Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 08312024/Liraxes Reveals the Device

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Liraxes Reveals the Device
Event Date: 08/31/2024
Event Instance: Prime

* Steward of Recursion Liraxes joins the adventure.

[General] Your mind hears Liraxes thinking, "Connection established. Liraxes has begun construction of the previously mentioned measurement device."

[General] Your mind hears Souv thinking, "oooh what are we measuring?"

[Trade] Your mind hears Gwenhwyfach thinking, "where at Liraxes?"

[General] Your mind hears Gwenhwyfach thinking, "where at Liraxes?"

[General] Your mind hears Eurynomile thinking, "they all lies about how theys measure i assures you all.."

[General] Your mind hears Liraxes thinking, "Current location is the initial site deemed suitable for sorcerous casting, located west of the city known as the Crossing."

[Grassland Road, Meadow]
Before you lies the remains of a building, long reduced to jagged foundations of porous, moss-stained tufa. Dark blades of weevil grass poke out of the rocky ground. You hear a clattering sound somewhere within the ruined structure and a muffled oath. You also see an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

The white dog begins to watch the goings on carefully.

Ysilda blinks.

[General] Your mind hears Buzan thinking, "are you only building one device in a sorcerous location or multiple devices in areas deemed suitable?"

[General] Your mind hears Myrable thinking, "does Liraxes know what happened to Knife Clan by any chance?"

Crystal spires and facets are in various stages of formation. Some are fully developed and sharp-edged, while others are stubby and irregular with jagged edges and rough surfaces. Veins in shades of blue pulse lightly, crystallizing and solidifying. Thin strands extend from the main body, branching out like tendrils seeking connection points in the soil. The base is uneven, with parts of the crystal still fusing to the ground, giving it an unsteady look. The structure emits a faint, pulsating hum.

Ysilda glances at an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Liraxes stands near the incomplete crystal structure, seemingly observing as it slowly grows.

The white dog sits down.

Ysilda hesitantly says, "Is that..."

[General] Your mind hears Kerennya thinking, "anyone seen where Liraxes is? I was just in my vault, and cut off from gweth contact for a few."

Ysilda ponders.

[General] Your mind hears Buzan thinking, "he's west of Crossing in some spot"

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Question unclear. The device is."

[General] Your mind hears Souv thinking, "likely knife clan"

Ysilda hesitantly asks Liraxes, "Is that the device?"

Firehawk Casari just arrived.

You focus your magical senses on an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.
The incomplete structure has no discernible magical pattern.

Ysilda holds an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.

Casari examines an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "It is not yet complete, but this structure will become the measurement device."

Ysilda nods.

Casari holds an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.

You carefully examine an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal, but see nothing special.

Ysilda examines an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Some functions are currently available, allowing for improved calculation, but further construction will enhance precision and enable additional monitoring options."

[General] Your mind hears Gwenhwyfach thinking, "by the farmhouse with the spiders"

Sofina just arrived.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj just arrived.

Knight of Meraud Tirost just arrived.

Ysilda fidgets nervously.

Urbaj gets a rugged backpack from inside his carryall.

Woten just arrived.

Tirost nods to Woten.

Liraxes continues to gaze toward the growing structure.

Woten waves to Tirost.

Casari folds her arms across her chest.

Urbaj offers Liraxes a rugged backpack.

Urbaj says to Liraxes, "This backpack contains rods made from every variety of wood commonly found on this plane, and 9 rarer ones. It also contains 22,000 mechanisms made of steel, bronze, and tin."

Liraxes accepts Urbaj's backpack.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Urbaj, "Contribution accepted."

Woten holds an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Urbaj gazes at an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Ryeka just arrived.

Fearless Crobin just arrived, leading his group.

Arkalye gruffly says, "Its a picture book."

Mathematician Avrenka just arrived.

Fearless Crobin's group went into a ruined building.

Medir just arrived.

Avrenka says, "Greetings."

Mageling Aerilia just arrived.

Ryeka curtsies.

Medir gives a slight nod.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The supply of materials provided has been sufficient that the device will be large enough to require placement, and will take some time to grow."

Ryeka smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "These additional materials will be incorporated into the structure as well."

Urbaj nods.

Sofina holds an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.

Ryeka begins to listen to Tirost teach the Targeted Magic skill.

Sofina examines an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Medir nods to Tirost.

Aerilia ponders.

Tirost asks Liraxes, "Can you describe the function of the structure you are building?"

Ruea just arrived.

Sir Madigan just arrived.

Tirost snaps to attention and hails Madigan with a crisp hand salute.

Ruea smiles at Liraxes.

Brother Harsh just arrived.

Ruea says to Liraxes, "Darling, you're looking well."

Tirost gazes at an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Tirost, "Primarily the measurement of physical properties of this plane with increased precision."

Aerilia folds her arms across her chest.

Woten nods to Aerilia.

Madigan quietly asks, "Someone asked him about Knife Clan already?"

[General] Your mind hears Crobin thinking, "Liraxes where are you at?"

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "And what will you do with this increased precision measurement?"

Woten gestures, and a smooth eruption of rock rises from the ground with a low rumble, shifting and flowing fluidly before settling into a seat of stone. He walks over to it and sits down.

Ruea smiles at Madigan.

Tirost nods to Madigan.

Medir ponders.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Avrenka, "More accurately calculate the best path to restoring and maintaining Balance."

Aerilia asks Liraxes, "Liraxes, can you determine whether we're presently experiencing another lull in wild magic effects?"

Ryeka nods to Liraxes.

Harsh takes a deep breath and then raises his hands, murmuring prayers under his breath. A strong white light fills him, exploding outward and blinding you momentarily. When the light fades Harsh seems to be floating a few inches above the ground while descending slowly to a standing position, looking exhausted but happy.

Medir pulls down the hood of his cloak.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes is aware of what has happened to the area designated as Knife Clan, but the details of what is happening within the area have not yet been able to be observed."

Ryeka blinks.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "I assume you mean the Balance of energy, or is there something else being balanced?"

