Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 09012024/Liraxes Reveals Further Progress on the Device

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Liraxes Reveals Further Progress on the Device
Event Date: 09/01/2024
Event Instance: Prime

[Inside the Machine]
The room is vast and angular, its deep blue crystal walls scattering light into a spectrum of hues. The smooth surfaces reflect and refract, casting intricate patterns across the floor. Embedded in the walls are complex metallic patterns wrought in nickel, icesteel, niniam, and zinc, occasionally glowing with heat in rhythmic pulses. Thin crystalline rods connect the mechanisms, shifting and changing smoothly. The air hums with a subtle vibration, punctuated by the occasional metallic click. Thin, translucent tubes filled with glowing blue liquid pulse gently, in sync with the mechanisms. You also see a sand-hued lynx with a tufted black-tipped tail that is sitting, a grey cat that is sitting, a nodule of crystal extending from the center of the room and an opening in the wall.

(Madigan gazes about.)

Madigan nods to Tirost.

Urbaj stands near a nodule of crystal extending from the center of the room.

Urbaj holds a nodule of crystal extending from the center of the room in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Tirost joins Madigan's group.

Madigan moves into position to block attacks against Tirost!

Imroth asks Liraxes, "So what does it do?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Imroth, "Improved monitoring of parameters in this plane relevant to calculations for optimal actions toward maintaining Balance."

Sclerotia came through an opening in the wall.

Imroth asks, "Just monitoring?"

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Correct."

Imroth reaches for the nodule, but suddenly winces and steps back!

Casari asks, "What's that glowing blue liquid?"

Sclerotia examines a nodule of crystal extending from the center of the room.

The grey cat purrs, "I'll give you something to monitor."

Imroth glances at a grey cat.

Imroth pets the grey cat.

Tirost asks Liraxes, "When do you expect the crystal nodule to be complete?"

[look nodule] The uneven crystal nodule bears veins of blue pulsing along its structure. It is slowly expanding and solidifying, and emits a faint hum.

[study nodule] You carefully examine a nodule of crystal extending from the center of the room, but see nothing special.

[focus nodule] You focus your magical senses on a nodule of crystal extending from the center of the room. The nodule has no discernible magical pattern.

Life Weaver Ysilda came through an opening in the wall.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Instructions remain unchanged. Liraxes will provide additional updates once sufficient data has been collected."

Imroth holds a nodule of crystal extending from the center of the room in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

In a blazing fountain of red-gold sparks, a sunset-hued Moongate adorned with fluttery blossoms of crimson light blazes into life.
Tezirite Luna came through a sunset-hued Moongate adorned with fluttery blossoms of crimson light.

Imroth examines a nodule of crystal extending from the center of the room.

A sunset-hued Moongate adorned with fluttery blossoms of crimson light collapses in on itself.

The grey cat purrs, "Oh hey uh, I need more data too. Bring me a wagon load of fish. It's for the balance, you see."

Luna nods politely.

Walking Armory Malkien came through an opening in the wall.

Malkien chuckles at Tirost.

Madigan grins at Malkien.

Madigan says, "Hey there LT."

Tirost grins at Malkien.

Malkien says, "Greetings XO... yes, it's a machine, for sure."

Sclerotia just tried to pull a nodule of crystal extending from the center of the room.

Imroth grins at Malkien.

Madigan says, "It is a bloody machine for sure."

Casari asks Liraxes, "Does Liraxes know what the glowing blue liquid is?"

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Continue with sorcerous casting. Liraxes will provide further instructions as calculations change."

The air around Liraxes shimmers and distorts, and its crystalline form seems to recede into the distance without actually moving. In just a moment it has taken the appearance of a tiny dot, at which point the distortion of the air vanishes with a faint pop.

Imroth says, "I feel like a barbarian in a magic shop."

Liraxes steps into a shadow and is simply gone!

Urbaj nods.

Casari says, "Uh huh. It has no idea."

Casari smirks.

Imroth says, "Oh."

Imroth says, "And it's gone."

Madigan says, "He knows how to leave for sure."

* Liraxes returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Tirost nods in agreement.

Madigan says, "I do appreciate someone that does their stuff and then moves along."

Imroth chuckles at Madigan.

Tirost nods in agreement.

Luna chuckles.

Malkien says, "Well, get to it. Keep casting sorcery spells till your arms blow off."

Urbaj says, "No need to hang around and answer the same old questions about "what IS balance anyway."

Malkien grabs Madigan by the shoulders and shakes him!

Tirost says, "He's done exactly what he's said he was going to do."

Madigan grunts at Malkien.

Tirost grins at Urbaj.

Tirost nods.

Malkien says, "I'll cheerlead."

Madigan grins at Urbaj.

Casari shakes her head.

Firehawk Casari went through an opening in the wall.

Madigan says, "Urbaj, you really should join the Watch sir. You were made for it whether you know this yet or not."

Madigan grins at Urbaj.

Malkien nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Tirost chuckles.

Urbaj says to Madigan, "I appreciate that."

Madigan says, "Now...let's hope we don't look like jack monkeys for backing this stupid walking crystal."

Imroth chortles softly at some secret joke.

Tirost says to Urbaj, "I agree, but whatever path you choose, I appreciate your insights - and thanks for sending word."

Luna says, "I truly believe we're on the right path to cure this problem."

Imroth says, "I just don't know what to make of Liraxes at all."

Madigan grunts at Luna.

Madigan says, "No one knows the right path."

Imroth says, "Seems honest enough."

Madigan says, "We are all guessing."

Valynn came through an opening in the wall.

Malkien says, "Well, if we were wrong, maybe I get to fight the machine, so we got that going for us."

Madigan says, "This one...as an objective at least."

Imroth says, "Balance sounds good."

Luna chuckles.

Tirost says to Imroth, "Liraxes seems to have done extactly what he said he was going to."

Imroth nods to Tirost.

Madigan smiles at Valynn.

Luna says, "No one knows for sure, but we must choose a path, one way or the other."

Madigan nods to Luna.

(Conversation drifted. Log ended.)