miraena's message has always been to cease sorcery, and their visions seem to focus on a pure plane to the exclusion of others."

Imroth exclaims, "I am ready with the net!"

Unaka nods to Shaylynne.

Imroth takes a bite of the cupcake.

Unaka nods to Tirost.

Nawain ponders.

Elurora says to Imroth, "We might need a big net."

Unaka says, "Yeah. But I don't like them."

Imroth grins at Elurora.

Illiya begins chortling at Imroth.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Sukidesu says to Unaka, "I know these are trying times, but how are you faring, Lady Unaka? You seemed...unlike yourself, today."

Avrenka asks, "What are we trying to catch?"

Ezerak says to Elurora, "I am not sure that this is an enemy that any of our conventional weapons will work on, but that is an interesting idea."

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Tirost says to Unaka, "If their goal excludes the Immortals, I don't like them eithr."

Aerilia says to Unaka, "They're very quick to justify the murder of three clans as due punishment. It's disgusting."

Unaka says to Sukidesu, "Uh. Tired."

Elurora asks Ezerak, "It wouldn't be a physical net or rope, it would be made out of holy mana. Clerics and Paladins working together, perhaps?"

Unaka rubs her head.

Sukidesu nods to Unaka.

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Trajan says, "At their most benign, Asildu and Miraena are pawns."

Unaka says, "Been a lot of work to do, helping the refugees."

Elurora says to Ezerak, "But I am tired and the idea sounds crazy to me now, it will probably sound even crazier when I get some rest."

Unaka nods at Aerilia, obviously agreeing with her views.

Shaylynne nods to Unaka.

Briaen says to Trajan, "Perhaps. A conduit is still a threat."

Ezerak nods to Elurora.

Tirost says to Unaka, "Grateful for what you do, Unaka. Thanks again for coming."

Trajan nods to Briaen.

Ezerak asks Elurora, "I understood that part, but...what do we do next if it works?"

Imroth puts a heavily woven burlap net into a wide burlap sack.

Unaka says, "Yeah. I'm glad folks are taking comfort in the Immortals."

Nawain says, "It is gratifying to see so many choose the Gods, even under such threat."

Sukidesu says to Unaka, "Do not forget to rest, even heroes need downtime."

Sukidesu grins at Unaka, his dimples flashing into view.

Elurora asks Ezerak, "We're going to need a really big holy weapon?"

Unaka says, "I'd better go now."

Medir takes a sip of his wine.

Unaka nods to Sukidesu.

Elurora grins sheepishly at Ezerak.

Ezerak grin at Elurora, his dimples flashing into view.

Unaka says, "Yeah. Rest."

Briaen says to Unaka, "Thank you for your prayer and your continued guidance."

Elurora glances at Unaka.

Ezerak praises Elurora.

Aerilia nods to Nawain.

Trajan says to Unaka, "'Your presence is always comforting. Thank you for attending."

Unaka says, "Good bye."

Ruea slips away, disappearing with a soft laugh and a hint of violets.

Allye says to Unaka, "Safe paths and good rest to you."

Elurora bows to Unaka.

Trajan snaps to attention and hails Unaka with a crisp hand salute.

Nawain waves to Unaka.

Kerennya says, "Safe paths, Unaka."

Sukidesu waves to Unaka.

Illiya says to Unaka, "Thank you for coming."

Imroth waves to Unaka.

Aerilia says, "Be well."

Holy Guardian Unaka strides east.

* Unaka returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Imroth takes a bite of the cupcake.

Tirost says, "I should take my leave as well."

Avrenka says to Illiya, "Did you see the vision that just occurred in its entireity? I'd be curious to hear of it all if you've the time."

Ezerak stands up.

Tirost says to Briaen, "Take care, my friend."

Illiya nods to Avrenka.

Elurora says, "I should go feed Dog and get soem rest."

Apprentice Empath Kyreena glides east, leading her group.

Elurora hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Elurora hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Casari waves to Elurora.

Avrenka waves to Elurora.

Ezerak waves to Elurora.

Kerennya waves to Elurora.

Elurora waves to Casari.

Elurora snaps to attention and hails Imroth with a crisp hand salute.

Elurora waves to Ezerak.

Aerilia nods to Tirost.

Elurora hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Illiya hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Briaen whispers something to Tirost.

Elurora snaps to attention and hails Briaen with a crisp hand salute.

Nawain hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Shaylynne hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Briaen just touched Tirost.

Elurora just hugged Nawain.

Shaylynne smiles at Elurora.

Ezerak says, "I should head back south."

Allye hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

A pained expression crosses Tirost's face.

Lady Knight Elurora goes east.

Tirost nods to Briaen.

Avrenka nods to Ezerak.

Ezerak waves to Casari.

Briaen says to Tirost, "Dawnmother guide you."

Casari waves to Ezerak.

Knight of Meraud Tirost drifts east.

Briaen gazes off to the east.

Reriyn goes east.

Aerilia frowns slightly.

(Illiya gives Avrenka some notes about the vision)

Aerilia glances up at the sky.

Ezerak says to Briaen, "Good luck on your quest, whatever that may mean."

Ezerak nods politely to Briaen.

Avrenka nods to Illiya.

Briaen says to Ezerak, "Let us hope it returns our lost friends."

Ezerak nods to Briaen.

Aerilia gets a dog talisman from inside her scroll case.

Briaen nods graciously at you, giving you a polite smile.

Casari puts her shell in her black longcoat.

Aerilia puts her talisman in her scroll case.

Imroth says, "Alright well I am out too."

Firehawk Casari went through a low gate.

Ezerak doffs his top hat.

Briaen whispers something to Nawain.

Avrenka waves to Imroth.