Aerilia nods.

Medir asks Liraxes, "There have been no... dramatic shifts in y'calculations of the probabilities y'spoke of previously?"

Ryeka says, "Indeed? I used to be a frequent guest at Knife Clan."

Fearless Crobin's group just arrived.

Tirost holds an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Wild Card Elore just arrived.

Crobin says, "There we go."

Elore joins Crobin's group.

Madigan pats Crobin on the back.

Crobin gives Harsh a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with his knuckles.

Leayne smiles at Tirost, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Crobin gives Tirost a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Elore just hugged Harsh.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Avrenka, "Liraxes serves Balance. At present, it is the Balance in terms of magical energy that is at risk, with the potential of upsetting greater Balance as well."

Black Widow Spydr just arrived.

Ryeka nods.

Tirost hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Madigan nods to Tirost.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "Greater Balance? What is greater than magical energy?"

Arkalye looks over Liraxes very closely.

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Madigan nods to Tirost.

Tirost joins Madigan's group.

Madigan moves into position to block attacks against Tirost!

Elore says to Avrenka, "The power of friendship and teamwork."

Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Medir chuckles at Elore.

Thanator just hugged Ryeka.

Elore winks.

Ryeka joins Madigan's group.

Avrenka says to Elore, "True."

Avrenka says to Elore, "You + me = us."

Zalinyar holds an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.

Woten stands up.
A stone seat collapses back into the ground.

Phierre smirks.

Elore wiggles her eyebrows at Avrenka.

Zalinyar examines an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Elore bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.

Avrenka says, "That's calculus."

Phierre laughs at Avrenka.

Tirost says to Liraxes, "Liraxes, please extrapolate most probable reasons for the presence of the spire in the Knife Clan."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Overall calculations have not shifted substantially. Continued sorcerous activities appear to be having the desired effect, but are not yet sufficient. Influence from entities opposed to the restoration of Balance are the most likely reason for that. The attack on Knife Clan falls within paramters for retaliation, though were not considered one of the most likely options."

Crobin says, "All I knew was a2 + b2 = Sandwich or something like that."

Medir says, "Intriguing."

Woten nods.

Tirost nods to Medir.

Ruea gazes up at the sky.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "What was the most likely option of retaliation?"

Elore glances at Tirost.

Back Alley Hack Phierre saunters north.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Avrenka, "Balance applies to all things. Any system that is not in balance will not last for long."

Back Alley Hack Phierre just arrived.

Thanator visibly quakes with an inner fury!

Phierre joins Crobin's group.

Arkalye holds an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Crobin says, "Have a group going if any wish to join."

Medir asks Liraxes, "Would you be able t'indicate what might have been the more probable targets?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Avrenka, "The form of retaliation that was calculated to have the highest probability was the violent deconstruction of those present at the tower during the recent rescue attempt."

Medir says, "Ah."

Aerilia asks Liraxes, "Regarding the speculative entity that's siphoning magical energy from this plane: you said before that it cannot siphon the energy produced as the result of sorcerous casting, correct?"

Medir ponders.

Madigan smiles at Ryeka.

Madigan bows to Ryeka.

Harsh smiles.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "Curious that the Heralds took a less direct obliteration approach, eh? Any idea why they didn't do that?"

Ryeka winks at Madigan.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Aerilia, "Can not or will not. Which one has not been determined."

Aerilia nods to Liraxes.

Medir ponders.

Urbaj asks Liraxes, "In your analyses, you probably have considered that adventurers on this plane would also retaliate and attack individuals who are extremely opposed to sorcery. Do you expect these sorts of actions to be counterproductive to the pursuit of balance?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Avrenka, "Current probabilities do agree that the entities involved are likely to be the ones known as the Heralds. However, available data on those entities is limited."

Thanator gives Harsh a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with his knuckles.

Medir nods.

Ryeka nods.

Elore wraps her arms around Sofina in a loving hug.

Avrenka says, "Right."

Thanator hugs Sofina, who wraps her arms around Thanator with a warm smile.

Sofina hugs Elore, getting a smile in return.

Phierre folds his arms across his chest.

Sofina hugs Thanator, who wraps his arms around Sofina with a warm smile.

Crobin smiles at Madigan.

Madigan smiles at Ryeka.

Woten mutters to himself.

Urbaj holds an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Woten asks, "Anyone want an ice patch scroll?"

Madigan says, "Yes, please sir."

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "Just making sure ... your definition of Balance wouldn't include the ability for interplanar beings to invade our plane, would it? Like elementals, or demons, or the like?"

Woten sighs.

Madigan smiles at Woten.

Woten offers Madigan a tattered scroll.

Madigan accepts Woten's tattered scroll.

Madigan puts his scroll in his traveler's pack.

Crobin says, "Aww the old paladin native spell of ice patch."

Crobin chuckles.

Harsh quietly asks Madigan, "Oh you collect the ice patch ones?"

Woten says to Madigan, "Feels like a dumb move on my part."

Madigan grins at Woten.

Madigan pats Woten on the back.

Woten says to Harsh, "Don't give him anymore."

Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples.

Harsh snorts, loudly.

Madigan smiles warmly.

Harsh quietly says, "But i got lots."

Medir says to Avrenka, "Presumably anythin' is on the table. It's just a matter of what the most efficient route is..."

Harsh blinks.

Medir sighs.

Harsh gazes off into the distance.

Woten says, "I'll pay everyone who doesn't give Madigan their Ice Patch scrolls."

Arkalye gruffly says, "Or the removal of the use of magic or those that use it."

Woten nods.

Elore grins at Woten.

Woten says, "My tithe to the common good."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Avrenka, "Movement of entities between planes is not necessarily disruptive to Balance. Invasions from the outside are more likely to cause significant issues."

Haxen just arrived.

Ryeka offers Madigan a frosty black tablet.

Harsh gets a white leather scroll folio embossed with the symbol for eternity labeled "WARMIES" from inside his journey pack.

Harsh flips through his scroll folio.

Avrenka says, "...hm."

Mountain Lord Ezerak just arrived.

Crobin waves to Ezerak.

Harsh opens his folio.

Woten gets a moldering scroll from inside his hunting pack.

Woten peruses a moldering scroll.

Medir leans back.

Ezerak doffs his top hat.

Ezerak waves to Crobin.

Ryeka nods to Madigan.

Ryeka puts her tablet in her spidersilk backpack.

Crobin says, "I have a group formed if anyone wishes to join if things go...sideways."

Medir smiles at Ezerak.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "Any way we can prepare to ward off additional meteor strikes?"

Sclerotia just arrived.

Madigan gets a mug of iced coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Phierre whispers something to Elore.

Madigan glances at a mug of iced coffee.

Madigan winces.

Arkalye gets a stein of Dwarven ale from inside his deathfiber carryall.

Phierre smiles at Elore, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Arkalye sways unsteadily for a moment.

Woten glances up at the sky.

Urbaj asks, "Anyone else need any particular scrolls?"

Madigan adjusts his half plate.

Avrenka begins to listen to Tirost teach the Targeted Magic skill.

Woten puts his scroll in his hunting pack.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Stopping a direct strike from the Heralds is beyond Liraxes's capabilities."

Crobin says, "I have some scrolls as well if needed."

Avrenka says, "Right."

Ryeka nods to Liraxes.

Woten nods to Liraxes.

Aerilia asks Liraxes, "Is there anything we can do to hasten the completion of this structure, outside of continuing to provide materials to you?"

Phierre gets some swirling blue coffee from inside a light blue silk-covered case.

Phierre offers Madigan some swirling blue coffee.

Madigan accepts Phierre's swirling blue coffee.

Elore asks, "Liraxes, do you have the sensors to detect whether there is life on the other side of the crater in Knife Clan?"

Madigan bows to Phierre.

Elore tilts her head inquisitively.

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Woten glances up at the sky.

Madigan moves some swirling blue coffee to his right hand.

Phierre says to Madigan, "Iced coffee doesn't suit you."

Phierre grins, revealing his dimples.

Madigan says, "Just so."

Madigan says, "Unnatural."

Medir chuckles at Madigan.

Crobin gets a worn book bound in teal batiste from inside his encompassing shadows.

Crobin flips through his worn book.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Elore, "At present, Liraxes has not yet been able to monitor the status of anything inside the area of the spire."

Harsh joins Crobin's group.

Ezerak asks Liraxes, "Are you confirming then that the meteor and subsequent encasement are the work of the Heralds?"

Madigan asks, "I believe I heard correct, Liraxes believes the Heralds did the thing to Knife Clan?"

Elore gestures at Crobin.

Leayne blinks.

Madigan raises an eyebrow.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The structure is expected to reach the first stage of completion within roughly one andu. Additional materials will be accepted, but will not speed up the growth rate."

Urbaj nods to Sofina.

Avrenka says, "He said ,"Current probabilities do agree that the entities involved are likely to be the ones known as the Heralds. However, available data on those entities is limited."

Medir shakes his head at Madigan.

Aerilia nods to Liraxes.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Ezerak, "That is calculated to be the most probable answer at this time."

Madigan nods to Avrenka.

Elore nods to Crobin.

Tirost asks Liraxes, "When your device is complete, how will its measurements help to restore balance?"

Madigan says, "Likely to be...thank you Avrenka."

Ezerak gives a slight nod.

Madigan bows to Avrenka.

Crobin nods to Elore.

Ryeka says, "I remember the last time the Heralds were active among us Mortals. That was- interesting. But not pleasant."

Crobin puts his rum in his hitman's backpack.

Crobin moves a worn book bound in teal batiste to his left hand.

Avrenka says, "He said previously 90% ... it's probably higher than that now."

Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples.

Crobin turns his book vertically and flips through the pages rapidly, glancing at the contents.

Crobin opens his book.

Medir sighs.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Tirost, "The device will provide Liraxes with better data for calculations, and determining courses of action to take toward arriving at an outcome where Balance is maintained."

Elore grins at Crobin.

Madigan takes a drink of some swirling blue coffee.

Arkalye gruffly asks, "If these devices are meant to help stop or slow things why didnt they strike here with the meteor?"

Crobin closes his book.

Crobin puts his book in his encompassing shadows.

Phierre looks over Liraxes very closely.

Madigan says to Arkalye, "I believe those are two different things. It is likely the Heralds are dropping the meteors on us, according to Liraxes. The device is something it is building for better calculations for Balance, or so it says."

Crobin gets a crumpled paper scroll labeled with Rage of the Clans from inside his multi-strapped carryall.

Crobin offers Sofina a crumpled paper scroll labeled with Rage of the Clans.

Sofina accepts Crobin's crumpled paper scroll.

Sofina nods to Crobin.

Madigan takes a drink of some swirling blue coffee.

Sofina gets a slim kidskin codex detailed with pewter filigree from inside her scavenger's pack.

Tirost glances at Crobin.

Sofina opens her codex.

Sofina flips through her codex and writes in a new spell. Her scroll crumbles to dust afterward.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Until very recently, the device was not present in a sense that would be vulnerable to such an attack. It is possible that it will be a target in the future, but can be reconstructed if necessary."

Sofina puts her codex in her scavenger's pack.

Crobin says, "If they are helping with casting, i will take my laps in the moat."

Crobin nods to Tirost.

Ryeka nods to Liraxes.

Avrenka says, "Maybe we should get Unaka on guard duty with the device then."

Phierre wrinkles his nose.

Woten asks Liraxes, "How, uh, big is this going to get?"

Woten glances at an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Phierre asks Crobin, "Is that why you smell that way?"

Crobin laughs!

Crobin says, "At times yes."

Phierre wrinkles his nose.

Zalinyar says to Madigan, "Scales are typically used for balances. Crystaline structures are typically used to focus beams of light."

Black Widow Spydr went into a ruined building.

Ruea says to Phierre, "Be sweet."

Tirost says, "Once the device is constructed and it's information processed, we probably will not need to defend it."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The device will be large enough for sapient entities within several standard deviations of size to fit inside of."

Elore quietly says to Phierre, "Yeah ya big bully."

Elore just nudged Phierre.

Woten nods.

Avrenka blinks.

Sclerotia examines an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Ryeka blinks.

Medir scratches distractedly at his stubble.

Madigan takes a drink of some swirling blue coffee.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "It will not be large enough to disrupt traffic on nearby pathways, if that is of concern."

Phierre gazes at his fingernails.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "Once the device is completed, will it need further resources to run?"

Ryeka nods to Liraxes.

Woten says, "Oh yeah, trader caravan clearance is always my top concern."

Arkalye just touched an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Phierre sticks his tongue out at Elore.

Woten nods to Liraxes.

Ryeka grins at Woten, her dimples flashing into view.

Tirost smiles at Crobin.

Arkalye takes a sip of his ale.

Elore asks, "Um.. I don't know how to ask smart people questions, but Liraxes, there was a ..godling.. made? or summoned? How did that affect balance?"

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The device will not require any fuel source."

Madigan asks Urbaj, "I believe you asked if there is anything we can do more than provide materials? Did it answer that question?"

Avrenka says, "Well that's a relief."

Elore says, "I feel like this is a thing that should be discussed."

Crobin nods to Tirost.

Black Widow Spydr just arrived.

Tirost nods to Crobin.

Phierre observes Elore with fascination.

Elore looks at Phierre and blushes.

Elore shrugs.

Elore says, "I dunno, maybe this is normal stuff for y'all."

Urbaj says to Madigan, "I don't think that one is me. But I do recall Liraxes saying that more materials are helpful and accepted, but that won't help the construction time."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Elore, "It appears to have contributed toward shifting probabilities in the direction of Balance."

Madigan nods to Urbaj.

Ryeka reads the cover of her journal.

Medir furrows his brow.

Medir walks north.

Elore gazes off into the distance.

Elore ponders.

Tirost nods to Crobin.

Elore leans on Avrenka.

Elore quietly asks Avrenka, "Do we know that balance doesn't mean 'destroy everyone'?"

Elore glances at Avrenka.

Crobin nods to Tirost.

Woten asks, "Are we sure letting this fuse to the ground here is a good idea? This isn't going to pollute the local water ways or cause the goblins to become Velvers or something, right?"

Ryeka puts her journal in her spidersilk backpack.

Arkalye gruffly says, "Easiest way to balance something out is to wipe the slate clean and start anew."

Elore whimpers softly.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Once the device has been constructed, there will be additional construction inside, on monitoring devices for determining public sentinment toward the use of sorcery to help restore the Balance. That is something which is difficult to account for through physical monitoring alone."

Zalinyar stands near Arkalye.

Harsh quietly says, "Wouldnt that be funny till it wasnt huh? mis translations where balance means we all die. Or balance means we all die."

Phierre softly asks Elore, "Think it would be able to calcuate the probability of Asildu being Sildua?"

Madigan stands near an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Avrenka says to Elore, "Liraxes claims that Balance would lead to the return of the missing 5, and the survival of all."

Elore says to Harsh, "We already had a death pact to go out riding dragons, so I kinda got my hopes up."

Madigan gazes at an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

(Madigan walks around the crystal structure.)

Elore slowly empties her lungs.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Aerilia says to Woten, "Even if it does causes issues, they're likely worth putting up with if it means figuring out how to fix things."

Elore nods to Avrenka.

Madigan nods to Tirost.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "So we will need to ... sway public sentiment in favor of sorcery?"

Elore says to Phierre, "I dunno, I don't speak the same language that everyone else is."

Woten says to Aerilia, "An ends justify the means person, huh? You really did pick the right guild."

Phierre nods to Elore.

Woten beams at Aerilia!

Tirost nods to Madigan.

Aerilia chuckles at Woten.

Madigan asks Liraxes, "How vulnerable is the structure to attack?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Avrenka, "That will be helpful, but not strictly necessary if those who are inclined are able to provide sufficient support toward using sorcery."

Tirost grins at Woten.

Ezerak examines an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Madigan nods to Crobin.

Ruea asks Liraxes, "Was there any measurable benefit to the use of high sorcery last night over the normal amount being used on a daily basis?"

Arkalye gruffly says, "Sorcery is just unnatural.. you'll never convince me otherwise... even before all this there is a reason it was taboo."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Madigan, "A direct strike comparable to what was sent against Knife Clan will be problematic, but the device can be relocated if necessary."

Harsh quietly says, "When i asked Asildu if they were not what they appeared due to some illusionary magic, the response was not no. They said, that would be a neat trick."

Crobin looks at Arkalye and shrugs.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "Visions of Primal Elanthia reveal a world untouched by sorcery, yet still lush with Life ... how is that possible, given your statements that no sorcery would lead to the dissolution of this Plane?"

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Repeated attacks with siege weapons would eventually cause some damage, but the crystal is capable of growth and repair."

Ezerak says to Ruea, "That is a good question."

Madigan nods to Liraxes.

Ruea says to Ezerak, "I would prefer Ayrell still be willing to speak to us when she comes home."

Ezerak nods at Ruea, obviously agreeing with her views.

Arkalye nods to Avrenka.

Woten holds an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Phierre folds his arms across his chest.

Elore says to Harsh, "I don't believe them even a little."

Ezerak says to Ruea, "I have been saying that from the beginning."

Aerilia says, "Sturdier than it looks, then. Good."

Elore frowns.

Madigan says to Liraxes, "Call out if something attacks this structure."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Ruea, "Yes. In the short term aftermath, the effects of Wild Magic have been temporarily suppressed again."

Harsh nods at Elore, obviously agreeing with her views.

Madigan takes a drink of some swirling blue coffee.

Ruea asks Liraxes, "Would a repeated version of the spellwork performed offer the same benefits or was this a singularity made viable because of the magical snarl that was in the Tower at the time?"

Madigan gets a mug of iced coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Madigan grunts at a mug of iced coffee.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Avrenka, "This is a problem that has been building over an extremely long period of time."

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Crobin laughs at Madigan.

Madigan gets a mug of roasted coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Avrenka says, "Intterressting."

Madigan glances at Crobin.

(Crobin looks away acting innocent)

Phierre gets a jug of Chocolate Fire whiskey from inside his scavenger's pack.

Avrenka says, "So we couldn't go back to that Primal Elanthia even if the Heralds wanted to."

Ezerak says to Ruea, "The evidence certainly appears to point towards sorcery helping. Though I am not entirely convinced that all of what was done in the rescue attempt was necessary."

Grinning, Phierre pulls a swig from a jug of Chocolate Fire whiskey.

Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Leayne closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Ryeka takes a sip of her cider.

Phierre offers Elore a jug of Chocolate Fire whiskey.

Ruea nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Phierre whispers something to Elore.

Elore accepts Phierre's chocolate whiskey.

Grinning, Elore pulls a swig from a jug of Chocolate Fire whiskey.

Casari says to Ezerak, "Seems like every time something like that happens, any chance of getting the Heralds to play nice gets farther away."

Ryeka takes a sip of her cider.

Elore offers Phierre a jug of Chocolate Fire whiskey.

Phierre accepts Elore's chocolate whiskey.

Phierre nods to Elore.

Phierre puts his whiskey in his scavenger's pack.

Ryeka takes a sip of her cider.

Crobin says, "I don't think the Heralds were going to play nice to start with, but I am not sure."

Ryeka takes a sip of her cider.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "Is there a meaningful risk of a higher interplanar entity invading due to all this sorcery usage making the Planar Void more porous?"

Ryeka takes a sip of her cider.

Elore says to Crobin, "Maybe if we all swore our blind allegiance from the beginning."

Leayne laughs!

Crobin says, "I go nowhere blindly."

Arkalye gruffly asks, "If sorcery is the solution and against their plans why have they not just turned magic off again?"

Elore nods in agreement.

Arkalye gruffly says, "They have done it before."

Avrenka says to Arkalye, "Perhaps they are conserving their energies."

Forest Sprite Lileath goes north.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Ruea, "Liraxes calculates that the probability of receiving the same result from the same process are unlikely."

Thanator says to Crobin, "I have proof that statement is false."

Ruea says, "I would imagine turning magic off takes a great effort and a lot of energy. It probably isn't as easy as snuffing a candle."

Ezerak says to Casari, "I am not sure there was ever a chance they would play nice."

Aerilia ponders.

Tirost says to Arkalye, "It is possible they are vying with the Immortals."

Crobin says, "I didn't go blindly."

Crobin says, "Dumbly...yes."

Crobin says, "Never blindly."

Ruea nods to Liraxes.

Thanator grins at Crobin.

Avrenka says to Ruea, "Yes, Valenal has said so."

Ryeka grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Ruea says to Avrenka, "Always get information from more than once source when possible."

Tirost asks Liraxes, "Can you explain how the planar imbalance built up over time?"

Avrenka nods to Tirost.

Avrenka says, "Good question."

Avrenka says, "Though if he knew, he wouldn't need this device I think."

Madigan says, "Pretty much anything that launches attacks against our people fall into the 'they probably do not care about us' camp."

Crobin nods to Madigan.

Phierre nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Avrenka winks at Tirost.

Crobin says, "Well I attack you Madigan."

Crobin says, "But I do actually like you."

Madigan chuckles.

Thanator quietly says, "And the soon to be dead category."

Ryeka chuckles.

Tirost grins at Avrenka.

Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Madigan nods to Thanator.

Tirost nods to Thanator.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes has not been monitoring for the entire process, but calculates that insufficient usage of sorcerous casting in comparison to non-sorcerous casting has been slowly causing an imbalance over time."

Urbaj asks Liraxes, "Is there anything specific we should do or prepare for, for when the structure is completed?"

Harsh ponders.

Avrenka exclaims, "What!"

Tirost ponders.

Harsh gestures.
Geysers of uncontrolled mana suddenly erupt from Harsh's flesh, illuminating the surroundings in an excruciating display of blue-black fire!

Harsh winces.

Arkalye gruffly says, "Probably the crystalization of our bodies..."

Thanator pats Harsh on the back.

Elore gags.

Madigan slowly says, "Huh. That was an interesting answer to a question."

Ryeka asks, "Oops?"

Tirost nods to Madigan.

Aerilia ponders.

Crobin nods to Spydr.

Ryeka pats Harsh on the back.

Crobin says, "I had a stone in me once...but never a crystal."

Harsh quietly says, "I keep hurtin myself with sorcery over here. Any healers I got skin problems."

Tirost says, "It's the opposite of many people's original notion as to the cause."

Harsh smiles.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Urbaj, "Continue sorcerous casting, and feel free to examine the interior once it is available. Liraxes will have further instructions once the next stage is complete."

Leayne rests her hand on Harsh's arm with a soft smile.

Harsh beams at Leayne!

Harsh looks at Leayne and applauds!

Harsh quietly says to Leayne, "Thank you so much."

Leayne smiles at Harsh, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "Are you claiming that without sorcery, Primal Elanthia would've dissoluted even faster?"

Crobin says, "Balance."

Crobin says, "To much good is bad."

Crobin says, "To much bad is bad."

Crobin says, "Find neutral."

Tirost says, "But sorcery is hard to define. Manipulating mana that one cannot perceive must have differed through the ages as well."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Avrenka, "Liraxes is claiming that there was a long term cost to what you term 'Primal Elanthia'."

Avrenka says, "Wow..."

Aerilia asks Liraxes, "I assume that continued large scale sorcerous casting in this location will not disrupt the growth or measurements of your device?"

Ryeka smiles at Thanator, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Elore glances at Phierre.

Avrenka asks Liraxes, "A long-term cost that the Heralds themselves were not aware of until too late?"

Thanator grins at Ryeka.

Phierre nods to Elore.

Elore nods to Phierre.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Aerilia, "Generally correct. Particularly physically destructive sorcery in the direction of the device could be disruptive, but in the general vicinity is acceptable."

Aerilia nods to Liraxes.

Crobin asks, "What happens if cast at it?"

Crobin angles his ears forward in curiosity.

Traveler Spydr roves north.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Avrenka, "Liraxes is not aware of what knowledge the Heralds have."

Elore smirks.

Avrenka nods.

Arkalye blinks in confusion for a second.

Arkalye gets a mug of Dwarven ale from inside his deathfiber carryall.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Crobin, "In most cases, nothing of note. The sorcery known as Blackfire or similarly large scale destructive magic could cause temporary disruption."

Avrenka says, "Now their precious world is falling apart, and they don't know why ... and they simply assume it's cuz of sorcery."

Briaen raises an eyebrow.

Elore holds an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.

Avrenka says, "They cling to their old visions of Primal Elanthia."

Avrenka says, "Not even understanding that they themselves caused this."

Woten says, "Well... this is just one side of the story from our dear pal, Liraxes."

Crobin nods.

Phierre shakes his head as if clearing it.

Avrenka says, "And yet it aligns with the visions we received from the Immortals."

Crobin gets a large glass bottle of Bobcat's blood rum from inside his hitman's backpack.

Grinning, Crobin pulls a swig from a large glass bottle of Bobcat's blood rum.

Crobin puts his rum in his hitman's backpack.

Arkalye gruffly says, "Important and impairitive to the balance of the world why is its use so volitile."

Aerilia says, "It could very well be that the original primal world, without outside planar influences, was capable of maintaining its own balance."

Aerilia looks at Avrenka and shrugs.

Thanator grins at Ryeka.

Ryeka grins at Thanator, her dimples flashing into view.

Elore shakes her head as if clearing it.

Woten stands up.
A stone seat collapses back into the ground.

Madigan says to Avrenka, "Not sure we know enough to jump to that conclusion."

Arkalye gruffly says, "If sorcery is so important and impairitive to the balance of the world why is its use so volitile."

Harsh quietly says to Ryeka, "Oh my, it has been an age since i seen you."

Harsh blinks.

Harsh smiles.

Phierre asks Arkalye, "Why is a thunderstorm?"

Madigan says to Avrenka, "But, I believe Liraxes is approaching this from the most logical standpoint...so I want to see what this Structure is going to do and what data it produces."

Crobin ponders.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Arkalye, "Volatility is not necessarily disruptive to Balance. Balance is an ongoing process, not a need for a static changelessness."

Ryeka winks at Thanator.

Avrenka says, "You all heard Liraxes say public sentiment being favorable to Sorcery would help."

Avrenka says, "It's time to change hearts and minds."

Aerilia nods.

Aerilia says, "Meraud being in favor of sorcerous actions says a lot, to me."

Elore quietly says to Phierre, "I'm putting my money on Liraxes. Write that down."

Zalinyar says to Madigan, "Sounds like you;ll have to be talking to the Baron to change his laws."

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Phierre nods to Elore.

Zalinyar grins at Madigan, her dimples flashing into view.

Ezerak says to Aerilia, "There is that."

(Crobin makes notes that Elore is betting on Liraxes)

Phierre asks Elore, "1000 or 500?"

Elore grins at Phierre.

Elore laughs at Crobin.

Phierre grins at Elore, his dimples flashing into view.

Madigan says to Zalinyar, "The Baron does not outlaw crossmana casting sorcery."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Crobin asks, "What is the up or down on Liraxes?"

Zalinyar ponders.

Zalinyar nods to Madigan.

Avrenka says, "Everyone, I have a vision to share with you."

Madigan nods to Zalinyar.

Briaen gazes at Avrenka.

Crobin angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Avrenka.

Tirost glances at Avrenka.

Crobin asks, "Oh?"

Avrenka says, "At Arhat's Tower, during Imroth's sorcery experiment, I received this vision: You see it again, the familiar vision, a potter standing before a wheel, splattered in wet clay, the wheel spinning faster and faster, its edges gouging a deep groove into the shop floor. The potter watches for a moment, but this time, grabs a long wooden rod and rapidly pushes on the edge of the wheel, increasing its speed! The potter grabs a lump of clay, and begins to work."

Medir just arrived.

Elore gazes silently at Avrenka.

Avrenka says, "And in my discussions with Unaka, she mentioned she understood clay to be a reference to the Font of Creation, that Truffenyi himself usees to mold and created Elanthia."

Woten asks, "Liraxes, how long do you think this will take to fully grow?"

Woten glances at an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Medir gets a glass of Ain Ghazal red wine from inside a sparkling white pouch.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes expects initial growth on the device to be completed within roughly one andu. At that point, you may all feel free to examine it. When the next phase is complete, Liraxes will provide further instructions."

Avrenka says, "Our sorcery experiment showed this vision of Truffenyi's usage of the Font of Creation to speed up and work again."

Medir examines an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Woten nods to Liraxes.

Ryeka nods to Liraxes.

Briaen asks Liraxes, "At what phase do you anticipate joining with the structure?"

Elore rubs her head.

Medir takes a sip of his wine.

Briaen examines an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Woten says, "Well, it's impressive work, putting together something like this. Guess time will tell if it's a boon or a curse."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Briaen, "Physically joining with the structure is not required for obtaining monitoring data, and would obstruct Liraxes's ability to move on this plane."

Medir holds an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Woten nods to Liraxes.

Briaen nods.

Woten says, "Watching crystals grow as just about lost its savour for me, give a shout if help is needed."

Crobin says, "You said you are looking to build more then just one of these things."

Tirost nods to Woten.

Sofina goes north.

Crobin asks, "In the end how many do you thnik there are going to be?"

Medir takes a sip of his wine.

Avrenka says, "The Immortals show that Sorcery is helping, Liraxes claims it helps, and Valenal demonstrated a brief restoration of Earth elemental mana with it ... let us spread the word of Sorcery."

Woten says, "We should probably keep people handy around Crossing for when it completes though, might stir up a reaction."

Woten shakes Madigan's hand.

Crobin nods to Woten.

Woten bows to Tirost.

Aerilia nods to Avrenka.

Tirost bows to Woten.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Crobin, "One device should be sufficient. They do not need to be present at all spots determined to be ideal for sorcery."

Ryeka nods to Liraxes.

Woten strides north.

Crobin asks, "Does the device sort of take the sorcery and spread it around the lands then or?"

Avrenka asks, "Yeah how does it work?"

Ruea raises an eyebrow.

Medir asks, "And, perhaps this has already been answered -- but typically one would want measurements over a period of time in order t'detect patterns and trends. How long might the device have to exist in order t'get adequate readings?"

Aerilia asks, "It's less a bucket and more a sextant, as far as tools go, I think?"

Ryeka nods to Aerilia.

Medir scratches his head.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The device is a monitoring device. It uses contributed materials from this plane to more accurately measure things including but not limited to atmopsheric composition, pressure, temperature, mana levels, and gravity."

Harsh gestures.
Geysers of uncontrolled mana suddenly erupt from Harsh's flesh, illuminating the surroundings in an excruciating display of blue-black fire!

Medir takes a sip of his wine.

Harsh mutters to himself.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Along with levels of sorcerous magic use in comparison to non-sorcerous magic use."

Elore just nudged Harsh.

Aerilia nods.

Crobin asks, "How will it monitor all the lands from this area?"

Medir takes a sip of his wine.

Crobin shakes his head as if clearing it.

Harsh smirks.

Harsh curls his twitching fingers into claws, grating in an icy voice, "Blood...for...Aldauth..."

Elore quietly says to Harsh, "Is he making you do this? Blink twice if you're being forced to keep casting spells that hurt you."

Harsh gestures at Elore.
A soft crackle briefly comes from Harsh's direction.

Harsh snaps his fingers.

Elore laughs!

Elore folds her arms across her chest.

Tirost says, "I must take my leave."

Crobin chuckles at Elore.

Urbaj admiringly says, "The device looks similar to the Spire Guildhall in Hib. Trabe crystals, or something like them. But obviously totally different purpose."

Crobin gives Tirost a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Tirost hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Phierre smirks.

Medir takes a sip of his wine.

Aerilia nods to Tirost.

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Thanator says, "Time for me ta get some sleep."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The device exists in more dimensions than you are capable of perceiving, and Liraxes is also capable of feeding data to it from additional locations."

Avrenka says, "Crystals are a highly efficient configuration."

Tirost raises his hand in a quick salute.

Harsh pats Thanator on the back.

Knight of Meraud Tirost drifts north.

Elore preens. Someone's pleased with herself!

Crobin ponders.

Elore wraps her arms around Thanator, giving Thanator a great big bear hug!

Thanator just hugged Harsh.

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Crobin says, "Huh."

Thanator hugs Elore, getting a smile in return.

Elore leans over to give Thanator a friendly smooch.

Harsh gives Thanator a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Medir asks, "As a conduit?"

Harsh quietly says, "Take care pal."

Thanator gives Crobin a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Crobin asks, "The crystals that it is going too be made of...may I have one?"

Medir says, "Does that na' bias the data in some way..."

Crobin hugs Thanator, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Phierre shakes Thanator's hand.

Medir squints.

Thanator shakes Phierre's hand.

Thanator just hugged Ryeka.

Ryeka wraps her arms around Thanator, giving Thanator a great big bear hug!

Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes must resume data gathering. Continue sorcerous casting, but expect additional actions taken from the entities attempting to prevent the restoration of Balance."

Warlord Thanator swaggers north.

Urbaj nods to Liraxes.

The air around Liraxes shimmers and distorts, and its crystalline form seems to recede into the distance without actually moving. In just a moment it has taken the appearance of a tiny dot, at which point the distortion of the air vanishes with a faint pop.

Liraxes steps into a shadow and is simply gone!

Ryeka blinks.

Medir ponders.

Zalinyar says, "And just like that."

Crobin says, "I will take that as a no."

Crobin chuckles.

Madigan says, "That gives me the willies."

Ryeka exclaims, "That was different!"

Madigan stretches his arms.

Madigan adjusts his half plate.

Phierre wraps his arm around Elore's shoulder in a friendly hug.

Harsh quietly says, "Like i always say, get places faster if you just go."

Ruea carefully adjusts the fit of her Elven lace gown, making sure the fabric falls perfectly into place.

Crobin says, "I think he learned how too leave an area from Madaigan."

Aerilia ponders.

Brother Harsh hobbles north.

Crobin says, "Madigan even."

Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples.

Avrenka says, "As far as Plane of Probability entites go, he's probably the most talkative and helpful I've ever seen."

Madigan grins.

Casari says, "You hope."

Medir nods to Casari.

Zalinyar grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Arkalye gruffly says, "Perhaps too much so."

Madigan says, "We hope."

Ruea says, "Alright. Well, now we have new information. Do sorcery, don't do high sorcery again, expect retaliation, and it was probably the Heralds."

Elore flashes a quick grin.

Ruea shows Elore her Elven lace gown.

Medir takes a sip of his wine.

Avrenka says, "And increase public sentiment of Sorcery."

Crobin nods to Ruea.

Ezerak says to Ruea, "That is...about where I am with it."

Dawnsworn Briaen goes north.

Madigan nods.

Ryeka says, "I've been spending time at Damaris' shrine- and seeking visions. I think He's interested. He hasn't said anything about sorcery one way or the other."

Elore beams at Ruea!

Ryeka ponders.

Ruea says, "We're going to need volunteers to tie Saragos down."

Ruea grins wryly.

Ezerak says, "I do not LIKE it, but I cannot deny the evidence."

Ryeka chuckles.

Madigan slowly says, "I think it might be time to kill a Herald messenger and see who shows up to claim the body."

Ryeka nods.

Ryeka exclaims, "And feed him!"

Avrenka smirks.

Arkalye gruffly says, "Eylhaar has been silent to my prayers."

Avrenka says to Madigan, "Interesting idea."

Phierre nods to Madigan.

Casari matter-of-factly says, "If you attempt to harm Miraena, remember that I am made of fire."

Crobin says, "Wait a minute Madigan."

Casari smiles at Madigan.

Madigan says, "Not an idea if you can act on it."

Crobin says, "Did you just give the 10-4."

Crobin asks, "To kill someone?"

Ruea says to Madigan, "You assume someone would come."

Ruea shrugs.

Medir says, "Would note that he didn' provide an answer about him acting as a conduit. If I'm reviewing my own drinks for best drink of th'year... those reviews are biased. No guarantee his readings aren't servin' another end."

Elore says to Madigan, "For once, everyone seems to be in agreement."

Madigan nods in agreement.

Crobin says, "Madigan I need a yes or no."

Ruea says, "A messenger is, typically, expendable."

Crobin nods.

Ruea says, "They don't send people they would miss."

Medir takes a sip of his wine.

Madigan says, "When a bugger attacks our lands, we tend to pull together."

Phierre says to Madigan, "For once I'll throw my lot in with you."

Phierre smirks.

Crobin chuckles.

Ryeka nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Crobin smiles at Madigan.

Urbaj says, "Look at this, everyone coming together for a common cause."

Medir whispers something to Casari.

Phierre says, "Murder."

Urbaj gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Phierre nods to Urbaj.

Medir furrows his brow.

Crobin says, "I am taking his silence as an okay."

Madigan says, "A military objective Phierre. Military objective."

Avrenka says, "Yeah well when a meteor oblierates a town, you'd hope we'd all pull together."

Crobin says, "Target aquired."

Phierre nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Phierre says, "The enemy of my enemy..."

Casari looks at Medir and sighs.

Medir gives Casari a slight nod.

Crobin asks, "Is a corpse?"

Madigan grins at Crobin.

Phierre grins at Crobin, his dimples flashing into view.

Crobin says, "The grins mean yes."

Crobin says, "Sweet."

Crobin says, "I AM DOWN TO CLOWN NOW."

Ezerak says, "I am not sure murdering the messengers is the answer."

Elore laughs!

Ryeka rubs her nose.

Zalinyar grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Elore lets out a hearty cheer for Crobin!

Madigan says, "Alright friends."

Ryeka chuckles.

Madigan says, "Take care."

Crobin waves to Madigan.

Sir Madigan goes north.

Phierre just took the hand of Elore and gently kissed the back of it.

Ryeka exclaims, "You too!"

Zalinyar says, "GOod talks all, stay above the dirt and keep breathing."

Urbaj nods.

Urbaj waves.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj strolls north.

Primal Lady Zalinyar drifts north.

Avrenka says, "Stars guide you all."

Without fanfare, Avrenka is simply gone.

Ryeka smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ryeka raises her hand in a quick salute.

Casari asks Ezerak, "It's probably a good way to upset the Heralds even more. What will go next, the Crossing?"

Ryeka strides north.

Ezerak nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Arkalye nods to Casari.

Medir says, "Tha's my concern."

Ezerak says to Casari, "There is certainly a risk there."

Ruea rubs her head.

Ezerak says, "I suppose we would learn something. Though it may be a lesson we wish we hadn't."

Crobin says, "Risks come with everything we do it seems."

Ruea says, "I've yet to find a lesson I enjoyed learning during this particular series of events."

Elore nods to Ruea.

Ezerak nods at Ruea, obviously agreeing with her views.

Ruea says, "And I've ruined three dresses and pairs of shoes with blood and what I assume is ozone or something following events."

Phierre whispers something to Elore.

Ruea rolls her eyes.

Arkalye gruffly says, "I hope ya'll are right and this crystal doesnt end up a precursor to worse."

Medir gives a slight nod.

Phierre nods to Crobin.

Elore hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Elore with a warm smile.

Arkalye waves.

Crobin hugs Elore, getting a smile in return.

Phierre gives Crobin a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Medir takes a sip of his wine.

Crobin gives Phierre a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Medir taps an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Phierre screams!

Crobin waves to Arkalye.

Arkalye gruffly says, "I hope i am wrong i really do.. but this feels wrong."

Phierre exclaims, "Not the hair!"

Phierre grabs Crobin by the shoulders and shakes him!

Crobin says, "Oh sorry."

Phierre runs his fingers through his hair.

Arkalye gruffly says, "Be safe all."

Elore laughs!

Phierre runs his fingers through his hair.

Elore snaps to attention and hails Arkalye with a crisp hand salute.

Crobin wraps his arms around Phierre, giving Phierre a great big bear hug!

Elore says to Arkalye, "Nice meeting you."

Crobin asks, "That better?"

Medir knocks on an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Ruea raises an eyebrow.

Phierre nods to Crobin.

Phierre says, "Yes."

Ruea says, "Strange."

Medir seems to be trying to figure out how to turn an incomplete structure of uneven blue crystal.

Ezerak says to Arkalye, "If it is any consolation, nothing has felt right in some time."

Arkalye nods.

Paladin of Eylhaar Arkalye trudges north.

Ruea says to Ezerak, "We'll chat later, I have some plans I'll require your input on."

Ezerak nods to Ruea.

Phierre just took the hand of Elore and gently kissed the back of it.

Phierre nods to Elore.

* Liraxes returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Sclerotia goes north.

Ruea says, "Always a delight seeing everyone."

Ruea waves.

Medir waves.

Crobin just hugged Ruea.

Ruea saunters north.

Crobin pats Ezerak on the back.

Elore grumbles.

Crobin says, "Talk soon I hope sir."

Ezerak nods to Crobin.

Phierre grins at Elore, his dimples flashing into view.

Casari cracks her knuckles.

Elore hums to herself.

Phierre joins Elore's group.

Firehawk Casari goes north.